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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Oct 1943, p. 7

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May Be Overcom e InVaoue Office Woker3 ïMay Do Four Hour Stnlt in OveraiS Aiter Day's Work Ouf ila acue,3hr h xaapowersqucz is as" tighita anywhiere else im tUe ,coufriýy, ka new schiemue sbeýin-g ried ouf wvhieh may gie ur war indus- tries a sbsaniailt, announces the Winaipeg .,Freec Press. If is bn-eJdupnthe, assomp- tion that iman peý,opfle or'n la se denfary )occupationis -would wel(,comé a chanitce ta", do sainre <y parf-fima war work. la anumber oýf chopa gag faioffice work- ers don avernis aad slacks "aad do a four-houmr stiat aftar their normalý da's; work is donc. If is fo aarly yefta judge - whethel(r [thflant will succeed or fait, yefeal rpot are encour- agînig. The cerksand -cfeaiog- apesand salesmea who are dlo- iag thle work are gefinlg n greaf deal of satisfaction o)uf of if. Wheter fey ili he alle ta keep 1Up) tUe grind laffer thienv eity w'enre off is s;omiethinig aise ,againý. It is onle thling ta work for . 12 hours a day for a wýeek or two. LIt is mach milore cifficuit ta cfet uf the perifo0'rmonlths on end. Oaae factor wihlaadc came of theVancouvar observers ta ee that tie plan hias n good chanice of suees (s is the aid aaethaf a change is as good ns a rest. The work tUe mea and womea eo -at nighit_ is completely dliffer:elt from tU)e work they do- in the day. Thàey workr no harder at their war jobs thian thiey would la their gardens or playiag golf. Inanay event the Vancanver eýxperiment la comethiagl for thie rest of the eounfry ta pny came aittention ta. If if works there if ena Uc adopt- einail othler Centres ai heavy' war production. KILLED IN SICILY Mvajor J. H.W. TP. Pope,.ec ondm in commii-a-id of the oa Caniadian Regiment, wowas kil-1ý e-d ini action ini Sicily, Ma',jor pope, whlo was 29j, had bIeen He Caniadian Army, siace 193M. lHe Que'bec Cify aid ttawai. SwimsPast Sak To Bur-ialSevc Second Officer Arrives On Time ta Conduct a Funeýral Service A Bible ecinched betw,ýeeni hic teefh, an) officer- of a torpedoed British merchanilt shî2 swamt from oelifeboat to another. defyiag shark-infested wateris of the So ufh A tlaatic to rend the burial servýice for aI de-ad sh-ipmnite. The sýtoryv of this heroic act hias > jutbeen reveaied with the awadin of the Croxe edal e ta the offîcer, Vernon Utn The 2-erQdscecond offie t,ýook coimmand of 40 men î i wo ifebonts whn is superýors were lilled by the torpedo explosions. The survivors were more than , ninhsasiliaig from ithe Sout'h Amrcncoacf. After a few days, Upton, heed- less of theý sharks which closely, folwdthe boats, sw;ýami from neto the othier ta tend the aiundd Can revive fiagging , 'eý pirifs. On the 124h day the first '- man diedi, ater haviaig -gon-e in- sanme. Holding a Bible in hIis teeth Ito keep it above water, Uptcon ganslipped! info hte shark-flil- ed sn and swai ta the second býoat ta conduct a proper burial ~ serice.On the?,neýxt dlay - te l3th of theorea - reccue icame.IC ONTARIO'S ABLE PREMIER Wîth his well-known energy and ability, Premier Drew is mnime- diaqtelyatain the problemis presented by his programi of reforms. He has tahlenthe Educationl portfolio himself. Byi F GwendOrone P Tliiere is anc advai tage toan big bouse - one always has a gaod chaoice of,,roams la a tha- derctormi. 'TUnf's the way we find if, aniyway. If the starme came from tU1le southwcc.