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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Sep 1943, p. 6

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English 'Bicycles Th.row Doughjboys., verse,. Provides Americans With 50,000 Bicycles Fifty thousand Biihmd bicyceles, 5,00,'),000 elay pigeons lor i, ýeet ,shoGtinig and larEge numbers of garbage, cana are amonig fthe more unustual !.evi- dences that -1.3, Iend-Leaýse la far from a "one-way street."- Brig. Geni. Albert J. Birowning, irector ojf the Army- Servi-ee F'orces Purchases ivsinye-s- tedy told at press cenference on his returat froireat 'Brit- Dini that these and mnn-Iiy more ordlinarly formas of aid offer imo- pressive proof of thele to theý LTinited Stateýs ef Lend-Lease in r7everse. Most,; of thecse manterials are transferredtl 2 US. forces ln Britain or othei' overseas terri- l ories. But the shjift is flot alwayýs accmpisedsmoothlyý, Brown- ing said. For example, U.S. flyers who use the bicycles to travel be- * twveen the widely-dispersed build- ings at British airdromecs cali thie vehicles "Hitler's smecret wepn"They c-n'mt get used te their fronitwheel brakes a nd are conastantlyv being pitched oýver the jhandlebars. ' And there was a hitch whviea 'Americanis asked for ga r rbai ge cans3. The British said they couldi not furnish tis commion ite-m. Then somebodly thouglit te ask for "4dust bins" ankd U.S. soldiers get al] the garbage cans tbey wantitedi. The 5,000,000 c 1ay p igcons didný't cause a ripple of confu- Sion, hlowever, because sk,ý-,eet bhooting is recogniized as valuable training for. era gunners. MILITARY ATTACHE TO CHINA DepuLty Adljtant - Genemal (B) since 1941, ýho lias been apit cd Caniadian Military Atta(ýca te ÇUhina. Brig-adiïerKay lýa sfo)rmer Wnpeg barrister and served in theý FirstL Great War wvïili Roy ) ,7al Flyin [)g Corps1. Ha 'Nas offiýer commianding thae iaie Grumenes Untflic ou akof wnr. by Their General Beari,ýng Hleressys tise Ottawa Citizen, ara tise impressions of Clifford Webb, Daîly HPernîti war cerres- pondent, affer visifiiigflie Cana- ilin l forces wbicis . aptureti Agira: "I---came away immnsely imrseiwith their g, ieaa bearing sud grand figliingqual- ifias und flic ramarkable imanner laý wbich tiey adaptedtfliemacîves te conditions liea" Hie ald tisa Canadians matie a Î"persontal natter" of wipfing eut. th,-e fii'szt Panrzcr regiment, part c)f the l5fh Panzer Division la flic hattie for Agira, affer chas- iug flic regiment ail the way te Agira freinGrmammihee. Webb atideti "veyisr aimongflie C-anadiasI1founti the anme checrinieas, lte sanie boisý- terous welcme, flic sarme query: "<Do flic- people at home fhink w'edoiag ahi rgilhf." 20,000 tons of iron endi stteel, U00 tons of, alumiauni anti 250 toens of sheet auiluiwihl b. relcaSeti fori industrial Pui7poseg bsy the decisioui of the Britialýi Mliaitry of Worke te, break Ur, M qww'tcr of a Monlle diwC4 OTTAWA REPORTS On Doinald4 Gordon's anog against the disasters Cf In' flîation whjiCb 0only strt-1 0b. 3ervanIce of price Ceîiing ca "If flcdam break-s,Goiep u's," dleclared Don)ald Gordea, an fo,,r oi f hf nwestandibigatec- onoi eperý-inmeut- efmodern civ- ilizaitien,, \war finie price controls, bjefore thie Waekly Newspaper As- -oeintion Conventionla orn. oDlvrnge, of the most