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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Nov 1943, p. 2

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~O,9 I CANATACC BIGGEST COOK says: f affairs started last ing. 1I was wushlng Ëdishies, with noc iiudé thattis week eret frem auny othe-r 'airtnier came in and ere nlotbinig at al- way an nliha he boy Iswakg "The b)oy"-ouir soldier son- ,yino,nuntil tlat inua we thougbt to ba' on the Aibeta prairie. But it .,was lhe ail r-ighit-cominlg 'home withi a whlistle and a grin. 1 djo't nreed te tell yout any more about that day, do I? Your Imgiatonw tel )ou the rest. * à* Il* Next dy Ithe treshig imla c hineo 'Vas la thle district and from thien onj it waýs one grand acablIntil the end lof -the week. If Partner wxent throsbiug then son Bob was plouinýiig wltb the tracter. Fiday noDon tMe thresinug machine ~oe ihr and of course If had fihe mn for supper. I didn't hlave auy help. oaa of rny neighbours offra lbt I thought snrely I coiuld g_,et one m-ýeal 0onthle taible 'withutbthen nayoue. And a id("e along fairly wll, except that dropped apmpi pie on tîle kitchien floo)r: Iusty had a ivonderful supper that uîght. Sutrdy oring -Partnler sa!d "lea cold hardfly tell yetwbte theýY woulld be boire for ineror not. I had a feeling that they wouldcn't be. Anyway I thoughit thmee%"s 1noselve ilu sittug srouud wsting for bthe specilY as there wus lenty of stuff for dinuer if they shold comm a .So I ,Dut lu tim b !y ,taj-tjlg in te wash. Rt as almost a case of had to as ïIlhad biardfly a cloua towel or, tea- dosthin bth ouse. About ton o'clock Partner camte a-tleast I thiulk it was Part- uerI ould not really be ure for thie dtutald dirt oE1h11m. 1At any rate it was fartner's voica tha ai-Wat the diekens are u will biler- that somietingi-? My1 Was te drop eveny- bgeÉtt'ing innecr. But ha had. "Lookc te me, "'youi've gt erything for cinuer just us wal inishi thnfiftaen iminutes Lig will be ready for m, mywahg-u rid uftarwands! Frem hiad sald I thoýht tf be ia about 11.30. .15 -when tha anineii oy! ! Th e mnUha fieminutes. Then v asn't enough Iiwa for chlichens for îay, hiad te bo killed 1 nd fdellvered. l, It *to'lock befoe wvith them. Affer to d--o a littîe ehop- l iightt as 'wel h ty L' You k iow bew if youi, Ithiers? *I * * it's aIl1 over, Ail thie excitemient of the last hopg te) the pat. Now ady te start anether le tlred miaybe"buit uethe worse for ad a visiter over tuer found a pair Ly nning. That coma up romlr - tead0 c flrst, po te bed witheut ug us, IKE EP5l-BluyINýMG SAVINGS STAMPS e lA .2 ~ -- '%' ý ý CRAWLEY & McCRACKEN COMPiANY LIMITED MONTREAL Crswho came thirough the2 fight witbout thie stain of sin, and with our heurts sud imurds puri- fied, impuire dasirai. anid thoughts are no long--er enicouraiged sud aourisbAd.Thare is a growiug ditsafor ali lutat is unhioly. wý.haa1 we follow thle leading- of the Holy spirit. The Ques.tion of Divç-r£c-' "lAnd there camle unto hlm Pharisees, andj asked hlm, 1s it lsflfor a ia ito pyt awlýy hiis iftry-iug him., And ldehana- swrdand said unto them, ha did Moses comnlaid you? Aild teysaid, Moses suffared te write i! bih f divorcamaut, and te put han away But Jasus said uïntoý theai, For younrdns of heurt hae wrote you thliscomad nt But froiri tha begiiag ilof the- cetoMaie and farmale made ha theai. For tis cause shal) a m-,,,eIIa is f.tber and mothen, sud shiah cleave te his wif e, sud the to a bacomle oua flash:. scthaý-t itby ara neo more two, but one flash. What therefor God b ath joinad togetelot uoZ-10 -,ni- put asunder. -Auid iluthe bjouïse tha discip1eiý askýed hlm agailu of this mlatter.. Ald lha ssuith , unto thi, VWhosoever shahi put away bis wifa,1a1(1 manr-y sutecommn-itteth 14dltanrY aganstbe, und if sile hersi! shah putaway lber busband, sud mar-ry anlother, she Cocmmitrtt lu- marriaga a h-ighier relationi- ship) suprvenes, a ncew idomlletie cenltra, is set up Ma is ud more srngly te bis wif o than 1~ was te bis,,fatcher and nmotb- oGod t the baginuing mnadie but oeamanl and ouae womian, suid ha would have arunkaow, lu scadugeeaonthat a man, should have but ena-l wife. Chitthus shiows that froim the bag-iming~ God hiad desýigaed that thýe ninrniaga tic should be tLhe clusest sud( most indissoluble of ail unatunal ties. Wbere thora is a true Union o! s,-Ls ilu m1arniaga, they becomne eule in purposa, lu feeling, luinlu- terest, lui affectiou. Husband and wftbougbla a seaise two0, are yaif thay fufI 11 the Divinle lideal, ne, longer twe. They are býut two halvas o a whola 'orle flash.' Tha argument o! Jesus henre la, that Sirice tbey are se In!