ORONO WEEKLY. TIMIES Theunerig structtiolis fr< ocf tb a te W. J.an MAJAE ROBINSON to selI by public auction at Lot 15. Cou. 5, Claike Township (One imile eas ef reno) the fo,1loing ýFan î31stock, Hlorses 1 hay mnare, 5 pyears eld; 1,ey re, 4 yLuars odi; 1i bey !mare i Bine Cmw, 4 year1js old, milkîng: i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 Blc Cw 4yar l , d to old, te fesen iHoîstein efr snilkig; lan on,5 year11s 0oid i lt leifer uwith Qalf 'y id: Reci Cow, 5 yea)-s o1ldcaîf by side;, 1 3-ea od Heitfer in icalf;1i Black ndWhite Cowý, 5 years c, miîng 2 Steers ising- two ye-ars old;' 2 1-year old Steers; 2 2-year ",old Hleifers; 4 i-year ýold Heifers;3 VealîOlIes Sm ine 21 pîgs fromi 100 te [50 peuuds; 1 Ureod sonw. Fowl About 1.010 year-eld liens. Grain and Feed tFew hundîred busîhels of eats; 200 R-EACHJ ALL-TIME HIGI Ev1idenje of a gýieeral tigh1te ,ing uîp in ce Illeernent >of warùiime 0orders 1JdUeIuai.s is the annouuxcerïent that 137 persons were ford .guilty of offenees Ilast wek It was the inaigest nuiber urf eompleted prose- cut1tions on record. Ei~gt other per- sonjýs wteacquiitted. A Quebec City mneat dealer was fined $30!0 for -sell- :1ng pork -wholeslale at excessive pri- ce.Twenty-two per-sons were rfound gltyof violatimg thie Board's ra- ~ionng rgulains while -47 dealers were- fiied for, pice vilatins; Nîne adlrsor landiordýs' tge,,ts were ýon1victed of ioangrtireu Set of tea hrns; oreco13s 1 Mssey'-lLarrs Bide, -ft. colt: 1 Derig Mwer t. c .Cok -1,)-pe c-1tivator; 1 lnpeilJunlor Dauuble P4; 1Ooksut rown Ganuig Plow; 1. Sîngle Plow; 1 One- horse Scuffler; 1 set of Harrows; i Nisco MnueSpreader; 1 thnee- quarter -wagon and rack; 1 set cof toholgan sleihs;1 set of scales, 2000 pounids; 1 fannipg mil]; 1. Cut- tirig box; 1 pu1per; 1 wheelb)arrow; i gasolinec engine, and numierous other articles. TERNIS CfASH Sale at oa ocle A. E. Morton ElMer Wilbur clerk Anitioneer I _________________________________ M - g NEW SCHFEDULE 2 t-! TU EFFIECTIVE SEPTEMIIBER 30, 19li43 Pe-eserves raftionding gives the consumner a numnber of cho ices bofh of - izs f contaýiniers. Recause of the wide range of contaciner sizes and fl ici buying habits across the counfry if was necessary te put the system tien anid thon make adjusfmienfs on the basis of experience. Now thaf preserves rationing bas been in effect for sèveral weeks, if is possible f0 mad-e-some increases in coupon values. The new schedule is announced below and is effective September 3Oth. The new doubled ration aillowances for molasses, extracfed and comb honey will enaible consumners in crecws where consijmption of these products is heavy, to buy more and sili léave enough for districts where the total demand is ight. The increased raion allowances for corn, cane and blended table syrups and-maple syrup are adjusted te bring coupon values more closely into Une .with the greatf var-iety of Container sizes now in use. ONRME "D" COUPON IS GOw-OD FOR flot More MTha,, Jans, Jellies, Marmalades, 1Maple Butter, Apple Butter or Honley Butter- - 6 FLWID OZ. - - - -One Standard Section 1 1LB. NET --12 FLIJIDOZ- (1 LB. NET) - 'LB. NET --20 FLUID OZ. (1 PINT) Corn Syrup, Catie Syrup, or any Blended Table Syrup -- -------14 FLUID OZ. ICamned Fruit - - - - - - - - - 10 FLUID OZ. Suga------------------1LB.NMET NOW DECOME VALID