pow- e_ýrIu lipblic, addresses of tise whole wa,ýr, Gerdon was nppealing for cninued support for tise pol- ucy of controls-warning of thse muinouis dev astatien of homes and hman hfappinasa whlcis would an- suie upon theý breaking down of tise iramnpnrts ,bouit ngainst inflation, in telling the manufacturer, ýarm- er and workingman that confinuati greup pressure fer higiser pricas andi higiser wagas wouid prccip- itate tise delug-eý. "On every ide thse pressuras te which I refer are making thani- selves fe 7' lic saiti. "Labor la militant and ýdemaading wage adi- justmienta ail nleng the uine. Net- wilifandîng the- wage caiing many thosands of -wage increases are belenannded anti as on%Îe wage adjuistmaent altfer anotiser la miade if is mef-lectat i immsdiatelyý in thle costa of piodueflea which, la tura, mOans tise prassure on tise price -ceiling la rapidly bacoming insuipporýtable. "Foodi prices are creeping steati- ilyup rd as the agricultural indusltry i.sists'upeni, and obtaing., higliar pricea undar flie emergency o! curfailmeat, of assantial sup- plias. With ,few exceptiens bus- iness anti industry kecp thair eyes on profit margins nnd jealeusly protest nny meve te lrit or con,- frel theni. Black markets are cern- mencing te davelep. . . Geneally speakiag our courts deasl lniently witis offenders.. Paragrapisa like tisese-cena nly be des cribecd as ameng tise most potent and.,tisouglit, proveking o! tise whole war, net exclutiing ail thie tteirances cf flic Prime Min- ister and his Cabinet cllenas-. It seme cldd te this clumiit that M, GCordon did net delve sELihty inte tIisetietail cf thje vwrlr- ingcf iseprice control systeusn ai shAow the hehusewivesz, tmny of wIsem willl aabrsialn pri(ces o! th-, 1919-20 period)(, jut1' wIý î price conItrols haive fece If la al setlfoth3 thie Laýber Gaetan ofca ulcto a 1,ed ';ytise Fedaral LboPe- ýpate t, but, Of course, net id ,:Ce- At teÈagnaing cf dune, 1943, sac te current Laber Gazette, tise Clanadian cost cf liviug iudex ws17.6 per cent iiglier thau in .uu~,1939, fthe lastpr-a mojth ii:For flic siînilar peiloti dur- fus tPJ! last wnr the ativaýnce vas 493prcent. S; ceficpIesibosfmet tthse puce ceiing isa index lias ad-, vanca 2.6 pr icent., -that lalbe- tween Octe1(ber '1. 1941, and dunie cfrHe ecrrant aas Fo'ýr the compaturabIle perioti dur- iag thse last wsr, between Octobar, 1916, andi dune, 1918, flic ad'vauce was 28.6 par cent. Since Auguat 1919 tootis have advanced 31.9 par cent; cleflilig 20.3 par cent; home furnishingsý anti services 16.7 par ecent;, fuel and ligli 111.2par cent; rani 7.A par cent; and miscallaneous 6.8 Canadaflas costf 01lviG iediti sny, baýs increasQd wI enly.6 par cent sýinIceaDecembe)ri, D11, while tIsat u the Unitedt Stateus hlas gene up 13.",per cent. Tisa average of rafail prices la 6ý9 cities la Caniada fer caetain stable fondsa and fuel ai certaiu date betwýean 1914 #1to 1943 are aiseo includad i tisa Laber Ga- zatte'sý officiai analysis, anti sema of tl~e cotrasts bcfwaan June 1920 pricas and thoe'a f Jonc 1943, ara as feliews:- "PORTERETTES1" JOIN RAILWAY WORKE.RS Shortage of manpower bas comipelled Canadian National Rail- ways Express to employ women to perfo)rm duties pr-eviuiSlyý per- forrned exclusively by men at the Centr-al SLtion in Menitreal. These women act as