1skies . . thiiin re o f Ae drifing lazly fren chimney ,cojuning the ision cfea cosy fîre witbin-, , afnmiily buy itb ing cýho oes anShobis- tic iiuleSla ,. .yes, Stu'rday ing, October 30 1h, opeing Lt r0f Cnniladn'ts oast tec coat andintrhce racas a that date on hockey fans once again have the onpporun- Of lkenrinlg fthose rapid f ire :ey broiudcsts Ihtlîal mke every lr saurday evenng sort lîglit. Doc't missth opag ýe, Octeherci 301h ati 'cok ad spjorts fans, m iake ai note October 30tb 7 te 7.15 is bing date for Wes licKnight's lar Saturdýay eeigquar- heuir inter io-wswtbfamions on oiie f the sporting d. Wes McKniigbit etnsthe idly ivt to esaewith BEAUTY & BULL o, cf ti ipic ture l ot t thIat tIbis 34-nIach i, o1ld, 26- zudaimaiil is aliest ulgow ulin tbe but wi Marcelia GotilS g he diwat cena wes, y 00d, etcure i cf meeting 'n per-1 f the Bog Naines la1 LAtin aCFRB's To- s and cevening Can- is-god entertain- hance teu-Win a here's some -ing ta e e -,)yourg ,nd old., e Quiz breadcast is ittie over thae bond's ebldren, se aý braind hwspecilly diga -, SI'- peuple up te the. M1 be bearddfrei nw B every Tuesay and cml1 5.15 te 5,30 p.m. d ceniing generatin e opportunity te in mry Bod uring this ,f Quliz odnss while yen are busy Ipper,ý get thbe y0ung- of the family seeSd raidio te test their -- regret that we riS, anS yi Ou cf csnce, lenra thatL a nS newscster, d ende is foýr- - aves and newvs- Sa political p)est le MS eveice nmay hernfor a ire are,,sure h is isappear frein *we cletvi gwee Rndeth I~~~i fnedsi l is as ho blas on- sassoiation wita ers cf ARTIFICI1AL OWR MAEO yocur orider. WrVite for more in- AUTOMOUILES-USED Se usfiFsL Mount Pleaant Mo- tosLimitedi. UseS Car Lot at 2040 Yonge Street; ileS Office, 632 ennIPleaant eeSTo- BI CHtICKS somlayig ulet, orimmdit deivry nd ae.,Inlorer d;ay 1atJ s ,130JohnSt.4N. Haml'ilton, Ont, CATTLE F11 IOR SALE WE HAVE A LARG,(E STOCK 0FýJ yongYrkshreBorsan ,w 3 dmh l.Pie$50rgs WETRm N TARiO C R E 1 I T Reots nquiries Jnvited -72 OntrieSt. Srat'fordC.- DYElNC &LANN HAV YO NTIUNE[EDS dyelng or clea ning? WVrite to uLs for info.rm1ati on. We are glad ta Bcswer yur ueton.Depart- melntiH, P Dr-er' W Dy i rok a LimiteS, 791 Venge tiietTo- hought, sld, rehîLt; b e 1 t s, pu]ley's, bruses. Alle tn Eiecric Cosnany td..2326Dufferin St., Toronto, WN TE1 3 R)ELiLE RER111lS who hv ml tbeacm tryoung ctie rite lnLumberl FARM FORSALE HlUNlDRED )ACRE F lARM Fr i Modem eiene nStnn 'Noq. 2(l iha.. ihyFv Illdred. With stocký, machlnery, 'rp len housand. Martin KovcaSmihviieOntario. 100ACRS N MRRIONTOWN- ship, M\uskýokaDitc, 60 acres unlder cutvtin10 acrsbh anS pastureý. J2 m-iles wesýt No. l Toreonto. CLAý%SSIFI ED ADVERTISEMENTS Oýttawant îGtinean Point. Two bouses hIthwith uhîlig Mdm cew brarn fïor1,60he. Dar ontiract. BoT 4, 3 de laide St. WTrno YO 1SALFOR SLE ' work, farm e - quiýpmen-tbsie, BAUMEEK FOOT1ALMN1destrey offeni ve0 oSe(r in stantiy 45c ho1ttIs. uttawa àagent, Dev n nn -E i IlIN 112A1 D k H[SS1N G 1pV -iE tee r tsorinimetho-d(. 1Inf'ormation HoOrtsn'si-l] rresingAcaS- emi -y, 17 -Avenue Rýoad, ToronteO. THýïE BOOCIK 0 F HEAIL THF A neiw ediin, JUstpitd.Lre aSmore oloe . Tied-iandi aan.Write for your 1 re- opy 14dy.Dpl. 8,Hat rdit Ltd., Sakae, 1 Sask V-. W1tT Fr( atlo.Fçorty years' expe,- rienýe. 1Noxx el'1 Hrbai abor atr,18 Wesý-t HaSting Stet HORSES FOR SALE mat o (ff [1lepreIsa. FISHIER PAL- DETEF'CTIVE CUS BECOME A ýDETECýTIVE -ME antoiinoe 17, vwanted te lean etctvewo rk, secret seýrv- ice. Esy courise 13y rmail, Write fo)r free iinfo)lraion. M. Julienl, Box 25, Station T., MentreaIl. