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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Nov 1943, p. 1

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THUIZSDAY, NOV. Public Speaking Con,.test, Town Hall Oronio, Lr AttendedI 3wing Match 'Ail Classes Keenly Co .- testect With-Many Good Plowers Present Despite adverse weather conditions ,the ýplowing nmtch held under the ýauspices of the Durham County Branch of the Ontario Plowmiîen's Association was very we-il atteuided. 7hE, contest was held on Friday of last wpe~k on the farni of Mr. Nor- mnan Rekard, one haif mile West of Newcastle. Ail the classes but one 'ere keeniy contested. The onfly cl-as withaut _n'Tries 'was the clas for boys and girls, lit years andi un- dier. The -roundi was in fairiy gooci 8haýpe forplon, es'pecially wth liorses, thouigli tprobably a littie on thoe aft side for tractors, as con- e3iderable rain fel days prÏ'vious to thenatcb. ,Folloi iit are the prize winaiers: lass I.-Sod, open to all-ist, R Mus, Uxbridge; 2nd, L.Ma uiSuaderland; >jid, James Lee, &nderlnd lass 2-Tnctor, in soci,2-ro, op,-i en o M-it~ta yAlin, New- castle. Clase '1rcto 1insoci,3-row o.pen1 to ll-lst, Ian Henriy, Camp-i belicrof t; 211d,'lloward lerof Campbellcr-oft. Class 4--Jointer iplows in so- ist, John Hooton, Ida; 211d' Wm owinanville. 'lass 5-Open fo those who have riever won a prise axt any plowing athprier to 1i94-1st, Uoward - Allin-, Newcastle; 2nid, Alex. Walker, 'las"s 6-Boys or irls, 'nnder 2 yea-,rs, la sod-1st, EdwvardBain -tyne, Ida; 2nd, Robert AJll-ia, New- castle. Glass 7-',Bca or girls ndr171 years, la sttbil,)e-No entry. Clas 84wfro plow, in suble-1,t, R',oss Alin, ecaste 2-nd, Ellwoocd Gray-ý, Port Bope; 3rd, fMorley Allin, Newcastle. Clas t--Tractor in stblopeni to aayo1m icldagldiswho have never piowe'd at a pruevîous 1match with a tractor-~ist, LodKellogg, Port Hlope; 2](, 1R. K. Brkigg, Bow- inanvilie. WVinners ot Special Prizes Saladla len Gompany Special, Cash 10.ü00-- John Hlooten, Ida. T. Eaton GIo. Ltd. Special, Flower Bow,,l andi Candiestioks - Edward Bllantyne, Ida. Robert Siiiips-on 'GCo. Ltd. Special, $5,00 War îSaving-s Certificate- lan FHenry, 'ampielleroft. Best Turil-out (team and harnesa> ~-1t, 5.0-H4oward Allin, Newcas- tle; 2ndi, $2.00--Garnet Ricicard, of BowmiawvillTe. Publie Speaking Contest Durham Couinty Public Sýpeaking 'Gontest will ibe heici in the Town ~Hall, Orono, on Friday, November 5tb, ut 7.30 p.m. 'Gooci programmne. Y. eorne andi encourage the chilcren andi their teachers. Slver Collection. Mfr. Aif. Couter Mlrs. J. R. Cooper President Sec.-Treas. ('Clip this out and keep availa>ble) Coffee or Tea (Green) Couipons 1 to 1i9 inclusive now valid; Coupons 20 and 21 valid No- veniber 4; Coupons 22 and 23 valid November 25. Valid until declared void. Each good for 8 ounces of cof- tee or 2 oances of tea. Sugar (Red) Coutpons 1 to 18 inclusive now v'aid; 'Coupons 19 and 20 valid No- venber 11; valid until declared void. Each good for, one pound of sugar. Canning sug-ar coupons valid until declared 'voici. Butter (Purpie) Coupons 34 and 35 now valici; Ccoupons 36 andi 37 vlc Noveiner ll1th andi expOire Novcuember3Oh Cou- pons 38 andi 39 valici NoveinIher 25 and expire Decei-aber 3ls t. Each gooci for 1/, pound of butter. (Rluf) CGoupons pairs 22 andi 23 no-w valici andi expire No'vember *:'>Oh; Couipon pair 24 vldNovembe)ýr th;' Cou '- ponl pair 25 valid Noebe lth, and exmPire Noveànuber 304h; Coupon paunirL,26 valiciNveie 18; Coupon par27 vaiid Novembe)ýr 25 anid e- pie ecember "31st. ~Each palir good for i to 2,/2 pounds meat, Prese-rv-es (Orange) Coupons DI to D5i now Valici; Cou- Valid luntil dteclareci 'voi;(1. Gooci for preser-ves, sweet spreads or smigar Allow Iligher Price For Di awn Pou Itry Under ant amiending order of t-1e,1 WVartime Prices anii Trade Board now la effeet, drawn ýpoultry may be solci at a price .of tell Cents per -ounld above the lmaxiimum ipice for the e kic of dresseci poultry aow drawn. la I order. to seil drawno poultry at thiis hgher figure, eaui feet andci1ailinternai orgals Ilmuat be entirély rem-oveci. The cleanec i gz- zadbeart anci liver m ),-ay be ilc- cýli la tbe weight of the drawnl bird. If a retaifler drn-ws a birdi at the request of the customerfer it bas bueen weigbed and solci undrawn, lie may ml-ake a chiarge( noteceig tenl cents for draivxng" the bir.