SPEBR301h The validity date of these couponsï ha-, ýen mnoved forward (rom the original October 14th to September 30th. Thie %as been done to accommPodatýe purchasers of somne items which at this Season of the year are riormally bought in large units. Coupons D-6 and 0-7 wili becomie valik on Novemnber 1ilth and the original schedule wiIl be confinued from then on, with two coupons becoming vcîid every four weeks. RATION ADMINISTRATION PR 2w lada's Fifth Victory Loan NE WTON VILLE 'e ipe!riod - October i8th to AîM-r. Altfred Pedîkn.ap, Os i1awa, "eiter 6th -_ will be a n iport- was hoine. o11.e in the prosecutionl of the 1UnS. W. C. Lhanke lias r eturin d rEffort. ]Yurinig üthese ýweeks fron i vsiting at Tyrone. Êdians will again have the <,-1IVir.s. Toul Jouaes spent two wveUks tulty of 'siowiingl their wilî to wîth frieiids at Aldera-hoýt. Ibysuseibu for Caniada's Mrs. J. W. Lanicaster has rentedi Lh Vietory Loaii. Mr. P. Steiihens' house in Newtoni- ,s announ(ýcd from Ottaçwv-,a aweek Ville o ago, tlhe aml-ounit of thje Fifth MTs. Marks, Fenelon Fa1ls, ias Uory Loan i i20,0,00o been visitinig her sister, Mfrs. Sain,, eh 'is an iceaeof s0,00 oSmith. rthe obljective set for the cFourth Misses Wilmna Prouse aind aro toy Loua.Hoeve, the oîbjec- B3ruceý spenit tile week-end in Belle- 'mieiiitioned 1abloxv(e isenly a ini- ville. ni objive n, nes t Kei th Buirley-, PR. C.A.F., Iand, tantally oveandscried Caa- , Mnnin feelit-i l ta hyh oefrienodPool vwere lhomýe on cs annoi't ALittiy111v-01eSunday. mximum share. iMr. and Mrs. Hari,- Wd ad oh,( slogan for Caad 'ifth Vie- Biliy vstdat Mr. even-ley Jaynes'1u, Loan 'Sedthe cVictory" aimdl( Mr. anid Mrs. jrr - Iker ad inarîa wllho n he or cfa aîilv, rot uiie t M.Lan- n'i1;for bthVic(tor'y and Ifor son illson'sreenly dingKenýIneth lakewas kick'1ed n h ~~i. leg lb~!y a hreSatra u otn le olbjeo4tive fer Durham îCountiy aey obones were broken. ne1ot, as;yet, been oestablished, rs.Cliapian1 Mss uîhy anil wlhile it is p)ossile ùtha1 t i aY Mr. Pr"Brown, Nî'asl, ando be ncraed fomthle fgueotthe Elliott's, cf Whitb)y visiÀted TMrs. >0000,whichws set in the lamn r~n thb Loan it is a certainty that it Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Henderson, bie no lswer fihan thatfgue Mr. and ýMrs. ArthIlur Bel], Dawr n n lîe <National War Financ Coi-Glen'1, Bowmnançville, visiÀted at Mr. te for Durliain County lias been Gelorgle Stapleton's on Saturday. %ork in thse last t-wo weeks going Mr. and Mrs. Ro$bert MctlVOuloughi rthon clrganization and streng- anid Winston, Cobourg andi'Mrs. Wal- iiig the weIalenesses that have ter Sh.erwin, Orone 'w(re recent, napparent in preivious Cain- gueýsts of MT. and_2VMrs. Laiurie Cole. n S. Thse WilM.îS. of- the Uniited (1Churcli ' have chanIged the datte of their [ail youîr pareelis for Dverseas b 'Octdber meeting. They will entertain 'mLbner tt the mothèrs and baibies of thse con- ______________________ gregaton on October 5thý, ut 3.00 Mr. and Mrs. Richards. and Mary, Mr. and 'Mrs,. Bahat and Gayle, Cavan. Mrs. Martin, MUilroak, Mr. and Mos. Bruce, Port Hope -wve rec visiltors with Mr. and Mrs.' Sidney Hutchiison. _Mr. and Mis. J. C. M r n Howard, Ilamilton, and Ms.Epz- ýWeikr, Milwaukee, *Wis., have been-j visiting their parerits.