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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Oct 1943, p. 1

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JR N Vol. 7. No. 13. OROiý NO, ONT., THURSDAY, OCT. eh, 194,3 "SPEED THE VICTORY" Place Your Savings In VictoryE Rev. Milton Sanderson, Toron to, Guest Speaker at United Church Anniversary Viewed from illm'ost any anglle, Iieaniversýary servïces 'cf Park ~St. Gliurch last SundaLy, may be re- iga.dedL as a splendid suecessi. There -was a large att'endance both nmorn- ýng and e-veniing, and the sermons 'by iRev. Milton $a.nderson of N'orth -Pai*dale United OChurcli, Toronto, ~were cof a very high order. (Mr. Saudersn iwas raised in the -îiiilty of Enn~iskil'ien 'and 'xpe -ad great pleasuire ini being afforded 'the oppotunity of preaching near his home Iccally. Ol'd-time friends - of Mr. Sanclerson's mingled with the morniieg eon.-regation, as did Jmany Si. Saviioiurs ~townsfilk i the 'evening, thus 'giving the day an at- 1ImoIspher1le cf Whppy nùýýg hWyrliness. The choir was assisted by Mr. !lichrdLoanand 'Mrs. Drummu'd -%s soloists, thec contributions o.f these gifted singers, toige theri with ,the choir ates en greatiy ap- -preciatedl. lMrs. R. Hl. Bow waIs 'the organist. Exeinpiifying <,, alubr of lov, ~'aabehandsacad d'corated the in- 'terior of Ithe chnncL h with flowerS, Autumn leaefuta eea An oiffring of fur undaed doIl- lars haci been asl;ey by the 'hrl ,Dfficia's, and aacordCing t-o Treaýsu(rr1 W .Riddelil, prxnite thrýee Lud-dand forty-five dolarslie been ieeieby iast 'Moay. k Rev. Ml. Littie-wood 'Ia enaled to 'le presant at the ,Sund'ay moin)llg1 ~ariee bu tie iinuaof a flo minister 'enrddhsvs~ig ani ýDutside appointient i l te tvnig o1 Production of Butter Is Being WeIllMaintainiedýj Production cf butter mn- leing wmcii naiotainedth lro-Lghout the Provin-ce7 of 'Ontario 'and la som-e sections 'ta shoming a ni'ar11ked in-cro-ase over tihe lig-ures foýr tflic nme perioti basf year, according V o fthe rep1)ort for, Septeibfer offlice'Crane.-moi-y ati-uc-l tors «f tle 'Ontario Departaient cf Agriculture. TIare lias 'isý e boraa ieti impi-ovement lan'tlicqualify ocf cra-m received 'by flic cream-er- In som-e s-cticas cf flic Province demanti for fluiti milk la cuitting intol the ai-ont ieia'g shippeti-to creai- eri es.,lInftic Londclo aai-n-l-ck c ra in-s 'affect cd the pastures and shertage of grain for fcctiing lins1 alse been a faicýter in mik produc-j tion. Ia the Ohuatliam, Windsor anti Sarnia Area, lan'Eastern Ontario and in flic BaI'rie-'Owen Sou-ad ai-on, pro- duction laholdEing u4y very 'mail for this finie cf yen-r. Creameries geneal1ly ai-rp mtî ing te once a week gtlering of cream n conipliance with a reeent 'ortier 'cf the Services Administraticn cf tIe Wartimie Piices anti Trade Beoarti!. Creaiciica gen'ei4lly arc ainxýicusly nwating fthe revision's cf Caned Stocks of Vegetables Released Canned vegetable stocks, frozen lai the handa 'f packers an1d whollesalers somie weeks ago with the aiai of coinservinig stocks for winter use, wiW l eie mving to retail outlets un- der a niew cofntrolled distribution plan-ia sort 'of inforil ratîoning. The announeezment 'mas macle re- cently 'by the Prices Board iii a 'brief statenient which, ho'wever-, was long- enough to indicate miost strongl'y that coupon