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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Nov 1943, p. 4

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lowing mnatch was beld on the farmi of 1f.James e It is at these funetions that one, bas the oppor- ,bat mnay presently becomie a lost art. Th(, prim-i- -ly a crooked trunik or h b of a tree whicb Pas hirougb the sou thlereby scrnpig a seed bcd after )eere is said to hav-e designcd and sold the flrst plow, aind our foreffathers atal suspccted the being abeto 'pîo"the sol. Wibb bcn e - d use of the steel plow sonie very bandsonie work s to perpatuate this fine wvork thant plowing mat- n- time to timie. board pionba its opponents to-dlay, just as it b1ad ýt is not superstition or ignorance, but wlfonded îoVes maly 1niodera gici urssto 1predliCt that on is o14-moded and aven a menace. The smooth s plow is blamed for tbe constant wasbing of the the, new inmplemient known as tbe "tiller"ý is bailed nedy. This, is a kindl of one way disc, andwbi sou,ý it leaves mrucb of tbe stubble noir the top, nixed inielcbe serves to couniteraet tde wasb. 0f npkements to are replacing horses soniewbat, and 1 of Cingle pbewhng" i frowned upon for itSk future m-ay hold for the- pleýwman imsiielf, it is our- broad fields -\ill display the beautiful work, ýood plowing may becm-e a lost art. TIME WELL SPEtNT kinig upon tbe Faîl and Winter Seasoli. There will and an opportunity for the doing of tdose things iity during tbe summner did nlot emt One of slies in theý reading of books, and informative ma- mnany worthy agazinles and proius aid that reading comeýs ext to travel. Trave-l at is not permisýsabjle for fvarieus reasonis. Gas ra- W~ stay on tbe job in war timeanditAen te Win- rwin fireside is an iinvitin1g place at the( close of day- Vnuter" reigas outside, and readîng off crs tbe me- Smmnd may sec distant parts of the world Ibr lg more dis2cerning qyes of tlle vwriter andunor'W aVecy Splendid lcn-diag library. Books touclbing d varird ubj1tsare ours t-hreuigb th ayaen Thun there is the experience of those lAes in rary. In tbe distbion of books, the ladies b- ,45 dbc contents of these books. Tbey are ina mnd Certain typeLs of htrtrbuing peruscd 3and listecýi(d to the pnin of others.ý Ccounter attrationis hy way of the radio, and tbe oa "miovie2". These arc ideal in their place, but influence, and a cultutral benefit, we could giv lace in our program ,this witr and be tCe btter in1 say that clothes mlake the mua. Wc feel that 'the carry miore of truth were it cugdte radn for outward appearances without inward character ttribute. MOST WORTHY ORGANIZATION iys Of frequent appeals, tag davys, and sundry pirse of tbe housebolder. M,1any, many, or perhaps of thes-, are of -wortby origîn. The difficulty lies bat extent aýny onte projiee-t merits support in comi- en, We would like te draw the attention of our ganization wbich bas miade an aninual appcal for vbhose canvussers may soon eau at our homes. We per Gana'da Bible ýSocity" wbicbi is an auxiliary to Forega Bible Socieby." The oject of th-eBil Le exacft words of its found1ers,, is " to encouraige the of the- Holy Srpuewîtbout note or commiienit." cd that"emioaywr cnlesccessf1l t the Bible biag pluced