hudio hetIS U N DAY yREX FROST S C H OO0 Y - qu- CI t' Jr Thtlalot of travellinig, eh? Tet that. le the recford comledian- JackBenypieduptVils past ~ummeron hiet t theMiddIle Eas, nd other' army cenitres. Y, jack is back, and reports haeVtnttle is feelng fitter thn he fiddle wich îns"Rs inom, in n~ afact ih secemeas thougýh Jack "bloomied" soe 'Mwhnt imself. Ho put onffte pouAds weight living On army chow italy, Africa, the Persian Guif ad Iealnd, and P 1" lilng 1509shows.The famoustome- dianwàs he fretUnited Stateýs entertainer to set foot in Italy during the recent invaion, and gave buiSpeler audiences anaugi Airz pst befre they were going .1nto banttie. jack B)enny laýs juet tieSeason ona the aiad once -,sn 1 adorning Vlie 7 'clock Sunny venngspot on Vie CBUC EtraNetwork. Oeo th pbesof the coigwinter w,,il letoy ee wanUrban delr swell asrrlfoîks have got to get aogtuis witeronleSsscoal. Last sMonday Vhe CBC inaugur- ated the firet of a ser ies of tîu-e broeqJastS ila drnmatiSed form,' tild"Keep Warm Thiîs Win- ter." ýýTheremainiflg two w l e h ard onday ',n~g t 8.30. Mf you Édd't hear the opening show, no donbt yon'hl want te inake a point of lisenng for those o follow. nietly thyre wrvitten by Dean Hlughesý, crgnao f the farm family know as "TN Craîgs" and are aa.temtVo show farmuers andi oerina graphic 'way how to oilaCaniada's heat coniserva1- îion ecampaigu, They're initendedd al so as an aumniii introduLctionl teO 1h11CNational! Farm iRadio Fns'um which omenesil] No- * * vember. Ne t he Canadian aiu, Vhe ]3luje Jacket Choir, witlh Dannil O'Nil, fea'turi 'inlg theC ico .srigstar witi the Great Lake-s bonsalTraing Swttns sngg aios, miade Its debut over- C Bon Thniçlsgiviig sundacky and CHllbc regularly heard rm 12.05 to IC30 Sundays oi r Ve orotostaïtioný. Danniy ON is je ýonorablydica- edU. S. Nav màn i who 1has re uned Vo sig with lieformer ehipm~atee. 1Danny Tsinge hymne1I ndpatriotie songe withVce luei jcesiiapomx1ii w i s noV K, ?.'S DEAMJ My 'm 0 T4e Navy's gift tLoopese K. C Ps is ispotatopW0i9gm- chnthat "kis'eni alive." only tuaed o (tie mood o3fflic Sailath, but whicl seeme toic lend a grenter understaîding Va the joint naval war effort of Canada and the United States. lurecent, years Canada las ive any pronient mscas singers and actors Vo Uited SVtes radio. Another young C ait leaves ýfor NwYorkL horty te begin te roadVo star- dom, and perhape operatie famie. Tt las Pst been announced that Evelyn Pasen, eigheenear-old Toi:r.cynte ezzo-soprano, las mti beýen granted a fellowslipl at the Juilard GAudiateSchoop, New York, La spite of her extrae youth Eveyn Pasen hme been kon o Canadian radio audi- en"3ces since Vie eanly days Off broadcasUisg. Be? studio debut teck place oerVdeCanadian air 'w3hen .she was only five years qf x4ge, More recenly lIe lhas been a featured artiet on the CBC National Networks as a member ecf theý "Musie for Monlitay" coin- pany. We wish 1er Ail inde of IL SL5U i' OCTOBER 31 BBIlE TEACH-INGS ON AB- S TI1NE N CE Leviticus 10:1, 2, 8-11; P'r- verbs 3 :4,5 LuI'e 1:13-163 GOLDEN TEXIT -1Bwae praLy thLee, and dirink ro wine nor etrong drinki. Jdg 13-4. Memc-,ory Verse: Let us love one noter.I Johin4:7. