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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Nov 1943, p. 3

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oiff Cas air ani wbi There J.a oeeman, known mte bis friends as Butrt, wo lbas pro)- duced 21,511 tons cf ceai in 1,205 siifts; 84 of the,,s sifts being worked o011Sundays. Brt lis -1H stns five feet, forlce ih ai 141 se ck anid weigis jmat over S tone (133 pud> He's a ebeerful iîttie fellew, and lflilcf ie- joy cf lf e. Elvery dlay this Dian has wevrlied bie bas produced oi a fraction below 18 tons, wbiIcbla equal o "3Ofitimes is o~n ejgh.Iet's hoock anr- orliter waly; in four years Bart b a s loel the equivalent ü'f 2,200 rail- 'way ïriuýks cof ce-ai, or oewhole'- Vrainlod everyfour wes i vast quantity c f ceai prednil-ced by Vl' jcýoeeman is sýufficiont te pro- viethe fiisied steel fo e ti pr- ducetion of ciee eavy cru'Iser and two destroyers cf Hie Tribal caa Durjiing tcwioeperIed cf? tLe war rt bas lest onfly Qu'e hs't poutrily. lie bas wjrked seve days a week: for 84 wceek ad i aeaefor tbe wioie war l six days per -week, lnciudiughoia Russians Take Toli Of 2,700,000 Nazis Tic. Russ;.iaus bav-, annouullced tinat LtIleir summ-,iner and Inau il 111n ,offensives had taken a total cf 2,700;000 Nzsin iiled, wud cd and prisenrs a,, nd cleared 13G,000 more "square ( miles Of Russian Vterritory. One buncded and fmoy-fou Nýazi ivisions,, incIuding 25 tank, aud motorizd diviion, wcresnde ,ciared te bave, been roLued la tic sweep tint leared Vie east bauk cf thc Dieper River. A Mos,,cow ladiocnst commu nique ,sai(l 90c0,000 Germans werc k-il!ed and 98,00caputred la Vie fourenonth camaign. ELUSIVE INFLUENCE Influence la what 'Où i til n es hlave, HU Iyou try o use V "But wyshould I saluteyo? 'min Captlain Brink'-3 coli1reny, ltoursl1" OTTAWA REPORTS That la 1944 There WilE An% lacreay3e la Machnery to the Canadian Farmer With 1ne possibility cf a let up in the demiand for increaýsed fu-rm 1production and iwiti tic1 e labor siortage becomiing mr and more acute, the farmer i s increaugiy conscieus cf tC ned jfor tVi most modemn, labor- saving .;farm m iachiineny. Tic findiniga of cf he fan--im- plemnents sbcmitecf. the House of Comme'rns W\ar Epn turcs Commiiittec madace puliEc ne- -centiy, emipbasizcd Vi "mpna Vive ne"sty" ocf, ad dit;î o n al su,plies cf sincb labo)cr-suving imr- plern2nts. Until May ocf this year, farmr im-1plemnents bave been amnong Vie2 mlany commrrodities on Vie mn tined it, Silice MayVire strictions guanding tie salýec farm miiacinery bhave bcaeles severle aaid gradlunlly mocre aucd, more itemis bave been aded Vo t:. liltexeipted from nainn regulations. This bas heen miade possible bj, inrae iimanu.factunring quotas whici bave cone laV effeet sinice July. Now Vie outook becomes even bng ter andit lïs pcedtn the cancellatiens cf ce"rtain1a contrsacta should cause an easing lu Vie steel "botInenck,"and, facVory faclities anld lubor shorýt- age be ,'made avaliabItle for ie mianiufacturec. f more fari'm i- plelenits. Th1is la ie oiinc subcomittee. IVwas aise pointed eut that Vwo otier btlen ik re fac- tory labor and tiec limiited sppl cf m-alilcable ca'stinga nnditvwas stated that these factors are under "canefl sudy' aud maY Ibe aleviated, if net rmvd Reviewtng tic situation fortic1( ecomning crop seaso-,, HI .H.Bom Warim Pices and Trade JBoard farnm mlachileny ,umnsmtr bia-, given Vie assurance tn tiene wiIl be aý substanitial ini- crease lu ien mcth e ry a'1 , vai able Vo Canadian farmnens. SoC far neo decisionl as Vo the all-oca- tion of Vhilsmuply of maciinerY bus been atiunoLlne,, bLututi miatter la