ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TFIURSDAY. OCTOBER 7thi, 1943 Judge Cerman, Coboûrg, Local News fias Car Stolen iM.-ance 11) ëpr and family, o Tlornto haeueted Mrg. E. Smith's Wben Car11 thieves go out to steal ]residec nMi sre. Vne a car the-1y do't seeýiiuV'o care whiose ý'who with the RCAJF, has been ,ear they take, or thev doi"t knlowo, 'ved to Believille. whvlo 'o'xns the ear. on Wednesday nig aitaon lee 'lc, 'FI'git Sergeant R. H. Keane, who igli las, trrii-l even,. bascel , en ý instructing a t No 8Ai thieves stole the car eingngto Obevn choQee, oi.S sAir Judge ('Germaniii, 0 o Cibourg.el01,Qeýc i sed The car is a 1940 Pontine Sedan, a two weskýsý"furio(,ughl with hlis 2 one bnue. If the thieves ,,ar parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Keane. ~prehendled ai-d have to appear hefor>e Aipple ýpickers tare 'vk-y busy now Judge Gernmnn for their trail, theygog the rounds of the diffcrent or., wxil stand a siim chance 'od umissing àarda harvestinig the apple crop. a termi in the pententiary. Someo ordhards are pretty heaivily There secems to lie an epidenile of oaded while in othera the apples are 'car stealing. in the district, and it is scarce. bar-d for the police Vo catch themn. -0--'The dlock on the town 'hall la hold. W. R. STRIKE CHIAIRMIAN 0F ing a~ black-out ail its o'v.its ;face NATIONAL WAR FINANCE cannot (Le disceq-ne<j at nigh-t, maki- COMýMITTEF FOR DURHAM ing, it imnpossible for the laVe arivais Mr. J. A. R-uine of Port Hope, Who Rbas ýbeen chairman of the National Wiar Finance Committee for 'Durhami Oounty during (,he iast four Victory Loanvs, has rotired, and, is now 'Hon- oeery Cbairman for the Gounty. MAr. Ross Strike of Boinanville, who bas been Vice Chairman in previous Camipaignis, has gecepted the Chair- manship for the coming Fifty Vie- tory Lo-an Camipaiigun whichi opens ,Octoiber 18th. Mr. J. J. Melior 'of Orono is again Chairnian for Carke To'wnTishiip an'd 'a husy getti.ng Na sOrganîzaýtion in saa.pe. conin' bone o aee bow. laVe tbey really arýe out. Aniotier real etate deal bias ju t been in dluOronio. Mr. Os Co'wan has purchased Vie home o4 Miss Augusta 'Ilh'orniton who i l ow reilgin Mllro.Mr. Cowar'ý julst recently biad bis famm sale,, hut wvill n'ot mnove Vteown for sonieimie. 'Orono L.O.'O.F. No. 4 3 6 beld a very sucesaful dan!e lu Vie locual town hall on Friday ven or cfastý we(,e k.Rusa 'Crcigiton and ils ar- tists froni Toronito supplied -.VC1ie m- Sic. Aîter 'al cxpenses were paid avound $45 -was left oýver Vo be used fo'r war 'wýor k. Mr. W. H. Barrett and Mrs. Crane motored Vo Stayn'er aud vi*sited,( with-, frienda near the Eennl inpoimt, vuliýhilas stuated iiear - Stayiuer, W'iiie tiere hey visîted Vlie spot whvlere tie Kitchener flyer was kili- ed in a n-mpm-ne crash. The 1¶yez mnn'oeuvred bis plane 50 as to missI n fanii k»pement a-nd a bocuse.. A good-sýized icongregatiou, attend- ed Vie morning service cfrk ri St. 'Cburcb at Sunda-y. Tihe'Commun- ion semvce ,whici followed was lu ýconjune(-tion wlth Vie twice-yearly world-wide observa-nce cff Hoiy Cora- munion whlîric a' eïing furthered ihy Christian iodles 'cf alil denownina- dions, end upon wbich theme the paator's sermon 'was based. A mepeting cif Vie Clas-ke Townabhip Canvasseris was beld -V tie home of Mr. J. J, Melo(r, Oono, on' cus day evening, Septem,.ber 2.2iidsud initial plans for Vctory Lonu Cami- paigu for Clar-ke Tonbpwere dis- cssed. Those pr'esent inuel: 'Msr.J. J. Mellor, 'W. E. Davey, C. R. JCarvath, Arno'Id Wande, F. W. Trufll, R. HI. Wckett and ýC W. Mc- Brlide. RED &WITE STORES SPECIALS IThursday, Friday and Saturday QUALTTY IIIGIIER TRAN PRICE ]Bonelesa Round Steak, lb. Brisket, lb. Sirloin Steak, lb. Shoulder Round Roast, lb. Rump Roast Beef, lb. Ask for Lamb Flame Tokay Grapes, lb. Good Cooking Turnips, lb. Fresh Mushrooms,lb Hubbard Squash, each Grapef ruit, 2 for Celery, 2 bunches Cauli flower, each Cranherries, lb. Head Lettuce, each Good sized Cabbage, 2 for 38cý 17c 26c 35c 25c- 15c- 55c 27c 15c 25c 35e lOc 25c- Local' News Wyr Ro'bert Gliville was ini Tom- onto, on Thurs-da.y of lasýt week. Mrs. J. 