Vol. 7. No. 40.OONOTTUI AYI 4 W.C.T.U. Silver Medal Contest, United Church, Orono, OrnoI1.O.F1. No. 436 F77 TUNIS...... VICTORY PARADE A victory parade was eld in Tunis onrlMay 20th, w\h.en nnits from the Alllied Fore2s were 'presenit and the salute at the m-1arch past wvas tak-en lby Gen. Eisenhoôwer, Gen. Ale-xander, Gen. Anderson andi Gen. Giraud. fPictiure shows: On the Dais at the saklaiting base, Gen. Juin, Gen. Alexanider, Gen. Anderson, Gen. Bsenor and 'Gen., Gira.ud. Air ForceIf officer Centre is Air -marshall Tedder. Balance of Evening Spent ln Moving JPictures and Dancing On Weda-esday eveing, October '--;Oth, the Annual Installation of Of- ~fcers of Orono Lodg-e No. 13C) of theý Independent Order of OdIdfellowýs -was held ia the town hall, Orono, 'wfith about two hundreci present. The- programme opeaed with th e singinl- cf two verses of "Abide ~With ýMe," foliowed by ýprayer by Mr. .J. J. MelIor. The flad 0f our coun- try -was presented by the Warclen -andi Conductor, 'with fthe National Anthem hcn sung. 'W. J. Rilideil, .ehairmian foùt the eveninig, welcomed ~all visitors, along withi othier re- marks of the good work the lodge -was doing in the comm'nunlityv. Bro. Ross F. Hlenry, D.D.G.M., and 'bis staff f CSbusg very ably in- stalled the folloýwing ofierasist- ýý )ya guard of Ihonor of the Can- tous of No. Il of shawa: I.P.G--Bro .. .Davey,. N.G.-Bru.G. Wtui V..HBr. (a. Chahls. R(ec. Sec_-Broý. W. J. Riideli, P.G. Fin. 'T.-r. J.H. Walsh1, P.Gý. Trea.-4ro.E. R. Rninuy, P.G. Warden-Bro. R. Caters. Con.Bro E.Staple'ton. Chap-~Br. Gln. Hancock. R.S..-~ro.E. Browvn. L.S.S-4Bro K. uhman. L.S.N.G-Pro. H. Cohbiledlcik. ~ý H. Hooey. L.SV.G-~Bo. F. Yeo. O.G.-Bro. C. Martin. The Grand IMa ýýt e ?s instÈructions. 'were that we, al" a lodge, thro'w Our wegtand inýfluIeee behind' the F'ith Vicýtoi7y Loan. A montion pic- 'ture, enitiecid "A Nighlt of Boib)ing," was showý%n on. the screeii.Ilt was n grand illustration of how our by go through on1 their b)omb1-ing - at- akson enemy ta -ts Mr. J. J. IMellor, chairmnan of the ictory Lon Committee of Clarlke Town- $100.00 SubScribed TO Salvation Army Canivass Thie SalvatFin Arm1)y cnasheld ila, Or0oo just rýeeatly vins very suc- aind the ,sum of $000vins sent in 11o help this "very wrtyorgania tin carry On theuir wor-k o rc týroug101out tHie world. mr.. J. Mellor vvins chairmn of the coli- m--ittee and thie Salvationi Arrny take th-isý opportunity ,of takigMr. Mellor, Mrs,. ..C. Gamey andmr] *n 1 M\rs. W. iS. Cobbledýcick for con~- dcigthp canîvass in thevllage Theniajority of soldiers of the last war, along w'ith the soldiers of the present coallict, are hbeinci thet Salvation Army 100 per cent. They are an organ<tiizationi that really dIo goocivhrehl is nleeded, and anyone donating to this ognzto can resýt assureci that the m-onety given wil1 be wisely spent. There are more than 1,00 men la tise Canadian WmnsAm corps, now la its third year. ~furt1GC~~ Fire V0PR0PERLYI Stud.~ these Get your FREE copy from yocîr local dealer. This booklet shows you how to avoid having a chily 7,o)me th is W"i nter.