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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Nov 1943, p. 7

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....&, I - ______________________ te ecxpa Ilfl d c u ils try il, tI 0s partso Caiabetatapeito bleep raisinig. This sitti!OU ibas Of cou9l;se belu broughitabout !by 'the war andt te iuncertainty 0f t'le wool u p pl ies,,,reacbing ~'aafrom) othPer countries. Although thle itua1ti Iin re'gardi to ranporatO f wool fýroin AutaiNew vZealanti anti Soit1 Aý,mericn bas IIimprvetI, ant i sp- pýlie's are now mnore easily avail- able. the footi angle muilst Still be1 qconIsidered. High production o! l.amb at muilttonlu CaIn.ada is Inecassary te fulfil our present olgtosi cennec(.tion witb theworifo supply. Our suply ýof iment must bekept flowinig for thle duvmation 0f tbe war and ibe suificielit î10 me Pt potentil marlets flu poat- war yaars. The overaîl tuent situntien .lu Canaa ani(7tem'nencdous world dem1Iaiîfor' mlent protincta of al is lasurb thiat large quaitia-s o! lamib ant illuion -are rqie for- domesticiuse antdilasmuha The nation-widle cmag o ,ciea s et(isbepproutin wS undrtaea n 142 by the Dom-, Inljon in co-operation withi ail [ibe ,Provincial 1epartiiIents3o! agmri- cutlturlle. This bas rsleinlu a cousidemabe inclease lte pro- d;uction of shleep ai wNool lu al p;rovinces. The assistance given bythe Domninion undeiar this pro-. gma l being cenitlnuied tis yecar, Farmners; following ,,tis pregram-1 anti breetiing for wool ecuiey musat be'ar ln mmnd tînat quaty1l essentîi, a 1ys the Agiculitra"l Supplies Board, Ottawa, VWool0 pocngcouintries bave tbro)ughi yaars o! careful breeding produced fluie woel of bigh quality. Lt la enqly thirough lts caraful breadling wlh mprovet imethotis, and ise, ~ ai, m1-erchandlising off!Ille fleeca T-hat danadian farm-ers will be __ aide te complete witb foreiga mar- L-,-kts on -an equitable basis. 0F T HE PR ESSe THEY'LL. CATCH YOU A Clifornia girl anmouiIces3 ber enaeetto nmarry GCutier 1ag,1tbe fastest muner i 1,t1e c,,ommenits: "Wbicb ouily goes te ýsiow, boys,tHlat 1ne matter bew fast you ru.they'll catch Uri te -Strtfod Bacon-Hiad PIMPORTANT QUESTION T'ien there's the stomy o! thie hneelaundryman wheteepon cd, a ietiet for an appointinant. "Two-tirty aIl rigbit?" nke ,!le dentist. "Two-thlirity ail rigbit?"asletiIthe yes"," rapliedtilte Ciee "Teoth burtee al! lighit. -,-What lima 1 cornie?" -Ui-T SPELLS "OUT" The shopkleeperi'.s prewar mte The cuistomier is always r-ight'," bas given way to what 'Iigbit be cati te eeny,-mieeuy-mIiney-men pic:"If lie boliers let hlm igo-)" -Christian SienceMoitor. -0- FOR HIS COUNTRY A Salvationq Amniy lassia hspr eti te a youung vcLatmao! a niaval action: "I'mi sorry yen lest yeuir arm. Hasbeok bis heati anti m- pliati: "I diint lose it, ma'am. h1 -DunuilleChronicle. NEED FOR BOND SALES Eacb soldier muat racaiva one te oGuad anta li!tons o! suipplies encb menth that hae remnalua ovar- sejs. This Illustrates the neadti-o iiuecesaBýfil Vlctomy Bond c"lu- paigna. -ChathamNewa COSTI-Y PIRE Every bonsfire burninig learesa a Iblis lIme ,of yeur robs the soil el imius thie Crealer initendati to g< bacI fate fle landi. -Lado Pee Pea ,,,u t e Bodies Made From Plastics Manlufactured Fromn Farm Crops be only a hop. skip anti jump uoti Froi your biats, býoys, for it miay Farmier Jones starjts te grw super-dooper atos-righ[ t ofo the ground. ITUS fot onfly lu theýre'alm of!)pOS- sibillity. IN salready partly on the way, ording to Ernet L. ItMe, 11inanaging director of!Ithe US. Nai- tional Farm Chemurgic Cucl wich specializesin adaping ag- riculurail produlcta for use lin la- hleyou cani't hope to plant somlespar pugs anti go out a fiew mlontihs laIter to find apiegem ing mnew conver-tiblecop re- ing" i the feldthenwauo "ýgrowing" proceýss is blardly les enduabl boiesfor autus have -bee-1numade from plastics wbichlu 4 tuLra were mnfcurerd iromj crops raiseti01n farmns, n1 addition, farmr protiuts are makînig hlbri- caqting ,)il, paint, syntlietic m'b- ber, glas-, aud insulation, te n-n tion a few î tems, and the ant osnt in sigh."* Potentially, OlieoffHe greateFt far podu taccürdlin- to tO he experts, is thie miracle bean-the-; soy. Alreatiy fam1ousý for thleirgra food value, the beans have beepu- used to miake the plaicii for aut- mnobile bdesyftbetic rbe and paint. Andc while a plastic e'nglue or chassis is defin1itely niot i h pcretoday, apparntly theei lte Ise in theDpestwar nauto that Could not be mlatie from ar products, M. ILittle saitiexcept wi0ring. Andi aven here, thinsla tion is provitied bLy isythel"c b ber ant i rmgrown fabirics. FREE TRIP TO BERLIN By Isabel Guernsey This is a unique war b;ook. In It, a Canadian womiantiescribes ber ativenýtures duinig the fifeen me-,nths she spent la Germrany alter bLortpedondabo,9rd the Zain- zam lui 191 an route ta aetw te o oblber buebanti. After the horrifylng experienCes of!