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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Oct 1943, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES' THUI ,Jacic Glover, Aax tanley Glover's. Prouse spent the er parent!s at Osaca. etvn ntertai.ned o1l lass to tea oni were" packed and orboys from ilth-e eý fromi) ere attended Kendal sraySuniday 'and heard Rev. us Wallace, Gr-eenbaink. Hiarry RselFort Wlim [rs. HS.P esPeterboro, rýecent Luet-,atlthe parsonalge. ~ros shppe 1 ouns ol aind -10 pounids of jam oer and Mrs. Harvey Osborn-e and faily, Welcome, spent Sunday withi hter ipareints, Mr.? and *Mlrs, J. T.i Pearce. Kith Burley, R.C.A.F, Toronito, Pte. Harold Btre , Camp Bor-denl, and IMrs. Burley, Toronto, spen th veek-enid at Mr. Cecil Burley's. Miss Beryl Downer, St. Cathar- mies, -Mr. Juack i-HLuginis (Hiastinigs Rciiment), -Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Dwyer and son], Miss ýBern-iece Bani- non anid Mr. Colin Deck, Peterboro, visited at )Mr. Deck's. The teachers of Clarke Twnshi<lip were enltertainied ýby Mr. an.-d Mrs. Lionel IH'ghes, Port Gran'by, at thei 111g0a11onthy mee(tinig on Octolvýer '2lst. Mrs. Caswell gave antlkon book *idn.Mr. . . LCarlton, nsectr o PulicSuchools, anid -Mr. Gumç,principal o>f the pubic achol, oborgwere also present. On Fririay evnng1ctbr9 bae11ment offthe Uie hrh Newtonville. Five contestants spoke. the wýiinnevs being, Thelmua Staple)1- ton, Crooked CreeCk, anld Joýyce Mar- tïin, Lake (,Shore. Others wvho Sp)oke wevre, Rutby Ford, Port Granby; HefleniViMorton, Nwovil, and BrnBrunit, No. 9. The judges were M iss Kate P'oster, Oiono, and MIr. Rogers and :-Mr. MocCoil, N\ewcastule. Thei( winnuers 'will comupete for the coLu1ty in] O-ono0 on1Novemnber 5th. Musical num4Èers on the programme wre, solos by Miss Wma Prouse and mpouth organ and guitar selec- tions- by Murray Payne. Mrs. Frank 'Gilmer -was pianjist for thle eeig Mrv. Herb. Scott, Towniship Dirctor, aceted as chiaîim for the programi .;n1d cal on-Mv. MW. IH. Carlton, in- spcorfor a talk wifle t1he judge-s were- makinig thieir decision. ýMv. Rogers gave theic judgea'decision an1d -Mr. Carlton pr eented the2 primes. sae Daggett and Ramiisdell Pt I SPECIAL OFFER BEECII A ofe wiihl 0w e'd;ý an d a N. P. Lot 31, Coli. 9, Clarke 21½' mkiles East of Saut ChuLrcý,h and 2 2iles west of ~~~a No. 35 SATIJRDAY, OCTOBER 3th Comimencang at 1.30 pm Wood to ho, remioved-lhy June 1, 19441 Ternis Cash at time of sale Elmer Wilbur, -Auctioneer FOR SALE nest Siingle, Driv-ing Harneais.ý comIiIplete, hlanci-niru, jrList likýene Ainl37t o W. N. Budele, Newcastle- A baýsic pIr*inc»,] iplinthle triing c40-c.-"-.- ofyuth of the( Royal Canadin____ Army cadts is to teacli tihe value of good citizelishIip. By ictory Bond(s - spceedVîtor LOU PNEILLY West Gwiliimbury Townsh;p SiimCce Counity repici!lre at thpe upper righe shows r. Neiily wuïtb bis uife and two~ Fat er oiFlrs Victory Bons t eo 0 0 ý iNeilly is a typical Ontario farmer with es just north of Bradford. Two of the sons joined the R.C.A.F. One son was in service. The other is a Flight-Lieutenant ive service. A bond buyer himself, Lou personally sold $2 00,000 worth of Victory ini the irst four loans to people of his . o s across a fence and chats en talks about 'Victory Bonds, and that it's everybody's duty to, buy them. He says something like this-his message to you: "The biggest chore in my life is doing what 1 can to win this war. 1 want my son and lis pals, your sons, to get everything they need to do their job over there-wberever they are. I want too, to put aside wha.t savings 1 can into Victory Bonds to, give my oldest boy a fresh start when lie takes off his uniform. You can put savings a great many places, but there is only one place where your savings will give our boys in service the help thiey need now. Everybody knows that Victory Bonds are as good as dollar bills-and that you can borrow on them any time you need