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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Nov 1943, p. 6

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into with Now e tbe tit o]: alas, abeut aifter weheard thse postmiau left of "Her, se and( it wvas a letLter large amnount o]: iilyiug areund anýd ow wheul organized te sat- b a yigl theub ,o msl utets sic cr~ hr ba cerne lu etelephonle, tiise eiveryan etr mialte bis i:l]: eless i'emeve miany 'o_, les Of ]:'livîfinglan eng mauy cf tise t av'e net yet except iniaàf'lw protectionanis nis te oin u Ileason isy tiss isiC ne lucko-o. :usie noi usutel of, 46 Attempt, asure, 48 Is presenat. 53 Was seateti. 56 Roeuge, atel, 57 Sear. 58 Ceve, 60 OMexico 81. OAge, 82 Sne is a mem-ilber 'of force, the U S e. VERTICAL typ. ispir'ed a quiet we-oeinwic I cni.d get on witb nsly werkwi- euit teeo manyitrupin.Anti 'as ,tWeiiïl letyenbe tise judge. 'Vounnmy recahi that hst Sun- d7ay we ha ra himniey, fie-that i itel] was a bati beginlig. Monday was mmersorlus o]: a hub-bub-gettig our sen a again on his tnp baek te Vani- Tuesdy Ipent tisewisoe aftenoo getinga permaent- anti I cau ' hinicof any job thatq Idislike e than that. Wedesay, fter my _rdi!-ar'Y wekwadonce, Isortetiwol tieti up parceis ana prepared my wvar wrkreport readly foror Institute meting tie next day, unea detemined tuat tuis time 1--1-1 wculd arge thnsigs sethat -I dida'lt have te rush aoun'd atth lad mnut.-Aa, for y lans Thurdaythaday cf themet ing-a visito£ arlîveti befere w isat even finàshed breakfast. Ct wasehee-tirty befoýrse left. Iwas jusýt aiscut frautie. er was 1 with never a diiss cr 7ýa m pail washed, uetbing ready fer dinner, ant ii keus tedrass' nud ncksp. hatI ceid eave them a tise ransportofc r my way tect, e meetin3g at 42.30, I, started ln on the chiecken- wbich Partuer hAd pîcked that nsoringandthe grecer arrived wih osur ekyodr I gehl a evious Puz~Ie 20 She repi-esents hestate or ENOS A 2Feels KO R 0i 23 Aeriform flud S 1Y E LO 25 Falkland Is- OD ~4I E lands (abbr. I T 27 Pronoun. --~EEL 5 29 Seed vessel, p G A N 31: Be-verage, I~1'[t v ORA 35 Fate. T P37 Egyptian S Sungeao. ,5 A R 39 East Indies (abbr.), reverence. 40 Igýnited, 3 Gypen fabric, 42 Arid. 4 Compass 45 Cormpensat, poiit, 47 Sharp cry. 5 Douible. 49 Domesticate, 6 Sicilian coins. 50 Lvl 7 Formeriy. 51 Nearest. 8 Paid notice. 52 Debît not4e f Miqate a slighit (aflbbr. bo'v, 53 siavic. 10 Ship's bottorn. 55Cetrtesy 14 Equlity. titis, 15 Directly. 57 F-rday 16 Torard.(abbr.). 18 Short sieep. 5 9 Down (pefixK) 19 place, 61 And LtA attýcded te wheun anether car, dirue in "MThi ie t was a mua, neme te borrew the Institut chairs wic we take charge e]: betweea mneetings.Then 1 un- wrapped the ]:sh that the g'rOcer had bronght, anti wiich I wantedi fer dinner, und ht was frozen- sit.To eut a long sýtory s'hOrtG 1 arre fi e nmeeting teln min!- utes late, but how I evergo there at ail is something 1 011l Hever nw Fiday - ah, that a h cma!ILt was a cold, dm11day the sort o]: day Mhen yen eelyou mnust keep at somne sert o]: active! workctews the dreurinesuo] th e weather wouid get yendcn Ae I started te bouseclean the panitry,,. Now the 1aty, she)uit teiyu pens off the dinCg neem and 1 knew I1svould bhe Stracking in and eut se 1i id't hetiser te dýean nup the dining- reem utIL. Weil, yen knw l-vat i i ke ta dean a pautry-dishes hem anti- there ail orer tbehe. Po3ts anti pansý, cans and centainersýn ,are put wherever yenut au finti reemi for themi, just se lesg as yen evau get elbow roem te orktý,j I got alog fne luhisce frenocn. After dinner 1 started lu agufri anti wYas busy ou tise Second bal]: cf the (ceiing wisen 1I heard a ittle tinkie on t1 he (doorbeil. t teek me vse by surprise I nearlyý feU off the table. Wel, thme was onhy euntbing te de-anti S UN D A.Y S C HOO L L ES SO0N Decemlber 5 THIE SIN 0F COVETOUISNESS Exozius 20:17; Lukze 12:13-34 PRINTED TEXT Exodus 20A17; Lukc 12,13-25 GOLDEN TE"XT-t'hou %hait noýt covet . . . anything that is thy neighbWrs. Exodlus 20:17, Memnory 'Verse: Ged . caretis fo 1yu.IPeter 5:7, THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING. Time.