-t thea wve open 'lhe doars aad wnosfacing aarhaat.Of course if it's hot I alw'ayc wit iuntil te ast min- ute. Aa1d t1leilfh1e %ind gafs upIF aald 1I halve ta rush nra1ýund fromn room ta room shoutfing windows-ý adloeking d!ýoars; but by thiaf fine Partner is gcncraliy nrouad- ta lenid nhand. By thaf you may gather thaf there is a cf on ragiag ns I \-,rite. And if sure is a sform. TUe ighfning is incessant and tUlýethuander terrifie. Ramin:s swrigby la cheets and the wiid Ut twisting and twirlingtUe trclike an angry moaster. Thcre is n big ohestaut trac n liffle way irom tUe Uckdoor and if iuoas as if the wînd and the trea were locked la a terrifie fight fa test tUe will afid sfrength Hlave eyoo evcr wvafched a trac in a tomTo (ud-o Îs o j amarval alii- ifstemendous strenglh,. Sec Uow tUie %ind whi'rl arauad tUa braniches, bcnding them ufirfUtis wa-t and,)( then tUat. You would hnrdly 1Uciev-e thaf anything could standi( up againet that awful> wind. Haera is a maple sapling, ifs trunk nio th1ieken thban a roor handie, yaf lookah t tUe fighf if pote Up. If banide aad waysif is truc- but if dlos't break. From whveicee couac ifs st-ength -from whenice the power ta re- sisýti jU destructive forces of tUe winid? 1 suppose the answcr â tUe sfrcnigth of the trea is in ifs' r, ots. Anid that soi-ahowý makes mie tlink oai tUe war, and af tîiu gruantmultitude af peaple who go ta make up tUe Aiied straagth. Al ai us like tras--some big, comaie mall, and like trees, of a different fibre, Some straag like the oak, others akin fa the less sturdy -calibre 'of tUhe basswood tree. But yet each, accordiag fa aur sfreagth, standing up againsi tha evil winds aiofivar. Bending and saig ab, but nat brekin. Ntireaking beca] s aur, roots ares e t frayand deeply la tUe ,sai of Canadfa and o.f tU,e Br-ifish Emiàpire as n whoie. Wcli, the ctorm is over but if le stili raining. Partuier sYs the spigcrop is lyhn", fiat. Thiat mnenus more trouble is hIarvýest- iog and probnbly considerablelas a)i grain. But thnt's one ai the jays of -iarming - you neyer know how much you iii ge t for ail your xork unfil the grain is in flhe bin. And yet urban p)ea- ie ,Wonder why farmers so offen grumibie about the wcnfher. From wherc I am, sifting Leana cee tUe storrn bas fioodied tUe garden and the ditches are rua- ning. Alfogether it is anc grand mecs. But stili we hverenson fa be thnnkful becauise aur whcat is in the barn and -ve have no euf hay iying ouf fa spoil. Some of aur neighbors 'are not se lucky- they have wheat. alcike and tim- ofby ail ouf in the field waitiag ta Uc fhre3shci. One tinig ic certain, there is no dranlathe temperafuire! 1Every fime-J I mop my brow 1 try ta, remem-iber we shoufld be fthank- fi foý_r the hent hcuetUe logrif sfays hoft te longecr we ea do without fuel for heafing and the leas time we' shahl have fe worry about coal -or iack of if. And yet I can'f get any con-' fort from the thought. Isn't if ~,un athe winfcr wc get se tircd af cold weafher and loah iorwnrd iangiagiy ta the warmi dayc of 'sommer. And in time the warm days corn-and thea wc get tircd of the heaf. What incoasisteat creatures- we are! 1POP-Never Touches the -Business End S UN DA Y SCHOOL L E S-SON bEPTEMBER 5 ISRAEL CALLED TO BE A HO0LY PEOPLE-Book of 4.evtic-us. PRINTED TEX T, Leviticus 19:1-4, 11-18, 32-34. GOLDEN TEXT-Ye shall be- holy; for 1 arn holy. 1 Peter 1:16. Memory Verse: Be ye kind. Ephesians 4 : 32. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Timie. 1444 B.C. Place.