cheekçers,, load and unlend, railway expresscas This season, thousands of boxes of baby chicks have been handled tbrotugh- out Canada by express as shown here, June PerS 40 Bacon60 Lard 38 Eg~s 54 A11k 14 Butter, dairy 59 Butter, creamery 66 Breadi 9 Cannati tomateas 21 Beanna, dry 12 Petatoas 118 Sugar 22 nwpprpublishad dune 1943 C. 32, 45 18 41 10 34 5z 8 of lothing. costa, as befwaen 1920 anti 1943, soeaof whii( wer'PPa S follewýs:-nmens suifs, whicis wa,,ra $55 la 1920, averagati 35 l 143 shirts, $1.95 in 1920 and$10,l 1943; socek, $1>50 la 1920'l ns agaloast 65 cents la 1943'; vemanLi's steckings, $175 t $275lu 1920 anti 69 te $1.35 fodayv; shees. $11,60 te $20o lu,1920 s comparati f0 $6 te $12 td;at i a uîuulie s dressas, $20 te o a190ad$3 te $40 lu 1943. Tisase prices cf feday centrast- cd. w--ihtl tseaof 19290 show wieýre flic saýving of ovar a billion dolar atfeciaýd by , prce corufl- IaÏs gene ,ýintoe fi anily budtg>îs a'i acu osa ftic country. Golden Bey, a big brown sud white Eusglisli setter of Misliaw- ak, ndies, la back home be- casaficarytrmeacoulti net makaa "elder"oufi of him says, tee affectiinata nd coulti nef leainaote it a any oua. Hatiha iscan confrontad witis réal Nazis and Japa tisa outcomc mighf hava, basan diffament, but ha juat couldu't anari anti groxvl 5f a maka-balie ve foc. Thosa wlio kaow flua noble breet iwlll ondemtanti anti appuove tisa lhonorable diacliarge which Goldein Boy racalvati. Norse Seaman Saves Com'rades From Seas Swimmiig 500 yards intfise Janunry waters of tlie Atlanl'ic uo get lield' of a leeselfeut and flien rewing if singe ishandeti back foward flie sînking sl ýip, ucetwiu deda which recvintly aarned an unniameti Norweia s.cond m rate a douhle avard from bis Kn ni onrrevoenîs Th e 7Menfreal Star. Foi ai the orginLegafiý.r., Honi. Daniel 8tea. NrweianMiniafer, r- sen--tati filua2-ea-l unse .s-i!a-oxiith thieSt. Olav MedIai and t!Ic War Mlvedal. E au ie hla f; father, m-other, sisteris anid brothars living lu Nerway, 'ha nainea cannot be mientioned, nu bis picture taken. In making fha presentatflon, Mr. 'Steen siithaf the award was for "persona] gllsntry" of the second maitLe, wlio hati ren- dared agrt service te King nai ýcountry. "Lu His Maiasy' nae I pre- senit thesa medals, n a iuof his ownugratitude, as \well ,as thart of al Norwagiaa -p(e liehasaiti. Asked te tell his ewn isfery flic sailer pieced iftege,,cthe r, wifb mnýucli quastionîng.- His slip wsbten tise Azeres and ermuda, lie ssaid, anti euedr igisheils starteti te faîl on flic vassal fromi the port sida. Then a fewý minutes inter. thay satartetI te coma freni tkasabori "I knaw thea fliat we were ba- ing abeIlleti by twe aubmineiîis," said the seod imate. "lIen tha(ruejwara our abots firatinnd thse in[cludeti a direct bit mon thé gun stand. "'Affer tint thie incar.disries starfedti t go, and the sh-ip caughfji fire," lha recalati. Oaa of the lifaboats broke away and the unnnmad sailor jumped eoverboard into the Janu- amy ses, and swýamn for if. He reacleti if succesýsfully, climbeti aboard and rowad fIe beavy boat te the slip whera hae picked up 18 off tha crew.