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Timec--TheLvtclcd a given for the siïost ,part at SiiI BC;the ord of thie angel to. PaeTh e~iia code -'as given a Zt Si;Somn rt SOL5E RS U OUTz TIRED ACHES How To Make Molley In Gold Mine Stocks ... stoks GT TEE FACS BUY ND ELLON FÂC-TS. Each eek w pubueli aMar- -whth gvesailtheimplort- the iportantCaîdnGod foo 5 ecs--wtb tchrg. o Redmonid & Co. 3 W Bay SI. Trnt N M ----------------- ----- -- ---- ADDRESS------- ----- RLE CtA L SOGREFN ESS A N D PILE TO,'RTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED H yu re robk1 wiL ithifl g pilC, r ctl sresui , lt e leatO iIit and run tLhe'r i sk of ettmIfl thi coditon ecoe crone.Any LlemIiod tum ny rugiitand -hics lis1usd,,ntenoi1 j is~5l.a r,01Jeve tlitchIing anÏ sranssan at( id Il hiling the ujre Ltender pOS hihyrcniendl'ýsd and lu us eem. tOn ill 1, î: of tolyv for any oneto rikapilui aod', chrulc pile conitin hensucafineo remedy f ou, try He-Ttid andtare flot eii i 1 Y lesed \vitLh th;e rs is yorirugg iiwl dYretuiru elotrrmoneY lin C.sHmhould tucausýe et itssoreMny ac fthe fibttle does flot satîfy. uy rom your rgit "MIDDLE-AE WOMEN (r. 1 H.EeD THNliS AD VICEI! Il youi're cross, restless, NERVOU- bsuifer hot flashes, dizzirness--O&tised byth s perloti in a womaf's life- try Lydia E. Pnkham-i's Vegetable Compound. Ma,,de especialiif for 1-omn.Iundretis of thousaflds re- narltably belpeti. ollow label direc- tions Madie in Ganada. The 0f feringý ANd adab and Abihu,th sons 0of Aaroni, took eaých of te hlib cen'ser, and put fire teen an i laid icnet1iireon, and of'- lered strange! fire before Jeh- vah, \whhihe lhad inotconad ed' them. And there camle fô orth fire fromn before Jehjovaih, and devo7nred thlem, and they dýied before Jehovali."Tis was thei sn. They depart l intheir wor- slip fom the plainwordof Jeho'vahnh vlo 1lad(1fully instructed' thiemi as to the m1odeý of their wr slip, Naab -and Abihu. miighithv dero one kind of fire as goodý as another, but it was not for them te decide. They should haveace accýording to the Word ofte Lord-'; but instead of thlis theyv took thieir oniwyiad rape teaflfruits, thuiero. "And Jehiovah spqIoke unt 11or-stLrong dik thon, norty sons ýwith thue, wenyegointo thn- tent ;)f mýeeting-, thlat yedi not: It shiahle a statute fo L ever thleghIýioult your generan- tions; snd tînt ye may makea distinction between the holy and the comnion and between the uinclean and tht ecanl; and ithat ye map tecte children oS Israel alilthe stattes wihe- hovah) hath spoken untLo thýem b He v#ho serves h Lord in i san"1ctu1ary 1must have a eaný Ont d na underlhnding heart, an unc-louded vision. Absýtineceý On the pairt of tblose who minisý- ter la the san-ctuary is Impera-i tive, for we know the haýrmiful' effects of alcohol on, man's judg- muent. If a mnstris 1to heCIp others ini the miatter of strong drinkl, he mnuet lead the way hm seIl Becatise the priests failed ton te-ach the peopie 4,11 the statutecs, they depavted fromn God andbe camnea weak and sinfl-1people. What a responsibiht reste on pareï.ts, preaeheys, teachtr-isl if they fail to inpart in1strucionr la moral and spiritual truth-, somie day t-hey will bec ialled to account. Kinga,' Example 