ORONO WEFMLY TIMES TRURSDAY, The Orono Weekly Times vEstablisheci January, 1937. ued every Thursday morning at the Times Office Orono, Ontario ýrtising Rates on request Subscriptioni, $1.25. R. A. Forrester, Publisher The people cf Orono and district want tonak sure when they ea-ve their cans for te nig-ht that tilhy are prýcpeily locked up soe that nlo one eau stea1 them. If ever'y car was lucked away in a gar.- age and the- car diber locked, ýthere -would not ha yery -nlany Cars stelen. 'Pao inany people leave ther ca s o the street at ndight and they are only mingwork for the peu ee department M you leave the Car dber open the i.hieves can soon start the car by just crossing certain ýwres. They don't needl the fkey. Apple Picking Timne "The vvice of the apple ipieker la heard in the land. " Here is a statenient fwhich describes a rurai industry naw nearing the crowvning of its seasen. Inu the east ionths, extensive paaain have fieen under way--preopara4;ions leaii-g 'up te the prasent opiendid bhaivest. Ceonsiderable expeuse is entailed in these preparations, which include pruiu'gl-, spraying, thinninlg and other ýessential work. Apples sei so tyipfally Ganadian. They play suoli a part in cur dmsi sichenle o,? thingas. W'hen sulgar hecnes nmore plenti- fi they willpa a -.il gcater part, aven of yore. L) thea mean- ture, let us iodk upom the ripeuaed fruit in the lig'hl4 of liat it reaiiy consttuts-a ùounty of our own land, and racail the falet that orange hat dwellers proba'by sec, in it what -we see in ithe ams extinct orange-a luxury. Remember the Boys Overseas Recenit aetivity in cennection with the packagilug and mlalling ')f overseas Christmlas g-ifts, offers a timely reminder that suCh mail Guust soonibe on its way inu order to insuire arrivai :by Chnisturas. The Red Cross and Certain mraternai a.nd churcli onrganigations Will continue the -ood -work thua egn but it belhooves the indivýiduai aiso, to sea that friends, relatives, and in faet il fermer townspao- pie -wbÉo have lef t car shores iu the ight for freedoim, are renei- lbered t1ris Chistmias. A ltter or a ýcard will uftank suffice to britug sunsh lue and frash Lear-t and coufidence teý these absent oues. Letter wrlting ia flot a congenuial task for miauy os cf. flowever, at this time of the year, anid nder the prresent cir-Cumstaulcas, iiolthiug siould iprevent lis frein giving the needÉed "lihft" to those wre lirod near and dear, and %vho will isee-4n aur owu persou:al message tha eoiueeting fiuk with home, aud ail that home imiples. Newsy exeerpts fron the borne town -,paper eanu near a great deal, belung second only to the personali message of which we 'have al- Teatdy spoken. Postai regulatious and shiwphing 'paca do flot permit the selning of entire papers oversas 'herefore, -we -would enjoin our readeis te dorward the newspaper clippings whl:Ch they kenow 'wllI be oet luterest te o au one, hut by ail mneaus te witewhatevec claims other dutias nmay have upon our tice. Let us suppot the rworthy groupa who are laboriing lu this ýdirection witfh our timle, iaani-s audî service. Let uis d'o ouir 1iiidividual duty too, and iChistmas, which at the haest nst be lonely, wÎ11 also 1ihld f or cur mauy friends "over lhere" the assurance that the old l-boxle toWtn has reuieiibered theYn. This Is Godl's Country "'GodI's :Couuntry" is an apYpellation somet'imas applied ln a more or leýSa irattu fashion to outl1ying cut bamieits and set- tienieuts. 