After Sinlking Sý Drink Te Their A British njaval of: reeently oi a strange had iiappeued durig last voyage acrosa the WbY sigbtd a dwehi far eut lu the oceanl. it w.,as empty but for býotte of champagne! -i been in th)e boat biad ek up. Se they decided tý champagne for elebrai first suee's's agaiuist at It must have been Une sailoradj becauce niext morniug a Sumde (raft of Coastai Cem-iý patdthat shLe was C, U'-bat. As their ship the- spot, an un1usual _givenî by thecati- for action stations iu tites' time." So inste- custemary scramble r time ta d Ms properly able te have a 'p c f tmned eut te ho what castor doecrbed as a tack. Th-e Canadian, H... Drumi Keller crack at the U-boat b British escort sip g( They made contact exa and whiere the captain ciïptoed. l f1e11 -~ utos it was alovor; I effly one attaek, anid s direct bits. Almrost, in they saw pat:ches of wreckage cemiug to Qh When they left the ail extendeil ta 600 feet lu The foilowing day uai parted an oil streak, ilu 1,700 yaýrds lonpg. Typical ,,f the "ýsileni was the eutry luý thes "0629-m1ade contact boat; 06341-sanlt sa acty féve and a haîf r their time accounted fi waited tili they renchet fore dikigthe echamp Neptuno had awarded t-' vance. LOVERS' PARI Rends wethÎs Itý dier a-id bis sweethe along dusty Sicilian ro last srolfo at long time H's headed for tenipoe3,z camnp at Agigento,> guard, f or~ Italianset voltintarily. Wi'nnîe WaS Inu lat her recent book Amoag Warri"Ev: daughiter of the famoui er-ers of radium, ti I, ateistc story of Prime Churc'hili, which illustr type of courage that haî him te lead the British out of de-speratedee <erge of asrdvictory told ta Miss Curie b Bishop, commuander of ïih forces inu West Africa Ut happened i in Englan est hour--in the fatal M10. Brigadier Biho tO be 'presenit at xa eetiji War Cabnet. Churcir juast returned from Tu ~auucdthat Frane wý ereof askin.g fHitier Stermns. Drawing a despe tare of the istuation, he ed in a lowv, firm-, voice: now faciin Germany c< isolatedý. We arc alIone." Brigadier Bishop said, "ti a dead silence that 1 shý forget. We saw Churchill ifting bis head. Lookiag At lus, he simi-ply said: ' <.rather iïnspiring'" Prty ub Saiors -K Atiatir. ènckedFo an' of"le "Standd by hey hiada and ere /,RIce riP e ài rgs ocon. Mt< ee iae ako elg they brade " opn fCnd ùie ilni(d adela -,efore. theN 11. HA oteýi thereaswr h' a ctiyel thehea , hey madert A' coredsii.Cre f-twnl'to bmdutey AtAeiN Feror aK H. llSAW nl aud ____il__,ý ,)!eyd h pal U ,(CtO Diki ddeoft anser; hoiwas dýiameter. wthing events i,»,rncthe P laza, the Th rnp w beintalen .o Th n oved te ,irutegic positions, I or b- ookýing bIusîinessý-like. As if to agnC that add a draujlatit hackground,-the iemin d- ALmairante LTigg2ins fired one of _ er twelve-ineh guns, ioaded with biank, in the direction of the ~ING Plaza. There were shrieks of alarm from ithe -mob,' the vanguard of whýich began 1to pesbacýýk. Con- fusioinire i gne d Aswifit tropic1al downpour be- gani; it came dowu lu bucketfuls, crdily s imany of the' in- surens s could ega to hurry V to setr "Natre awayssupplies an tidte" sidDick Liggins al- mosthugingthe hars. "Lt seems to mne the revolutii)n is over, ,i Donna Eler business as "Dik Hggishow much do * you ko aotail this?I' she "Ohit 's Wyinue wbo did the Nav suf,"heanweed a littie difidetl. "ynn'sgot a sense of the damt 1;Jsuppose it Evnabv the camour that tocoe Cr cam1ps rat ster 00L ýi Emupire RoilÈ Ou r -0Wvn ersI tý to the Go Y 1rae psu- concludl- "We are mpleteiy "Th-1en," ,here was ail nover 1 proudiy defiantIy 1 find it filied thie squaý,ie the sounid of brayýing lbugles wsauile, Bt, louder even than that conmpellinýg hiast, was the bark ouf a guni: nut a big twelve-incher, but onec of the Almirante I{iggins's secoünd- ary armament. "Aha !" said King H-iggins; "it's worked !" This was cryptical to Donna Ele.nora, but she did not worry: things were happenin!g under her gaze that chained hier interest. The sun, newly up, shining down a wide valley -in the hbis that formed the eastward wall of San Josef's harbour, lit the war- ship up as if it were'a spotlight. And plain to see was