-At Siniai God's Purpose For Israel "And Jehov-ali spake unto Moses, saying, Speak auto althe congre- gation af the chlîdrien aof îsrael, aad sy aunto thern, Ye shall be, Uoly; for I' Jehovali' your God arn hoiy." This commnand sets before us tUe abject oai tewhalemol iaw 'and tUe supreme absJect (,f the gospel aiea, name1y, tao pro- dace a certain type ai moral char- acter, a holy manhoodl. "And ye shall keep rinysabts I arn Jeiovali your G Cod." "TUe ob-1 servanue oai[the day 'ilied the instruction o)f tie people ia the ean ad Ladmionition of the Lard, anýd iii acquiiring tUe lholiess, which is the kýeyniote of fUis les- son. The violation of [tUe sajctity of the Sabbath is denouaiced ase the greatest sia which tUe sr-ae!- iteS ucommiitted. 9 The Truc God "Tara, ye not notat idole, nor make ta yourielveS moiten Godas: 1 arn Jehavah youi r oGd atara ta an idal means ta tara away from 'tUe true Gad. Anythiag tUat is pot first in aur life before God ie God-ta ue. "Ye shah nat steal; nieit Uer, shah ye deai falceiy, nar lie one ta aniother." A man whali wili steal will lie; sfeaiing gcaeraiiy npec2s- sitates lIying, in an attempit caver ap tUe evil deed. "And,yechah nat swear by ny î anmefalsely, and profane fhe namie of God: I arn Jehovah." This is a warning against tUat sin into which men are ca prone ta fal- the carelece and préanae Use ai tUenanme af God. Imnpartial Judgmnent 'Thou sUait not ,oppresýs thy neiglîbar, nar rab im: The wages of a hired servant shah nlot abide w1ifh thêe ail ngght iuntil irnoiag" This beniga care for, the labarer, ad the denunuiaioji againest aay attemfpt ta defraud hlmii, are again and akgin repeate--d in thie Scrip- tares. "ThouasUait flot cul-se the deaf, nor'put a stumblingb)lock belore the bliad; but thon sUait fear, thy God: 1 am Johovai4." The- pro- hibition agaiasf injustice ta the infirmn ad the poor is eaforced by an appeai ta f ear the Lord. "Ye shahl do no onrighfeousness la judgmenf: thou shait not re- sethte persan of tUe poor, nor honor tUe persan af tUe miighty; but la ýrig-hteousness sUait thou jadge they neighbor." Theure maust be no affictation af kindacaies to tUe poor, even as there muet he no fawaing fiatfery of the gre-at. 'However, i don't thiak aný of ab are lookiag forwnrd ta this wia- ter-not with a coal shortage. Certaialy weý shoald be giving coasiderable thought0to ways aad meanas of'uiag less fuel. W'e fnay find ways af doublîng up for sleeping, or 'giving ip scame of aur.privacy so that heat may be chut off in came raomis. t is possible the iig-omcould be dispansad wifh for the winter and more uîse nmade of the dIiiagi- room.- oenokmay evlea UýC drivea ta wenriag warm nader- weair or cafter tUoecoaisequences! Aad we may ail be a lot more henifhy and eaergetic as a resaît of lowcr house femperatures. Whether we are 'warm aadji com- fortable depends a lot on wa we are -rendy ta givc up iin the way of coaveniences. in miaters 0f judgmneaitthe juldge must bu impartial. Love Thy Neighbor 'Isou shait nat go up and dowa as a tableearr arng thy peop)le." -'S1iinde r iujues three proswith one act: thne persan who landrsthe personl who la saerdand the per-son Who ls tes o the siander. "Neither shait thou S t :a a e against the blood of thy aeigh- boi, y anJehovah.? One rnact not be a faise, witnecc sta) the en- dangering of a mian's lufe or stand by without an effort tam avehlm fram rula or danger. -Thou shait not hate thy broth- er !in thy heart: thou -shait sri reuke thy nelibor, and not bear sin because of hirn. Ihoa shaît not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge