ORIONO. ONT.,TFUSDY ýd Fire In Two W esA talIy Con- cing Etnuse De- tssEtr i& ihre~ tous ilES . ELSDON se 40put tat cah in ik ýrestric-, Hepburn1te Support Drew celF. litfur ld thle Ontaiej Pm-uertt Owersassciaieuon Tuesay igh tha hointndste - I'dI ei nlhg-lbt uIcy t1 buy a bouse aud all 1Me got beiaf- tenrnounths Of ' ork is 'a battered sýtn-ong 1x.Imaethe mistaýke, ycou seofkepn that -mouley by m iinstead f ,ýputtlg it inthebn every pay dy Now 've cg ot to, stn tthie beginning aan utIr going to tya n job asa drlle utlI've got the îuyto Ibuy tbCat boue. o mrfoolish isksfor bankkeep nsy csh sfe. It's toughi luk when you'r ,get t i 11 on in yea!rs, to lsetbevryhigy'e to do isltolotlther pepîprofit by"" uylossý. Do't take nr hacs o-uad hnyo'i aeil safe and sre fr th thins(yo wau to bn wen the wris oe. lnly ut so far smyoncec will pemit-it'salniostunreievb D urhamn Counti,.y Tmeac FedratonTo MeetNo.2 Pîy bueînpfanc rnin-ictngIqos r cf inoes1e Novnhe 24t. te a tg ooss the ~ ~ lbrn avuv h aetefrn~o ulcsekn iqISIor raf in t ien A e o.ninUiterorSnd Ste tanrshu C . eMletemgonral sere- BRITISHI WOMÂN STOKER lKi his 'war, nlone is perha'ps bigqger 1eo; uy Lancashire. Forty-ý a arie-d soni and(1daulghter, 0o111 iseeps g -oing a 5 L't. x, 18 ltý. Cons put per -hour-, supplying steam tfoi Ptueshowýs: Mrs. Taylor r"uainfor keepinig a good bru and mazd evryoe bythespeC; hin ThirFghtingoMer, "The ,old teaml spirit hias donle ls againi in Durham Countyv. The peo- pie at home have StAoodshuier te shjoulder 'with their flging w o'verseaa te inake asur'-- tbntytta w,-Iil bring total dceeat. We cuo mnatchl their, sacrifice but wve have "haathe lhoys overseas tha:t we wvill noýit let thieni don. uer faiter in our effcorts for themn. We e aisohbit orold eem inflation anotherl heavy body blow, The end is flot yeÈýt, the road is stili rugged and steep, but we can maeit by tckn tgthrand puilling our shae efthe load. e uýs stIart sarving righlo-w forýthle next itoryLoan." W. Ross Strik'e,Caran NatioalWar finance Commitee Durham Countyï Overll drdG st Atend "At PHome"l More tban a hnrdguests pwee eneraîedby Mm. and Mrs. S. R'. Caidwell aIt their Ait Home ou Wed ((- nesda altenoonand evening- of ls ly amraned table l hioealterneo wrMs.M. J. Taniblyriniad lis W7. Eilioýtt, Iaad in the even ýin Mrs. M. Dunbar sud Mrs. KL aidesli -Ln fiendsariefrneu lorne, frInoSaskaoo, Trno f nanid Ms adi frem Port Mr ad r. Cidai er m Nw ae Liernit jFor Men2Enorsbc- orde sts orthateaT ose x bvo- hsvtrîctdte mnrwohveatan Excepton are uýsalabl fortosorbe-7 Es 18WORKSH1OPS G0iNIIý its wornen hav1\e tackled durîngi- Ian thatudrtknbyMs Tay- glit years old,widowed miothier of five feet fixe inches taîl, sedauily ,i, Boiler, rated at 2,00lbs, et 18'i workhops it loel fire ail over thle 9gate area, with whdich she msordthe job.ý geuîg 'Îsel uie a reptattioni arudthe fIighjt roomai as a hum- Cdimger on thrýc'ee eginjes, codn to, a R;.C.A.F. di-ýpatch froin Lonadon, Engiand. The, othier day hie r<oreback at h;isstto three ,days late alteri bonIinig Fra)nkfLiart. Mlost of the turne wais pent in iwaiiting- for weather to clear aft e hn hamlanedat an airdome terthan hIis owni. iWlhadaic trip mosýt of' the- way to thf tage,"'e et. "Thien one c0f our eLneiake p The oilpreýsure kept dopigbuit une managed to keep it goig until ait, or borabini,g run, and theni shutl il off. On thiewy back weke1pt iosng ltitude ,and finally gotdw to 12,000 fe 'Cet so ITdecided to look for. the closesýt airdrome inEnld" lie realled th-at on bis >precedlinrg tn,) a raid !on Bcun one en.gine --wcked tp over th!e sea-. To add they managd to comp ote te obIn i'ssion. Serg. Hrwad OGovmnI of Suld- bapyabutit thogh "e were I siaow d iyl f 1gb]tor for furor 1flv miute," e -said,5"Iur Shrp coi ~ i-i ksrwd n e maag d t1ls Sergt. Kenn' st tfi-ith the foreyitIont.M On tha ocaio cond er tta ofnie ite mi-ert, Snef'ord Ornt navatr, C~4 h11 unke,'for gil, Ont- 94Wl3h t. NwlToronto A yScnumber cf ot'rronooutyes are aic unH0f heiuseofoswhencaleden elis e' Ilybeacetd Lo c'eleb Service C. ~fthe utc 'thdalia is stili -vtry active 11nd1bas a wne- The fui appetite for bis age. We ish rate aý lmn success in bis huutig expedi- commiý tion (that is, if ho gets there). for t RatonngTime Tabe Spon doufoA, (Clip lthis eutt and keepavibl) Fr Coupos i t 21 inclusive .n vaii; cupos 22 and 2.",vaid o vember 25. Coupons 1 te.3epr Dlecembler 31. Eac go fr8 55 ane coffee or 2 ozs. tea. bo Sugar (Red) l Couponis itU0inlsv ow h hfbili, vaiid; coupons i to 13 expireon b ours 1 Deceniber 31REch goýýod for oe t 'pudof sagar. CniusUmarrcoru- 1IPamd $2 ponis valid until doclarved voidl. mniey1 'Coi SLOw ~l0~ C 18; c 25 ai pair R 1/ poiidof butter. eu airs22 3,2 Preservs (Ora Toal......... )Enti Ontarjo Government Loýwers Hydro Rates For Rural Cnm Birthday , c Governîr uctureýý