the National flag of Hiyataia being hauled in determined sweeps to the Alimir- ante's masthead, It was as if a definite answer had' been given to a question; as if this were a challentge to the revýolutionary bannter whichfautdoe Fort Juanm. Thegnihad beanflired to drw aten io tote dcaa tioný. A imomenit inter aohrgun was, fîred; this time no blank charge, for a shiell scr,3aired fair- i1y over Fort Juan and expioded impressively ounvwaste ground immediately, heyond. "Weil thank,; God 1" said Dickie. The clamnour in the Plaza had instantly aitered its toue; there was a hint of breathless awe in it now. Eveury eye turned on the Na\:,- therefore every eye saw th:e great, primary armament, swing its menacing muzzles to cmadthe city. "The Nnvy's Seqding somneon e over to tak, charge, 1 fancy," Dickie reported. "Ail over but the shouting-untii nex 't tinie. I supposeý, I'd better get Lack to my job; you'll be ail right here now,." "And Dolores thought she pre- ferred Lafaliette to you !" ex- ciaimned Dolores's mother.' "How much have you doue?" "Oh, weli, bits here and' there; just odd things, you know. But I rehdly, ought to be getting' back to, the Consulate, in case-post of duty, so forth, you see what I mean !" "Mamma - what is happen- ing?" asked Dolores. She stood on the halcony surrounding the patio; and herý lids were stili heavy from sleep, "What has happenied? Where is Ferdinando?" insisteci Dolores. "The revolution seem-s to be over," said her mother tvith an elaborate nonchalancq ue copied from King Higgins, "'BuLt Don Ferdinando doesn't seem to have turned up at the right timie." "Look here !" said Dickie hast- iiy, "I'il really have to go!1" He spared a moment to cal to thegirl to aský how she fared, if she w-ere auy the worse for the u1ight's 'imbroglioi; but shie ig- nored imte o ra extent, in- sistîng on kTnowig were Lfl "Your, preclous Ferdinaudo eesto have fuuked thiugs, my sweetc," bler nmother said. "L'm off," said Dickiù, and went without further pariey. "4Come back for breakfast!" Donna Elenora calledl after hlm, and waved, her hand.L "As for you, miy age go back te bed or you'll get the spankiug you'vi deserved ever since you came homie 1" she said firmly. King Higgins returnied to the Consuflate, bis feet slithering lu debris. No attemlpt at ml-esta- tion was lmade; ail the offi(cer, he pse saluted hini gravely, if half-ushaimedily; miauyý of the bodies of troops actuaiiy present- ed armis. "Si,Seor"his.sed Sebastian softly. Aithiough he tried slav- ishly te imiitiate his miaster, hie kuew iu his owu heariit he could neyer acquire this iimiitable sang froid. "Weli, how's ev-erytinig?" d(e- mauded Diekie. "Teil Manuel te bring somne coffee-L'm sieepy." The teIlphone -tinikled as Ihe spoke. It was Spofforth, speak- ing fromi the Caillano ines; and Spofforth was mildiy eXeited.ý "The lavwa hais stopped fiowing,ý now, sir-," hi, reported. "There's a bit oýf ashl still, but it's esn a lot,1; and this'rair is doiug a lot cf good, I've turned the peouls te, te deCan up1)thie mess.", Whtsthe daniage ?"iaskedl Dickie, yazwuiug. "'Weii, to be sure, the workýings are rather gunimied up, sir; and there'Il be a d1eluy. But-but a rather astouishiug thiug seems te have hnppeuied. 0f course, it's too early to mnake a proper re- port, but-weli, sir, teewsa rather violent earthqjuakoshiock a while ago." "Was there? 1 don't tiuk we naticed it here. Wl? "Wel11, sir, that big rock awaST on the east side of the miine- field, it's split 'tseif from top te' bottom; and so, far as I cunsee, it's full of gold. And the iode appears to run down right under everything,- quite a pronisiugp Iode, which I'd neyersupte" "Good egg-, Spoýfforth; rL'm de- lighted." "We should ge,(t n gold than'I -bofore eut of these mý ine, 'once things are srih. "XVelI, it's riighere, for ,one thing,rinn quite, a bit. That's'quite gond luews about the gold, Spofforth; we'Il need n biîgger output te repuir the dam- age doue here last ui.