'There have ro dout been cases when the "Cap ftted." Ou-r rural fiauits haveflot always ouered all that eouid be de- ~sred iu the eyes of ciscrniiating nud sophisticated udrban folk, IHowever, the past. few mcuths have been bringing adicral chan.ge of lieanit l intis very inttar. City and towu rentai fTees ase highl, aud 1iousing is becomîug -Pore and more acute as the influx of population ingg1ravates the condition. On the other hand, rieut and living Costs in the country areIowr tanthose of these langer centres. Stilimre, tel- iereut urg,-e to "own a lttepa is sÉrong lu the mincis of 50o mauy peu~ple, and there is the addmd prospect of perliaps kecepinfg a cow, soeeohckens or a pig-. W'eIlee that car readers will agree with -Lis that our "littie places" are staging acmdc. Ottentimes g-oodl an eau e sured in Country storýes whicli are mot se eadily available lu towu, auidý indeed, a -sense of calm and Tepose prevails, nuknorwn amnid the ostIe oI business. Speaking in thiaý veinÉ liringa ste niind the, case of the, Village of Leskard, which rrossibly beans mnauy efth e a ttrihbu t -e s enibed ilu th is articele. Nest- ling as il does agiust the everlastbxjg ibills, nearly ever-y one of its liom-es quaintly uamled, p(ahace the pae in commiii-on with 50o miany others lilce itseif, ean boas', a "outîÉ which is damied the Lowvn, yes, even the langer village. lit a be that our fT!ends ,%vithin its iconfines piossesis a hidden heritage, just as there may be mire than greets the eye in the ue-atiy lettered sigun which maÉks tts southeru. applroaches, and ,whichi reads: «Villag-e cf Laskard "Tis is G(Fods Couiiry" "Do't Drive Like Hll" Why We Should Be Thankful As au introduction te has "NeigIiboriy News" bodntjuast vmeeetiy, Andy Clarke gave a colorf ai desicriptien of the ýcity ligots a.s Ie viewed theni frein the elexation of his office iu <owntewn T®ronto. _Mr. Clarke Ceomupared the Condition lu oun ewan couatry -with that ef ther landsa veea liglits muust be obscurad through fear of aýeYial attack. With these thoughts lu vieiwý, we remnind our readers cf our reed for thuk(fuines. evdu Lun this regard. Tee ette i, he miatter ef food i lha thiug ve se asý offeaing u- s that adivautage and mless- ing vehicili wa know is ours, as over and ag-ainat the lot of aur friends and allies nearar the zcone cf war. ýPens-;onis neturning- frein aCresa th~e sea u-nrvel fint of al ut the appairent abuud)ance cf foodi here at lieuse, aund tthon secoudly at tire myriad liglits which mark our ýcties, -tousandviag~. iree1t-u wh 7 av knwuoldLodonif ssitv :1 gratitude. igain ha 'NEWTO NV ILLE ,Mr.s. Spencer iBuriey l- ill iin bed. filis. Lelaud Payse lias beeu il]in bed. -Miss Rae Phhiip,Toronte, visitedý -Mrs. W. D. Joues. M.adMs. Chas. Morris visited friands in Toronto Sunday. LAC Raymnd Gilmer . iras gene11(-,te Brandforci for au advanced courseini