'E. Richards an Ms. cc Buters spent 'Monday at Oshiawa. Pte. "ýl-otty" Wîiner, Trno spent.SwAday witb bis wife andfani ily. Mr-."Wm. i-MofFatnt one day lwat wecik ouna business tn-p to Tor- 'omto. lMr. Mine Smlitb, Toronto spent n few 'days Vie fore part ùf thisweek in toýwn, Mr. Gordon Brutoii, Toroato, spen~t Vhe, week-end with bis mother, Mrs L. (Brton. Mr-s. Norman Allun bas received, iwordc of Vie saý)fe arrivai of lier buis- 'band in England. Jack Buckley, af tbe A'rmed Fo' - ces, Kingaton, 'speut the week-end with -Mrs. Bu7ckl-Y., 'Mris. Ernie 'Rîli, Smitb Fails, spent the past we'ek with r. -V .Percy Morg-an, SixthLîe Pte. Bruce Mercer-, of Niaaa, is visiting with bis par-ents, 'Mir. -an d Mrs. Rnrry Mevcer. 'Mrs. la'rry ILycett has returned honme nftdr spendling a week'sva- tion in Torvouit reently. Bob Onis return wilIlen-ve for Dbr.N.S., whiere ho -will take a twvýelve weeks" special cour'se. 11fr an'd Mrs. Percy Coopier and f'ami'ly, Os'hn-wa, spent Sundny wîtb rein-ives in ýOrono and districet. Drains an'd ditches wre bein'g opened up ia Vhe souVi ward iu pre- paration for next apig's tbaw. Ms-s. Jas. G. Tau#>lyn bas rctutmnŽl- ed borne alter a monti's visit with lfriendsa nt Nortbh'Bay and Po'wn-as'sýnn Clarke Toýwnsihli Councîl mat in the counicil charnier, O1ono', on Taesday àftiernoon, for heir October meeting. Mr. and Mrs. 'Victor 'Rancoe.k anid children spent, Suuday -with Mr. and -Mrs. IHarold HancQek at Elmciroft Farm, 1'Osthanwa. Mils. R. U. Bro'wn visited witih ber 'mnVýhe, Ms.sLimbert, and lher sister, Mrs. Andrews, in Toronato, the fý or-e- part of lat weîèk. C'alrvin D'anai of tbe Canadian Armed 'Fores,., aarv'edI safely in England on Spembr5Vh, after. a very uneventful voyage. Mr. Win. Neail, of Montreal, bas returned Vto that c'ty after spendiag a Vwo 'xeeks' holiday with relatives and frienda in the distri(ct. Mr, 'nnd ýMrs. 'C. A. J'ohnsto.n, cf B'owxmaniile, and rMr. -and , Mrs. ,RaWwl VirVue,ý Osb'awa, spent Sunay w itl MT. and Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan. Wood cutttinigria in fmll sin* Orono end vicinity, -arid ouy local wood 'cutter, "Johfn Best, says h'e can bard'iy fl'nd tany time Vo sieep and en-t. Mrs. Dent, Toronto, bas r eceived word that ber sou Ronald las no'w, progreé,sing favourably and bas heeïi rensoved froru the liat of serloualy ll. Mr. Roand Smith,, Tbron'to, made a 'business journey here last Satur-. day, b'ýàmvig di'sposed of sone 'of Vbê equipment 'of bis formier machine shop Vo M.Neilson of th'e Metallic Art PIoduts. REPAIR YOur R ADIO)Nolw Don't wait until parts become srarce., For your convenience we cariy a complete Une of I- -- -- - NOTUcE TO TUE HOLDERS 0F DOMINION 0F CANADA 5% BONDS DUE AND PAYABLE AT PAR OCTOBER 15, 1943 AND 4% BONDS DU1E OCTODER 15, 1945 (which have been called for payment at par onOotobor 15,1943) Your holdings of these issues may be converted into Fifth Victory Loan Bonds dated November 1, 1943. Bonds of these issues wiIl be accepted ut a price of 1004/0 %inipayment for Fifth Victory Bonds. This conveesion may be arranged du ring the Victory Loon with your Victory Loun salesmaîn, with your Baink, Trust or Loon Company from whorr details ore avoulable. OEI'AtTMENT 0OP FINANCE Local News Mmr. John Ainmlstroug left on Wed- nesday last on bis Faîl trip Vo the West 'Coast. We understand that ýMr. Johin Armstrong bas a pipeles furnace. that does noV require anly pipes. Mr. end 'Mrs. John Edwards' and daughter Mary and 'Miss