ç, Mr. andiMrs Thos. Burkell and tiseir, sister Ms rs. Cleland Lane. Mr-. and- M-s.Re. oodham and1111 Marie andi Mr. Fred W.dac Toronto, and Mrs. Normiiaq Sainis. of Newcastle, visi-(ed rltvshure. Mrs. Samis lias gecne te Tor-onte for a visit now. ChiefCof Police W. J. Elliott, M".. lliott ancMss lliott, Whit- thedvariain by IMrs. Jas. Tanihlyn and Rosýs, of hevaitinOrono. îMr. Elovell Rewland, Now - into opera-eateweeiusso Mr. and MVrs. Aitfreti B'rwn. W. I. Meeting Tise Septemher mneeting was iseld at the home of Mrs. Artihur Dimal,. Mrs. W. Mifligan i prtda snl attendiaace at tise remodelling course" held la theb Community Hlall. Tlhe conveners presenit favured liav- ing our jam tins filled wýith ioney on account of the pr)iice and scaocityl of fruit. Christmas boxes were- dis-' cussed landi Mrs. Morris, Mvrs. Mlilli- ga and Miss J. Thempsen Were named as a cemmittee te ranefer same. Mrs. Morris replortedl that thel sccks were ready for tise boxes.. Mrs. A. iedknýa(pteck c harýge cf thse fol- lowing programme: iRoleall, ee thing l wouid like te scee mrv in my celuntry," 'wa,§ well anýwered. Sueli imprevements as weed cntting on thse road aides, frec, hespitaliza- tien, sciseel sy7steins and drainage systems were sugested. Four> memU- lbers of the Blue Bqird Cîlbi, -vhog e very capable leader is Molis. S. Lain- caster, ýthen presenteti a very inter- estftg part of lthe proogri-i. After snmiging their club soiig Fae Jones thankecl the Institute for its h.eip in isaking tlse prejeet 1possible andti tel cf the variou ns; mthis cf using the standard tea biscuit recipe. ýA sami-- ple of cdisas disiplayed verydant àly on a table before lier. Etdna De- anuit spcke of the jur(lging- at Mili- brook. Etic e eck gave instLrueti:ons for-table setting wile Helen Mo)rtoný demonstrated as correcet methoti mas given., Mrs. Duan then sang "S'et Genevieve,» aceompaexied ro)y MrM Gilmer. IMiss J. Thoînmsac read a splendid pa:peir on "Traiîning Chil- dren -in Waim. Mrs. W. D. Joues cndîuiotecl a p)uzzle contest. After an eprsso f app eciatioýn te Mrs. Du!prithe imeeting cleseti Wîth tise Mizpais Benediction. For Insulation and Wallboard SEE McLAREN Orono Coal & Lumber ELECT E. J. GIBBS AT BO-WMýANvILLE Edwarti J. Gibbs wvas eeiected by a m11ajoority cýf 72 inr'a municipal el(Ce- tiun called tcs fill a vacaainiy causeti by tise d-ath of Councillor W. J. MVartyn. R.esults were, Gibbsa 202; Novmant Allison 130. ; TIMELY NEEDS For Sore Throat TYRREL'S IOINE THIROAT GARGLE One teaspoon iii a smnall glass of wvater mnakes a dependabhle antisepie gargle, 2 ouncue bottle for .................. .... 25c BoPot's Io4ized Th.roat ales 30 for. .............5c 60 .for.... ..............35e.1 ViksColugh Drops . 1... ...5c, ViksVapo Rub .............. 3C. Cetiid Cet Rb ag sie for ........... . ............ Musterole (reguilar or mlild for chlren. ...........0.3c. Liniseed, Lieoricýe and Chloro- dyne Lozenges, pykg, ..... 5c. Certified A.S.Â. Taiblets, bettle of 100 for ........._ ...... 39C. For Coughs and Colds Buekçley 's Mixture , 40c., 75c Pertussin . ................ ...... 59c. Masou's "419" _...... 39e., 69c. Pint-O-Pine. niakes 20 Puid munces of efficient Cold and Cough Correetive, bottle...39C. Dr. Chiase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur-pentine .......35c., 75e. Always a g-ood buy WAR SAVINGS 5týA ,ýlPs Each 25c. Doubly Effective Vitamins1 Taken now ',insure goodJ health' both lin the Faî-il and W iiner monthfls. Sattkn or 150W. Ceriified Cmd Liver Oîl, 16 t)L.. .. .ot.i.......... $1.19 ;e-hmcal Fdood Cap- sules, 50 for...........