rationing of cannied gootis is not likely to !be appliati in Canada. Withhlo(iing, this ycar's pack cf cannti egetables udr the ordersi- tntai inuproved thoý sipply position tor thie remainder cf t'he year, the ' board's anucmn saiid. it expraesseti Ibelieýf, toci, that v-ictoiy gadeno tput 'iiilp case tesituation. oeal f thýe coaitpolietiditbu tion ~ ~ 10 acee'oentmatie public. lit wýas sadto horbaedon pas-lýt ex- peiececfthe trade anditlo makecc a]anefor -po)p'ilation shifts anti Io The Electors of Durhi-am County:t Ladie-s ad etleei: On pen Ooccasions ïI have licou1 asked to say a few 'm ords ti-oug,,I the press ianupprtof tIcVictory Lo-an Cmplg Duriam ýiCounty. At th-is tti-me 1 Iam oingýÏ to appeal to you on illy owna rcsponsilbility anti arequest fi-m thei( Hon. J. 1- Il's'ley,. MinisteI cf Fnace ad because I belev tis Fiftli Victory Lean is the- mlost im-pýOrtant of ait an sinlce. thle War11 ea7 We have aibotthree,-quat,rters cf amillion mniulinthe am, ayanti arforce, 'mith the liest equipient thit ýit lias been poissible for Canada to 'manufactuIre and wý"e muat coýn- btue to sentith'e lest to our fighting 1mon, lan ortier to doY t1ijsit costs a treaiendo(us i'amo-uat of imoaey, the ilotmlent for Durbnai being $1,- -125,000. By buying- Victory Bond yen w iii do) vour sihare to "Spe theli Vie- tory-", 'as weli as 'niking a Scu)zntdi a- vestmiient for your fuiture. Yo'urs sin'cerey, W. F. RICK ARD Wiboiesie prices of alli nom- dities in Greîat Britain rosie by 42.8 per cent. 'durinsg the first year of tihe iwar; by 9.4 per cent in the second ye-ar; 'by 3.6 per cent in the third; and by only 2.1 per cent in the fourth eaÊ. Cream at'rig zones, anniiounice- mient of which is expected shortly. Bietter Health Seen From Coal Economy1 Ottiam,a, GCctber ll'.--'Ofli'clnls o2 requîrea 80,000 railway (ars anti the national ceai consýervation oca- 2,000 engiaca anti more flan 1,300,- mitf ce anid that botýter li'alth 'monlii"0 tiuck fripa. pi-obabiy foll'e' con-I econoemy, kecp- .Sozn" plants have etbiht a in-g homnes anti pilaces of bunsiness at f-cia to report 'epen'mdom in coiti 'mc'-r teýmperafur-es. 1'meaflici-e an-d fuýin off theL radtaItors in, A spokesman- for fli cocnimitfee - such i-coma. H ospitais are airing naid reports shaow flore is ever-y j i-comsataf diferent timea otfitheiay, dic'ation ft a nad a ae 'ilinin,, jsteati 'f, len-ving 'intioma open tco-opc-f te in tflic "an-vo one ton in cnhi ny Savingn- by thf lu a ln-s f'ne" 'campaigii to iower Cýlaadman are ti at nteno.ugh ceai to ealn ccsunito by 4,00l)0,0010 tons fIls G,250 averig-sizo d'meliigs. 'iafer. Hotol toiemfr amny le lielti miete 6j5 tegesin fitin ytime anii68 'The leniefta cf flua saing w la 11the evnig.Maitis mo"'uid fui-a setout fua: ff r-tiint ors 'Iven guoesta ai-e euit cfA miner protinces aI out tmo tons foifIe day anti tempeý"rafur'e.s ou-d' olcon-iaa lay. Thus 4,000,000 cas lie roduýe( ti ffer1ilp.mI. mo-sa sn-ving - cf 2,000,000 rinna- "We ai-e trying f- o stop Canatdilna <aya f laio. iyiing to eao-fnlI e gi-cnt ouf- STrn-nsirtation <of 4$,C>00ýû tons douasç," said 'officiaijs. I IV/tIIGGI/NJS c' EXCEED* V/ICTOIUY LOý W. I. PMeeting Oronio Womnen's Iastuho taineudtl l(c On-cao school theuir reCgular meein1c theL prinicipal heing thùfe gi]e -r for thleeasp .Fpllpe-viing fthc business Peri'od a splcndid prograuni wvas given, coasisti'g cf: Roll eall, realdinjgLs 'by Mr. lamm, pianio soie by Dama M 2offat, a singscng, andi a talk on "Penýce" by 'Mi-. nis -The dcraw for tray foioed,'mfl Mcs. Morris being the hrckýy winner. Sandwichescoolcics 'und tea 'more s'erved by tlic conimittce in charge at tlie conclusion cf tlic prcgrami. Victory Loan Progress Ottaiwai, O'cfobcr 204hl.