^ ,SIDE GLANCES PRESS The Book Sheif THE HUMAN COMEDY By Williami Saroyan The Human coomedy is a story of anAmria laliylu war- tuie, and in- particular of Homer Macaule, th fe faastes;t essengeCr la- San Joai(uiniiVallJey. The story abounds in ufo- gIettable cns.Hmr unn the two-twenty huIiries; littie Ulysses imLprison)led in, the bear trap in Cov'ingtonj's story; old- tuneteeap operater Willie Grogani, witli a bottie in the dIesk drawer to fuzz the shia-rpeait of the everflowiýng miessages of love and hope anid p!iain nnd death; Spanigler, xith a-1love for - the whole world ; IHomer's older brother Marculs singing,: as tisec tr-oop trinîi in whicli lie sits hurties -1way fomhoe The Human C(omedy capttn as, but dpes flot overstep, the mod- esty of ordinlarýy bumainibeings. Et is a very simple niovel, It lsaa very great achievement. The Hum ian Comedy-by, Wil- Hii Saroyan. George J, McLeod, Limited- Price $9.00. MilkeedLeaves Thiree cents apouic afor hand prprdmilkweed leave7(s will be pai by the Departmient of Agri- culture in a Government-spon- sored project of the National Researcli Council to secure large quanitities of the rubber p)roduc- ing plants for experimlental pur- poses, it wazs announced recently at the 'Universîty of Western Ontario, London, Ont. 1 The pic(e, advises The St. Thomas--- Times, will be, paîd for leaves -which hIave been sûipped b-y and and well dried. An -alter- native price of $30 per. ton will be giveni for miilkwmeed whîch lias been eut by binder and stooked Soviet Womien Farmers With ail ablae-bodied men l!il the Sovilet fighli t orces ,w1ell bave faken theirlacesilafaring tliroughout Ruissia aniid iii the last. two yaars 700,000 won have learned 4folrun tractors andi com-. bine liarvesters. B y Galbraith 'l do'like fIshîngether, but if I haing around the house too rnluch my daugliter-in-law keeps thinking up littie jobs for me to do." By GENE BYRNES REG'L.A- r- FELLERS-Pinhbead's Finish 1 1 Living Costs in the l3nitedl States, the ceat oliigrose 24 per ceent. ad thQ, cost f food -46 perc! _elitbe- twVe en 1. j o n111akry, 1941l anUi 1Ma"ýty > 19413. lu Cnaathe c- ost f's- living went upir 12 per cent. aadi( the 1ostý of food 18- per cent. îla the -simiilar period. -Edmnonton ornl Belated Arrivai A new,, Ge-rman gun, wt longeVr range than others tat shelied Brti' os frn Caldais !In the past, is rep'orted lai' London to be iiati .ifs lu- venter, however, will b sadane b)y the thouglit thtli7oït te fi-c party just ns it wsbekn p The Qay's Roundl An olti colorati woinn ex- plaineti how, she kepfcntn with lier bard lot b)y saing: "When 1 works, I works liard; wlian I sits, I sits seft; whlen 1 starts to werry, 1 goes te sleep' -OttawVa Citizen. On the Food Front The Armny declares' that ourw soldiers are btter fad than fthe civilians. Next thing we knowi the beys will be writing us seme cheery letters teý keep up-.our' morale. -The Nevw Yorker. Thret Opinion Ages Opinions 1chanige. Wlen yen are youngl you are sure yen are riglibt. Whienyen are midie-ag-et you begin te wvonder wbetlier yen were ever riglit. When you are olti yen know you were weg but there isn't mmucli yen can dek about it. -Owen Seunid Sun-Time1cs. Sneak Goal We learu that fo)otb)all is play- ed a good deial la Japan.Ad ef course there la keeni competi- tien te score a few geaiMs befere.ý the kick-off. --PeterbiorougÏli Examiner. The potaeLa oi e of the ios't, popular itemis of food la any wcr- vice mesý.

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