Walker ' of O'sha'wln, were Spuiday vlsitors , Qf ~Mr, and Mrs. fPerce Chaprnvu. £Mrs. John Armistrong 1eaýes (to-j day) Thursday for Ottawa, where she 7will spend a two weeks' visit 'with bier sonmI. George Armnstrong and rwif e. Mr. ai-d Mrs. owd McCom.b, Mrs. i. T. Edreards and :Mm. Gren- ville Williai's, 0f Oshawa, and Oorp. ,an>d Mrs. "Ted"' RCombEAF, cf Ram ilton, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Ch-,pi-ianït. Th~e Board of AlViangemieut of Newcastle Community Hall' are hold- ing a dance at that ýtown on Thurs- day -eý-ning, Octoier ILIth. There ivilîl ýalso be 'special attrnctions at this dance. Rus Creighton adhas Variety Dance Band '-will be iu at- tendanice, al'ong with 'Clama and Josephine, the celebrated Tnp Dance an'd Acrobatlc Teani, n the OlLea.r'y Sisteris, outstandin.g Har- moeny Siiers and Guitatr, in new and .oid songs and iMouintahnBa-lladas. Ad- mïssion just the saine, 50c. person. Be sure to attend.1 FALL FAIR DATES Marxmora....t..L-.. ....... Oct. 12, 13 Pot Hope............... '.... _...... Oct.: 8, 9 Stirling ........ . .................._Ocpt. 7, 8 Roseneath.e.... ŽOct. 14, 15 WarkwPorti ................Oct. 7, 8 For - Cernent, Lum- ber (rough -or dressed) SEE McLAREN Orono Coal & Lumber TUBES, BATTERIES, CONDEN- SERS aad'RESISTORS 1Orono Tinshop If unable to hring your radio to the shop, Phone Orono 42 r 2 C. R. KNOX PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. Litttlewood THANKS1GIVING, Suntday, October lOth Z&ijecet,"T'kgvng -2.30 p.m.-4Sundcay 'Scboool, ,00 ýp.m. -- E'vening service cancel'le.d lu fa-vosuir of Kirhy Ainiversary Service at 7.30 "Blesa the Lord,. 0 VMy Soul, and f or-et net anl Ris leie- Psa]lst If You Ned 1ýStable Equipment Order Now R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orea. Phoe oi~eS Seýnd. the Timnes to your frienids. The regular iuonthly neetnig otf ail he ro-the 'Oxono Brandli of the Red Crosz :D~t orgt t orer ocýIety wlfl be heId (today) Thurýs- cai'es yrou ieed on Saturday Vo last da at 3 P.mi. unii1fi TueýsdIay, as the ýstor-es w11 fi e y c os n on , londiay (Thain'kgi-vi.g 1Tihere rwas a si-endlidcr 1ow\d of Day). -ladies iat week to hieIp with the Day).quilting and the donations of ar.ticlen- Orono Lo4ge, I.O.O.F. No. 436 ar-e for tie soâdiers"' boxes. holding three dances between n ow A-Qy Wh.o werle unable Vo attend, 'and Cbnatmas. 'Che neat dance will rnay still 1jeave- dIonationis wvith Mrs- be on Frîday, October 91h; On 'ri- iHesper Dean or 'Mrs. IH. ýurray. dIay, Nýoveiiiber 26th another "je wIIl Afteinoýo1 tea. wa s served last -,be held, while the leýst one will be week 'under the supervision of IMr9L heli on, Friday, Deceniber 17th. Cut J. ýC. Tamublyný, wlith the assistance [ont this slip and reserve thsese dates «of Mrs. iGauld, Mns. (Fred 'Lyoett and for thé differenit lodge dances. Mrs. Horold CoWbedlclç, AR MSTýROÉ'NG 'S. 1IT P A'YS TO rP AY C AS H Phones 2 r1and 70rl1 IIOSIERY, Girls' Knee Socks in al - sizes Priced and Chilren's Long ings, in A Priced 25c. to colors. to 85C. Stock- sizes. .59. SH-OES Bargain in JE Black Pi Suede and4 pair... Pastry Flour 24 lb. bag 37c. Lemons 3 for IOc. Javax bottie Fresh Shoulder Pork ib. 30c. DRESSES Ladies' Dresses,' Coats za-nd Ilats just arrived. Cail and see them. WOOL SUIT'S AND SWEATERS Boys' Wool Kn t Suits in sizes 2 to 4 years, in shades of red, blue, ý'reen, navy. Priced .... ...$1.59 Also floys' Windbreak- ers, in sizes 6 to 14 years, priced from $1.95 $3.95 to......$4.50 Aeroxoit Fly Couls 2 for crab Apples I.qt. 'basket Sait 5 lbbags Ail Wheat Irown and imps, in Al Patent sizes, per Fresh Sausage 2 lb. 35c. Sago 5c. Hlot-" Chocolate pkgl. Çc. ,We have Veai and Lamb for :4 Apply ai the ORONO TIMES OFFICE Orono - - Ontario I J. J. CORNISH Deliveries wili be miade on Saturdays Oniy