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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Nov 1943, p. 5

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Mu. and' IMus. C. Il. 'Fioste re- cei ve d a te 'l .1am on Monday- last aift(r malking a rudtrip to Enigland ~btter luck now than ble did whien Ihe fir-st startedl out saiiling. A nlumber of the local nmembeus (Yf I.O.O.F. No. 436f, aLttended the, mieeting of Durham Lodge No. 7,, PotHopnTuesaeennls, where Otonlabee Lodýge, of Peterl- ~boro, presen'ted a travelling bibile to ~Disrict No. 42. Cobourg Lodge ex- e'iplifie-d the 1.t degree. The following Hoîstein ,breedlers, consigned ton head of their good cattle to the Brauibacher Special Sale lId at Bapo on Thiuusday, 1la st. The te'n head uealizedl close to $3,000, A. J. Tailyni, F. Wý. L Transbýlya & Son, M. J. TnbyJ.1 D. Brown, of Orono, aid J. T. Brýowni of Newýcastle. COMMERCIAL PEEF 40e ,44c. 38C 33e 29C PO 0R K Loin Chopa, pound 35c Shoulder or B utt, pound 30C Smoked Shoulder, shank off, lb 35c Smokecl Hamr, bone in, Pound 43e Smoked Ham, boned and rolled, lb 49c Bologna, pound 23c ASK FOR CUTS 0F LAMB 30C 25C 22c 69C. 16C Roastiing Chicki-ens- -Order EarlyI J. J. CORNISH Deliveries will be made on Saturdays Only Local News The Oron)io Red f'orty tacesfor to soldius from oeswere made ,_enveloýpes, playnlg colate bars, razor Cake, cookies, soc] Cbristmaus card wit leaf, soup and ci etc. Wýe can, see thlese paucels now, ls war w%ýhen pai dungwhat will b MisBertha Cain, tec inat Ero'0's past thr-ee years, has Picipas Assistant Pblic Sehool. wbo has been school for thep been apipinitedi of Cobourg1 The roof on the bousýe of tho ýeýs- fate, of tbe late Ed. oron Minj ýstreeUt is 'being opard and at thei sao imle <a 'e w room is zbeing1 aid-id to the pais uriad Mus. Tmlnatne thle 25hwdig aniearce- brlation of Mrý. and(! Mrls. P(oy Ta- by.Anice turky amn a tree stoeyweldngcakýeadund the tial hldin )theUnfd brcun- deýr the d ýirection 0fMr.ynh e na of JenWi)ln as insdqve- tenly oitfe. ea tokILrti the progrmme(. The OronioWekyTe hate isicinof eigmnoedb fh Ad lr n Nihol News, aiid Rex ,Frosýte in ou N ewý ý:rstlastiSndlay muigadaf- ternoo respefively joýyed the com' p n f torson LeRoy, and aISo the lter'qfrend, Gs"Gordon, over thýewe-ed Th e two youn~g imon arc Sftaioned a t Lonldon itbthe R'AF Mr. "Budi" Caldwell bas been ho,.(n- ou-abhy discharged from th[' army owing to injuries received cwile in training.MiVI. Caldcwell spent a few dayýs at the homne ofM-rs. Clwl' parents, Mu. and Mus. McCrtn Mr-S. Nrm Winter eelbYated her bir-thday af ber p arent's home, Muvi. and Mrs. ýS. E. Allia, we goose innher -was served, Sren and Mkrs. I{arry Taylor and baby were present from- Kinigston for the: occasion, Miss Myrtle Smith, who is on- gaged ifb tho Ferry Commacnd of th .RC.-AF., Mnravisifed with hieu parentls_ Màr. and lMus. Rol-and 'Smiithi, of Toronto, and spent Mna aind Tuesday of this weeku with Miss Mdyrtle Tamblyn. Mui. and Mus. WI. T.RtefodI Mus. Jas. Buirgess and dagte 7i- zie weein Orange",vlle l'ast week endl an'd wbil there attended the- Ps-sbyteuian Cburch Service vwhere Mus Bres son, Rev. J. T. Bres ithe iister. Mus. JT. R. Cooper and Miss Mce- Kay attenlded the m--arriago of Missý Gloria Gray, Peuuy-to'wn, to MuYr. -oy Phillip, of PortHoe on Satuurday, Octobe,ýr 30th, -et Gardon 11h11 United Cbureb. Rev. Gaudinier offilciated in the prosonlce of ninoty guesfs. IIalow"enpassed faiuly quiet in] the village on Satuuday evening qlast. Som0f theo oder iboys went a littlo too far -wben tboy sboved a biiggy, donin thoe ravine at the tannleuy bridge, iwichl cost the boys a total I sum'of $24.b00 for theo darnage done. fORGE ÏZ ~L iv -AD 1R~T TR~Y R~ WI4~ R~ CO~~$ ~QM~ / e iMrs. Wes, Elliott, of Kendail, visit- ed Mrs. Jals. Tamblyn. MS. George CouvierF iS vst wvith Mrs. Nelson Cnir Mr. Cal. Mlsws ihome ufrom Tor,ýonto for the week-end. Mr. Hnne oster, Trno a in n on SalturdayýI last. Mr. Donald _Miles bas secured a POsition ât the Metallic Arts Prod- ucts, Pte. 