( Prices Are Uînjust Firni Fined $250.00 A fine of $250 anci costs bas been intposed on theMecat Portrait Company of Toronto for selling pic- ture frames at prices founci to be bighier than reasonabie and just. Crown evideace wvas that frames costing: the Conmpany $1.47 were solci at $i6.9'0. Defence counsel contenci- eci that the firrnu solci framnes out la the country,.ami therefore bnci to pay beavy commissions to its salesmea. Ila passing sentence, -Malgistr-ate Gui- len saii: '*The consumeir is not la- terestec inl the commissions paici agents nor other factors entering Ïnto the cost, but oaly the actual vabue of the article purehaseci". $2z5,OOO Stili Needed To Reach Loan Objective This is n challenge to every reOsi-1 dent of' Clarlke liownsbipj. 'For a long time webave bnci the distinction Of, being al-ways on the job, la the cause ofrig-ht. This is s real chance to provce to our nobie boys nnd gris of the Armi- ec Forecs, that we will nlot fail th eta L7et's ail dig n ittleý deeper ancipd Clarkce Township away, over the top. The jictory loa canvassers are doing tir 1best to cover ail the ter- ritory. Weluve oa-lw a few cisys to go aiyour can-vasýser up anci teIlý h1lm li Irehe be na meet yoi to1bv, tbeý bond that migbt be c-the nas of sa'viag one of our own boys or girls. We are doing pretty well. To date we have $182AH0. Let' s make it $215,000 by Saturday night. L e 'ICLCLLtc 1 zl e 01AîC ' LI', ...I Il ' .Il u 11 LU Il L .IIU a - tackling for-ce after a prolonged battie. Picture shows An ..F lorry being drirvun ashiore from a Ianding craf t durving peiaSioneecis are out at igh1t bY the P._A. F Regiment at a C(omiined OeainTCmad1rainiing Ceaittre. Mrs. John D. Cars4cadden CLAREl?ï UNION 1 Mr.s. KnntbHis visitec iv itb There passeci peacefuly brs ersseMrs. Hcrbet Kaapp, Isorn uvll for a week. on Ucto J *cadden, BehAve., BowmauvilUe, at the 'dence of her dnughbter, Hazel Cars- caiden, 477 Bayview Ave., Toronto. 'Shel Was in bier 79th year. Mrs. 'Cars-1 caddlen hlac bornie three years of la-1 'validinnu with ýpatienice and serenity. Although sbehe ad suf ered two stroes nkig1wlkig impossible, Mrs. Carscadden always Vijoye reading and the visita -fronu relatives and friends. Emma Carolina Spl-inkls, duhe of the late Mr. nci MArs. R). B. 'Spînks1 wnas born la Cartwright anci receiveci ber educa!,tioni there. We a young girl! she becamec a membewr o t Johnl's -Ang-lican Church, lcsok but inla Iter yeairs waýs an aciberentI of Triaity United Church(!I, omn viand was ame ero Trnit Wý.M.fS. Shbci esde in Bowman- vlefor the past 17 years. MVrs. Carscad en' cief interest was ber1 hoearnd amily. She was a lover of, nature anci greatly interes'ted la fine needlework. There are left to moura bier pass- i.-, ber hiusband ind twodautr, Mýiss Hazel Carseacdeon (of the River- dale Gollegiate, Staff, Toronto, andi Mrs. Garnet Mahooci, Bowmanville. The f uneral sei-vice fromn the fauily resideace, Beech Avenue, w's conducteci by Ex-ChiancelIlor Dr. R. P. Bowles, Nestleton, andi Rev. AI- bert Carscaciden, Toronto. MVanly beautiful floral tÉributesý, inluding a wreath fromn the Riverdale Colle-1 giate ýStaff, banikeci the asaket andi showed the esteenu la which deceasec w as11 helci. PalIbearers-wepr e two nepb'ewa, Alan iMahood anci Gordon By-ers, andi Dr. J. C. Devitt, Oscar LaBelle, A. H. fMoore, andi E. W. Csford. Intermrent was la Bow- manville CGemetery. Relatives anci friencis fromn