Twe, veterans of Dieppe, C.S.M. James Murphy (left), who won the Miitnry Medal at Dieppe, and Sgt. John Carroll; of Toronto, who wvas mentioned in despatches for services in the sarne action, pictured' aboard ship as îhey sailed with Canadian troops fer the Sicilian- battle thectre. Lieut,-Gen, Joseph W. Stilwell, commander of U.S. forces inii ndia, Chinia and BuPtrma, cofes ew Amerîcani order of Legion of Menit on Gieeralissimo Chnng Ki-shek. Award was highlight of cane- illenies ait Chnging ùun sixth anniversary of Chiiîc's War with Ja- Modern Etiquette Bp Robeyrta Lee 1,Wul t l'eail right te addrss CedngJ invittinte "IMr. and -Mrs. George L, Siîth and Family"? 2. Ta it proper for ahots te offer lher hand-te callers v-kicn receivinig thomni? 3. la it co-inideredl bad formi for a guest te take , second helping aât dinnier if it 4e effered?ý 4. Ta H correct, wher iting te z, divorce(! woman, fe addr-ess the envelope "Mrs, G", cc Wil- son', ~5. Should a girl takeliter p)ursýe with bier when geing euit for an eveing of entertalamiieat with anesot 6. Is it obligatory for the bride's attendants to wear igleves'? ANS WERS 1.No if the children- or ether memibens, of the fnmiiy are old eniough te be invited, lta s e para,,-t e invitation miust be senit toeaecli one. 2. Yes, always; te -bothi aiea and ýwemen, aNo; the guest nieed net lhesitate te do -se. 4. No; if she lias retc'ied her married namUe' anid her maiden name was Grace Jones, address it te "Mrs, Jones Wil- so." 5 This is a mattero personal chiie, lbut it is -IvwaYs betten for a gir t carry her purse. . It is preferable, ai- thiough net absolutely ncsay Ammunition It Ès estimated that 50 figliting .planes cen use up 3o(,000 rounes of smiali-crms ammuniitioin lae minute, as miucb as 10,000 mon in NapTiloleons army wouldà have used la a day's battie. CLASSIFIED ,ADVERTISEMEFNTS A UTr-mo "XLE S-USEID USED CAýRS WITH CGOUD TIRES. sce 'u' first. Moent Pleasant Mo- tors ,1limited. UsEed Car Lot "at 204 Snge Street; He-ad Office, 6 3 2 Mount Picasant Road, To- ronto. T elephone HY., 2181 BAYCHICKS LAST REGULARP BRAY 1-ATCHl- this month. Webave 2-3 we ligt beedpuletsand a few, other. r r now %f-or immediate_ or f al diier.Bray l{atcbery, 130 j"11nN_, Hamiîiltoni, Ont. BUtAIS LARGE BIJLBS FOR FALL PLA_,NT- ing. Rainbow CgJledtien Tulips 2 doz. $1.10. Mixed DaffodilBub 2' doz. $1.10. -]telivered. Ku.,eri Bulbs, -Hatzic,'B.C. We g row th!e best only. DYEING & CLEANIN(O HAVE SU ANYTHLNG NPEL'S dyeing or cieaning? Write (t, us for intorma tien. We are gl1ao te answer yeur questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dyo Works Limited! 791 Yonge Streect. To- ronto.. ELECTRICAL ;EQI IPMEl\IT REBUILT ELECTRIC MOT OR S and equipmert. Repaira,, rewirids, and parts. Complete stoc. men Electrie Company, 2326 Dluffelin Street, Toronto. FAMFOR SI;],; 100 ACRES CLAY LOAM, AUL U 1N- der cultivaîtion, yeun~ orch d Brick bouse with mede onn ienccs. Bank barn, water lin an, two silos, drive shediecrciy One mile from Churchi. Village .Sehoel. Seven miles frein tr- ford. Wouid seli stock, feed, imi- plements with tam.