flying. i~,n nJoue(ýs oethtIe R.C.A.F., Malton, visýited isis othew, 'Mrs. W. D. Jones. - Mnr. and IMna. Walter Coucr, oe. Oreono, were Suunday guests of Mrs. J. A. Barrie. Mrs. Fred ýBurley, a fermer nresi- dent etNci onvi lasaiously i11 lu Port Hope Hosipitai. ,Miss Wilma Prouse spenthtIe wveek-end witihanerparents, Wandeu sud iMrsa.,W. R. Proase, Osaca. Mnr. Mlville Joues, Mr. and Mrsý S. ýR. Joues vïsited IMna. Henry Jou-es lu Port Hope HeIsipital.ou Sunday. * Miss Laurna Pearce, TPoronto, Mn. sud Mm. iHarvey Oshonue aud tami- iîy, Welcomae, visited Mn. sud Mrs. J 'P. Fearce. Congratulatioyns te Evelyn, Statple- ton who was tira junior g-irl winuier at tIre annual field day 0f Oreno Itigir Scrcol. MnV1. LladMlîson, Osbawa, Pte, Edgan Milîson, Woodstoek, sud 3Mn. Floyd MWilîson, Providence, we-re home Sunýmday. AIC2 Milton IMorton, MaG i Ui- vansity, Motreal, speutltha week- Send -with iis parenits, 'Mr. sud Mns, Robent MÉoton. Misa enti Scott,T'Pnot, sud Mra. John ýScoýtt sud haire, Naýwcas- tie, speut the Week-end wlth -Mn. aud Mrs. Norman Secott. Miiss Flessie Grahrami sudMrs. Bannatt, Cowauville, Mn. sud Moa. Samn. FrenceirToonot, visited Mn. and -Mns. WiIlis Farrow reicently. Mr-. and'iMna. W. A. Adama, Au- drey sud Keith, Lake Shore, Mn sud .Mns. Da'wsonu Bercee, Morrah, wr Sunday guasîs oet Mn. sud Mns. Bruce Whitney. filis. ýW. MilEg~an aecoipjaniedl Mn.. sud MA'f. DernisarsudMn. aud Mms. Fred IGraliani, Newcastle, t-) Miniden whanre tlney spent lire weak- end wîth friends. Mn.sund Mrs. Aruiold Wada metor- ed le Lindsay ton tIra week-end andl irnouglit home Iis niothie, Mra. J. Wad'a, aise Misa Zeinra Webster sud, Miss Jean Wade. M1isa Benyl Maàhiiesor, 'Toronto, Dormnerly et Tuxtrd, Sssk., spenl a fecx days aI lina parsonage. Miss Matiison w \as organiat in lu 'Puxord Chairhwbere -Mn. Mtiachian was atatioued fer sema leyeans. Communion Service rWorld!Commiilon SundaY was obsenved ilu NewýtonvilleI United Churcir ontire previeus .Sanday,l Sept. 2Gth due te a very specigi ser- vice IreId on Suudffay, Otcher 3r4. At thia service, an boucan roll basting tira narnesof tweuty-six youngpao- pie in tIre ai-ii-ecl forces fioni tIns ditrict, xvas unvciled.- Mr. Jclin.El- mer, a vetera-n of lIra last World War, uinveiled tIrerail, sud Mns. Frank Gilmer read lIre names otflira txverty-ýflve ycung men aud oe younigxvamau. The guest speaker was Rav. Walteý Tistram, Padie et' Bpuvmanyille Intarument Camp. His miessage was hased On John 3:16, '"God's sacrifice [Per US," eUiphaSIZIn1g that wxv tpe miuat tak-e ap oun cross, il xve wold Ire aI our hast sud blasa aur fellexvs. 'Pire choirn nndered speclimusic.tIa.anthein "TIreLord la nny iShaipIrrd"; Miss Jean Cnp- bel's solo, "Lau-J cf Hope sud GIory"l added mach toe lr mra silvenesaanrd inspýiration cf the ser- vice. The sitar was decked with baskets et gladioli sud asters. Mauy meniliera ot other cogeaon joiued lu chia special heuretfxvr- ship. .