English icycles Throw Dougrhboys- verse, roV 0 a AmeriCans With 50,000 Bicycles Fifly thousanti Britislh-made bicycles, 5,00J,000 eday pigeons '01, skeet, shooting ýaad large >iumbjers of1 garbage cans are ,imiong the more unusual evi- donces that U.S. Lend.Lease, is far froim a "oae-way street." Brig. Gen. Albert J. Browning, 'irector of the Amy Service, Forces Purchases Division, yos- terday tolti -a press coaforence on his ratura from Great Brit- in th Lat these andi many imore ordiaiary forms of aid offer im- prsieproof of the value to the United States of Lendi-Lease ia reverse. Most of these materialsý are tranisferreti to 'U.S. forces la .Brilain or otI)eý overseas terri- tories. Blut the sh tf is not always -ac complishati smoothly, Brown- ilig saiti. For oape U.S. flyePrs who, uise thec bicycles to tavel be- tween thewdl-isesdbud- ilngs at British airtiromose cali tUe -vohicles "ilrs secret wveaponi." Theîy cn~get used f0 thieir frontwheel brakes ai are constantl'y being p jitchatic over thie handiebars. And there was a i tch we 'Amarîcans aketi for gariba ge mans. The British sai(i thayv coult' not furnish this commlon itemy. Thon someod(y thoughf Itoteask for "tiust binas" andt .S. soldiars -o t alte abge cana ýthey Thep 5,0ý00,900 dlay pigeons ,Idi't cause a ripple of confu- sioln, however,- because akeet .shooting la recognizeti as valuable training for aarial, giinners. MILITARY ATTACHE TO CHINA Brigýadier- Orville M. M. Kay, Daputy Adjatant - Canerai (B) ,sine 19i41, who hlas beau aippoinit- eLd Canadian Miitnary Atcleto China. Brigadier Kay is a former Wînpipeg barriser anti serve iiia tUe First Grant War with ù oylFlyinig Corps. Hoe 'Nus ifficer commiandinig tUe Wina ipeg Greadirsat the çoutbreak o! Olifford Webb Ila lmpreiSsedJ by Thecir Gener-al Bearinig Homre, says the Ottawa Citizenl, arle the impressions o! Clifford W bDaily Hlejzlti war corres- pondent, affer visiting tha Canak- t!ilanïý forces which captur-,et Agira "J-- amie away inmensely, impeasti with their genieral bear-ing anti grand fighitinig qual- ifies andthte remarkahle maruer. ina which thiey adapteti thiemaelves te cAdtins haro." Hae saidthte Canadiauis matie a< 4'prso altater,," o! wiping out tUe ira-t Panzer rogîmient, part ,i the 15th Panzer Division la the baffle 'for Agira, affer chas- iag tUe regiment ail the way fo Agira Dom Graummchee. Webb atideti "Everywhere aogthe Canatilans 1 fouatCI the saechoarineas, hte saine bois- taOnS welconm thesanme query: "Do the peoplý at home thinkc w'eetiing ail rgiht." 20,000 tons, o>! ion and tieael, 00toas o! alum-inui anti 250 bonls of sheet a1iinuml will be iele-aseti-for i'ntustrial pur.poses, by the decisiýn Of the British Mlnidafry-)f>!Workg to break vup a qptarof a millOndIsMule OTTAWA REPORTS On Doinald Gordlon's wa rn ings against the disasters of In- flaýtion o4hich only strict ob- ervace of price ceilings can prevent. Ifthe dam binbreaks, God hlîlp uis," declared Donaild Gordon,. Cani- ada's litsty\ and - forthriglit direc-, for of thiat iewest and-biggesf c oniomic experiment oi modern civ-, ilization, war tUime price controls, before the WeekIly Newspaper As- socip-tion Convention in Toronfto, Deivering one 0f the most pow- erful public addresses of the whole, war, Gordon was appealing for continued support for the pol- icy of -controls-warning of the muinou s dev astation of homes and human happiness which would en- sua upon the breaking down of the ramparts built against inflation, in telling the manufacturer, farm- er and workingman that confiioed groupprsue for higher price> and -higher wgswouldprc- itate, tbe deluig. "On eivery side tUef pressures to whichIi 1refer ,are imaking thlem- selves flt," h said. "ba-bor is militantÉ and dlemaiagr, wage ad- justmnts ail aIonig te e Not- wlthsitaning he wale eiin manly thouIsanda ýof! w e inicienases arebeig dmanedand as onei wýage adjulstm-enf a! tel' nohe l made if is reflected inreiaï tecly in the costa o pdto n wiîc, ila turn, me1(ans tUe pressure on the price ceilinig srapidly becoming !Insupp 1ort abl 1e. "Food prices aire ceeping stead- ily upw\ards as the agricultural iaduaijtry insisf s uponi, and obtains, higher prices under the emergency of! curtailment o! essential sup- plies. With few exce ptions bus-- iness and industry keop their eyos on prof it margins and jealously potest any, move to bimit or, con- trol fhem. Black marketsaraie coin- rnencing to déelop. . . Generally speaking, our 'courts deal leniontly with offenders Paragraphs like theso can only be described as amiong the most potent and thoughf povoking of thoe whole war, net excludiag ail tUe uitterances 'of the Prime Min- ister and his Cabinet colloagzues. fitscemed odd to'this columniist that Mr. Gordon did not 0delve sligli nto the detail of tho wrk ing od the price control systýeM aD-1Lshlow IhlehonseLvesiý, my 0f whiom wîll eebrsialn Sprices of ttue 19!9-20 period, .inst wbtprîce controls have effected. 