beiug earefully stud- folly Vo negleet any mieasure tint mgtlengtben tic life Çcfmn chlineny alneady lu mcd. Pro cautions can be taken Vo proteot it fnomi- risit and rot. W. S. iadc, assistnt supernitendent at the Djominin Eýxpcrimnental taio at Len-nox- vilQuebe'ý, stYa th'at even an lxexpensive sbed wiii be a pro- tection againatsun, nain a nd so.But lu arddition bhe adds ail mealprts cf machi'is thatare Poýî S lsbed by thin rcon'tact with ticsou shouidbe rcovered wit'h c4 otprvt nuaýt. Fer hs pur- pose he recomn'mend3 vil, Befre fneeoze,-up), crll ine, usdte spread -chincial fertiliz- ers suL e tionolugbly wash(e I or b)r1ushed -) eùemcv." tbe fentil izer, and their m1etLal parts givcený a coûating cf cl.Seme farinera remoCveý the starý. wheels and soak tbLem in a hucket cf cifor au day Cor twc. Witiourthtese precautions 1V is eftendifct teO geVtiese machinles tarted i'n jie serings VICTOR EMAMANUEL. liene, tben, la tJe beak future, of Vie ýproud id dm'aonunci: AA large part cf h bikngdm demandabis crown, wiicb bas adorned bis bead for 42 years. And antier large part demnahis bead, iciib e bas wonn fer 74 years. le May lose bol.Al bec-ause he compromnised wit freedm wy back inlam1922 -Wnnilpeg Free Press. GUEISERS Tic eopewho used te record their guess tý!Ou thi numben cf býeans luinte pot lu the drug steree widware 1no,îrecýord'ingtir gesson wben tie waývilind Tiey are probablynas ar wrong as tiey were on the number oi -liwans agzie -o- MANY LIKE THIS Maye int geluls inii ti Navy Deporntment w.o neý-arnantige(l tic tyerie eybojard in tInte ctcfslimplicity couïd doso- tiing ,for orTie bïimed thlng- can'tspeli. -hstnscience Monitor. -0- AHEAD F) OF 15 TIMsE Funny 2mw semepeople iiyc- years ahead of thein time. Take Thý- n1 - -o-ý LIFE YS FEETING The goou thilng about a nmoderr -Bcrandon Sun. THE WAR- WEEK - Commentary r The Master Plan For Military Operation 0f Lonlo'n publicly reports that a large area in swuthbwestern ig Inad la to beevuad by Dec '20 to provide an invasion train.- ixg grou1nd for Am1-erican troops; Genieral Devers, th ie Amnerican commaderannouncea that the manomuevýres are uecessary to dec- x elop "teemaster plan that WiU! setii inmotion wbat m1ay be the greatest militaryoprtn of ail timeic"; andl as the corr7esponde1c!ts are allowed tO spcak wýitb an1 lu- creasing fre(edlomioc agahein "seon-frnt arythie Ger- manis show thiat tbey are impresa- edJ by the recent bo)mbing of the soutbwestern Britias ors rc wh1,ich it ,t wili presumably b e launcbed, says Trhe New York Herald Tribune, Pattern Grows Clearer From al this one abr that a master plan bas actualy been drawn tozea l¶ajor scale and the dt se;but that it ertail canuot b before Dec. 20 and prbbywill flot corne for a con- sDiderably longer tim-e, Thus tbLe patterin, glimpsed týhrougb theý Mosco-w Communique and the subsequent speec-hes of Mr, Stalin and Mr. Churchill, hegins te grow a littie clearer, It wvas in May that the,ý Prime Mn Steuad that while opinions differed as te wbhetber "air )wr yitseif"ý could "brinig about tble colapse cf Germiany,." tbe "experiment is Well wortb tryirEg." 