-The Ten Com-mandusents we-re dlivered in 1!45 B.C.; our Loýrd's teachlings cnerigcor- ecteusness in thi,,,1eson were uttrnl Decemlber, A.D. 29.ý) Place.-The Ten Conmmand- mPents wese given on1 Meunt 5m1ai; tepassauge taken fromi Luke isý irom a a iscourse dlvrdin, Per1aea, On the easýt cf tlIs Jordan. Sin of Covetousness And elne out of: the multitu-de said unto hlm, Teacher,11bi y broher divide the inheritance \'jb e. The man was net a dicpebut semecone wheo wisheIid àtc eGod to further bis cwn selfish iteret. There are many whohae o place intheir livces forCý 2hrist, but are ready to su- list the support of: Ris teaching wbnit is te their arnaeto "Audh le said unto himiI Man, -Cho made me a judge or a divîder ovryou?"' Our Lord camie net t net ana arbitrator, to iter- fer Ewih the civil courts.lie caet ae mei froim their sins tereet out tuis spirit cf covet- ousnss. bena sinner is par- donjred bis imotive then is tou share è%at e bas and not to covet "And lie said unto tbe,Iî Take iseand kehep your.slVresfromn ailcoetouISnIess: for a ma's life consisteth not iu the abundance cf the tings wicbh le possess- etb." ea are te be aware net oaiy cf avarice, a greedy desire to possess what belongs te an-. other; they are warned against sefsspossession. Meunut e gdpossessions, and becomie sa enislaved te thom that thecy be- cornile thecir very il]:e, the tbiigsý mert dear tethM.n Tbis explains hycovetouness is (doidtry. The Foolish Rich Man " ndie spake a parable uto tien, saying h ground o]: a Serbie rich roun brought forth plentifully. -Anud he reasonedi with bim1seif, sayiug, Wbiat shiah 1 do, because I b1 ave net whers tej bLat was auswcc the duor.seAI did-and there was our minister! Ye gods: The fire was eut jis the,- living4Éoom1--tbere was 0111, on.. pl)ace te receive uimand tMat iii lu ediniug-reom uvith its ovrlwfrom ltfieputy Well, cf cour'se aog1edfor the disorder but I aise said 1 wus glad te see hlm and if he ceuld sit in a mluddie and visit, then 1. S audd, to. So we sat, and lu a Littiie Partuer joiued us, aud bieeit or oct, we ail three sat and! talkedl for oýver two heIursý. And of course we badl a cul-,o]: tea, but believe me, there was nu stylettuh a ta pnry. The minister has onlybeen ith us twe years. I wonder wbat he will think of some cf his flock After be bad gene it was cheS tie and wben Partner went tej thSe barn he feund Elrner was missing. Who is Elmer? 0f course ycu bave heard cf Elsie, thne Cow, haren't you? Well, tMis isn't Elsie, it's Elmer, and be is flot much more than, a yea-i i ng. ,lmnie r, apparenItly, 1had( seen some cf bis girl frieuds over ca -îtie next farm aud fiad-gon teovsitthdem"t took Partnr aud t we ueîghbour beys te bring" E erback te home pastures tbeý next afternecn. And tat was eur week! POP--New, Pop's Sunk zDONT A W-?0 U E T AAyOc w ýE- yOIF-Is IRADIO REPOITER REX FROS'J Di d you saý.y -l"informna tion pieuse"? ýWélisehre yen hlave t lu pictorial form .. .PersonlitifeS cýf the -most e frudfiteo0 tise qu" show.1Tse adïy is jan Struthler, who created iïse i!lînstricuis 'Mrs Minver, iercneof tisat lîterary and screen aserieeof thle BaLttie o]:f iti.Witb. tbe famelus Englislis nthcress arc esethres reguLlur "xersof NBC's "In- formation Please". . . tie 10.30 te il c'cock OMeday nigbt spot ;Aich paAis an' ehtmotd listen- lug tadience cfî arouud tweaty nillions . . . Oscar Levant, ne-ce nutbority; John Ieran, fermuer sports ce101iumnist; Frankîju P. Adanm, 'lirr expert.