latehe auds ofrtne people guage, cic 10d-s Hns esnilsrifor tue issionaýr-y utb no patof nbbccost isborne by Uth curhe daton romeve~rProtestant cburcb in thc Do- regoing shoul-di'lear1up the cenus ipeso thatthiir ivigs re oigto -the.local hrces ng bbc rouns e on haf of the BASlesoupey. d ne(_rtion ltetemeveother ý-than bbc satisfaci a daby donc. The BibleSocity was oundud ib tM athut time the acrptars bae b1)0d-triutei i Vorty langua!ges arc. printed la ruise-d typ foer bbc million are circuïlibd uchnycar. 1--iCarnad, bbcl for aul nonAnglo Saonpeoples, the eru tr inl a g-ai ok great ntonlimportance. Over guages bave been requed for Canada alone. Ia t reucaitework donc b)y Orono's "Gra d L Mu," on, also bdc Ite John Aflel for bbc Bible Secicty. hiese genitlemen -isbould ser7ve ns an inpetus to older gain support bbc Society. To alil others3, we ana ommneild bhrouLgb the prcss, this wonderCfful organ- (r ýgvinig-, beýhther great or smnall, wl hbu tnrnied count. THE VALUE OF TREES ithe "Farmer's Magazinie" of Octdbcýr, tells the ab- the reclaimiag of bbc fanious sand-ban,-ks in Prince The driftingj sand bad 1heen a source of conicerai ;and bbc néiboring farmers alik. To begin wïttb, santi c er scen, and could b)e likcncd Lte snow in ts drifting. Farms ýwcrecord and buricd by te ing sand.Svnt-w acres wcre leýst by one fences, orchards and buildings.'Xe are told tat snow and ice lie buried e h(bbc aj!dL One er mclntioncd imembers <Of bis imm-ediat, f amiilyý ut the sad anks hinboen of smmer. The re- ce of sund rcvcalcd bbc ice wbic-h remnains rcscrvcd beame apparent diei, to two or tbiree f*arsigbItcd( nting of trees off redcdte only salcation and safc- e sand menace. i Governinent ondscrlihundred acres of lad our vwu le farmi, ith. Wc, rpconi- 4E WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R, dknap M1r. W.Staplton bas bought Mrs. jas.Laing's farm. 'Pte. E 'ar ilison, Wodtok was home for the wýeek-e'nd. Mr. Sîd Lancaster is improving biis dwelling -witbn a sunl porcb. 31r. Athur Bell, BowýviLtanvile, vited at br. George Stpleton's. PtrGlabamR.AF, Birch- c:itif e, v'isited Mrs. llmonJrowvn. Mr. and UMrs. Chais. BbeOrono, visited at Mîr, Lanson Mlsnson bUrt. and _Mrs. Georgeý Stapletoni visit d UMr. and UMrs. L. D. BelliK-ýci dal, Sunday. Re'v. J.MLahn attended the Alumaii at Qýý ecn's University, King- ston, last week. Remnember tbe United 'Ciurcb An- niversary t1iis Sunday, Novemrber 7th, at 123 and 7.30 pa. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner and famlily, Tyrone, vîsited MIr. and Mlrs. AIlfred Brorwn on Sunday. ,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmeur and f amlly and UMrs. 'W. Sm-ithisitedat Mr. ijît. Kinibali's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Kmbaland Wr and Urs. lionel Hughes were guests of Mrn ad Mrs. Caton Far- Mlr. amidbMs. George Denny, Os- wa ad UMr. nn1d Mrs. . Bruc spen ,Sudaywith bMr. and UMs. W. Mirs. Josbsie annan and duughter, *Mrs.Toisn and littie son, Osh- awa, spen a few days t Ar. Lof- DrtyStapletowon the silve2r medalcots for thc girls ini the on Friday ngt Congratulations to ýMr. and Mrs. Alfred Redknaip (fornierly Deane- SIeemnan) whoc werc miarried in Osh- awa on October 2Wr. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Nichiolîs and] Msr.Alfred and CarrIoil NiCholIS, Weseyvllc iere Suaday guests of Mr. an-d Mrs. Sîd. Lancaster. Mrs. Foster and daughiter, Mlrs. Ilibbard candJ'ce Mrs. Sain. Fssdgel and June, Toronto, and! Sain. Fudlge, RJCALF., Oshawa, cwrcu Sýuaday g"uet utr. Wm-. Stapletn llallowýe'en Party1 The Cburcb basement was fttingly decoratcd ith orange and black capsouptces and streames in keep- lng wlth the occasion for the anlI balw'aparby lastFrdyngt g~eIby tbIý scboul cild'îca.Afr ahl thosýe in costume hd pabiciate in bbc gra'nd mrcthejugc r ML2Uebîtl n nnd 'J. MeMulle, ýai-i nouccdther decisons an bbc ol- loig rciedpies Ms arry BureyanIndan omn ladng ln- .old, bFgar owom; orene n Eddie ewte, bdnd gom b SRidecopsteavn e bcoane1 by llum the cbldý(ren ot thpe- aufcne thi prorame itb Edries Dh et igofahn. PAo soltonFac Joas; story b Jim Gi mn er, "Jn bbcbd mo ne";panor sole biapnidmr;reIatio, redr,- porsw pia solo, Maret ves mlfeineibgroutb Gord;pono soloe SVhirley aya;Setato, Prc Dycealbc youngcAranmebes o_-t. madience afteg ri linchewcs the cniteer eing iiof thereA ws abeld u St bbc ome ann of Mr. Smitb on tuesclay eng.[oiow-e ihe scrbry's and tr ue amiermire !prt we head. oneners ookf bb diffr tesnt op eportcdouaticltes rised foar bbc'lbazurin, bbcate fern wbs'oicb asbe el ) tbcfor Wcdn iesduy11, Decnir laat. A rragees -were madeanrneardingderptiingofetc. late,,nty boxes fo sodiers vescal thatcoeimitees incarge, nsd ShUr tis y stisfa ciedctobn e- bo take thcure f bbtboe:fs.toeoent tethos inl Ms Canada. r. C ul adMs berd hes incoeratdin o witb bbc suston tofhelpoborg our com- ingdd h baur Th7 eiGuerref abymth wrmas olwd bybbcBie ead ing grave an bnteBiagdescr ipe Fbis, meorcyce otnpetomew ruinsick last zsummr, ndfCoblowrg a oiale chtiutbcetingjor w adermissed t the 22mia edic aton. Nexthon Oswhtra e ofCofurg cod lbeun -rencntt rtisiEgan o Cowanville Anniiversary Visitors Miss Dorothy Simipson is visiting wýithj frieads in Oshawa and Toronto this wcek. Miss Ruth Dickson, nurse of Bow- manville HFospital, is visiing at Mr. T. J. Simipson's. Mrs. A. Pclrini, !'11ur 0fBowm-aa- viIlle bospital, is bolidayiag at ber ho-me, 'Mr. T. J. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Cowan, of Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. Frank ?Hall, of Orono, visited at IMr. Brooks Cowan's 011 Suniday. Miss _Marion Simpson, of Cold Spigand Miss Kathleen, of Caesarea, were at thieir home over the week-end. Mr, and MTs. Arnold Wade, N ewv- toaville; ]Mr. and 'Mrs. Anidrew-ý Ban- dy hiad tea witb Mr. and Mrs. -We.s. String1-er on ISunday. R A). M. E.ria of Wbitby, R. R. E. Morton ofNewcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'Graham of Newcastle, Mr. a-ndl Mr-s, Fred Wood eforo0no, M1r. and iMrs. Orley Chapinan of Orono, visited at Mr. T. J. Simipson's on Suinday. le'One of our,.grceatest uadi('yinlgj mnaces is tomc piim Capt. Eddie Rce3akr The Cainadian Army Ovcriseas is mandj(e 0for coiups, one of tbiree la- fanltry divisions, bbci ( othe(r of twe) urmorcd divisions. Besides these trcare- large numlbers of acillary or corps troeps. Quiantity of Goé to George Batters, FOR fReal Leather Huniting -Jacket. C main or cold weatF F(m Saine. Orm-e( ips. Apply A. F. McKENZIE, MD. - PHY