$1.ý25 100. for ........ $2.............. 25 Liquid.......i.1I5 and $2.15 W'ampole's Extraet of Cod, iÂver Oil ... ...... ..........$i.QO Kepler Extract of -Malt and CA Liver Oil, 10 ozs ...75c. 20 ounces for ...........-$1.25 Seott's Emulsion...59c., 98c. Certified AI B D Capsules, 50 for .. .................~. ...... $ 2 100 fer ,..... ............. ...... $2.25 Chase's Nierve Food Smiall size (60) ...... -.. ...60t. Large size (180) ....... -' $1.50 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Char les Tyrreli AGENT FOR PHONE 68 JACK1IAN FLOWERS ORONO' Weather. Str-ippinig, m1ade of fin-eqalt hair fet 1 oot rolli......l10c. 24 foot ro,)l.... 15c. 4I'unb Tacks, box of 100 for.. ......... 1Oc. Mouse Traps, keep an extra one handy, 3 for. . . 10e. Wooden Towel Bars, not painted, each ....... 15c. Men's Leather Haif Soles, good quality, pair.. 35c. B. Lamp Wick for large size burners, yard .... 7c. Stedmian's Toilet Tissues, 6 oz. rolis, each ..... 5c. ,Boxes for OvTerseas Mailing, each ...... ..... 7c. Colgate Kit Bags, containing 2 cakles Paliwtolive Soap, Tooth Powder, Tooth Brush ai-d Shave Stick, complete in khaki or blue........... 98c. Men's Garters, assorted colors, pair , .25c. and 35e. Children's Hose Supports, black or white, pair 15c. Dress Shields, made with the new plastic light w\-eigh-t, perfect protection, pair. ....... 29c. Dutch Knitting or Clothes Pin Ap rons (new) neat flower designs.......... .. ... ...... 49e. Leather Elbow and Knee Patches for sweaters, coats, pants, etc., pair ....... ... ....... 29c. Rayon Stripe Cotton Brassieres, Tea Rose, Heavy Quality, Elastie Inserts, sizes 34.and 36 only.......... ....... .............l29c. Ladies' Balbriggan Bloomers, elastie at waist, white, sizes medium or large, pair......... 29e. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE Motor Equipment Private Ambalance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Direetors and Furniture Deaiers KINDNESS COIJRTESY SERVICE Equipped to take care of the modest funeral at tise mogt reasonable charge as well.as tihe largest and mqist exacting Telephone: Office 668 . Residence 523 and 726 Telephone Coîleet One cýf the lady officialsis hie Consumer section, talking about the conservation pregranii says it reaL.ly adits erj1ig-i i in bacis conicessionlýs. Hero Caaiaýi n oen have awy mqLde over t"lieir elotihing or eut it doîýwn fer the children. New that conrservation lias bieocmea national necessity djue te deînands of the armned forces on tis e ciuntry's textile supplies, inuny of tise ideas of these early e-xperimenters in nake-oer ;are coming in andi eontributin-, to Bowmanville, Ont. f tise succsîs cf tise program. SI-e says tiat under tise leadership of eider womnen, tise young fry are also takin.g te tise idea cf makeovr. Many communities -whicjh do neot already liaye Remake Centres are planing te open these sohlools for sehginstruction in tise auttumu. Will ail this affect our national homue eceonoînýy aftter tise war ? That's an inWterestng point. Comb Honey (I'n Squares) - or Ex-tïacted Kloney o1 Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - - - - - - - or, Molasses- - - - - - - -