ý Hallowe'en Party At Park Street Churchi The SundcaySchoiromvsvei fled withalagsarcitign camulagngof thle ralpeso ad mluch Ifna and gaicty to thlý e venîn and to the season. Alfter a sing,-song the -parade ùgot r~ ~ wI uneallîhte leaching couple ý,cfignicst "ea~f"and ilterejby Creaýztinlg lmuch0of th4 fun 0fJ-'the eýveing. The jde erle lis Sherwini, Myrtle Tambil)yn and sn LÀttlewood. Prizus er awdd to G reû1ta lillecer and Joyce Tennant for beCt couple, two tramlps;CaoSaps for the "best É rsnaiecsoe Marv'iaTLuna f or. t he' )'st chiid comic; John oreserfor thie best boy comlicai costumeý; best dressedl child, Douglas Lycett. Foiown (g'wre gaýmes and con- tss, <dluch / vry happjy eýVenin]g was hrough't lto a concluisioni laie rpaîgthe AMîzpah Benedictioni WANNAN--COWAN A 'very pretty buit qitwdi sa olcnizedl at theUntdCuc paronge 1Oono, on Sn turdayJ eveingi,, October 2.3rd, vr hen Mary 1 P'aAnine, dauîghiter of Mr. anl Mrs. Joh1n Cowan, Kendal, was ilnit 'd ia marr1-iage to ý-Miltoni John lWn lnan, soni of Mr. and 'Mrp. Jamies anan Kii-Iyy, wt Rerv. S. LittlewoIod offi- The bride was becomnigl,,y gTe ift' a beige colorecd crepe dressa with brown accessories. After the cere- 'nte happy couil IceTt for a Short honcuyiloon. ---0o Fifth Vistory Loan Nearing $6OO,OOO,OOO- the latest progress on tihe Fifthi Vic- tory Loan. Tuesday's sales yielci vas S'70,440,300, -virtua<lly the saine Mvay as iMonday's subscription, bign the accumulative total of Canadai's Fifth Victory Loan fo $5W, 7,3.3500. Thre corresponding- accu-mulative to- tai $5ü13.,93,10 for the Samne 1periodl in the, last loan, Siged'~Priic Reaitions Section Ottavia, of tie Ntoa War Finance Coim- Prionean mittLe. out this 'm 0--____o ee raItion1iII Col. J. C. Gamey Confined "Y C Is ta ïîIUACI Draw shades or drapes over Win- dcws ail evening and niight. Save up §to iOonyour fuel this way stallation Night -- Orono ilydro Comision fias Nice Bank Balance The reguflar meetings of the Oronio Hyvdro Com-mission and the Orono Police Trustee Board 'were heki in -Ur. Neil Porter's office on Monday evening', OctcIIer 25th, rwith ail the nibýers ~ present. There was no business for the Trustees to act upon. A delegation of the Orono Chamn- ber of 'Commnerce, namely 'Uessrs. R. R.Wadl and 'C. T. Miller, wait- ed on thie 1{ydro Comtmission to as- certain the financial status of the public-owned utîlity, and wa pro- gress was being made regarding the pa'y-ment of dÎebentuires. The lai- for'mation wvas ladly given to the satisfaictiOnon f tedlegaton The oiowngbis 'were orderedl p-aid: H.E.P.C........................... ..$2"77.69 B.P.U ....... .................171.73 Total]............... ............ ...$149-142 The ba alancerofth-e Iro. Commisionas of Oecber 255th, wa Pub-mlicublieakng Cotest ,iIl b)e 1held iný the Town ll,7, Orono, on Frida,Nvmbr5th, at 7.,D")O pm. Good porme*Cornle and eoura1j1ýge thel('ciidcrenl and their. tuachers. Silver Collection. Mre AIf. Coulter Mrs. J.IR.Cooper shiip, gave ain excellent address on our duties on thie home front. The re.st of the evening was spent in dcng to the strans of the Low- eiT-Cooiper orchestra, with the re- nowned Bill Rutherford calling off thesae dances., The silver collection itaken at the door amonted to $20.41, which will 1)e forwarded to the(,arfrul of the 'Order. You vcan do your part ta maeet the emergency by huclgeting your coal pile ... Iby practisirig the conserva- 'tion methods outliried in the free bookiet illustrated at the right. «Saa4lç e !Durhrain Coun-ity Boys and Girls Make Good Showing In Con-il Cigarettes Sent Overseas by Orono Chamfber Commfferce The Oronio Ch-an-iiber of~ Commierce held their meeý,ting on Tusa evening, October :2lst, due to thep f'act tha tnther regular meuetÀing fel 'on Thankýsgiving, nightf. A good- ly number were, present. A discussion was held on thec ad- visalbility of holding a poultry mr ket this year or not, but it was de- cided to dIo so, and thiis year the date will be aroind Decmlber 1'7t-h, as f'ormer years the date was too niear Ch!Iristimas thiat it did not give the baiyeýrs timei( to get thie fowl to the, buîgpublic