'Dick Patterson of theCaali- dian ArmeciFocs s iitngi town. ocsi iiign The iMiss Toujee's of Toronto s pent the Week-end with Mr's.Me-1 Pherson. Dr'. J. Il. and Mus. Leslie, Peter- bIOo«o spent the 'week-end w'ith Mr. a'nd MArs. W. J. Rdel Mr- and Mus. K'enneth Fralick apd famnilv, off Toronto, visited with bis mother and aunt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Caldwell have g'one to Peterhorough where the( f-or.mer has secured a position. Mr.,and1 Mrs.Fred Tambflyn, and MI, andl Mus. W. Stainton spen t th wee'(k-end witb friends at U-xbrid'ge. Mjrs. Go.Collins bas returnedi t Toronto afteu spendingj!2 ten daysý with hr daIgter, 1Mus. J. J.Meo. lL.W . Roýbinson, who hbheeun visitiing a ýt his home for. a *feýw weeks, has left for bis n( w position nearl' Cinton. Mrs. Jackson whas beeýn stay- ing witb Mrv. and Mus. Hloward Walsh is 110ýW vst with Mu. and Mrs. Cocul Glass. The Young,- People's union of jauk St. Chmurch -%eu("e etertained !)Y the Young, People of Newcaistle on- -Mon day e'ening last. 1I1!' COMING EVENTS On- Tui"sday, lNoveier 9th, tne Fail RaIly of the Eastern Section of the 'Oshiawa Presbyterial W.M.S. will be held ini Park St. United ,Church, Oronio. Theýre will be mornilg and afternoon sessions. Special speakers will ho Murs. Oarscallen, of lWhitby, and Miss, Ida 'Mackenzie, Dominion Board Travelling ý-Secretary. A spe- ciel invitation is e-xtended to ail wo-i m,,en, of the cjiiminity to atten d theuse interesting esios A nooni lunh wll o eved 7e'for '5C. Odrono Tinshopý Tef YoU- Need Stable Equiprpnent Order, Now R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR centre St. Orono PoSn RE PA IR Your RADIO Now DonJ't wait tintil parts become srarce. For your coniveniene w ve carry a complote lune of TUBES, BATTERIES, CONDEN- SERS and RESISTORS If unablo to bring to the shop, Phone Or§eno 42 r 2 C. R.. KNOX PARK Si. UNITED CHURCU Rev. S. i»tttlewo&od SUNDAY, NOV. 7th 11.00 a.n-.-Woshp. 2.30 1)..-4SunidayShol -7.00 pm-Wrhp special Young People's Service, MISS ID-A MKN CONTROL DISTRIBUTION outlets, as the suppi yof fi'esh 0F CANNED VEGETAýBLES tables declines, the' stocks of n'ed vegetables 'wvýhich wvere "Arc A sYstemi of controlled distribu.. in the hands of packers and vi tion of canned vegetables bas bee.n salers last July. organilized by the Prices Board to- mieet consumer m e eds dJuring the Carson City, Nev., is the sin winter monthis. The effeet off this state capital in the. United St will 'be'shortly to miove into retaiL havixng felwer than 2,50 peopleý &%R M S TRON G'S IT PAYS T A AI Phonies 21 r 1 and 70 r Crep"e and Chiffon, $1.25 and .....-$1.50 slk and Rayon, pr for......$10 Alil Wool ahee pair.....9 . Cotton and W0015 Pr feor...4ead79e LaiCîes' Ail WMooI Soekee's, 'pair ... 59C. Chidre'sWool and Cotton .. 25e caind 29e 'WooI and Rayon, sizes 5 to 8 1-2, p3ai r -. . 50C. and 59e Children's 3-1 length sizes 6 to 10, per pair .......... 59C. White Beans 4 lb. 25e. Ready Cut Ma1-caroni Jellied Pork lHawks lb. kîES innvy, brownr, greený, wblael i suzes . - $239, Rayon and WoolM,i colors, pair ,.ý. $L Ch.:amoi, in blaek, w'hite, cream an-d aine - $1,00, $1, SWEATERS [rens Sweatie Heinz Soup "It is not a give a drink ) >// d, won- Sirloîin Steak, Pound Porterhouse Steak, pound Boneless Round Steak, IL Rib Roast, lat five ribs, pound Blade Roast, pound Mixed Peel, pound Brex, the new cereal, pkg Wheat Flakes, 5-lb bag Cyrus Flour, 24 lb bag VanCamps Beajns, Se'r 'l 2 oz. pkg

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