-a crowded Nazi prison Sipi andi a variety of Germlan mils, the 1o- men passangers frein the Zamnzam, ware fnaly bouset at an ina- ment camip> andi after five mnh of entless petitions anti protesta, they wr releaseti to thecaeo thea Amerîcan Embiýassy lhBrin The author' s description ýo!er lin luq wartimne is moast enlighiten- ing, Sbeý saiti ef thbat enemny capt- it'al: "It was a sad City, that clt-Y ofBerlin, and grew progressively The Canadians left B1erin Junei 13, 1942,e for Portu:1gal, sailing for home on a Swetiih sip, a jouney of tw'o weekis and twe tiays 1from1 the heartof Germany toethe Free Trip ta Berihi ...Gy Isabel Guernisey . . . The Macmillan Comt- pany of Canada . . . Price $310, Champrion Ccake Womlen c'ake bakers figuratîve- ly curt'sied te Lanlgdlon C. Mer- chant, of Colurma, N. UC., whoc bestettem lun a caekebng com- ptition at the South Carolina faim. M. Mrchant, over ix fe(et tal, Cretilteti is 'bIne ribbonls anti prizes as Souh Carolina's 1)es t ca-e nmaker to a chance rei-mnrk he once he'ard a wýoma11n make te ber maiti: "The secret of baking a gooticakre is tecmnmthe bte anti sugar uintil i's filuffy."' Six yeams ago, Mm. Mrc-hant,- then a young brklegrooxn, took up-ý cakýe-baking as, a hiobbyo becýause be coulihave bis cake andi et it *e When y ou buy a Victory Bonid you are 1i1nst-r4n peace, freedom and security for your country and for UI A F yourself in the years to corne.0F C N D To rnake victory sure, Canada neede3 every available sahedIG dollar. iMake your full contributionr by buyinig Victory HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. Bonds în twvo ways .. . from savings and on the instal- ment plan fromi what you earn. SPEED THE VICTORY.. .UY VICTORY BONDS! THE WAR- WEEK - Comrnmentary oni Current Events Rl>usslin victory Looks Like Their Greatest 0f The War Te ÛGermnaus bave ostthe bat- le fer thIle lewer Dieper and the Cma. Tbe ultimnata aextent o! the R1ussian výictor-y uow depeutis on bow -wVelliche ermianis Caliex- tiae Iteir forces frqm n ex tremel1y dangerouLs position. Freimnow on, the amen o! Rue- sian tariîtory te be regainlet by thec lied A-rmy las not ns important asth ft o! the German 111forves withiluta ae. Rusans econ- quest o! ah ttle ower l}raine anti the: Crimjea is nhhuost a foregona conclusio"n. The question is, bow muuc o Gamnarmiet Streungth luSouth- anRuissin a u -be ashï,-Iet ù] tha prgm o! thle enforcati re- îtreuat. h bas a vital bearing on the futrey course o! the wnm lu ïlassis. If the Gerinans can be lmdcAti opby heavîy enongh for their lîladovseti nttempt teholti the linAo!the DiMIeprthe ceuse- qjuences ouki betrenos The R!ussian vitery already looka hike their grantest o! the w;ar. IL might lu the andt tamout to 'ha a cisive ona. Campaiqn In Burma Mt la no secret that the Allias areý alming a blow It Burina, says TheNe York TVimes. The Mon- sýoon r aina are cý,easing anti both aidas bave reportetipatro clasa a1ýlng the Barmesa border. But it wh bea nay eeks befo-re the watierlo)gged riveri vallays dry ont, aniavn imîteti opeations eau àardly bai ntil Admirai Mlount- bat1n4A1iticommander in south- pa.t Aie, ,v'tilunte ind(ia fromn iis cnfrncswitl G:eniema,,lis- aime Chianlg Kai-shiek. Thbe map lai a poor guide te the coming campaign. Tba coutiguity o! nortbemn lutinanti Burmna l dcpieOn paper lit may look ike an easyinatter te mrcl a streng ariiiay ,froii Assam lute Bur- n, d0piveg ~Japanase invaderH bacI bWongrand wboeelng more- met id 0-n Clina'as spply routes a fgaln. But thîs approach la en !the nest dl Iuldt lu the word. eaç1is tbr7ou"gh a roati- musaange o!f,0-o ot mmuntin inte country whif-h would do us very little gooti ef egan. The strategic appmonch -te Burina la by sea, thrioaigb i gonanti up the river vaHley wicl shce the lardi into nomilani-outa strIpa. This was the paî o! Japanese, conquasts. An Amphibious Project Rt la because tha Inivasion o Burmi amuat "be chiefly ain arn- phbou nterprîse thalctholeBrit- ish hava hre beau unable Io untiertfake IL. Nithar Itbey uer the Amnericans lad the fleat anti ccroslips te omarantibridge the Inian Ocean. itb the sur- rentiero!fibe Italian feat anti the opeu1ing o! the Mediltarmanean both ara now nynible.'PoTetifanti the Ntilan Ocean, Japan WIib ave te riqk sp1ittiug ler feet, bard presseti by tle Allies lu île, Pacifie. This is net only te sny that we can[ now move Oldy Ou Rageen anti1111take it by assuit. t will firat be ncsa"te seize tle Japaniese-hieltiAnmnand Nicobar islanide as air bases. Afler that Adiiirai Mountbatteu mn-y prefer the breadar strtagy o! a direct atc on tie Kma penin- suoathat narew nec* o! lanti wbich connecta thaMalay States wth Thailauti antiInde-Cina anti event"Ualyfrea Me SeatlChina emst.

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