Tor- onito, Orono anci Blackstock, attend- eci the funeral. ilospitals Tb Cet Foods Priorities Accorfding to ain anucmn made by -R. F. Chisbolm, co-ord-Iinator- of Distribution of the Whoiesale anci Retail Tradles, hospitals have been given top rating hi essentiUails far as fooci anci other hospitai supplis areý,ocerned,. He tolci the Ontarlo Hopia Assoc2iation that "'we fully recogniize the esseatia anci creditable, job that th.e hospitals are doing- tbrougbho'ut thec, ountry uder diffi- cuit circumistaaces, assci we intenci te do0 ever.ytbing?, possible to nsist ln' Mir. ani Mrs. Fred Blackburn at-1 tendci the funeral of AMrs. SanulI Brsg ,xscastle, on I'uesdny. Mr. Mnriray Patterson uinaerenti ani operation ini Bowmianvlle hiospi-1 tail on Mond(ay last for appendicitis. Wo wîý-sb hlm a speedy rcov-ery. besigis abouit conuIpleteci la thlis setonVr. George Laing anci Mr. Atu Tennant being la the netighborbood with their machines. Message From Italy The folloming mnessage w-as re- cevdfrom ajo Genelral G. G. Sioni, ho is la commii-anciof the Canwadian Ar-y inlaitalyv. Tis mes- sage is adidresseci to ail Canadians oni this side of the Atlantic, whicb- reads 'as folow 11a Italy Canladiair soldiers realize only constanitly increasing pressure [wiîî br-iag final enemy collapse. Are flot sparj-ing themlselves acbieve that enci. Urge ail 'Canadians back this effort by purchasing au extra vie- tory bond dU ring next tbree days to bielp speed the victory. t W.M.S. MEETING Th,,Woman's issionnarY SocietY mietinig was belc ito Tuesiauy, No- vember 2nd, la Park St. Sundnyj Scbool room -with the presicient, 'Mrs. Ml. H. Staples, peiig The meet- ingý opene-Ci with siagiln maciprayer. la- the business perioci a nominat- mlg commînttee, consisting of mrs. Driiiiiimond, Mrs. ýPorter anci Mrs. Mellor was appointeci to bring Iliaa sînteü of officers nt the Decemnber mei(etingL for 19414. An invitation wns reaci trom -ithe Kirby Auxiliary, ln- viting the Orono miemi-bers to Kirb.y for thieir Thnnik-Offering meeting to be elci on Novei-ier 3rd. Thc, psietrend a letter In reg-ard to the refuge'e problem. Ia the wor- sllip service, the presidenit rend the OtiQuei' esag to the womien of 'wss "The tbemh e o I F Life." ei, Emire.'The tben'fre lof'emet Te sculpture reacling was taken fb I iVrin fprihPrs -who rend in-assacasge D orothy Sta-,pleton And Trommney Coatham Win Silver Medals At Coz Newcastle Box Factory Partially Destroyed by Fire The Newcastle 'Box Factoryý, own- eci by J. jAnderson Siuith, -was par- tially dlestroy'ed by lire on Wednies- day ni'ght las't when ire s'wept ffhrough the eat îwnd of the struýc- ture, causing thousands of dollars damiage. The ire started inl the varnish room on the first loor of the east wing 'nd travelitec upýwards, tlie tblaze gainîng iiomentuni due to the w\,Iih il higbly inflamm-iable. A call -was sent to the Bownan'-ville Pire Brig-ade for he]ip, and soon both the Ne-wcastle and Bowmaniville puimpers were pouring tons of water into the fiery inferno. The firemnen llnally mnanag-ed to get the blaze un- der control ut not before consider- able damiage 'was dlone. Durham County 1( Nin e Contestar Part, Five Git Avery rooni Mrai.ï eins itthle FurhAnnua ia Consýîigament Sale hek ý8 at BCemptn. Ced FamOronlo, rcie two-year-old heifer. 32 nieier ana $-" olci bull caîf; castle', $285 T bullI CaîIf "sud tice, $'2115escl ea- l eifev m'onths,-oid bul for a pair of 1 155 for ai 1: ancid A. J.1 f oTs an ele 0 -- Church Services A ood sizec ogrgto ed4 morningsevc atP Cbarch last Suinay. The dicus 'Godi Our Shieli tiinely andiitretnWhn muitsic bythe Choir, ani th" generaiiy ý-blended i admir-ah theý sermon. very gre(al Mr. LîttI vie~w of t] ing stor-y, com-pletion serve as ni to secure gýress" for is servi rio Ne; SpooR astS unciny, sh ducemont1] to more 1rend "igi' une Ton 0f C ottaw 2. A i 3. An L-

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