11it laail set foi th in theLao Gazetrte, an officiai, publication lt- sueci b1Y 1t1e-Federal Lahor De- par1tmc uit, but, of course, flot -wide- ly red Atte beginning o! Jono,19, sa'ya the corrent babor Gzte the.Canadian cost of livinigindex was 17.6 per cent higher than ln An'9u' t, 1939, the last pre-war inith. For the similar period dur- iur Ie Jast wam the advance was 4.9.3,pr cent: Since the establishmnent of the price ceillng the index Uns ad- vanced 2.6 per cent., that is be- tween Octoher 1, 1941, and June o!f the carrent year. For the comparable per le- dur- ingý the at var, between Octoher, 1916, and Jone, 1918, the-idx noce wais 28.6 per cent. . 1 Si.eca Aogust '1939 tonds have advaniced 31.9 per cent; clothing 20.3 per cent; homne furnishings and servicesý 16.7 per cenït; fuel and light 14.,2 per ce(-nt,, rent 7.1 per cent. nd . Canada'a ostofiig i i say, hs încmaseod nl e ceontsin o Deember. 1941, whl that of theUeInted 1States has gý -one 111 13 per cent, The aeaeo!retailp csin 69 citios la Canada for certain stable fonds nnd fuel at certain dates betweeilt 1914 f0 1943 are aln ncluded iii the Labur Ga- zett's officiai analysis, and some o! the coniatmassbetxveen Jonc 1920 pjriýes and those o! Jue 14,are as follo)ws:-, 11 4PORTERETTES", JOIN RAILWAY WORKERS Shortage of mnanpower has compelled Canadianr Nationald Rail.- ways Express to employ women to perform duties previousiy Peýr- formed exclusively by mien at the Central Station in Montrceal. These womenaeat as checkers, k(-&.d and unload railway express cars. This season, thousands of boxes of baby chicks have been handle0d thirough- out Canada by .xpress as shown here. i June 192U Pnmk 40 Bacon 60 Lard 38 Eggs 54 Milk 14) Butter, dairy 59 Butter, creamery 66 Bread -9 Canned tomatoas 21 Bonus, dry 12 Potatoos 118 suigar 22 nïewspapwv 1 iublished 1943 C. 32 45 18 41 10 3 6 39 14 6 0f clthin coas ashefwau 120 anti 94, some '2o! wich wraas fnlows-essufwhiich ware $55 lu 1920, averageti $35 lu 194,3; shiLls, $195 iu 1920 and $1.10 la 1943; ancka, $150 in 1920 as againat 65 cents la 1943; wonaien's stockings, $175 f0ý $275 la 1920 and 69 f0 $135 today; aUnes, $11.60 f0 $20 lu 1920 as coniparedi fo $6 to $12 totiay; anti woii's dresses, $20 f0 $60 lu 1920 anti $8 to $40 la 1913. These 'pri ces o! totiay conÉra*st- eti -with those o! 1920 show where tUe saviug of over a billion dollars effecteti . by price coutmol has gone-into the family bodg la a l accusa tUa -country.- Net Tough Enough' Fer Soldîer's Lf Go,1lden Boy, a big hmow ilani white, English setter o!r tisiw aRa. intiin, ila back ]ýhome be cueheal-my trav er ,1coultinot, malte a "oltiler" of o lm sa s tUeH amlo Setfr.H toc, affectionato anti coli nt learn to laeany ona. Htiha been confrohfted with ,real Nazis anti Japa tUe outcome might have hotu diffament, but ho jusf couldn't snarl anti growl at a maRe-baIieve foie. Those who know tUfs noble brÉeeti will underatanti anti appmo,,ve tUe honorable discharge whiich Golden Boy receivei., IREG'LAR FELLERS-Pinhead's Finish Norse Seaman Saves Comrades Fr-o-m Seas Swimming 500 yards in the January waters o>! the Atlantic to &et hold o>!a looselfea, and thon owing if singe haridet back toward the sinking' eship, %vere' twin deds wvich roýcuntly eamned an unnameti Norwegiaa second maate a double z7ai-d fronm hlk King,-ad cutr revenis TUet Moutroal1 Star. For at the iSton Nrwgian Mnsepro- aenlted Ui, 5-er-ldnnaîe salrvt tUe St. Olav MetpIdand tile War odl.Beau e hobas .9 fathe(r, m1otherý, siters anti brothcris living lan Nor\v.