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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Nov 1943, p. 7

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\...-~ cari aIl sain v ~211 4 ~ ~ ~ yvli ýh VYIIOJ mail~ ta.U41 y141 11u t uip and akdif yois didni't wanit 1dim to put two or thiree or tons of anhaiein your bini? Whler. you started eain the advertisemonts and getting liter- ature on the new car modols f-or next spring? Whenci the police dopartmnent ivould have been called out Uf a girl la woknma' veralls had ~< walked along the miain tret WhIen yQ ol wal inito a tobazcco store. and buy a nickel cigar from) a choi-e of twonity o mare brands? WXheni yucould pop a big boWl oi. corn andrsoa it with mielted butter without d.oinig itotfor breakýfast and inner the foillowý- ig da y? * When the pacifists wcre horri- fied if a dozen Young fellows ïn unifomni paradeçi alo.g a street? Wlhen Chrismas decorations and additional lights sutrtd ap- pearing in A the store windows at thus thme of year? Whnradio, wahn acinie -~~'~'< sd vacuum cenv slse were considemed a nuaisance? When you didn't think a Suni- day newspaper was c0opete un- less it weighed about three pounds? WNhen you thought the Govern- ment was a buncýh of extravagant, ro'bbers Lf it took more, than ton dollars of y(,ur yealy arings for incomle taxation?., Wvher everybody- th1ought Hitier and Hfirohito were juast bluffmig?, NAZI ANTI-FREEZE wor'aing bc "'slovw type Of( "buik" i ...corr *iource in! purgatiiý relief, -.1'VE CORRECU THE CAUSE!I -y', is important any time, vitally important ia these, rdsys when--iail of us are hu-der than ever. Don't3you ,d down", by that common constipation due to lack of r your diet. And be sensible -ect the troubl-e right at its tead of "dosîng" with harshý' s that give only tempwUaY Eat KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN . .. grand- tasti ng as a cerea-l or la bot.. crispy Irilfns ... eat it every day .. . drink pleaty of water , . . theaci sec if you doni't fforget you ever bad common conistipation,. For ALL.BRAN sup- plies the "bu),lk" your diet neceds. prom-otes natural regularity. Your grocer hias ALL-BRM!N la two con- venient sizes. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada, PA M1e reined labesde er and raised bis bat. He ooked intober. fae. The bard-set eyes of gray like bhis onflasbed ilke som p3oolsýç teymet ïbis. "I ý-wanIted you taundemtanud bow itÎ cameabu, said DavL. ""idJust rode up ta Fermis' ranchj, hini' to strike a job. Curan oi mle i couid have one if Ico1 brea,,k Blac(k Dawni. Y didn't ko theý horse w'as yours, tbugh tbey was ail Ferris' brones. "Ate Igot on bhis bact(k I.satw ho was ,,a killer. 11t was is ,life aginst mine. 'iboke bhi, and lho, pretty neLar brokie me. Ta' i Igolt to say ex:cept I, hocpe you unir- dersand." "btsail you've got to lay asked the girl "inm inýiI yotu t1(acep t my sweento nme there oughIt tao bard feelings between us," "Your fmeelns don't ntmest meI one ite, stranger," the girl an- swere, "Tbme'sMescai, oe thre." She pinted,"Ir' ko tat's your wy.-My wy ies ocver yb nd1eri." She pointed tup t "'-j Th--e Reasoii Why We Went To War Our successes have- bred a md ley of counsellors. These tel US thiat we really wet o war for tbis or that iAdeal. The suppres- ulion of German terrorismr was, appaentily, incidentai to the pro- \,,vision of1 electie refrigerators la *very cottage, The linoriag of 01i',obligation -ta0Polind1 wa S mereiy a stop to th-e abolition of lirst-class tmavel o n suburban i-ailwaysý. An)d the diversion of ail our ammiaments mvas aýn eccen1tric preli.inamy ta a isix- k&um day and pensions for al. e Let this b0e iear: theBrts 8oeial ytml const'antly find- ing ways ofsefn'pomnt -as i.., dmonvhsttd wi th Ou t COLDS branchingtail, "You ride on and doni't Cross my),path agalin, CGod Dave cuidn'tsece touch o hem k nees lupon thefnk f the black, but istyit hpR asswheeled, 1and was loping along tce trai hat rail u11)toward the mutis n inistantly the %wbole rmd a weled and followed Inaits tracks, Becfore Dave quiteralzdie wvas gittïing on bis bay lone wa-,tcinig the -,apidly dspemn 11e qsat there with 1his eyes on lt until it' aisefo sigbt Ibe. hlind a long hogback. 