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH&CMAN Patent soicitos Et lse 1830; 14Rig etTrno Bookiet of Ifraino e quest. STOP ITCH 1N'O TRURES 0F eczenîa,psrairgort- lete's foo't aSehrii ria tiens .with Eiik's lOiintment Nf "o.1, prescription Cf noteS j Akinspc laliat. 1ttch re liov'd p rompty,11v kin healedifu ick Iy Uormo0ney me- filleS pjrompLyý. Odrtoda f reim E-ika Medicine e.,Dept. 2, Box 234, Saskateen.ý NATURES HEP IXN' HM- edy for ihemtePi~ er iti. housanda sp r a1laingit MuInros rg tr, 3 Egn Ottawa.$10Popad CLASSIFIED ADV ERT!SEMEAI NTS DoN',"ïTFTUDCE THÎROUGH ienHet, Bain or M40i HAVE YOUR SINAPS Deiese y Matil Any o 8exosur ,e [fli Peirctly devoed nSintedfor "onlyIc Sîupreme quaIiity asud fastserv ice g-uaranteeL d. IMPEIALPHOTO SERVICE CHRSTASCARDS FROM YOUR OWNSNSOT Tolur ngatve mae te ost dis- intiveChistinassCards yo :cn get-cads thaýt your fi4ends7wi Il tresure - prticuiari y friends on neatve aSsenS (tohlus. W'ii retuu 1 atracie, emosWedgreet ingcad ihotrspntdn Coindrfo2c. STAR 1SINAPSHO1T SERVICE fox ý1219, ota eunalATorodlto A Custome at BewickNS.,,write s us: " rcevd hebautifulCrit te know h 1 ow pleased I am with youLr Wonlderfi work nd promipt service. I wiil ha reglarcustom- er If star saapsho t Srice firm now n' DEVEOPEDAND fPRINTED 2,-î a 1101UNTED ELREIINS25"e Mouints. eaS by hand fra sialadtoa Chlarge. FramgedEnagelt4"x",o ivory ýtint mountis, la raes7',x5 ýBishjeS ClSor Sýilver, ircassin WLdnut orniacýk Ebony finishi 59e: if enliargeme11nt colouried 70Jc. Print your name andjddresýs pn OFFER1 TO IlVEN¶TRs AN OFER TO EEYIVNO Liet of inventions a1nd fulifr maltion sen1t free. The Ramtisay Cc., Rgsee Patent Attorneys, 27 3nk Street, Otw,.aaa P1ERSONA L 120 WYSTO IVAKE OEYA home ini spare timie, 5 dollars a day, hooltiet of 124 pgsone dollr potpad. Mke gnasih, -145 Marguere1ttta Ave, Tioioto!, Ont. iARRDIRC l AMPS IILRES HbieSusse,, ;te 6 minths, 1,15 te 185 oehHorgn li lrHEýLJMATIC iPAIN S sutffere r of Rhumti Pins or05 Neuiti sould try fixonis Hemli- edy.àMunro Dug toe, 35El- gin,' Ottawav:. $0 ota CLASSIF[ED A DVERT1SJE M EN TS ELET ALDLLLA PARMI SUPPLY hor hedeie.Our pre-sentoter in)g incl',uSes echoice sricàge uilas fmle.AanAdesn SHORTAND -TVPINCG ANDTYPNC-N OTO 12 WEEES hoand sngte B'a e- dored y euators, apprOved by theuies l, civil and miii- taysrie.TheCour'ise e, 3' ca, iP, concse nd cmpltemaltinig home SEEDWII NG SO2HOOL 0F CANADA TAIE WORMU STOMCE Nr, TIIREAD OR oflen re thecause of ilI-health In humarns ail ae.No one i- Pmne! Why not finS out if this isyurtoule1,? Interestinlg par- ticlar-re!\rIte Muiveney's ReeisnSeialists. Toronito TOOl LATE - TOO LT NEX STINODON'T LET IT 1>E sai "oo at."SenS for our price no.One doiiar bookls you r(dr Goddad Chck Etchery-, Bitan- nia 1Heights. On1t. RATRAND EQUIPME1NT WEARETITE ONL-Y AUTHIORIZ- sdtaco ealer in Triiocar- _rying a stoclç of genuinep 'ordson tr-acto-iIr parts.Mail odesPrompt- -tfue. Ford-Ferguson1trtorÉIs anS parts aloarrneS in, s tock. Truk-racorEquipmient Çom- liany Lý)-iied, 34 Noble Street (at Russia, To Punish Hitler And "Gang"' RIu4ssia lhas served niotice through a Soviet Embassy pub- lication that, it would hlold Hitler and his Nazi supporterseson silje for wNar atrocitiQe commjit- tedÏby Grmnsoldliers. Fcitparty leadiers, the Ger- anArm-y Comimand, and finlan- cilmagnates, backing Nazi ag- gresion ire members of a gang of o)ff(,1endes against international lawV," ani article binthe FEm-bassy's inform-ation bulletin, said, atdd- ing "Stecr 11pInisýhnt must be m-eted o-oteail the cuilprits. The atcewsreprinted, The IBook Sheif NONE BUT THE LONELY HEART Author cf "How Creen Was My Valley'>, once agaWin Rihard Llewellynf bas writton a book which reveals al oethf humnàinity, rarely fourni in m1odem fiction. t l astoly wýhich ljoeks lifo straighit in the eyes and blinks at nothing. In- "Nene But t'he L,1eely Hert" lowellyn lolks at life tbrough the eyes cf ErnieMot .