- Fcilowiig .the latest report on ti Victory ban 'drive. Canadiaas 'puuicliaseti $58,8 57 '0 in victo-y fbonds on Tuesclay, heing te aecumuiative. total of thc fi-at Iwo days cf $12%,587,J5. Today's icsen, c f $8,341,900 is gi-cater than thé, sales in the fi-st tw'o days cf the las t loan. but stili falis below the' required dtaUîy average of $66,&66600 req'uired ta put the banI over tlie Puélic Relons Section, National W'n'r Fin. Comn. STAFFMEETING The regular 'meeting cf the ýstaff of Park, St. Sumiay Sehool was hlii at the homee cf Mr, anad iVrs. A. H. Koano on '1llursday ast. A record nttendlance of tw,,enty-ifive gatliered for Rible stutiy anti discussion con- ductati l'y Rien. J. Griffith cf Trinify Churcli, BowaI'anviile. Asiong obhei- business tri-scteti a comnmnunication fi-cm Mrs. A. A. llenry wns rend. The Sunday Sho 'tioply appreciates lVjrs. Hory's gift cf a âine copy of "The Sistine Madonnat," anti -gratefully acknowl- edges the saine. Every mioment of the cvenî'ng 'mas a high-iight lic the ilioie-1harted sinling at th'e leg.iing te the very_ gencrous licspitaity cf the Keane f amliy at fli c lose. WOOl'0D S AL E Gordcn f[offtt'wuiioffeu-for sala 12 ac-es cf' BEECH Ail) MAPLE TOPS of(1io saw llgaý have buein remcv- d;and standing tiniler c'ver 10 i nchas N. P. Lot 31, Coni. 9, Clarke Fi mniles Eaustof .Sault Churdli anti 2 miles 'mon- f Higinway N.35 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3Ofh Com inc gat 1.30 PM. Wocdta bei remlo cd 13 Juie 1, 19-44 Ternis Cash at time of sale Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer "-AS QUOT~1 ious as sIcë brnvely scuglit to 'shielti tw, snmali diltiren wiho 'more fellc'm [pnsongers ia the ca. What Did You Do To-day? i On flic Battlofieiis cf -Uri'ca Lieut. Dean ShafIain, a Tank Ceai- 'mander, wlio lad n-mputnted lis 'owa foot 'mi'Ul a jaclaif e anti thouglit lie 'mas d'yinig, saiti if this 'mn-y: What diti yoa do toti'ny, m'y fiend, FreaiI'melrni'ng tiflich'da&rk? Hum mn-any finies did y'ou ceaiplain The ratieaing is foo tiglit? W'len ai-o you gon t o stanrt to dc A"- b fhe thi g y'ou sa y? fiend, WM'at titi you d'o today? We met the eneau'y today Anti took the tom 'by - toi-ni, Hippy i-onding if 'mill mn-ko Fcr ýyou omorrow nmcm, You'Il rend 'mit h Satisfction, TIc brief communique, Wc foulit, but are you figltinig, W'hat did yen do totiay? My guLnner died inla y anis today, I feel lis 'warni bloc-cl yet; Yom- ncighlbor's ding boy 'gave ont A screani I can't forget, On my rugît a tank 'masht A flash andti lin a fi-e; The stenel 'cf luanin-g lien-h Stili riscs from tIe pyre. Wh-f titi you dco tcday, m'y fiand, To hlop us -witli tIc task? Diti yeu 'moi-l larder anti longerîferi bss, Or is ýthnt toc mueh te ask ? Wha't right have I1to asic yen this, 'You probbMy 'miii an-y; Meylbe nom yon'Ill undonsfanti, Ycu sec, 1 diedti odny. Lieu-t. Shtiai 'mwas roscuetiby Americans after two hours of hiding anti is nom,, in hospital ïin En-land. BABY