11e saw it àuapaaain toy homses rannning in the wake of the backandrap- idly apracin te se ýwpatulcs and scrub that clothod the bsa of Au othls itwans barely -twhours since be bad ridden up to Ferris' ranch. The ,,un was stilli hib n te ky Thie things that badhapeedl those two boums senesod 1w la com"prohensible nd lmotlike a dxorami. 1Hewals awar-e that he wasý acigfrom bead to 'rf(oot after bis, tussie with thie black. And1bi kaeiswere bleedilng fo their conitact witb Currani's teh The valley narrowed, the track ascended. Once over the ack DavTe saw the littie cowtown hd dled on cither bank of a muaddy e41 lands on11elther side of ït MeCscal asDot much iffrn fmom the othercotwn Dv haçiridea througb on i joumneyýï souhw,LRather am saler, ger dirtier, but the ame haifdozea stores with ntroase frons, a sa- bùn nmuemadig as a hote, an alev, framie or aobe bouses- set dowa on plots0fail sorts of anes te one another, A swiaging siga thatt creaked dismaily in the wind, prclaimed the botel to he the c WAYSIDE REST. Four horses ere tetered to the rack ha front of it. Tbey were the oniy living thhingsvsible la the short, dusty street. Dave rode round nde found th inevitable rustLy, avnzdio tank, fed with a trickie of w-ater frein a pipe. 11e gave bis baya drink, Placed hlm .alongsidete others at the rc.Thoi nipsbing openaEtle swîng-iing dcojor f the siaoloo, lho went inside, Two mnir woreseated at al table One was anlitindividuai of middiec age, wearing striped trousers andý a faded cutawaly coat, wtba rig on) his Mittle finger and a peami pin in bis tie. The other mas an eldery man with a shock of gray bair. Uncter bis ilapitated bat.,fanun kempt bardand clohs tat, migb have bean excbanged wità aniy avemalge scarcmowwithut either gettig tho botter 0f tce bargain. LIponl a wal was a niotiece- parely st zruc(k off fmom a band- press, the lnt smeared ail over the Papen. It announceil the Sale, at an, early date, of a valuabiile ranch property of two itbousand ces under foreclosure. Dave pouredbmsfaaal drink from the bott1e that the bar. keep handed hlma and filled Up withl ginger aie. The barkeep and the â Mex (,ticas atcbhed hin, drink "Twelve years? Yes, it's twelve yeairs, and the ranch has gone ta racir and ruin. You haven't beguai to payý off the principal, and n)ow yo)u're a year behind witbteia- terest. imtred of you, 11ook0r% You'r just a drunenPest, ging a badl name to the district. 1100k- er, yo'e through," Bofl th men had isie otheir Peet. Oid H1ooker, bliad with ragem, swayed acos te table. "So) thats what myouink Ln- erais i?"he sneered. "We'ii, it may be that you're wrong" Dave noticed that in spite of the oidi mian's condition hls accents were those of a mian of education. "I hae' ivedl in Mescil tweive year's forithig, onergan1. [t may be you'il change your mmrd when 3y o ckinto Ct" "You d4ilderng1oldfool!" shouit- ed tlie other, drawing bis hand smariy'ross Hookýer's face. Thelieiiow wa-ýs lot a s(,ýe eeone, but old IHooker, reeliing back, lost hlis foo-tillg and fell, briniging dw bis chair in The crash. Next mo1- ment Dave uwasrat Lonergan's sîde, hand gippîngil, his shouldýer. Ho-j swung hlm around. -Youantpi'a outI picl - fin' somebIody yýour own aefor fighItin, are 3yOu, liega e"h Lonergan whitene,L backed. 'Io re you. and what are youI btigito tis business for?" hle shouted. "No businessof isenet ail, ad- mitte Dave. AI thougiit you was lookn' for a fight. But 1 guese yon're the Ind that iikes toplay suire and sfe. 11v owes me to hundred ol- lars -akitrst on bis mrgg and Ce hasnt got a cent- to bis nam, 'shotedLoniergan."rik up eerycen hemakeýs in] this saloon. Il'm ired 0f hl-if ' any buies f orscndw mant ik esragers inteerin witb our affacrshlu Mescai." tContinued Next WAeek-) -,oýnouýýrq E ven 1 -have(heard t s aid tha t the hoord to0 ho part of thîe8t .Amyj . I'd say i is ýa great honour- for thle 8th Arm to hve themn- and we'd like somemor.