cash-but we should .buy Bonds as our duty to our fighting men." Large size jar of Cold Crenni or Cleansing Creani, regular $1.00 size, NOWýý, jar.79c. IJntil Nov. 21st, only KINDNESS Telephone: Office 668 Telepho-ne Collect THOSE LOW IN COAL TO B3E SERVED FIRSI The Munitions Dopartmlent lias a- nncdthalt coalldierIS 1muLst gî-ve priority to thiose customlers -who have less thi*ma a onarter uo1f their aninual , isue2d by Coal tBrunnîing, applies -s wh-o use less than a year. It provideus vlho a.gree to accept (dr re-quirements in Important Take care of your summner garmtents by carefully storing them free fromi the danger of inoth damage Dee-Tee Mý,oth Fume Crystals, 1llb.tUn.39C. 2 for.7,5c Larvex Liquid, $1 size ...53c. M1oth Proof Garment Bags, -5C., 50C. 2and $1.00 eaclh Com ing Next Weeki CANADIA'S GR-'>EATEST DRUG SALE The Rxal c. Sale Thursdlay to Satur-day In£ltusive, Nov. 4, 5 and 6 Watch for. SALE BILLS this Week-end XMSGREETING CARDS For men of the Arnied Forces Overseas. Special cards also for brother, father and husband, at ........ ........ ....... lO 1c. to 25c. each GIFTS FOR THE ARMED FORCES Gifts intended for 0ve2rseas Mailing shiould be packed ai-II mailed ai. once. We have a complete stock of GIFT SUJGGESTIONS that ,ire sure to be appreciated. Razor Blades, Razors, Pen andiç Pencil Sets, Writing Sets, MWilitary Brushes, BillE olds, ChocoLate Bars, Chocolates, Gumi, Tooth Paste, Tooth Brus-hes, Shaving Creani and Lotions are but a f ew of the complete stock we have to off er. Your order wilI be paicked and wrapped for mailing wNithout extra charge. INVEST IN FREEDO-M SUBSCRIBE TO CANADA'S FIETUÏ VICTORY LOANý fPrescriptions a Specialty Charles Tyrrel Agent for- Jackmnan Flowers Phone 68, Oronio Nwis the timie to stock up for winter. szs15, 2,40 or 6 watt lam-ps for........ ....... 15C. 100 w\att Frosted Lam-cps........ .......... 20c. 100 watt Clear Lap.............30c. 200 wa-,tt Clear Lamips........... ...... . 55C. Reard-fon's Water Putty for filling cacsand damnaged places in sui-faces of wood, stone, plaster, w allboard and mletal, pkg .......... 27c. Reardon's Patcehing Plaster- for repairing dam- aged surfaces of plasteredwll and ceilings, 1 poundc pkg. for ........ ......... ......10oc. Men's lleavy 5-l1b. Ail Wool Socks, white heels and toes, pair ........... ...... ....... 69c. Quilting Pieces, limited quantity, pkg.....39c. Lady Beth Full-fashioned Fine Lisle Hose, color' Cuba Tan, sizes 9 to 10, pair ..--......... $1.15 Men's White Back Blue Denim Rivet Pants, good wihpair.......... ...... .... $1.75 Lad1i es' Flnnelette Nightgowns, short sleeve. . 89c. Harry Hornels Gravy PowVder, enrichles soups and stews, pk'-g............... 25C, HryHornle's Gr avee, the new gravy Brown- ing, pkg ......... .......... ......... 0e Frýesh Ilushr-(oom-s, pound......... ........ 55c. Camipbell's Tom-,ato Soup. Special, 2 for ...... 19c. Bovril Cubes, pkg. of 10 cubes........ ...... 26c. Bon Ami, cake or powder, eachi ....... ...... 14c. "Junket"Reunet Tablets for miaking custards, ice creaml, cottage cheese, milk foods, 2 pkgs. 2.5e ORONO% 5c. TO $1.00% STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE Private Ambulance Smith' *Dealers SERVICE~ ineral at the most .argest and ce 523 and 726 Bowmanville, Ont. Residçnc class '"B" fuel in order to obtain 75 per cenit iti CLasS "A", must take livey 0 the Tormer witliin' 80 days of deliver of the class "A" fuel. Glaýýss 'A" fuel jincludes ail anthra- cite coal larger thian buckwheauzt; low colatile bituminons coal, briquettes and coke. Glaiss "B" refe-rs to al other type-s of coal fuel, Thre railinigs which were round llyde Park, ln London, England, havýe been made into sixte<en anti- ~ aircraf t guns. COUTRTESY Euuipped to take care of the modest fui reasonable charge as welI as the 1 Most exacting Mlotor Equipment No rthcutt and Funeral Directors and Furniture , r,,bý ZA

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