-y, iUta anme cannot ho rnentioned, nor his pictuire takenl. In mnking the pr@entafonn Mm. Steen aaid that thýe awnrd waa for "peasonal gallanitry" of the second mate, Aà(n hati mon- dereda ingreantserviýe f0 King nadi country. "In His Majesty"nanme I pie- sent' these medalsý, as a sign of his owngratitude, as well as that, o! nil Norwegiaa pjeople,'" he saiti. Asked f0 tell bis own stnry the sailor pieceti if together, with much quetioniag., His ship waa hetwaen the -Azoras andi Bermuda, ha said, and oaa damk night, shela 'starteti fo fall on the vessai from the port ide. Than a few minutes later, they stated tn comie fuom the stamboard. "I knew thoný that wo w ere be- ing '¶helled by fwnanmarines,"; aniti tUe second mate. "Thon thebre w-,eofour shots fireti, aint thge uinudet a direct it on tUe gua stand(. "After thaýt tho einceriirieaý sfamted f0 go, and tUeip caugbL fire," ho ecalleti. Oaa of the lifelboats broke away and, the unnamoed sailor jumped overboard into tUe Janu- amy sea,. and swaîn for if. Ho reacheti if successfully, climibeti aboard and rowed the leavy boat f0 the s hip where ho pfieketi up 18 o>! the crow. The Book Sheif THE NUIMAN COMEDY By Williamn Saroyan The Hum-an Comiedy is a stnry of an Amecrican famîily ar- timo, Manila particL,aIr of HIomer Macaluley, the fastes.t messen)ger in San Joaquin Valley, The story ablounids in unf or- gettable ène omeurrnnn the two-twenity hude; iti Ulysses imiprisoned inl the bear trap la Covingtoni's sLory; old- time tolegmapli oprator Williea Grogan, with a botie in the desk drawor to fuzz thie shari) reality of the evemflowiing wmessages of love andi hope andi pain andï death; Spangler, with a love for the whole world; Hlomjer's older brot4bor Marcus siniginL, a ýsthie troop trainlan which he sifs hurtlos away from home. The Human Comiedy captu-îas, but does not ovoýrstep, tUie d esty of ordinary huma blua If is a very simple novel. if is a vemy greaf achievemoent. TUe H luman Comoidy-hby Wil- liam Saroyan. George J. McLeod, Limited- Pr îçe $3.00. Mýilkfweeýd Leaves Are Badly Needed I Thiree- cents a pounti for hanti prepared milkýweed leaves will be ppaid by the Departmient of Agri- culture in a Covernmient-spon- sored project of the National Research Counicil to secure large quantities of the rubiber produc- ing plants for experjimental pur- poses, it was, anaouaced recently at the University of Western' Ontario, London, Ont. The price, advises The' St. Thomas Tîm-es, wvill be paîd for leavesw hich hae been stripped by hand andiweldried. An alter- native price of $830 p er ton will be givea -for -milkweed which has been cut by bindor andi stooketi in sheCýaves. Soviet Women Farnrrers With ail ahle-hndiad men ln tie Sov i&t fightinig forces women have fakeýn Their places la farming throughout Rossia antùi'la the las, two years 700,P00wmnhave learlned f0 rua tractors and c(,ojm- bine lharvester.tS" SIDE GLANCES VO 1C E OF TH E Living Costs Lu theUUnitetI state:s, the coat o!' living rose 24, ýpor cwn. nt the cost o! food -16 per cent. h-, tween Jaauary, 1941 andi May, 19 43. lr. Canadla the cost >f living went Up 12 per cent. and the coat of fond 18 per cent. iia the similar perioti. -Edmonton Journal. Belated Ardival A now; German gun, with a long,,-or rng-e than others that shelleti Britain'a coat from Calais in the paat, la reportat inl London tf0 ha-lanaction. Ita-i'-, veator, howover, will be satdeneti by the thought that ho got f0 the party,, juat as it was breaking up. -Windsor Star. The Day's Round Anolti coloreti womaa ex.- plaineti hnw ahe kopt content wijthhiem hard lot by aaying: 1WoaIwomks, I wvorlks bard; when -1 alfa, I sita soft; when I starta to worry, f goos, to sleep." -Oni the Foo3d Front T-he Ayieclares th-at our7 soldiema are botIter fed than tUhe civîlians. Nex-dtitlng vwekow thle boys will h witngus some chieery lettors to Ikeep ap Our -The New voer Three Opinion Ages Opinions change. When you are young you are auro you are right. Whea you are miidie-ag-et you begzia f0 Wondier whether yon wore ever right. WUen you are nid you know you were wrong- but there ian't much you can do about, it. -Owen Soundi Sun-Times. Sneak Goal, We.leara that football la play- ed a gond de-al in Japan. Anti of course there la keen competi- tion f0 score a few goals before the kick-off. -Peterborough Examiner. The potatLo la one -of the most popular itemys of fond lnanay ser- vice mess,. B3y Galbraith "I don.'t like flshing either, but if 1 bang around the hlouse too muach mny daughter-in-law keepa thinking up littie * jobs for me to do." Dy GENE BYýýRNES