'ut is noV for kings,() owm àeliVlenoV for kings Vo drink -,n; or for p)r,»Ices to sy Where i's strong drink? Lest they drink and forget the law, and pervert VI-'le 3Ustmde due to any that js auffli C; The natin tht as a slf-disciplinied anld Gody uler is indeed blessed. Mgany kings have uiried them- sevsand their. people l'y thir habits of sel f-inidttlgenlce, Bearer of Good News "But the angel said unIto hilm, FerntZacharirs, because_ thy suppicaionis heard, and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a yoîyandithon shicaî l hsnamne John Andthon shaît have joy adgladnuse, and miany shah rejoicc at i bir th. 'Zachariasi had prayed earnestly for a son. No prnspeet was miore depress- ig to a Jew than Vo di chld Ges o that bhis namaie slhould le- cueextinct. At the appeairance of the angel, Gabriel., ho is ach rouibled feain iit is the mjies- sen1ge! of somle calam11ity Bu t seý man, of our xorst feartis are groundiese1ý C, and (now ( -ý7th(- angel rý1 as th bearIer "f good n1ews. Calil taRepentance' "Fjor hicshahd c 'ea u the s;ghbt of the Lord, and hie -shahf dink no1 inenor strongdrnk ad he shhbec jld ihthe Hloly Spirit, even from h Iis mo-10I e's oý1b. And nuiny of the chul- dren of Israe!sHhhe turn unto Vie ord their Goéd." There is an ovios otra'st heebetween stronig drink and the Holy Spirît. lB pace of the physýical excitemiemt of strong drink, he is to haie the super- naturlal 'inspirýation of tbe HolY Spirit. Wby was he noV Vo par- take of strong dink? Fo two r1easons: Firet, dta.t his own spiritual vision miight be uim patired, that al eof the faIcu'lties of lis personality might be con- stanly nnder je s«eoveei con- trol or the Spirit of God, and neyver -under Vhe .odnstimut- laio cf intoxicants. In the sec- ond place, John sua, to pieacli r.epenteince from isn, Palife of tenmerance, of seif-cienial, of oeeceto Vhe laws of G'od, a( tiit was absclutely necessary for hlm, as for Ailpreachersý, firet to live tbnt while was te pýreaci, te practice d'aily that whici; he would be procaîming te others as the wll of God. By hie cal Vo repentance John influecedlmay Vo uria from- their sýins-confessing thLIe iaii batsn- t seek the Lord and folo£fter nighteousnIessý ~ê~' DUY BloNDS!f Tranks anpd more tLanks! That,'s the Only calk the Naz,-S Islestn.S jet them haveic ih both barrels. Buy 5th Vkteory Lan Bonds ïaid ie eanks ahead dri'gt Vîctry.Ever dolarcounts. Every bodbringe Victory that imach, nenrer. Goai-u for Victoy. Domninion of Canada Geneprat Insurance Ce. Casualty Company of Canada Nazi Efforts,ý Fail ToRcri7ta0n Only abouit 150,000 "recruisl> Ave been obtined in Nazi ef- forsts o forceý 5,00,000 Itahfianez into the German armed forces and war industries, according Vo- the Swiss newspaper Der Band. aTvoly ail ecutsshoed theIl Itavlans, "ar' e avidb ig by er mans the "rec uitmeV regla tio n" a .Ve Germýan-controlled sections of Itnly. The Uited Natios rade laAlg'iers, mea-m while, ahled uon Itaians o n tensif saboage aaint fthe Ger- rnfe Even though Victory may cippear to be on the ho!znelt us not relax Our per-sonal cand national war effort for on instant, to boasteon his hnomecomingl - SAmede $'c ta e h~4I BUY VICTORY BONDS k '2>