SICIAN and SURGEON avuateed to keep e ut. Caîl aand ma-iby, Orono. LOS T ,Star Carrier Boo withi Iist of naines of suscribesf'inder pflease leave at Timies offic an%.Jýýecelve re- wvard. FOR SALE OR RENT Eight-room-ed liuie, central Iob eated; býard and 4f t water; also range for sale. /Ali'.oie interersted enquire aýtthe eýfe, Orono. TENDERS WANTED Seal'ed tenders wilI be received by thie rink e omnittee of tluie Durhlam Central Agilcultura1 ' Soeiety to OPer- ate the skating rink'ýetO,>oo for the season of 1913-14. WTaders -wiil bu re(ceisved up tc> and -i6 lu *ng Novemi- bher 6th, 1943. 'ommiktec, Os. Cowan, -M. H. Stapiyes, O.ý. "R.obh. Every failure teaches a n somle- thing- if hie wi1' learn. fu YMre r ok a lcee Elswhre îinEs tiIEpym t in Cnad' ar efotandfoth fersources ofn vilaiefor- otheýr hi iri ity obsis hosme oth durig th Fai andWintr. eavy nedsmust be meti n my es proucig fel oodaýnd other nece- sary f orest prod 1 s;Ginbase- mtl m-iines, in-, food proceIssinýg, in railwa,ýy track mintena Ce.Ifyo ive On a f arm and are flotneeded at home during the Fai aýrd Xineyou are urged to answer ths nional appeL. Farme1ýrs eggdin essential wor-k during thec off se7ovil becloe to return bomne we edd l ial work.nrn tesiac"k on th farin. Please Lanswer this ital cati NOW.ï For fiiforaio lase apply (o one of the otoîg The -ncarest MLYETAT EETV SERVICE OFFICE Or The neareat PROVINCIAL AGRICULTURAL REPRESENTATIVE or Youn LOCAL FARMN PRODUCTION COMMI-rTEE NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE Mile-ter c' Labour IDIÊUM-6i ie .MËI Âs II5Â, Dhwector, Natlinal S&Iectjve Serice 2.00c tI4.0 cm; .3 to .0 :~ PHIONB '47r1 ORONO VETERINARY DR. W. W. SHERWIN and DR. J. T. SHEPPARD VETERINARY SURGEONS office Main St. Orono Phone 56 r 7, Orono J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo-. bile anid Liability AUCTIONEERS TED eýJACKSON Auctionieer and Valuator Coinlucts Auction Sales o~f al sizets and at reasontable rates. Comumunicate with hlm at Pore*. Pe-rry, Ontarjo, or see nIis Cler£k, A,. E. Miorto-n, at 0rono, for date. GEOR"ýnyiGE KEYES Auctioneer & Valuiator Pure Bred Live 9toik, Fairm and Fbilrniture Sales à Specialty. None to Large, none to Sahai. Graduate Reppert'as .ehool o2 Auitonee ring, U.S.A., plu. zavral years> aelling experience. iRatet Reansonabie. Write R. R. No. 2', Orono, Onbario. W.- F. Ward B.ARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones office 825 - Residlence 409 Y4E. E.PATTERSON IsuanceAýgency FIRE AUTOMOEILE, 'CAsuALTY AND LIARBILITlYý Pne41-14, Cak REPRESENTING, soee f the Largesst,Stngt ami Most Reliable Inatirance Firms in Canada Farm Property a Specialty Ianprepared t quote you rates froni 40C.a hunldred, according te classificatiin f 4 caL il- he pleased te quote you rates on yoaur property wihwiJl surprise yo-u. '4 Fuîier7a1 Di rectors Furnituire Dealers AMBULANCE 'ýSERVICE Bowmanviile - 01,o10o Phones: omavllDýiy480 .Niht5 734 and 575 Orono, 27-1 The fldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Mlodern Funeral Service in Durham Our Servý,ic-TFHE BEST Our G-ood-THIE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST MORIS& SON BWANVILLE -OON l-, Orono Ontario 1

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