hefore Chiristmias. Forty-ninie parcels of cigarettes we-re sent to the bloys c'verseas fromn Clarke- Towvnshiip, northi of the r Linie. A couplemre cartons halve o be-sent"inter mgto lnot hnving Messs. . R WadellandC, T, Miller we-re pint d a degation to inter 'nethz Hydlro Commbision eto theb inancal satus o0 the Commision.The Camberof om merco as 11hin t ,rhaigo -P-OWINC0 MATCH - TepIow"1'ia matchl unde-r the aus- p)ices of the Durham Cuat Iranchl tien will ho hld on, Fridaiy, Octolier, 2ton thle Iarm 0-1f Mr. Norman, RihrLot 3fi, Con. .2, CLa rke Toasip irectly a1or'th o F KýUrl una bc is about one and one hlul miles 'west of NwateonIlih wayý No. 2.ntrance will be th1routh1 lmsT. Býrowa-'s frm(the ewset ofbulinsone n'Id enst of the Teeare aine classes in the compeitio, xvichlotld cuek-een eojet+jnfroim the plomen o may iles arounid. The matches airepVî eIl worth seeý(ing,,nii a rs îdraw- inga lrgenunibier of entranitsnd speC ttors. TEl you viant 10 see, some sta tfiurro-ws attend theabe men"1tioned miatch on FiaOcto'boe Durhamiloistein Nominated For AII-CVanadian G;lenaýtftoa Pilot. \Vlho vas Junlior aand Reev rand (Chainpion Bull for. John cruiclçshank, Hamlpton, at theu ectyhed HoIstein Cham i- piionsbip Show, at Oronio, bas heen nominated for the Ali-Canadian C'on- test ia the ;Senior Yearling Claýss. Alogthr85 animais owaeid by7 71 bre irsl seven provinces of the Dominion have been nominatei fo, r the AiI-Canadian ýCoatest 'which is leing coniducteci by the Hloîstein Fýriesian journal, 0f these nomin- ees, 60 are Iromn Ontario. A com- mittee composed of the juciges at the "Tise -,ic situ ation ii 'b!e talcea,", To Miitarv Hospiti Colmnel J. land wegim Rupeýrt, B.( to the mnifit for the ipa' from a aSev" He is Stijl Il vie hoýpe fÉ from thre b( homne bown Durham County Capture Second Pri: Three Events The Annuýal oy'andi Gi ontets wre held at Gneipli day, Otbr22ad, 'witl te tered from iGrain, IPotato, Daiy, Beef and Foal Club~ was an elimination côfltes t( aub four tonaseonasting mem1berýs eaeh to rEiprcsýent lan the Dmno finals tihe fih ia Ni\ovembler at Toronto. ThI of teams for this province firast four nmentioned nabove. IDurham was represented Dairy Club, two *Swine CI two Cii Cluib tearns. A theseý teams id not Win a fi1a they made a very credtaiblý gtakimg second Pl'atein the l( three cotests. T'hes'tanding 0of the fl, te'ams lan eaeh î1pro~jeet as wel stnig orfHie urhami te1ama f1ollo-ws: Graini (13 Teaxnis lut, AI Commtystoutaî ni Du ha Jýýnior Ci l, Vola Senio Cht«te~m, Loyd,!Kel Port' opand' Normlain Hý D)airy (25 Teams) 1st' totaliLe Hlmtoan1l oyd Ayre-of' Boury; lth, orthDrhi teem, .raIýph La>rmler of Ne -nd Dalton Dorreil or Ne-the Swine (15 Teaýis> 102ý9; 2nd, We' t Dj":nrdamC-l !e)(e,393, teamn, Bîrpce Tn: County; 4th, Mridlese-x Couini 31ubtea, DoaldMorfon of Pailrf, and Lloydi Jacks, MitdMid 154, iPerth 11co Co nlty. The pnresent streniu dian Army is Moi, mien. Pr-e-war stren major andin sh( fr-om ithe nominated Canadiani and Reser in e'ch clss. nou.nlceld e'arly in Dc,4 Drop Rationing 0f Tea and Oct. 21.-Thýe MWartimýe prý TIrade Board bas gi n n 0srmation that tenlaI col- or g " amny he done a1waýy 'with) ias time, n iùlien aigain it tal m11ent the stock ýstl)y istifies iftinig t'ise ratïintiu anotythat action wiii a ain offlelal1 of the Iboýrdra i res ýs Wvar e. Vocofe 0 favoral) Instali Officers At Open 'ifrrrrn rthe 6"COLD Coal is the Ibackbone of aur Prevent exessive hea t loss b; clos- entire war effort. Every tarn ing windows and is preclous and is needed to door prmpty. elpspeed victory. OUONO, ONT., THUUSDAY, ORONO