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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Oct 1943, p. 6

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ýecord IBARREI. 0F FUN iHave ýYou Heard? b-sswhich the Jnavy sed i1 W,,orldI War 1 have been denied te) Ëfle Ualitod K liagloml. Ili spite 0fi hadcpthe n yliasonetre inead1(ous work la iivoyaad blas cgýrried out its trdto a tct '-to"seýekoout, eggeadde- troy" thie ceaemy - with 2grea t msuce.Two Axki bAtteshpsA1 cruisers, 97 dsroesandi tor- pQed[o b atslnIdmor'e Èth-oaa a und- reti naval auxilares bati been suik Iby June, 1943': 570 Ai su- marinescwee damagedor suali p te Novemnber, 19421. -rigMay, Jane and July eofhisyea thy were bjeiag îsunk at the rateý of one au day. Inlathe Mdtraen h iloyal Navy bas won vr major action, icuig teBaItIes of Ta ant iad Cape Mtpn Na. v y Ap,poin t s WvrenDImetitans A neow influence, scientific and feinine, is about te rench ot unto Canada's fig,,hting slips and m1ake itself feit in theý pala tes and fne of seamen. Thle Royal Canadian Ný,axy lias announetiapontietof five WP-E'N dettanLo act ia an ad- vieory ecapacity la the prepama- tien of food for nil naval shIp; andi establishments. Ail tainedt und experienced dietitiaus before entrig the navy, te job sof these officers \iil be te cee that the mien get a balanced nnd- varied ciet. The steýp liupecdntdso far as ýether the Canadian or the Erîtish Navy le coaceruied for hitherto womlea have ineyer lad anythinig to do wvith wliat hap- pens aboard naval chips. ROAD CLOSED ýath or serious injury awaiù,4 foolhard-y servicemnan -ho e thï ,iriiew ang, . Sgiawae, ed bhy "sapperse" assignied tiecklish ta*k of remioving y tapes owa by (departiag on Kieîka. ite To Him Often -And Cheerfully ail wars, the seldier lbas vecl it hie, special priviîlege- ouch, But ho dees nt lika ing by others, Noçthiag lus morale m-iore quic-kly co-inplainling letters fremi olk at honme, These aire eveaý e than nu lttersat A. )combat this sort of t'hiag Magazinle Publishers' Associ- - of Canlada has unldertakeQn ation-wide campaigu, The n for a seMnes ef fuli page rtisernts le: Vrite te hlm iitoday ., ;ERFULLY2" is camlpafigaeahuistca ýrsed by goverulll(rnn nt amty officiais, is dlistinctiy h whlie. t sirîl lican un- alt facter laninltaininth'Ie t- of our troeps ia the bard ggle that lies abead, t le tapprepriate tiht these mes- 's ehouid appearila aioa izineýs wici are renld b the e- by- il mlellbors of [the o pieces te menu- es O-ver- K'idsý and a egmake for gay sport t eninlnEnlad whee tesechildrien of Biihwrwresaeplay 'ing ,,Ir. rey Object of gm is to sýtand on1 top of fthe rollinig barlreL. WIAT SCIENCE an) airplane is paredl dowa to thle ultiatedimesio teconserve weihtit~nihtsein strange the Jbooks, in whiich the lýog tftbe ftom c is ritte arebouati ume- tal and lead, says W. P. Kýeasbey la te Chrllis;1tan Sieace Monlitor, The easn fr this is thlat the daailaOthebookineprecieus ad must net bealwe to fali into enemy bande. To malte certain tint thisdoes nut bepen, te iog book are 1b0u1d1laP-lead se thiat teywili siak apidly antisreyif thlre)wn overbeard 10 avoid posibl1)e cap- tulre by thle enemily. WaI kie-Talkies Oroiially evloedtobe car- rieti by foot soliers la steaing jungles, dsr wseor bel Aretie be)-aches, the"wli-ake two-way, one-man radiý(lo stationi aow li as gene to0 cea, TLtlbas beea Cdis couereti[that itse 10-mile ranige lesufietoteper- mit voice messages te ha- ex- changeti betweea the diferent viessel l a big conivoy witiont u'sing the powerful sbp' adio whVOlse lmensely greater"rab mlght recultitnla enemiy lstenjers plking up signaos whicb wonid give away the cenvoy. Hf ow Canl?? By: Anne Ashlcy cakes romstlcking -t etepa rylng tbem? A.-Add (1âtct) twe tabiespoon- fis of mrelted lrd or a-, table- spoonfuL of ineited butter, te[0trlc batter aud it will keep tbern in stciclnotethe grddle. Q.-low oaa Irmoeinuscete from vegetable wen asin theml? A.-By pnttiag a litti vingar or ai pine1h. of bore a ,, nthc wate-r. This will rig ie live nsct te ',the surface ialmeet nietiately, Q.-ITow 1cx imalte a tsn face cream? A.