\m, og las, St. Pau,,ls, Onti i .) FOR *.ALE S0MB CHOICE YOUNG3tIUiTR ed Yorkshire sows just bre, ad some choice young Reýgisteed boars about ready for service. Edgar- Dennis, R.R. 2. Auroria, Ont. ARCTIC BLUJE FOXES. SILVER Foxes. Mink. New Fcncings, Supplies. Dands, Swift, Current, Saskatchew~an. 32.50 GOODISON THiRESHER . NOEW condition. 16-20 Rumlcy T'racteri. J. Everton, 129 Rslw o rente. FOOT BL BAUMEEKA FOOT RALM destroys5 offensive odor instantiy, 4.',c bottie. (Ottawa agnDmn Drug Store, Ottawa.a 11PLP WAINTED WANTED: EXPERIENCED FR hand rmuetfbe capable with dlairy cattie. Exceýllent home and go wages to igýht man.AP, Beneteau Bos, Amhe rtg, -R.R. 3, Otre AitDISICESI~U RobPrtson 1 eretbueê information 011 -eILest K-ga.rci ng classesý. .Rebx-tsu's airdressing .Acad- esssry, 13'. Avenue Rea,ýd, Toronto. MEDICAL GOOD DVC VBYSUFFER-pl er of l'nai ains or eur Itis shlould try Dixoni's creedy, Muros rug Store, 8t8 ligs, Ottawa. stad 1O, ALeisurely Lif e Warnings about"ccriesstlk" and people who trte eI (xtract mil- tayinformaion from miembers of Ose fosrcés mayf recaýli tho story e3f one of Marlboroughs eneal howas being oater"taiaed at a big banquet la the- City ef London. Next te hlm wes a taîkative al- derman who iasistetl on 'boring hiai with c succession of questions about the lite of a soldier la the fild. The geneîral fenced witb bim good-humpredIly fer, a tîme, but the alderiman wouüildnet be denied. "But sir," li ema, e,"surely yeurs must be a very laborlieus employneiit?" "Why, e ior," o oined the gon- erai, -"we figttiabouït fou r heurs in the morinjhg and two or tliree- after dinner, aind then we hiave ail the rest omf thie day teousve. Remroving Hi-test Gas Dang-erous Work Merseyside tirýiee worked fer two dlays in a siiip's hiold te pump out L,500 PgallopIs et bigh octane aviationi spirit wicb bci d leekedi jate the heold from d amcged 'con- tainer Their heroi,ýc wek reasoved the risk etof dsatrusexplosion. Sqtipsete th 1e wcist, antd witb al! aletai emve roni their clothiag, the monoectdha pumrps te trailsfer 'the szpirits into 45-gciloiu drame.ý Frýequlent reliefs were necesscry ccd stitsupervis-Ion had te ho mint.ainet fer tear the mon be. cacinte idxicated4 by the fumes ia aq siation whne 10irresponsible act wouid hiave meant disaster. Oxyg en rethngapparatus was kepU l cnstntroadiness for rzescue or reviviag oerations CLASSIFIED AMDERTISEMENTS NURSE-S WANTED WANTEýD IMMEDIATELY, RE- istered NuI;rses, staff duty, sel- ary, $6;5. te maximum $75. ln 6 -mont\hs. $ix-day weee. îGro ves Memorial 1Hox1pîtal, Pergus, Ont. