f AILE TALES SADiE B. CHIAMBER~S Brushing Up On Mleat Diýshes 'Phe lovely crisp Autumu dnyýs are with us. Thcy bring sonlie sadl thotughts, but also joyous clics, for ,he beaty of the Autumai bas been unsurpassed. Althoughi thje dr-earinieýs and dead leaves do mark tal end of! our summ!-er itý 'wijll n#fbe soý miany months be- fore t-he arrivai of oUvely spriug wVith its newness agali.. -ne thîung cur Auttumaii is sure to bring la appetites for the whoule failjY eridj now la the tinm- when more atteýntion has to be gN7en to tiseý ~preparatioii of thie ho-t -ment dishies jrtx order to satisf'y those hiuugry boys adIC girls and grownups, tooj .1 arngvn twov niew ideas for t.he preparation of ment. Chicken Baked in MiIk Cnt p the chickeni as for fry- ing. Duaýt each piece wvith sait a-nd pepper and roll very lightly lxi flour. Fry, lai piping bot fat-- ïf yon happen to have ciknfat it la b'st. Wheu piecé' are a- golden brown arrange lu a bak- înýý diali. Add oecupfui of wghole nikto the frying pan and îtir until al! the gravy la taken up. .Add this to the chicken with cnougis e-xtra whoie mnilk to h.alf zcover it. Cover Lhe dishtghy and bake 'n mod0(erate oven until tise chicken la tender, whieh shouldj be about two hours, wheni thse Bfiik wili be bhsorbed. Remiove eehicken to hot platter. Add one tableapoon, flour to fat andi juies reinéaing lu pan, stir over low lieat then add a, cupful of nsilk. ýCüok until smiooth anmd thickeuad, andi pour over cick!Ien. This la deiiciouis servedi withi fluffy-cook- eti ce andi squash fur a vege- table, Lamb Loaf 111fý lhs. groundiý lansh (cheaper cuLts wil! do) 1 cupful of breadl crumbs 1 tablespoon chiopped pepper * cup diEed eelery 2eggs 1 teaspoon sait Mteaspoon pepper Milk to moisten well Combine ail the ingredients andi p ack wel lto getdloaf pan. -._Aake in a mioderate oven for 40 Msinutes Serve with masheti po- tato, gay anti tu.rnip<'nk -,lo1 green roand. SSAlis- Chamberswews peryonai ~ ettersï fromihtrae reaaders. Suýe in pleased tu reeive xuggestioa :m toples for ber columu, ani lm Rawvays reaê"y te isteùn te your "e we 1s. eqzeýsta fur rüeeles or epetiai menus are inerer Addressf pour leters to -"isadie 19. Chanibers, 73ý Wves Adelaide St., .'rao"se&nd staa 141KU se d- ressed envelpe Ul pou wis a - i By VfICTlOR ROSSEAU QE{APFER I !t asabot iddlay when Dave Bruice reined Lin his bay gelding ind looked down inito th-e valley below,ý. For miles it eem- ed to extend gaualyrsgup to, the cniutoo' the mrouLn- tanChain that vwalled ;it off from the bdad and the desert, hoP~of divin ~zutO on Ihe ant at hae e biE g ties r-0, lct~ U btr HLez f omO1 The (-war intwnyt itoywill be ours- but iwou't1 bea alkoe.lut lis ailmaeibis our mte ,et p others mijlipsy for ImmiaiIýtely lbeneatl hm Dave saw eone of the moaýt prosperous- lookiug ranches t hoh had ever set eyes upon. There was the rancIiùhuse, theluIster Of tnlim- buildings ounelther ide of it, the long bunkisouse, the corrals Wth- straight feuce-pots aud taut wire gleamiuig lu the noon surlight. Sittiug b, is horse upou the top of the rése, Dave couldsec a dus- ter of punchers gathered about thse retiLuda corral, which inaut hi've been at leat thrce acresin e-tent.Luide it severl hoires were mîilling, rea-riug, or dashîuig wildly around the interior, Every..- thiug stood ont hard anid cle-ar il thse crytai light. "Well, fella, this looks like business," Dave remarked to is geding, which fliked an car anti went on graziiu,;ou thse tufts of green grass. "They told us Ihow Wilbur Ferris hati the mair spread lu -Mescal, bt I neyer looked for anythiug like this. Hwl it feel1 tobe rudn up 'steers again after our three monthas' holid[ay, fellIa?" , v's uft withi which he bad beeCci-.for two yeara1-, ha d bueen psdto the wall by the depres- lionpices. Dave had now reach- cdlte point àhee t ad ha- cueS esenial 'Co settie(down tO work. Tetaldown wh mich hle was riigwas cerýýtInly flot in habit- alUSE. At times it grew 10o steep hat te bay put his fore- fetogethér audASudcdown lu a showcr of shale. Near the bot- tom lcame frngeof aspeu, with- a ayer of soft dead leaveb, soggy ~tih sepigsfromr one of the in- numeabl stram~thaut turnbled dol înto th-e \valey -ou th-is side ThnDavýe wsth rouL!ghLithe as;pens 1n-d'!lunthe valle'yisef ïnd ,the bayvas mioviuig at ani eaycoetoadthe hrecor.