-A pgood 1tiSssue bInlider is made eoftwuounces each of cocma btelanloljia anialmnoad olI, or olive ou1; add a few drops et cOogue. ýApply utathe skafater nsing bot tewels. A,-ashln aking c, oda aad a litewarm lwater, ns]ciag a brusi aidrythruly panamla hat? Loat-Ra-tirnBo -iM-editerranean home on a rot' evapi for a new "gsoîerationý book teuepacue lie ls.Thie local War and Price atonBoard Sid lie would have te advertise the bec before another could be issued. lie piaced thef(Aoewing ati'ver- tiscepeY Mu -an-stor,-Pa, paper: w inter Garb For W.D.'s -This wiater the weat'hler man will 1101l, no tror'or Motor Transport Drivers ilu the Women's Divison oËf the Royal Canadian Air For-ce. Above is piured the new garb whichi is being 2,ýissned te ail girls la this ectnvital work. The bine zipp)ered ,grýellille'cloth flyîng jacket is 1leece lined, com- plete with hood. The siacirs are of speccial eg; madle of heavy ýwool they are of a type used by ski-minded girls. Th e bat is of the sýki type, -aise. The boots are something wortb niotingz. Thîzýy, toe, are, zpnýrnul and fleece lined; an exact duplicate of thlose worIa by ftle- ficrs tem- La st but not lest te. rguntlets are fleece ined, ina:de $Labe g ood-lookiaig lahr i Transpqort Drivers,;)lie tt- lto as M.T. Drivers, are vrgently re7- qnired by thie R.C.A.F. laon erta let mea', whio are,, doing thi-s ~r t'rain for aircrew. Transport driving 'is one et theI.ý Most thrî-lliing of alRCA..tradles open to wmabetween th age 0f 18 ,and 14). They are tfraîned to dIrive everythîng fromnthe smiart statlinwýagonIs toithe hevy uty trucký]s ithat zip to. and flrolin fTIy;ingý ThIlos e iterested laienarolîng Write or phone he C.A11Pie C-rniting CenItre, 2ýf00 Bn Stee Toronito, Adelaide 5821, forco- plete informlatin. Adoctcir and a lawyer were agigov-er thjeir -res-pective pro- fson: "I donl't say that ahi awesare croolis, said the dej c- tor."bu yonll ave to adit that t;eegl prefossion dles't malte angeis ofme" - you're right" answered t he :aryern "yen doctors certainlyý have the beter ou us thel'e" Mile; "Ooodnesa George, tis is iiot our baby. Thins is Che wrong cariage." Husbond: WQuectTis car- nage has rubber tires. A yuagmacordredtwo doe rosea to be set t bs ince,,n raeonthe cardthat was tego Piht rn A ros or ecîyear, "TIhrow iii aniiextra dzn"si Firt Mtoist"Ilove thleC beaues of the coutrysýde." S,~etrne Igive 'cm a i. "Joliniwht ie on have forIt breakfast?"c lTom My: Mother, if baby svwa!l1ow edi oue t a cp ole, wîould it ki!li hm? Mvother: It might, cdear TOMMY: Set nthasn', "Johl, I hope 1I donr't scecyou smijing at that girl," pI hope you didn'tMy dearY' Tirest Douctar: "My wife says ttifI lon't give ip golf, sbe'll leaveme," SeodDctor: "f say bard luck !" Fira-t Doctor: "Yes, F'il miss By: Roberta Le -,Wha ivilig a tip,. is It aisej n esa/te say a idffword(1eo appreciation oanconsiderate ser- 2. Te iËt tmue thiat £r-iedchke sh-oul not be eatenl wi th trie tmagers? 3. Is it correct for a muarried Io woa have her personal cali- ing cardsenegraved Mrs. Mary Jones"?' 4. Whaiit is teproper way to eat alligtorpears? 51 Whea two iwomea are intro-, duced, shouid the yýoulnger womren make the firet imove to leave? si, s1ould onle take a sligbhtly idewise position wea sittg at the end of a sofa? Answers 1. t is flot n1eCessýary-,'but it is niice to dIo so. 2,' The correct ývay to eat echicken is withithe ikuife an ork, a1*though it is frequentiy taken with the fingers whea the mai is enten at home or et pkiaic amonýlg l (iehes (0f t amly anid ýjitiifl fiends. 