- timately United as te ha oaa, and since iu the bagirnuing God made bat oea woinaiu for oe manl, it f llows tha t they cannet ha Sep- atrated witbout the authority of in (Ur Satvie"ur'z idgmerit, wvive an~d htusbsnds have equal S UN DA Y L E S SON November 14 THE SANCTITY 0F THE HOME Exodus 20M4; Matthiew 5:27-,IÛ Mark 10:2.12 GOK.DEN TEXT.-Blessed ar tht pure in heart; for theY 1shall sea Cod ý- MJatthaw 5:8, M4emsp-i- poe. O giva thanka unto Jhé~va1,frha s ed Pssýlm I136:1, Tmne. - T1heTan Cmad nYiantIs were deliverea -i-,44 B.C; te Sermiron outha oua was given la the summeIrî2o! fA'D. 28; tAc passage takenl from i Mark is a part of s discoursedaivre ln February 2LAD.30. Plc.-Th--a omad ints were given on Meount Si- nai; the Sermon on the MoUnt wss pneucbed 1IiaarCaenui tha discourse oni divorce was spokan laPeaes, "Thou shuait net ýommn-it aut ary. Ye bava heard that ht-was seid, Thou shaît net cinmmit adult- ry; but I Say unt yeu, that ai aryoue that lookath on awm au te lust after ber bathcea i- m-itted adulteny wîth beýr already-, Tbis commraudmeat was 91-1ea te preserve -the sauctit o!f thle home. Wheu this is assaihed ee tboughtful man knowýs la is earl, that ail our laiterestaý, are at' stake la ifs defeuce, and t%~ niation 'would ?net.hapable o sur- vive Atsoverthreî. hI l td eurt that should be kep)t ith ~ diligece.'Only us wa kaep hk- ing to the pure aud boly Jesus for gruceansd insp)iratio)n, eau w ceusa te look after sud desire that which lasinfl lu Ge' "Aud if thy ight oye causesý thcea testuaible, pluck ifMeut,u cast it from thee: for ht ispro fAt able for thea that oaae of thy mreaý- bers should perisb, sud net thy whole body go into hl. And if tby igbt b, aud causath4 1thea te stunîble, cut if off and it from thlea: for:it la p-"rofitable for thea that eue of tby aim- bers sbould perish, sud net thy wbole body go alto hall. Of course, Our Lord here la, speaking figuratively. Haee, nelotactually want uÀs te take eut our eyes on eut off our bauds, but i's simpiily layiug down the principle that it woulc. be uch better zte be dadpived ,of thae OLD SEA DOG One tof the first thfngs formIer BoDy Scouts in the British Arm)y dlid on thle comipletion of the occui- pationl of Sjcily was te form a Scout group, which they ,named thie "L.awrence of Aai oe Crew." Whe ianew mliar ospital was opened in Chlatham, Ont., a few years ago; Boy Scouts of the city decided to keýep the hospital supplied with meaiicine blotties, for whvjich thay nmade reguflar col- lections<. Si nce that time they- have kept the hospîtl cmpetl supplied and recently gave au added 3,000 botties. Wing Commander Guy P. GIN. Son], V.C., D.S.O. and bar, J.F.C. and bar, whio commuanded the squaidron w,ýhicb raidpd anld(de- srydthe Germani damis a f ew months ago, is a former Boy Scout who accompanied Primue Mlin-istor Chiurchili on bsrecent trip to Canada. The Wýing Com- mnander, whlo stuyad i Caniada, to lecture the R.C.Aý.F.'persnnl always wears his Scout Badge on1 ai leather stra on bis wît Two Toronto Boy Scouts, 1-5- ~ear-od iPU Fawcettand 10- e-odjack Darvies, On a si- wýeek bicycle trip this pastsu- mer covered2,0 miles.' Theýy left Toronto on Augwist mt, and visited MlOtreal, Quae'c!, Hali- fax, New YorkBostonRoces- ter, Buffalo and Niagara Fu!lis. Carryinig a full camlping outfit, they cook!ed theic r wnmeals and sleptf eaceh night lu their pup t(ut. The entire trip costr thamn about $50 ouch. For the fir-st time ina the is- tory of any Armny, Cnda -womaen are 110W staff officers on an equal footing with -1mer, IT'S THE FIFTUI VICTORI LOA SHOE COMPANY 0F, the heC'p e! i - k, spaniel thaut becamec a veteran of the Attu and Kiska campaigus as a mascot on a Navy transport, If You2 Can Cet li A Post Offi'ce la Euglund -was m1ystified wbena depositor ut its saving"s b-k, ftar withdrawving 10,returuod a few days inter to redeposit the-nioney. lvs tiguitiu, I t learnad thiat hle with-- drew thie moaey thinking hle m1iglit buy a cotag. indiugý one ha likad, ha dacided to take it but Jjust then a Gerinan Plane flew oevar, imacèhine-guuiiungThe mai a rate a shelter and whien hae retu-ned fouad theplanie had dropped a bLowU b which destroyed the cottagec.

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