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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Oct 1943, p. 5

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RED & WRITE -STORES C¶r~T'NyÂycI TI-URSDAY SPEIAL ri A SATURDAY QUALITY lIGHER THAN PRICE MWent Coupons 17, 18, 19 20 and 21 expire this wýeekç-end, B E E F R~ound Steak, Boneless lb. Sirloin Steak, pound Blade Roast, pound Chuck Roast, Pound Sirloin Point, pound Rump Roast, pound PO0R K Shoulder of Pork, pound Loin Chops, pound Side Pork, pound Fresh Ham, pound Pork Hocks, pound L AM B 38C 40e 29c 26c 38C 35c 30c 3 15c 29c 35 c 17c LEG 0F LAMB, pouid.......... ... .....326c" LOIN, mwhole Fiank on, Kidney and Suet out, per pounld . ........ ............34e. FRONT QUARTER, whoie, pouind......... 22C. Dressed Chickenis - Order Early Buik Macaroni, 2 pounds for........... .. Wonderful Soap, 5 bars for ........ ...... Iland Picked Beans, 1 pounds for ..... ..... 13c. 18e. 25c. J. J. CORNISH Deliveries wili be made on Saturdays Only ARMsTRO0 N G'S IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 LADIES' SKIRTS In Gored and Ple-ated, in new Fait Shades~, Priced $2.95 to $4.95 Also New Sheer Blous- es in white and colors. DRESSES Dresses just in Crepes, and in new Fait Cati and see Chicken Haddie tin Macaroni 21lb. Corn Flakes (ellog's, JACKETS Ladies' Sport Jackets in plain and quilted style, different colors. Priced $4.95 to $7.95 Also Children's Snow Suits PIECED GOODS In ail Wool, Crepe and Wool, Rayon Crepe, Ailpine, 36 to 54 inches wide, colors of blue, green, wine, gold and red. Priced yard $1.00 to $2.95 White Beans 4 lb. Fresh Sausage 2 lb. 35c. Fresh Cookies lb. Veal Cutiet lb. 45cw VanCamp's Beans pkig. Bce. Veal Chops Fresh Side Eork 30 c. Local. wshonme uver the vweek-end. MissAdee JVortoal, Tereito, spa thle week-end with 'lieruparants, Mr. aad Mrs. A. 'E. Mýorten, Mvr. and iUrs. Elmrer Fowler have moedinto IM1i ss EvaPatro' house in the South warcb. Mr11 and Mrs. George _Mitch1ell, of Toronto, spent Si-nday l'v ast witli Mr. and Mrs. George Butters. Mrs. O. Fan, Toronto. visited with lier parenits, Mr~. and 'Mrs. F. 0. Cooper, over the week-end. dUrs. Howard Walsil was ia Tor- ente last Thursday visitin.g lier sis- ter, Mrs. Beatty, who is quite ill. Miss Beatrice Hamm, Toronto, spent ever the weï1-end -with lier ,pjarents, Mr. and _Mrs. E. J. Hlamm. Several from lera attended the 'uneral of the late Mrs. J. Carscad- da-n ia Bowmaniiivîlla on Sunday last. Ed. Graliam, Naval barber of the R.C..V.R, ialifax, N.S., is spendi- ing two ýweeks wîth bis wife, and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan, Mrs, Normnan Allen anddagtr spent Suiny in Toreonto visitîag whtl Mr. aad Mrs. E. 'G. H1ay. *Mr. John iMeNabbl, returned back to Ormoo from in i!gstoai on Saturday liavinig been turned down by the army mdca board. MUr. Chas. Walker of the R.C.Aý.F., Winnipeg, Mrs. Walkar and child, are vijSiting wiýjfjtl the lattar's parents, ~Mr. and Mrs. Clas. Cooper. Mr. Bert Brereton, Newcastle, is miaking improvemnents to Mr. R. R.' WnddILell'sprety alse at the Me- tallie Art Prodluets building. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. ClIel Port i{o'pe, _Miss Eileen Joaes, Osliaw,,a, Mr. aad rs G. Jonies -isited recent- ly with Mr. and Mrs. J. aleson. Sixtuein Brethren of Orone Masenic Lodge journeyed te Cear Lodge, Oshiawa, on Tuesday evenintg last to attend their Annual ýSenior W\ýar- den's Niglit. MUr. J. J. -Mellor 'will speak e ver CH1EX, Peteilboro, on Wednejisday evening, Novaniber 3jrd, fromi 6.45 to 7.00 p.m-., in the interest of the Misses ýC. and N. Colville enter- taied soime fiandsý to a dlinner 'party on _Mondny evening at il) honor of their guest, Mrs. M. L. Beacomibe, of Lindsay. Friands -will relgret to lient that MUr, C. A. Henry, who spent several weeks in Orono this sunmmar, lias passed away at Kiagston. The fu- nerai will he held at Peterlioro. The Oronlo 'Girl Guides will be around on Saturday, October 30th, te colleet fats. Haveý the fat ready for the girls when they cali, an-d lie sure to have it in containers. Messrs. E. J. llamm, Neil Porter, George Morton and Clarence Allin attended the sessions of the Loyal Oraige Grand Lodge of Ontario-, which ýwas held this week at Perth. Messs, .A. J. Tamlýiblyn-, P. W. Tan.blyn, J1. D. Brown *"and Jas. Bro'wn are placing- some stock in the large Annual Hlolstein sale being held at Bramipton on Thulrsday of this week. REPAIR 'YOur RADIO Now Don't wait until parts become srarce. For your convenience we carry a complete line of TUBES, BATRIES, CONDEN- SERS and RESISTORS If unabie to hring your radio to, the shop, Phone Orono 42 r 2 - tha cliaic Local lNews bourg Laýst Friday ight',wlnBo yonDuanda1S, Gran.d Mstro