3. No; lier cards boiiread 'r.Johin (mîllle iuit~l) unes" 1,. Alligator prsare servwed cnt la nhalves like cautaoupes, and afte(-r addig hedresulg Swoud be etrelaithI a po, 5. No, it le proper that tht he oMlerwomtau do1 this. 6, Ye, thrwseone l ik i1ely te, asuea stiff pýostur'e. Prices After First War Cori- paý,red Wý'ith 1943 Prices -utin ecas(eeetare soame who dontremebervha1t happened la th day of iyinflaion, heire are aine ilintratonsby h, lent. anecoru camne as Ihigli as 25cns i a ganet 1,-cnt teday. T'linne(titomateeýs wre doulble their price. Jam, wii teday,, whien thiere le any, ceni be bouight for 630 cents, c'ost 1O Feed( forlvetc was preper- tion3ateýly iigb. Ontis costiiag $2.75 today cv onît net bbogbOilt for lese than $,2.Scratch feed was $4,60 a-gainat the present price of $2.5 Shorts wer'eS300 as cempaired wih$1,50 today. WVe rnay get pretty wellea- pOerýated witb price conitrol a't times. B3ut whlen we coneider whaÈt meas lutermes et actual cash sa- luge rnost et ns Nwoulithiat twice beeewe w'ould w-,ant te scrap it,. It's tee bad orne oet thepres- Snre groupe thiat hlave been bowl- ing dowaý the whiole pric-e contrel stucur oldal't t-ake tirne teù conider(ý the probable Colnse- ofene e otwm ci.n foilly The Nuthatch Earns His Naine NuLthatchies are bhue-gray birds about cparrow size. They are pr white undiernai, bave wn1te mjarkýs la their wi-ngs andtiisow whitela thir tals le wben tey fly. Their geniemal shape le triauigular, tbat is,thi shoulders appear wide wbhile thie tipe; of their ings folti cloeey againet tHihi narrowA shorts talle, Their ille are very Strong', eabi.g te biis ct ýcrack open liard-shlietdil note.ý FroiM isthie bacl a u o acbig (ofld tomn) tiey get their inanes. Acomas andi boecbnuts are thelr favorites, but they do net scrna peanuts wben already sheleti. To "iatch"ite n"t, Ot h i wegsit into a bark ceie If net hungry juet then, be lbaves it tbnere fer a future nx. be wakg-at the Sheil, lttce do netbrcetemeleswth their tlle'and are as likhely to hostnd iing beat dowuilward abeve tue f od as to ho peckng ait it fEmni below They rua uLp anti dewn anti arocnti tree. tiunke switi the uitter aban- don and 1ucnrcern etf a fly ou an apple. A wrongp-sidie-up1 position disturbe S hem inet et all. Nutitchs lke cnet and wVil1 visit a Food tray regularly,ner bickering but always phtl awaiting thieir turne. They are os- pell ond etfsqash sd pcnap- kmi1 seeds aid will accept siuch disýturhed sesbarning or srntl'1'iing. bot eut for tahiTis ,condition je a sure siuta our idneys are vnat fully ridding yurbliod of oiîpou acide sud(wsts.When te idncyçi1es slw p, watecolleet. Baictache, d:z7y pIe puffy cyesead rhleuînatic peins lune' llb Vour kid.esund lîep --nd tueeIsa turne tii. provea weay te belp alueu itnwn as GQLD MEDAL Haerlem OUl Capealce. Th,ýe c apsules centalu care- uh>'mceard uentities ef tint wiiçely known dIioreýic ru-iled Dutch Dap.You wiII 'tlnd t1iseir action fest and ef'fective: Be suete ou gct GOLD MEDAL IHanrie.n Oil Capsules, thep genuine and oriinal Dutch Dirnpa--paqed ineCanada. Cet a 40C o.ý4Ç*ajg fgon y0sr druggist. tsesif they find tiem rea onut on1tray or vw'Ind[Ow sill On1ýCe nuhthsbecoe acusome t -a certain feeding place, they wl cau ntli the'y fiid Ithee l epty. Canadian servicemien Overllseas% reeve iore thlan a billion dg- arettes laL9 142 or an avervagr Of 15 per mail per (lay. Frceenie dikaàtreatme.nt l avallblie for one year after dis- clhar-ge from the Caniaian Amiiy. How To Mae minleStocks. Théeehi uoly oana sure wyte aiemonles iingold Imine stocks: GET THE FA TS, à7Y AN]1ý) SELL ON TFACTIS. Each eek we publish a Mer- het bttrt C OL!-)DI)GES' -wý%hich gives al the import- ant lnews tand lfacts aboutai -Senioer-sjuniors and Pros- T'he GOL])DIGD(EST will be sent fori, wek Gt otchatrge Or obligation-to those ho req'u(uest Redr-nnd & Co. 330 Bay St. Toronto NAIE--------------.. AIYDRESS--------------W HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TOe"RTURE QUIÇCLY AND EASILY U yciuaae trooled il î1ing pls ivrctal noýt de- lay traietand rmn thAe risir 0 letngtis coniion beraccm e hron- îc. ~ ~ ü Aytcin orSOieness or sboul be 0curdaetonice. For. tlMis'as e et-epaciage or Hemt-Rauid t1roim ny d1mggýis3t end uise as oinula lehil Is Uued internally la a sinala easy ta tetaiet, wîl quîck ly aid in tîeLi)u di aurs teder sos Hem-Raidis ple1sot ila ue. i hifhy îeammedldirîdit seeru rîsk spaîlîtl id chronliC pile con- dîtor wensuch a-tinle renedAy may 0e il t aclialle cst it yaa E[ry Hm'aid s urena ntel'pleased îvt theresaits,' y firldugu îst wMllgIdlyrea mot or money) mnonthly pain but aise ,we;,.nerv- eus !feeings-duje la ip»Myflai- cUlt dy'Mede in Canet-d. -i

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