1robably nithLer Mr. Chiurcii, nor bis air advisers ever thouglit that Ger- iiany couldI be knocked oùut fro the air ,vitlh no ln iv Siona ail; but Mi l believedi that tbey did h1ave hopes that shre could be se. "of"Dtenied u"as to makme the ultimate invasion a relatively Iinor !part of the totatratbeg-y. Resuit s Negative? Tbrougbout the surmmer the "experiment" bas been made on ar. acdigsçale cf violoee and the r1-esu, U o n the whole, appear to bave been n9gative. The dlevastation bas been- terrible; but the protectivc dispersi cf Germny's -war indusý1tries anud theý astoniisbing capacity cf a modIem ind(ustviaýl econoniny O. make, re- pairs amld develop makeshifts bas reudereçl it lessa immediîately de. cisive than mîglit bave been ex- pected. Wbile the air ataklas Sev-1ej'ely ol ]ed GCermay'phy- sical ability to niake war, it bas noV directly destroyed[ it. The iritisb are begining Vi, o feel that thie main impact cf air assault is on morale rathier ta on pby,,- sical potential. Co-ordinated Plan Developed Perbapa it was a reconitiof thswihlay beuind th success of th1e Moscow cnf0ece neC can infer thlat the WeVýstern Allieýs came V, o the conference ready V gattat the air war w.,ould bhave to be backed up by massive ex- ploitation on the groun, hoeve cotyin lue it igbt be;.tbat tUis made iit possiblefo the firat time to bring the lanndSeam'n air strtegy cf Russia Brtain nnd the Unitedl States on te -a comnmon ground ' and from i t ute develop ageuny co-orin(iiatedt plan, iendin'g te tbýe firm lege cf specife action Whwere ap- parently excbanged at Moscow. The Only Way Tbis, cannoýt mean thatth sec- ond front bas beclà suhstituted for the bombing ofesv, r that Italy is t be abandoned in favor cf Fîranice. Rather, it sug- gesta that ail parts bave been_ fitted inito a wbiole wbicb wîll per- mlit cadiprth et ISits mxi- mum possýible effect. In such a plan, oda f a major Baîkan- offenive iwouid be dropped; lA Italy, the main ojective would1 be simiy Vosecure (and it bas been done at relaivcly amaîl Coa)tebases- frgcm whiCh t o te upthe boimbing 0off ensl;i v e ver ail cfï Germany, whule a mjor hlow with iamd forces froim the West WOUIdl be co.-Ordinated witb the hammner strokea cf the lied Armny and cf the British- baaed stratcgic bombera. For the Western Allies iV may ma biHhbeavier than sonme may bave bophd tbey ewouldbave te pay. But it ila itconly way ýîto get Don't Warm Up Motor In Garage by raning t-he en-gine ii the garage Dinthe nmring before you drive out. Neyer keep the nmotor rung Whioe"dig repair wvork in the garage unlesaý there is a strong cuzrent cf air through tChe place, Carbon monoxide gas la odor- jes. Its worC'king's are moat in- aidios. Do't depend, on you-r nosete arn "'ou cf the dan1gerý Tbe best rule àa neyer te run the otrinsýide a garage at ail-au very good ruie Vo adopt at the apoc cf the -winter season, ThRe Book Shcli WESTERN STAR Bystephein Vinz'ent Benlet . Wsenstar la ie sirtanld ti meinninga cf America. Thiere la In it tice sse-nce o wbat Am- erica isanad the sure kaowiedge cf wiat 1Vwiil bc. " ircn r alWays mvn n"Tsl i îrt atne cf Vils great new nar- ratvepemWestern Star. Tih erds MrpBnTAWused Vo dopePearkes, 5.3, V.U., C3., Ccmmadingiu-Cief, pacific commnand, blas been heuo1red by, the United States wbichrolfi red up)on Lm the titie cf Comn- mander cf the Legien cf Menit. Tb-oueor is oee cf the bigicat avýailable te, persoiýs wbo are net; citizens o cf b uited sttes ,and ranks 01cn1nY tetic DIistin-. guished Serviece Medai. de nieAi ,ýca ýa ppi y cequ-,a 11y weite ilim. 1lieaise wvasa aways be put uidelis owu oramid ery ouice cof bis euergIaud eni- lus Vo thle servýice 0f bis cuntry. A t tbe time 0cf bis rcetdeuti Mgr. Benet eda oiin lati ~eýem fn bsf eUowwneraai beeeaciiced by 1ankA-neria -writer. As t1ruiy as'anly soldier oïl the battlefieidbegavnbS lif for Vecutylelvd Western Star .- By Stephen Vjncent Benret. , Oxford Uni- versity Press Price $2,50. 'Tis CÙRîOUS WORLDeruo t~ 1~ NEXT, Mie" thatlilve ferr IREG'LAR FELLERS-A Snioothie By GEIN I 6$dO ~.t ~J! ~ ct-I -r~ ~'P.ot4r DA~ H>i~' n-I A$' Mt ~VQS~ TO Af Ç!~4OOtf5 a f .~

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