ýn inarticlato London Cockney> wheso chorizon le bounded by meastreets; whese onlly rec.rea,- tiis thie tnwdry Fua Fair; whese ambition ýis te hoc"in the money?" Yeu will meet Ernie's"n- ëa noble cha)ra-Cter (vnthiouglt athief in the eycs cf the lnw). You will moot the allurinig Adn of the Fua Fair; te loquent and nmazing -llonry Twite, ne of London's queerest characterý; Jin , Mordinoyý, the p"flash"' boy who ad nmore inoney in is, peeket than Ernie vould ever bave in tbe bank; Mn Sedgwiss anidber .canary; and Emnie!s many ether noighbrs lA "Thù R onad."ý "'None But the Lenely BIort"' hlatrilinig story, =at with, suspense, andl at times painfuilly real. Yet tbirough it al thore is love aaded ernese lfli mens- ure, None But tihe Lfrnely Heart 1By Richard Llewellyn .- Thse Ryerson Press , Price Chicken Is Picked In Six seconds Miodem inventions can pick the feathers, off a cbicken la six sec- onds, -F. E. Corey, general man- ager cf the Pickwick Corp)orationi, told niembers cf the National Frozen Food Lecker Association, A clucékinig oléd bon can be pull- ed eut cf her coep and dressedl puortne reastig oven la lese than ten seconds, be added, ln discues- ing, the 1iatest m1-echanical chicken- pîcking devices, Acheice cf' miore than 50 tra-des lei offeredi girls onllisting in the C ýanad!ian Womýen's Arm'y Corps.' TAN thought ïnoting of Hie woifldn>et 1have Ouir boys overseas are fighting desperate'ly to speed the victory, . risking their lives Sto make sure of that victory. AIl thatç%we are asked to do is to give up ail un.n'ecessary spending so that we can lend our money to buy planes, tanks, ships and guns. Canada is asking for $1,200,000,000. To turn Our backs on that appeal simply mneans that we are turning our backs on our fighting men; * mein who are fighting so that we can stili be free to lend our mnoney! So Iet's speed the victory by buying Victory Bonds wîth every cent we have - and bc thankful wie're sill f ree ro do so! This supace contrmauted to the war effort by DAWES BLILACK I4HORSE BREWERY - DOW BREWERY o.scooo~~~ SOUS PS 0000000l 85 COUS BO~Sfl ~U~O O tUa C O O O S M M a u ~ s e e e~ e ceeS e * O S OUBOSUSO SOUS * e *55#e COCU cBBOBOUOSU 055 US] * CCCCC S5005SBOO BOSSUS 520555 * e e~aa5S5S* Be OBUS SUS SUSSUUI , O CSBBeBSBBB0UCSO~U~~*5*5*m C #eeeecBeSCOBUUBSUU~~**~5m1 505 BIS BUIBUBOS *gSSSSSUUUUUU e e o o SU tasses 2.5 c.~U 5UCBUU SU OUI * OBBB0~ 55555 *sBOs e * os, *5055 I 'BBC * B 505 050 Bs 5555 00005 Bs OC C *0 B O B5 SOBO 55055 ~OBBU 'BOB.' S B B B O 5. * COCO 2.052------------- o~ Os cm B OOBBB BU BUUOUUUUSU.%N.O~UD O B B OS BB5O BUS BU OS O5OSU5U~*Ce.ÇUX BOBBUOB OC 50 OBUOBOUUUUu~SUU~ 55505S BOBO BOSSU SOUS. *UUUUU~ BOO 5BBOBBBOUCOUUUUUEU * Be BOSSUUOSUSSUSBUSEUE MUEN 0500SF O -b O B O O C COOOB OOC O, SUCS' COSSU 5OUB~ 10550 00050 COUBU 0055~ *SSBB Bacc ~B550 SOBO C BEFORE THE WAR: Gordon, COCUS 0000 * sOsBoOcC~ spending $100 on a hunting trt~/z. IBUOS, missed that tr:~b for anytbing. COBUOS C OU O O SO 500 OU SU OU O SU M B BOUC 000 UO PUS SOOUOSUSUS SB BUU ,ooOc Bosco comme BOBOS BOBO SOBUSOS OSUO CB Cossa oas o c o ooOOOOO .0 B B B B O B B B O O B O S O O O O E O C BS *B Us O O 0000 O-C coco, B c B S S B O O O S O B O P S O O -.