-ht. Carry on, then-and if you need extra bauds, l'Il sce what can be doue about theim." D)iekie replaced the receiver.. t wasr 't the Higgins touch that had brought abhout this astonish- iag turn in the aifairs of qthe mine; but-hec ould not help but admit it-the Hig-ins luck stili seemed pretty sound. Even aun earthquake had its uses, apr ently; and with new veins'ef golId disclosing themselve,, thoese who had trusted bir o wuld findteir faith well placed, 1e hadn't let the shareholdersdon (Cnncluded et 1k 0f 62 member-s of a Londtiýon, Engiaud, Boy Scouit îTroop, 19 are commissioned oflesand 81 are non-cnmmissioned o_,ffcers.ý The I2tb West Hami Boy-Sou Troop lu England is particularly proud, of onue of its members, Jim Osborne nf the R.A.F., who had the honur of shootiug down the 1,OOth plane over the, island of Maita. "Don't forget te put j plty of moth halls 'linmyScuuifr, aBritish Scout serving lu th army iu North Africai wrote bis mohr 1I1hT wutt~ui Devilled Egg Salad With Tomato-es 6shelled hard-cooked eggs U ktaspoon dry mustard ~cup AEGGLE'Sý MAYONNAISE 1, tablespoon Chooped ehives ore 1k teaspoon sait fjnely-chopped onion pash pepper, 4 tc 6 amailpeeied tomates Dash cayenne j eup cottage cheese Cut eachhadokd egg ina kif. Remoave yolks carefully, plae la a kwl and add. saiad dressig and seasoniaga Blead smooth. Re-stuffeggwhiteWhAîfwthi n ixture -and dcraewith paprika. Peel tommtes (hy blanchig) end ps IcPace two stuffed egg haives lin nests of crisp leîtuje on eacýh o;LsîY chiiied salad plates; arrange tomato sle~ overlapping, beside them.- Top tomnYate su!ces witli cottage cheesýe and garnish ithpe2sley aprigs. SERVES 6. CANADIANS MAIKE FRIENDS IN S1CILY eianprô,pa-gandists would have likied to. have beeni able to teil the worid that Allied treatmenit of Sicil'[ian civilïians was that oy a Swagger-ing conqueror. But sc seenies as this com-pletely shiatter ADxis hopies of a propaganda vîtOry7. PHere, Ci. H., H1. Whitakje-, of thle Royal Canladian Sign'Iais, of W'iiuuipeg, Man,, ie ad n biscuits to c icinbo. >iu -Belgium after the war,r- cently held a camp lu Great Brit- ain,. The beys are Belgion evacuz- ees. Thir ccamp was ttenidedl by Sotsc svra ter r peau ontis A Sotatrof Covery, Eugiand, shot dlowni behind the Germn hu ies in-'Tusia, sougbt refuge wthaFrench, farmer. The next daythree N azis calleal at the frhos or a w asba tule Sotmserirmiug himself witb nue. nIi theirfrevolvers, mnrchied them o1qf te bu rts iîto do, their part iiieesa Lishinîg Scouting im Europe aitter the war. Canadian ,,Scout 's\%wIll puy the cost nf prinoting 1.000 copies nf Lord ae-Pwl' "Scouting for Býoys" in each of the French, Czech, Netherlands, Fieuîish, Norwegian. and Polish lunguages, Monley for this pur- Pnse xiii corne firom the Chins Up Fuud, for v;noich Ca'ýnadian Scouts have îaised 'ery ,SS,000. >The money has been use for reiiev- ing eScouts who lest Lbeir !homes lu the blitz on!] B1-rtai-., wblile a portion lias be e aside for the, rehubilitaI-tion of S-couting lui A digte grauntecs ut Up- lans ArpotOttawa, receutiy, was thUM- n oy Scout, Luis pu ofezGme, 'IMeoxico City, Luis -cete Ottawa miore than a yerug-,0 wsuabet seka word of Engiisb. Do- minlion ndDitic Liaduarters of thieBo Scouts assisted the lad mi rd for bim wb,1ile ho atteuded Ottawa Tïechu]icai Schooi,) te learu English. Luter o a aditdintio the RI,. ho reeve is wng t tht bauds,î of the Governor-enrathe Enri of Athione,woiedrt aiily, is the Chýief Scoeut for Can- adaý. Luis wao ommissioni- e-d upon bs ruaion a1s lapilot, The leader of the party visît- iug a mentai instiution et up te a grIOCp of lmtssadn nleaIr ItheguteL. Quietly lho ad- dressed eue of them. The ohrgiud pointed te the party, Mudrave he simple repiy: "Because we're net ah charm and pieif ShLe feels "ail woîund u lp" with nLervous tensioni?O the therbaud.. caim, strfong nerve 91ua ygve n wnman poiseand qut sevstuke the 1b-ard, tente 1)loo o erfaiallscle<s. If nerves Ibother,- treat the with rest, whlolesmi efond, f2wlerC acivities, pleCnty Oef sunin)ie and fresbýl air. Lu h enime take a fer in hu eped 'dores ofwmc wb ufrdfrom oveý-rtazed Inerves TakeNevnacrdntadrcis te elpreeegeea rouci slelssesler vous fears aliindinet vou bedueble. Effervescîg Nervine ~Taiet ar 35 éan Sc5. Nervinie Liqid:2CI an $100. ISSUE No, 3n-43