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANI,ý Patent So0licitors. Establishied 1890; 14, King West, Toroýnto. Bookiet ef tafermation n rire- POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banîish tbe Forment' et Dry BEýzem1a, Rashes and .Vepn 5kmi Troubles. Post's EReema- Salve WfiI Net Disappoint You. Itching, Sealing, Burning Ec- zema, Acne, Ringvorm, Pimples and Athietes Foot wili respond readiiy te this stainless, edor- less ointment, regardiess of how stubborn or bopeless they msy seem. PRICE $1.00 PER JAR Sýent post free on reclipt of prie PO'ST'S REMEDIES 889. Queen St. E., Cerner ofLoa TORONTO DON4'T- TRUDGE TH-l'OUGH1- 'lie teient. fRein, -r 1elm HAVE YOUR SNAPS lllivered býy Maii Any ô or bexosr ilm peifectLJy developeci and pitdfor ony ttc Supreine quality adts evc gujaranteed. 01MPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE "ALWA7'1YS SEND Mý-Y ROLLS TO STAR SINAPSHOT SERVICE ...l That'sWna:1acust(omerait Ote monti, Qiie., tvr]tes tc adds: 'Some ef mny fiends asked nme wer1 setlmy ,pictures te be developed( and pinited.-I told tbem, 'send yeut! rellis testar Sna&îtebot Srvce' nd tbey didl. Tbey, tee, aren00W reg- ular custeomers oet'Star naj)s[io1 Servie." Any Size -6 -sor 8 '\rposures. DE".VîmPIED AND P1iTED 25e Boys ad girls on, active se(_rvjrr cnay ettr~se much mor ývhn "snaps' are enclosed, Mail your next roll te Siar sa-ý sho Srvcefor a trial ede. ou Mill _get quality printsý, witb inri, dti-tlowvest cost. And you will g-et the rmst prompt mati serjvice obanbein epingwih uaity work. Str naib4tsioi ectic per. ates Canad 1a s 1bi,gsL andbesi eýquîpped ;photofnihngsudo Sie4 x CI inBeuiu Easel Sou Can bave enlergements celour- cd by band fur a smiall additionai chatrge. STAR "SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 21_!#,,!ostttI Terminai A, Toronto Priftt.L ourniameid dreuvli onalorders. FILMS DEVELOPEI) 25c CO')IN prînt te ech. Mntre iiPoto, !U). Bx1Gi0. StationU, Mîtel SLE,:NDOR ýTABI THRLS from albyll 4, B_, jýTo- route, Ont. The, nien knew ef, hateto mixed witlh aWir l explsive pro-ý portionis is hgl aneos While ter esl ïsd i theme ere withclrawn from sparlk ir-omlthetunes aue ka LInoW Bunkers erbai Pis tea the c useatIts source. Money back if the first bottie de o satisfy. Buy -rom Your tlrnuggisýt. CLASSI FIED ADVERTISEMENTS PROPERTIES WANTED TO liUly WB RAVE BUFYERS 7771TING for Chieken Farms,' Markct Gar.. dens and town or village o uses in cli parts Of Province. Sndfil particulars ln confidence at oncec, -we make no charge unleýss we seli. PoweIllt7id Compcny., 5 Sýt. RHEMATG PIN fererf of R heua a o Ne) uitisho1d1t NoDioneRem- 10 humas ail aeilleneyim- tîuS-3el rit uven' Ont.Ii, O t gii S, u.ey, SZimmer andPrie eef toacco, wt ipes t andm flavein, $ pstpaid. Rthven. T Sacco ïxhenertbvn,1tr. ()NRIC-TEA. E WANT inence Sept. lrotire. ppyepR. temer.Selry 90060and bonus $1000. R.W. Gofliowv, sec.- Treach. QUALIIRD POTESTNT Ta- er erS.S N. 5 Clatoge. ay er~ $150.Appl te rs. ordo STu h7on 1CaiehoieOnt TEAIYHR, PRTESTAT, QSE- bec tt.. îplom, Gr~l -9, for Joliete Englsh 7colSalari mediateyte -A.Ho. Sec.- Treas., JoietteFQue V: T LRFORIPUIC SCHOI>LE No. 4 Baleur Apply State quaifcaion. ld ry D9u-0 Frems- aner, i,--T1. Sase Sbtsfr, O. PROTESANT TECERMAnted expericce and ualtîcains al- .Appy teVeruace. Scrctay, R.R 1,SheihuneQOnt tienNo. , Papoone, lse te 8 bst equipment ntat.alr