- Sc~ c or eght en we-e 'gath- ered about it, but noue of theml wsstigon the rails, and Dave saw w ýhy. Dhe bunch of horses iride was unbrokea, and every now ud aainune of tbem wuld myake a, furious lunige againist thie pots)r start ou a, wild calreer aroud te initerior., eai-s laid back audl teeth gleamling viciously. As he roe up, Dma saw tAt the outfit consisted of lexicans o-r Ibreeds. Sullen and sulspicioua iooks were directedi toward hlmy. as hie ea.sd the bay to a stand- pli(and sat sreigthe group. Tweuty-five, tail, straighit la hssaddle,ý fair-haired and grey- eeDave watched the swarthy puncheres îing up the group as isz left-hnnd fingers rolled a cigarett, fe. "HoCwdiy !", le addressed the crw,"I'm loo 0kin',for Mr. Nobody uswered hlm but the scowls deepened. Wilbur Ferris' Cross-Bar certainly did't seem nhospitable Dotfit. But ama came stridinig out of a uearby bunikbiouse, a tali anti stocy-mn -of about tirity-five, wih iass oýfufimteti hair anti blacksmutchBuncels of mnus- cles ou the cheat and arms. Dark, but unmistakably- an Amnerican. The Mexicans were lý Iooking at hlimmsignificntlythn glancng "Well?" demndedti the new- one. Yo'eforemnan of this ont- fit?." asked DPave. "Iffthat's so, yen uwnntanotber baud." "ýYea! Wbn maes you thiuk 10?" inquireti tise other lu a wueering voice "Look at the ourit you got." Tise two mesurd ach other. Dae amid l l isciaretteand Nature stored more of the great growth and vitaliy eleme-t-proteLa-in 'wole grain Datineal-than ;iii iiuy other natural cereal you can serve your famlyl. TIoday, -withi les meai protein avaiLable, yo-ar famiïy j mgseds his extra vitaiity poeto fQuaker Oats more than everi Quaker Qats is so outstanding that k vcon, tains niLue ont o!flee food elements short in anany pVresent day diets! Servecl elicious Quaker Oats dailyý phret ou ip y'ove Qath sd viaty bt' sero ing t ta Chiiden soufimly'love Qaker OsA ta. fyI'Dssathta one best cereal when sa mgxiy othazrfouds areraied 'ibe Quake'ür 0555 compauy of Canadi wvas puffing it eaaily. The Mxi. cana were watchiug tise pair at- tenitively. There w'as agol, tension. "Looka lMe you've rode far," saiti the foremian, eeigDave's hoire, which wus plastereti ith sweat and alkal duat. "Yeah, rode down rmUti. Cihat's a long ways fromn here." "I wvas twvo years wih he Bld- die Brothers, tilI their outfit crashe&i Thought l'ài sea a bit cf the couutry beV fore Settfilu' tiown again. A feinlasomne town along tîhe rond tot i me th-ere miight be a place oni Mr, TFerris' ranch 2atüMeacal. My riamiiie'a "Pi'm Crran. 1 got about ail the handa I neeti. Might use a good one, but 1%v got to be hon"The suc-jerilu'tise fore- man ' voi chd given way to a sort of purring note that Dave dis[irusted. " Fa ct l," Curran went on, "p)uninii' in thesec parts la different fromni p luUtah. IY hai one(aacoo aftcr another-, and 1 got te be shown" AS'mwilliu to show you,"u- swered Daum, drawing lna n ast puff and trwn away the but, 0f hscigarette, "You-L are, huh'? low about hawavs-wranglin'? Think you coulci break one; of tembroncs in.! there ?" Curran jerked his thumb tcward the corral. "I'mi willîa' to try." "Finep!" gr-linned lCurran. "Noth- in better. You brýeak thatwid eyed black iin thlere, and l'il sep- about the ýJob. Ready to Start in anow ?" "I'm reay," nswer:ed Dave, clambering out of his aadd!e. (Continued Next W'-eekt) (Miions 0f Sleds Ready In Russia BUsca sial reaigto thïow ,a warmlycîadSwift,hadittg a1rmy aaistte Germans as fafling temperatures on the aouth1- eru and central fronts hlerald the app)roach of arnother bittei wLiter, Millions of siedas are be - ing -nceumýulantpcito cearry le Army troops acros now fields thiat once we-re regarded as almost imlpassable. [SSUE No. 44-43 1/easpoon0ry mus,_tard iL teaspoon sugar 14 easpioon piýep1e r - tablepoons nweee e-,i espoon ppria vaporatea mil-11k Vstesponsat1/4cup Mazola, (chilled CobnÈhe dylgedetadd the miL adbleud. Gradually bea-t in Ilhe chilled Mzoaten add the lemlon juice anid beat -with a rotaryv beater uonil sooh This (dressing 'ewîllepidfiieyl a cool place. YI!ELD: ½prut. Wheni you're busy as mocf us' are, working te help vin tife war, jt'a doubly important tokow ht .ALL-B-RAN can do to relieve thle cause cf constipation dýuc to thle lack cf tise righit eamounjt cf bulk" in the diet. It's n "better w7ay", than forciug yoUrsclf to take purgativesý that offe:r 0on lympornary relief, Eut ALL-BRAN ever>' mlorniug. That's the simple mnas thnat thons- antis use te keep rg lr., NATU- RALLYI Eujioy it ns n cereal or in- -muffins rn int fwtr- andi sec whnt it doca -or vceuf BuSy AL-RNat your grocer s, so3lt iii. two convenient Sizea. !Mate b> Kellogg'*s in London, Canada, Hitier is next "Wosnext?" asked Les, the popular barber- of Essex CentÈre. "et"exclained Mr. Picobac. okn up fromn lhis paper. "Hitler is nex-t. We put Mussolini eut of buisinecss. ~Now we gdo for Hlitler. That's what this F-ifth Victory Loa n is for, Corne on, Canada. Let's put it over the top - and to spare 1" Speedi the Vkctory BUY VICTORY BONDS, And thien ail heui was loosenedl.