gtharing. -Mr. O'Bo'yle, wl)oiso habeau ranting" Mrs. Engleson eidneon (Clurich street, has puchs Ms. C. -W. Biliings Louse on Cluirclistree,(t soutli and wllmeve into bis new home the forepant c0f nex-,t imonth. ess.R. H. and J, D. Broum visitcmi their old friund, 'Mr'. Andrew Morrc'w at Kixiby on1 Sunday. "Andy", they roport, is in- good lealth and expects to leave for Hamiilton in about two wveekS time. Several carloads 0f Western Can- ada fe'ed grain have cone into the locality recently. Dealers are dis- tributing the fead amnong fres as a mn-is cof supvplemeintiag thei shertageý brouglit about by thýe a1- noicrmal seasen just passed. Rev. Willis Hnncock, of Vancouver, raecenltly visîted hi- brother Edg-ar anld famnily, also bis old-time ,fiand Hloward Walsh. The ahove boys and myen attended Sunda.y Schiool anad Churcli at Clarke for man-y years together. Tbiey ai1se lived in the,, same village in Saskatcewan fo thiýea yeaas and helpied build the first parsenag-e in Osage, Saskntche- wan. Beti were mmbers of Ie same trustee brdof thie cchcli nd parsone]9e. and thay have o sold4 ail their property inSaktewn giving thear ne more -werryabu taxes or reats. ~Satnroiy ist fi-) ie ert, ie l e lha hleei 'with aretigoper ioniýs. ports ta h rp his fair. Someof hesha v nely as hgias hme yen w( eelk1inýg ftrlat longer he burs. UlY VICTORF BONDS Canada's 'War Effort. iron Lln renewb-ilg lbiýs suiscrilption te tlaý TieMr. Per-cy Long of LVrmilion, Alta., takes tlhis o fprtniy ec--ý taad1(in-g lis lient regards, te al l is rieads aaid old pals 0f bgov-ne dnys. Haeni mntioned lthat tha tweaty new,, oil well1s opanied there produed- ï10,441 barrais for the mionth of Auge st, whichi is net lad for- thaý starting 0 f now wells. Orono Girl Guides held a hialle- eenparty in their cl ooi-,roo at th(. rear of St. Savieur's churci on Tuesday e'vening last. The first 'parit of the avnigwas spent in a trea- ura hiunt, i-whîcliwas very m uai en- ioyad, follOWed by m nakir.g' -Jack-o- Lnntaerns. Their leadeiý,r then 'put the girls thriouiglih allowe'en stunts, and later gamnes were played. The sermion topic last S8unday meorning at Park iSt. Chai a s entitled "Tha Bible and Buisinecss." sjeet siwdkeen insiglit and enreful ~preparation. An illustrated lectuire dealing r witli the Bummia Rond la1 China formaed part of tie evening serv-ice. liera a gain, the description aLs given hy) the mnister iniý nforIri faRshien, greaafly addled te thie appeal eif tie picttiras. The adnptalility of theý Chines elan carrying on againtis gatodds, and their 'ilngeste work ba-,rd, are dapicted in thlis set ef sldas, -wbich weme considered ex- cept ionally gooid. R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Ceutre St. Orono Phone 80r10 ___________________________________________ M ___________________________________________ Il. El 'INFORrdATIO For Eastern Farmers who wish to Purchase Western Feed Grains 111 GRAINS AVAILABLE:. HOW TO ORDER Place an order through your regular dealer. The dealer can order this "grain, -advise you on costs and handie ail details of shipment to your station or Place an order direct with a western farmner. Be sure to() specify thle kind and grade of grai-n wanted, (2) specify that the grain must not have more than 3 pet cent dockage and (3) be prepared to accept grain within one grade of your request. Purchase made by either of these methods gives the buye>r the benefits of bonuses, freight assistance and other Dominion Governmient sub- sidies if his shipmient complies with the regulations. el 0 a PRICE INFORMATION Oats and barley wiIl be charged for by the bushel, at the ceiling price' (or the cash price if this is lower), basis in store at Fort 'William or Port Arthur. Ceiling prîces on OJats, 51 Y2c per bu.; Barley, 64'4c per bu. Freight, ioading charges, coml- mission, and War Risk Insurance must be paid by the buyer. GOVERNMENTAL ASSISTANCE ON FEED GRAIN PURCiASES 1Subsidy per bushel- 1! Y2c in October-lc in November- !Y2c in December. 2. Feed wheat payment of 8c per bushel. 3. Freight assistance on feed grains from For ia-ort Arthur to ail points in Eastern Canada. 4. 3% dockage tolerance to allowv more rapid shipping of grain. READ THESE FACTS CAREFULLY Miinimum grain order is a carioad. Dockage of 3%/'o is llowed on grain purchased. Difference in weight be- tween 1 % and actual dockage is not included in cost of grain to buyer. Aftcr receipt of the grain, the buyer should apply to the Feeds Adminis- trator, Confederation Building, Ottawa, for the nccessary forms forý refund of fr& Government documents:i or a copy If You Need Stable Equilpment Order Now Ladies' arrived, Wools, Shades. them. I 117my H E A1-ýýT & O.Am T- S o E A Il L E y

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