>W. A. Meeting Tire Septemiber mneeting efthtIe W. A. was held at tire home et Mrs. George Heudern cu on Weduesdflcay aveuing. Fclowing tire s!iuging eti tIre ]oxelcsgyiMna. iHeuderson gave tIera enPturýe readîug and lira repent Ot Isat montIr'a m,îkeeting was read sud adeptad. TIre treasurar reportad $19.75 cleared frein lie Presbytery dinnet. Mrs. MeLaclainî, convenen etflIra hazaan eannittee, repos-ted on vaieus planasnmade and different pansons appointed te bin katter var- icus tables. 'PIre decrale's bill fer work doue on pantny xvaa pnesented and erdered paid. 'Pie usual dloua- tien oet $25 beanàrdtIr aannuail than!in: offerinlg was uuauimeously agreed ou. A committee ceusisting eft Mrs. Re&- kiap, lMrs. W. Joues sud Mrs. Ar- uenld Wade was appeinled.t toleoin at- Ien tire buyiug sud -sending cf sel- <iens' Chistimas boxas. 'PIe roîl1 calliwi,-a reapondele hy 'ýail present preseting semai article for use lu üur rlr kitdlien. A g-re-at mnany usefai sund ornameutal gifla -ware ne- civad xitI tIre pr!oise çetM cea more ii tire futur-e. Mn. MLachiian dismiçssed tfie meeting xitirtire bene- iction. Naxt nmonth's meting xiii ha Ireld aI 1theIronie efMi-_s, Sani SmiCir3and tIre comml--ittee lu chargýe FOR SALE BY TENDER Ona behalf cf R. R. foýzter, Admin- !,trater eof thie Estate ef the late Rob,!ert Foater, ten-derls will be ne- ceived hy the nesinr up te noion uthre 23lrd day etOf tbr 1943, for thc Late Rbet ose property onl the nontb ide ef Park Street, Oronro. TIre house, ciou ue of' the ulceat xresidential streets lu tIre Village, has ten iroomas and dividad cellan, anîd eau aasily ie made into a large home or rem-odeled te maikeaa duplex wtli five recu-is lu eacli a-pait- meut. 'Ple lot la about 66 feat by 132 feLet wîth spaice cn1 both aides cif the'hua;s and a goýodi gardan audi sural! haru. Fon inspection consuit the undersi-ignýed. Terniis Cash. rlig- est ýor aay tender net iuecessan'ily secepted. Dated Oectoher 7th, 1943. R. R. WADDELL, Grena, Ont AUCTION SALE 'PIe underigned Iras received in- str-uctioýns freintIreEsate ef the Late - W. J. sud MAMC$ARET ROBINSON le seil by public auctien 51 Lot 15, Con. 5, Clarke Township (Oine ile easl of Oreue) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13* 1943 tIra fllowing F!Iarur Stock,ý Iiemauts, etc. Herses 1 hay mare, 5 ye2ans oid; 1 bay mare, 4 years aid; 1 bey rmare, 2 y'ears cld. Cattie 1 Bine -Ccx, 4 yaans oId, mniiking; 1 Resu Cerve, 4 yaars oid mliig 1 Black Ccxv, 4 yeassold, due to freashan about time cf sale; 1 Enindie Ccxv, 4 years oid; 1 Grey Coxv, 4 yrs. old, iikïnig,; 1 Blaek, Cow, 4 yaars old- miilking; 1 Blaicki Cow, 4 yeans old, te fraoslen; 1 Holstein Hast et, uiiking; 1 Ruoan Cuw, ") years ld; 1 White H-eifar witli caîf by ide; 1 Red CefW, 5 yeara old, caif by aide; 1 3-yean old Hbaifer In eait; i Black- sud White Cow, 5 yesrs cidi, ilkiug; 2 ýSteans nising two years eold; 2 1-yean oldi Stera; 2 2-yeas- old Heiters; 4 1-yean old Heifens; 3 Veal Calvas. 