SUBSTANDAýRD? W. P. T. B. AT FAIJLT The 'baby Lad to scomething 'd'on-e f0 ifs cars. Taith tlnmfiiiy cdis- usintInt feltmd hficbe i' ittie asister commilllentat: "These,ý Wnrtimo riesai Tratie Bnr baLýbies nles'f -aooti as Pre-wVar babibes, are they ýiumaýiiy?" Ami-ong local mo-1vie 'liomsa n-ter- tisedti 0"'ihf-Armý-y Newms" read- rs, is "Dlesert 'Vicftoiy" nt the Odooýn I Prominent Orono Resident Passes Away One Autunin Day, e fCkr Tliree frientis and IT with spirits io',,Thougiti one day to' the wýoodIs sve'd 1, So we Packed oui- baskets with good tlhigs 'to Cet, An'd started out for cour wo'odandi retr'eat, We drove throolgh rwoods ýin 'auturrin go wned In colors of goldi ed sudi brown. 'Old stun"'Ps entwined 'witlh bitter s-weait, Natur.e's way of making themn -neat(. At last we camne to a hig-h incline, .Now this 'mas 'our goal, the hil uo climb, Se up t<y the top, ýanti wh'at a view-%, 'Mlsupon miiles of beauty true. Woodlstipon týwoods in afutuaiin gl.oiy, Fatrnice'r sand Ihomles with tiihir own home story, 'Ai far aa non n'svicw, Laiy Lake Ontariey in siver anti bâue. We- feit, als we stood on the 'toI) cf that hlii, An'd aze on theb"ieaty c(f vlo )vos Us ail, y 'of'ly Thon bmilding a fi-e, ant rewn Oui- tan-, We sra oui- talIe und'er a tree, Anti cferi-( Thankas to the -,Gotiof 'or (thebeauty andi penciýe cf ani Autuimu woodl. Seo entiet a daty to mnemcry s'me, We simahlnove-r rgtouri o'- bn retrea ý An'd 'me say 'to ail wh'e are troubleti Jusaf go Vo the wo-ods, yoýur pence t fin ' j.; Lilliaii Hindes McLachban, Glanke, Ont. W.C.TUV. Meeting The Wo'man!,is Chiristian T'emper- anice Uion imeeting was hliii uParke St. Sunday 'dhool roem 'on Tu'esdn-y, O'ctober 19tli, 'mith the pr-esident, Mlrs. H. W'alsh, presiding. Th1e imeet-ing epeucti wi'h sing-iiag the hynma "O'h trlat shah 1 do nmy Savour te Praise". The 'devotional 'mas fakea ýby Mrs. Littiemw(ot, wlio gave fli c sripture ia-igand cceai- ments f'ol'eweti by prayer. The i-cl cali 'mas ns'warcd byflic meiibe'rs. The eor-espoading secretnry mas i-e-1 quesfed to 'write naletter te na n-uti, anti a letter wns read fnom a niember. ia the hospitai. Fina-l arrangem- ents 'mere madie fo' flic Medal Couf est to be held onl October 29th. Teïwoahi j(,, dal, Ibei and ciJq of a fa Ed'war< Josei At ti incp '1y lie was unAitoi amari-la zabli hUtieiwood, -mIe pr himi fourteen years ao uniion 'in hîd e ae sor, HoadP. 'w, pi. 'hiai,andicoetiiangîter L( ,i0cin-gz la Toronito. Thechltt, 'Mi-. C'v an will1 miissod(- by a largeninbo in the t'shp.'Ho wlas c mng nature, a3lways 'hindi- ant, bonrig .gowti miitý nmliem o neonew. The mar- t1nl floral t ril)utes alone ID' tasfimcany te the high vihichlile 'mas lhebitiheflc c The funeial ser-vice 'mas Moaday, 0,cfo(ýber 18, n-fis tinc,'ifli Rev. ýS. Littfleý 'itg.Intenret 'mas ma famnily -plot in Gi-on-o Ccnme the Orange (Mrer linvin-g( tlic soi-vice af tIc ,gmnvesidà 'were pi-es ent fi-cm Toroni Osha ta and ethier places.- TIe paillon-i-rs 'more, RIlpliStutt, lPrederiek Br antjirHc'wartI Wals h of Oro No. 409, 01n-rfwel Loiweiry Rebinson anti Harper Caris'c Kendl Locige. Honorai-y pý eeTlinas Cowan, Tli' Neil, W'. W. Gowan, 'Mn-n taOUS, G eorge Coop er Stewart TIc and al repeating the Lord's ýplayer. cludes 'mater Pheasant Season Diays, 0O

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