agaiast the childen af thy pol;but thnm satlove thy aegbras thyseif: I anJe- hovah." We, are feriddea ta av- enge the wrong even wchen the robuke has proved inoeMcual. Reveren1ce For Aged -Thou wsUiresup hefore the ioary head, ad honormte faesat the(Aid ;manaMd thon sUiait fear tby God J, anJ ovh"The "snowy loch'o'f aidler menshould inspire veec in ail1, f us. TUe- cdty bere enjoined Imms been ree- Ognize7d ina11aileivilized niations and the violation o!it la deserv- ing aofthe severesl punainent, L.ove For Tîhe Straiiger "And if a srpe sju with thee in your 1laad, ye shah not0 do hui wrang. TUec stranger tUi sajourneth with you shial be unto ,-nu as the borne-borna among yoa, and thon sUait love 1hiîn as thy-, self; for ye were sojourners in tUep land of Egypt: 1 arn Jehovah your Sea-Going J'cep. SCIA For liceCra Astoryov- s gin eP: 1Lt wso n fthJose SoUth% Pacifie i,ýlands with secret, dee-P baya wheýre Amnerican i shp anichor long enaui'h to support naval o)ffierIý-s' club onthe beach., In fronit of the club was thec rnost dilapidated jeep you ever saw. "That," an offîcer related,"i probably the only jeep in theý -world that ever traveled on an submarine. "One of o ur submarines swiped. it from a pier at Pearl Harbor. When they'd submerge, they'd take out the motor and r:emovL the tires and put thern inside the sub. Then the-ý'd lash the rstof it to thecong tower otie Went nil over the Pacifie thiat .way."e Soneone asked hiow it got oai the beach. 'Tie sub .officers didn't gel. inito port often eniough tËo ej usin if" th oficer epained. "So they' vsold it to the cnytain f that warsiot ini the bay forf three gallonis of ice cream. "tstill un goodI." l'liTe tne r is flot sinpi.y ta bje treated with Colisideratýion andcortsybuitlhe is to lbe put on1> a perfect eqlllty with the or- dinary Israelite. Henýice tfle pre- ccept laid downi,'Thou saitlove, thy eilioras Tyef'i hre enaicted( with regard to t h 9- I "BUCKEYE" STATE HORIZONTAL Answver te Previous Puzzle 17 North Caro-. 1lDepicted -state. R j 71777I ORS 1K V lina (br) 5 Formér U A T E ' i NAL, i 18 Compass point. Rusianrier.S EE DS Yio 1 9 Nicknam-e for 9Huteslan A P Y E T EREdward, by Artemis J N 5SE E TRI QU 21Borni. (mnyth.), AD 1 T ARE A7 A UFN 23 Genus of 10First vertebra D R NPIM ,E ýN T eese. of the neck MSt[ N N S Y 4 eks (anat.). B E D_1 E RE 7Hearing«orgar4 12 Verdant. , I~/BD HAT J R l3MoifyL FUP P Y H29Rocky 15 Excaaion w u ANT VO A pinnacle. of sorrow. EX PO(DSE 1 MpD Uf11-\afnem 34 Personal being 16 Fartfher in. 36 Written form VERT1IÇJAL. 37 Cleveland is 20 English twn, of rister. iNa1ti-ve m-etails, lits largest 22 Sesamne, 37 Calcium 2 -o in) haste. -. 23 Assents. (symb1ol). 3 PerÏ1taiýning to 1,8 Beverage, 25 ImitÉte. 39 crimson. ionis 40 Renlove. 26 Symbol for 41 Be indisposed. 4 Oh d 1 Ventilates. terbitum,. 42 Merrîment. 5Symb l) fo r 43 Title of 27 Haîf an em. 44 Characteristie. tanýta1jim. nobility, 28 Size of shot. 46 Local position. 6Fixýed look, 44 Migrationi. 30 Early English 47 Sý,nse of sm ell 7Etrey 45 Dr-op of eye_ (abbr.), 49 Ail. 8 Scold. fluid. 31 Old Romnan 51 Made a 9 Spakefi, not 46 Dry, weight. mistake. te. 48 Babyloniari 3Daybreak 53 Exhibitions of IlBrselk god of (comb. fr) farm products. Pa 'rt. pestilence, 33 Electrical 54,55 --- - 12 Vlbe 50 Seven' (Romn.) term. form!-s most of 14-nvige 52 About(Ltn 35 0f the matfter its northern 15 Attarney 53 Symbol for (la),bouday. abr,) ion Biy J. MILLAR WATT

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