21piga jrem il100 le Fovel 150 pounds;1 AbouIt 100 ysrcl hns. Grain sud Feed :Fexv hundcred Ibuislires et cals; 200O ibushl aîse barley; arcuud 50 ton eM hay; 4 lead millet. Hartnasa Set et team bharnasa; herse coliana. Impiemients, Etc. 1,Massey-Hannis Binider, 7-1t. ecut; 1 Deeing Moxven, 6 ft. eut; 1. Ceck- shaîtt Seeder, 13-disec; 1 Deelinig he)rse naine, 10 fI.; 1 M-assey-Harnis 34rhýcrasecultIvater; 1 Inaperial Junior Doubla Plicx; 1 Cccekshutt Crexvn Gang PIcxv; 1iSingle Pîow; 1 enae- hersae Scufflar; 1 set et Has-roxvs; 1 Nisco Manuna Spraaden; 1 threa- quarter wagon sud rackn; 1 sel cf toboggan leiis; 1 set et scalea, 2000 pounuda; 1 fanniug miii; i GaI- ting9 box; 1i palper; 1i wh1eelbarrow; 1 gasolinea angine, and numerous,ý other articles. TERMS CASH A. E. Me 11Cheri entesn Elmer Wilbur -k Aucticaneer1 ARJCTION SALE Tire undewsiýgued hlas receivad lustrujctions froua MR. HENRY REICHRA,ýTH to e li hypuiblic auetion at Lot 19, Con. 2, Cianke Township 2 miles east of Nocs i o MONDAY, OCTOBER Il tIre iosigFanmStck iplements, aec Horse's 1 Percheron Helrse, 3 years eld. Cattle r 1 jRed GCcv, 8 years old, due lui Api;1 lRed iCaw, 7 years old, dlue nlApnil; 1 Aged Ccxv, bred Septem- 'ber lat; 1Hetr 3 yearsý, Jdue lu Dicemiibar; 1 Steer, risiug 2 yeaIbs; 3 Yearlin g Steers; 1 Bull Caif; 1 Durhýam pýu1l, 3 yenss ld. 7 Poultry 40 Rock Puilets; 8 Nemhnuipshmre limplements 1 Deing Mower, 6-foot eut; 1 set cf 3-section Harrews;- 1 Sing-le 1 Melotte Sepa-trator. Lot ot geed, Furniture, Stoves, Etc. TERMS CASH Sale at 1.30 P.m1 Westoi Stringer Jack Reid, Clark Auctioýnéer 1e0 saine will be, Mrs. S. Lancaster and -Mrs. S. Smithr. Classifieéd FOR RENT Aý,partim-eit la Kumrite Apart- nients. Apply to R. P. Wâldeil, Orono. tf FOR SALE liorus, 1 year-oldJs. phliee l r 3, Oncueo. A. H. Keana. FOR SALE Tu-xade Suit, comieta 4n avery daal, lu fin-st-class cO"nditiOn. NO charge for is~PctiOn. Orme Ganisby, NOTICE The party iwheo removedi the elec- trie fenice frouai aleug tire ren 'd fence line ea the W. J. iRebinson Estate, ihad better reitura Il et once or, ie exposed auld sufer -the consequanices.J a-S'Y-c STRAYED steer, liglit aro n ad white, tag lu ýear -with mny namne and adidress. AuyùuEý hacving inifoirmatio'tn about tItis aninli piaase phofine J. A. Pat terson Rl.P. 1, Grea, and recaîve raward]. a -36-c THANK-OFFERING SERNECES Thaufk.Offcrin~g Services xiIi ha ire1luKn eudal Chancir on Suiiday, Ocetober 21h, ait 11.30 a.uî. and 7.30 p.Gues, speaklýer, Rev. Thom--as Wa41ace of GneenlauIk, a former paston. Speeiai mus!ie by the choir. b-S 8-c FOR SALE Sievan-roomcd lieuse, centra hall plan, liard and soft water laidle, ~nice laîwaj and garden double gar- age, lange dhicken lieuse (practicaliy new), and stable. All building-s -with eiacetricity. Tirrea wira service te lieuse. Apply te IMna. E. Unden-woodi Kandal; phne Clanke a4111. c-38-p.1 Tire October meeting cf tIre Oreno Wnman's Instituita wil be lield lu thea Gouncîl Charnier on1 Friday, Occteber 15th, at 2.30 p.i. 'The commn-ittee cn CitUizenship lu charge. Speciai speak- ers are axpeeted. Roll Call, 'A Tlreuglit froin Poetry onr Prose" . Tea pxviiiýb ie savad. AUTUMN MUSICALE Au Autuin i Musicale xvii ha giiven in Park St. Chanci, Onono, on Satur- day, Octoben 16th, by the sýtudents cf Mrs. W. C. Lynicli. A silven col- lection xiii ire taken eit the d1ýoor for a -wan ýchanity and we woulld ap ciate the atteuidanea cf a g-ood crowd cýf parents aîml frienda. 