- Wise DauGolepaulfirst got ise idea fer "nemainPlease"' clii ti ersluraIoisisted that if te qestins erete be tongis eno Gist slnptis'le experts, the whwoe program would be away over tce headscf the average audience. There was aisoeh difficlyof gettig men Cf Science or sitrwen oudbe wiHing te "stick ther uecks eut". Hewever they eamnle goSehave tie promlineut ues c)f nomto ese" Ucud eneiWilkie, Fred Aýlieut, 1Lillian Gisis, Gene Tnnaiey, Raymlouid GamSig and Jimmy Du- ürante ., .te mlen- tien ully a fw t)es tew ,ý7ny fr-UitS? Aud. hie said, This011il1Ido: I wiilPURll don 1my barre~ and bnid greater; and theme wllt I bestew A i y grain ani a i y gos"There is ai) uu11pardoniable self ishnress lu this mani's plans. With ,more pesses'- siens than he knwliwat te de with ise de-s net say thlat lie le geing te heljpte pour or share wbut 1heý hasý. Thiere 15 noeye- pression o]: thnukj1s te God fer an abundant isarvent. A Foolis3h schemne "Ani d1IwIIlsay te myseul, Seful, thlon hasýt urinzcis geeds laid up felr many yearsý; take thine case, enat, drinký, be merry." Toîl la, gettiing andanit l leepinig pesesintfer' uesown ,self- cshindgence is but a poor resit cf slaviug for years. End offuRil IMani'g Plans "Bu,,t Geti saiti unto hlmi, Thion foois eetisiz-,'ght is tisy son reqnired o]utee andi the tbhiags whih honhat repared(, whioset shah tbhey be?" A nwhelires as thorug-:j-h beis olybody l-. n deed a fool. Man is eulas elI as àr boy Mnheapîethu rce andj kneweth net o shah gather tisem.' Auy igbt ur seul maY be reqnirdo]:un.Hleswho tus and llc Christ anjd bas bris treasur-e laid up in Hecaven, wiA net 5b- dismàaYedI, hwvrsi den ise ea "Se is Me tht lnyeth up tre- sure fr himself, md is net riel, toward Go"!." A1 'l menwisc ar li;ving only for tsmelefor thiswordd's treasure, are as thîs foohisis farmer. Bow 'mucisboter te get joy out e]: wealth whiie w'e lire by usîing It wisely te bep otsersMa u tespued tise Gospel. Victorj Over Covetousness 'Aihe said uto is disciples, Therefere, I say unÀ,te yeu, Be neot Siace the pregram blas beeni on the ai, it bas bcoeapparent thiat "tmigtiseeprs" s net wbtat appeals te the Public miost. The most astcnishiuig thiing$' is tbat miost people love te listLen and niarvel ut the mnnr l hc tbe experts get almiost ail thc- answerjs tetlise fdiffliiti, tricky qu stis. Frem lNovemlber22 "Iiïformation PIeïlse" 11, be brougst juM Canada over CDS, MUotreaI; CBL, Toreuto; and a Otarie network. We'd like ye te kMoM C y Stranige, receut addciition te, the annonncig staf f o]: upB. Su of a gen esoreepr at Aila Craig, Cy lied fer 15 years la Exeter, before br-eaking into raiey as ater solcist over tie ener statio. He sang aise with Roa. nie Hart's orchestra and wne parti- cularly active Ilu musicual an dramnatic cr iesliSrl.i-l first experieuce as radie annonci-eer came itistise noriserubroad- castlng station at Timmins. risea he, assumied similar duties at tise new Kingston transmitterý. Cy Strange's friendiy, quiet s-,pïee velce bas imade mauy fre everywisere iu Ontari. ple is eue great ambition l ifeM e Asuys te play a prin111luent part la s,,tag" and radie diramaties., auxiens fer yeur life, wisat y. shahl eat; uer yet for yýonr -body, wbat ye shah put, 1 Fer tise l]: le more than the food, and tise body thun th:e rajiheniL" Our ~ -tily cenicerus are B-is iare and lie wilt net fail te snpply thse essentinli needs cf the-se wo trust and i obey. Cod'& Care for U& "Ceulsidecr the rave.'s, tisat tbeoy sew- net, neitiser reap; wicb ,, have neo strecianb r ern,, ; nnd God fecdetis thein: cf,-.o-w m ruch moevalue ar e ye tihan thei hrd(1s !" if God cames frts v ens lu thut he bas div ineiy ar- anged for their netct be m-et, will net de less, b'it mrefo untecrown O]:creation. Felly of Anxiety 'Und wbicb of yen by bipg anxieus eanu udd a cis)it ut cs mensure cf his life? Tis ;e- v7eals the bielpiessuese -and ts imiiitt!in cfman. The ciir, was originally tise leugth o]: tise elbew te the sud o]: the midle finger. Lt is geuerully calclated te) be a ftooand ahaf Unsutpecting Na2:iS, Salutée Saboteurs -Daiis isaboteurs d!resýseti np lui railwaymen's uniforms seenreti % haud-car and peacefùuly distrlbt- ed time hebeb at regular iý nter-. vals foir four miles aleag austreteis c]: raiway very important te th(e German treptraffe in Jutlaud. Unsuspecng rauway guards saluteti the sab)oteurs. Theýre w ne fnrther t3rffic for awek Th-e CanadiaîArmy Oosa le made cf twe corps, oeso] three lu]:antry divisons, tise other o]: twe armeIred iisos ilGwentdo1 ine P, Carke By J. MILLAR WATT W-ELL,Akr= YOLJ GOMCIE To BELIEvE Mr--OI YOL>R OWN4ý

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