-Gn. oral Sir B fad-.Mntoey The -navýýY wiil be laD ta hear that G th G is ta ho no dela yt in the- cruiersandpossibtiy six destroy- ers ta Canadla, say-s The Ottawva Citien. Accordng to the Naval MIinister-, Angus Macdonald, there is a friendly difference between British and Canadian authorities over financiai arrangements. The, British wouid like Canada ta ac- cept the warsbips as a straight gift w itt cash, paym-ent. At Ot- t,-aa oe, it is the Depart. ment of Finance's view that Can- ada sbouald buy the ships; they coul-d esl ot$00000 Whatever bookkeeping trans- actions miay be agreed upon, the trnsfernce of a pair of modem' cruisers and six destroyers fromi the Britisýh Navy will be a hand- corne addition to Canadian naval strength. It is going te be more tban ever nceee a Canada's part ia the sea wavýr is extended across the Pacifïc Ocean and, doubtless, through th-e Mediteranean Sea to the Bay of Bengal. It às presual- ably on-e fruLitf ni resuit o.f the- ineeting of Britiih and Canadian naval chiefs at the Quebec con- ference. 6,953, 00 0 Ge rm2nansî Ma de1-HfComne less; Aý Zurich despatch said, recenltly that 1,200,086 tivlians were kili- cd or repoorted misîýsing la Alie air raids en Germanny up) toOco ber 1inad ter continental ad- vc told où! widespread efat isuni od dsodny the Roich. An Exchange Telegmpb des- patch fromi Zurich ctda e- ber- of the Germianl Governmntn statistis office as authority for the air raidi casualities. 11e said ,5,00 G erma11ns haI ý td b e e n bobd .t, of thoir homies -or- evacuated Be"CalmGrls BuýtWrtOte To tkeIt as a foregone cn- clusion that tCag(adins oýverseas are bg pcodof ie abuc of siting phetsns by marrige- mindcd Engiish gji>s ily s srsJanle mtrninMnra Standard, Besidos the 14P,00 ALL-BRAN EREAD For a l-oaf o cf bread thlat beats aninrgGadmtr used te, maqke, niext Une try thi's recipe for Ai-ra iread.0 This b9read has a favr nd oones il tsow-7bt etersii it provides valuable fodelmns s ncesayfor _good health. B)ecause it uses braný nrait poie extra vitamin B"i, iacin and îiron for, your fml' diet. 2 talesoonsshotenig %cup miik U/4cup mllassýes 11cups flour 1 egg '/zteaspoon sait 1iÏcupAl-B'ran 21ý teaspoonis baking powder Blend shiorteningand molasses. Add egg and beat well. Stir in AlilBran and rmilk. Let soak until most of monisture 15 takenl up. Sift flour, sait and b-akinýg powder togethier,;ad to first mlixtuIre and10 atir until iquid and dry ngeiet are coml-bined(. FOI grea'-sed muffin pans tothrsfuiliand bakýe in mdeae b otoven (4000 F.) abot 5 mjinutes; or turn batterin to grasd, ofa and bake' in moeaeoven (050, F.) aoult 45 minutes. Yield: ilof1 9 x x3-inchpa) Phmles and Baked ReaUeved by th;S medidnAl nmn WhVether in b--atinig sit or ev,-einj dresyou become very mnuchiebr Tassed by skini affections and irritations on«thie shouiders and back as weii as oa the face. Why flot dIo somiething about it-sominiig worth wbiie. Dr. Chase's OINTMIENT is a medicinal product on wLiih you Caai rely for, eiearing uh ida troubles of this nature as. wel u itcing iDl ezema, Food Rales SFîtness The CANA DA STAR CH CO MPAN Y, Umit wbho are definiteiy goaers, thore are Stuni undrea of thousands 0" mon bre mwbo show every iindic- ati of stickig it ont la singe bIessed1ness for th draton If Iigbt ho pemitted to offer adice, Id Say to Canadian girls "Be calm! but nrite often." MY own oe)-riences bave proved that 011r boysstl yearn! for- the giirls ba1ck boine. lwais nover soeppiiua' iu mIy life as the first weok iý: reacbed London when lads fMon Canaian ervies most mobbeüd me for neu's et Cuianada. IS THE CAUSE 0F MÂSTITIS AIND BANG'S DISEASE SOLVED? nsrngbook Endrse byWold WdCGor mn aliAthorities Send fora rohue'lvn REDL4 WVe can o for misera la thlese peopleloir selve'x.,ý liervons for this Nervine Dr.1 'N s' s' k s' -p. "N s'

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