'Plie prognain viii begin ait 3.30 o'cieck. KIRBY ANNIVERSARY krlby United Cliurcl illii hold thair aunivensary- services on Suni- day, Otober 10th at 3.00 p.m. sud 7.30 p.mi. At the cftennoon service Rev. J. E. Griffith i ii ha the speak- er, -xvhile tIre eveiugi service xiii be taken by Rarv. R. E. Morton, chair- urian eoftresbytany. iSunday School xii ueet as usuail at 2 pan. Ceniee and joiu witir'LuS on this a-nuiversary ar Tanegiviug occasion. AUCTION SALE HOUSE, LOT, and FURNITURE TPie undersigued iras i*ceivýýd instructions ïra)m tIre Estate cf tire Late MARTHA PETHICK te sel hy Public Atretien'a± Irn .lata homne lu the VILL.VGE 0F NEWTONVILLE Ou FRIDA,%Y, OCT0OBER 8th the felîewing Heusehioldi Effects: 2 Bednoomi Suites; Bedroem Diali- es; Draop Leaf Table; 3 sinail Tablas; Kitchan Table audi 6 Chairs; 2 Stoeas; Kitcheni Cabinet; Sattea; 2 Wickepr Chairs; Odid Chairs; 2 Cou- chas; Eloor Gileth; Stair Runnen; Carp-ts; Quart and Plut Botties aud other articles tee uiurneneus te unr- tien. The 1'1/2 stoney Frame bouse, Lot, lange gandan aud stable, etc.. xiiiie offened for sale subject to a neserve. bld. -Sale te commience at 1 p.mn. ~TERMS CASHI W. J. Haneock, Auctioneer The United Kingdom jir as au area cfs 94,200 square mi-iles, wiith a popu- lation et about 47,6,00,0000. Canada bas au anea oet.3,694,80n squlare miles wlth a Population et 11,419,000.1 Patronîze youn home mrhns Prof essional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYL9ICI4N and SURGEON Office batrs: 2.00 t.0 4.00 p.ým.; 6,30 to 8.00 P.M.. PHIONE 47rl ORONO VETERINARY DR. W. W. SHERWIN and DR. J. T. SHEPPARD VETERINARY SURGEONS Office Main St. Orpue Phone 56 r 7, Orono J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo.- bile and Liability Orono AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Condclllts Auctio-n Sales of all eizee ,and, a, reasorable rates. Cemmuniucate -with hl-m at Foret Ferry, Ontario, or seae his Cierk, A. E. Menýton, at Orono, for date. GEORGE KEYESý Auctioneer & Valuator Pure Bred Live Stock, Parmagi l 'Furnitture Sales a Specia1ty. Non.c te large, none te Srma1I Graduate Relppert's 'Scito-l et~ Auictieueeninig, U.S.A.,' pu eoveral years' seling eaxperîence. %atS Reasneile. Write R. R. No. P., Orano, Ontario, W. F. Wardi BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY. Phones: Office 825 - Residence 409 BOWMAN VILLE - ONT. E. E. PATTERSON Insurance Agency FIRE -AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY AND LIABILITY Phoene 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. 0. REPRESENTING sorne of the. Largest, Strongest and Most Reliable Insurance Firms in Canada Farm Property a Specialty I arn prepared bo quote you rates from 40c. a hundred, accordlng bo classification of Building Phone, write,: or better stali, call. I wili ire pleased tb quote you rates on your property which xill surprise you. 4 4 4 4 4 -4 F. F. M ris&Son Funeral Directors, Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bewmanvile - Orono Phones: Bowmanvilîe, Day 480 Night, 754 and 673 Oreno, 27-I The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furnîture Store and Modern Funeral Service in e Durham ')ur Service-THIE BEST Our Gos-TI-IE NEWEST Our Pices-THE LOWEST MORIS& SON I WMANVILLF - ORONO . ï . Ontario