I % L 11 IJ r' L. da Wil.soni, Bowmtianvillel week-end with-Mr'. Ric1,iard . .. .. $2..... 1 ÇGI CARIDS sugns, at 2c., 3>- e.and 25c. eaeh~ .ds .... ......... 2'5 C, ds........... 49C. -ds (Edgar ut .$......1... . 0... Y RAR LADIES' GITSETS Arenat$i1.150$20 to)........... ........ 1 i.73 Gardeala andi Forget Me Not, at $1.541to .._..........7.4 CashmereBouqet,30A., U0: and '.- ..... ..... ......90e Tan-goee Sets.55e!. antm1.l Cutex M.aniure Sets, at $1.41, $4.041andi... . -..... Pod' eautyB'oxý, enci 1.4 PENCIL SETS Watrma'sPen .and PencHl Sets, at $5.16 and ,,.$5.95 Pen, Peneil andi Thermomneter, whhte.- - . $892 BRUSII SETS Ladies' BuCo ror Sets.$1.9ý Brushles only, at. and.-........... M en's Mlîilay I $3.00, $4.7.5 ani Biilfolds, at 79e., and.......... LENTHERI 'esentations Miracle, 75 and . . :ions ...... qe Our Home aald sclool 'club lmet Brush Sets at ýt_ on Tlihursday of last xeek with a fair id...$5,00 urnoui present. The programmie la- $l1,$2.001, .tciuded seleciions ])y the orchestra, .----$3.409: pianosooby 'Mss Tran, trio cosist- K Angof Mr. Plaisey, 'Mrs. Cantreil ý!,nti Irs. Hfenry Cornisl, tle latter '~'igthe accomlpanist on thie organ. [CTe 1.iliesses-yovda deliclous 1lunch-. th at are (COW -VICTIM 0F Shanghai,9 BOW ANI) ARROWV Provincial 'Constddle Alex MeLeoti wsclEti tothe farm of Haroli ~ IHrpe inHaldimanti Towaship, to 1e1iat n nsuloccurre ne. $2.00 * vher a ,cowwastîe victini of ani SýL00, $7.00 and $12.50 Precrptinsa Specialty Charles Tyrreli Agent forJaka Flowers P'honoî 68, Oron-o Sensational- Ad lu Daiiy ~et1ofl, Make lg Society Sa c 1- L.setts a Year. A. F. ly la Itally fo fin aformation os-en a aro, whicJi wais qppnronIýy shot lrm'owý by a Per-soli uaknown\v. MrIi. Harper fournd dle cow lelpless witli an anrow tieeply imibetidd ne-ar tlie heart. lie olotaiae-d 'Lpe sevlee- of ai fce wlio put thse animal osut of its miisery. The arwwhicf la d steel1 pyles s stated to be os-en tsvo feet long ant id i! asntly was a tournamnt antýirow. T!i.s is ail tînt isý ueveafled ai present rgrig the unusuial occuirrence. Tie Poica Police are invýestigatinig. 2,fr. and iMrs. Jack Glover,Aax speat Suaday mith Mrs. A. G. Dar- lingtoa. AUM. EnI Barde, Peerbor, sent di thecek-end ,wieh Mn. and Mrs. P'ercy ,Burley. SMr. and AMrs. T. Gaihutt and Jac,, Toronto, spent thie veek-end with 3WMr Jamnes Swar!hrîik. ,s. ýNeya LittlIe left the latter ý ar't of the weelk to spend the witn- ;er ntîils with ier mIIothen, AMs. Lain'g, in Chicýago, 111. Thee asno unayS ch o ol o r hý ChudI] on Sunlday imorn'Iing, due to M Ir% MeJLahlaný's illness. W hopel to ee hlm ont by next Sunday. S Agooticrwdattended the tanc'e Sini thbeOranige hll on ridyevenl- ~ ng. Thie sum-to, .' 0 was takený ~ nfor theCgret Fundm f. Gusý Wison anild M31MaeyRobinison lie- Sinig the callerý-off for thie evening. (CLArKE UNION ~ Mr ani Ars. Pete We sli fsia, visited witl lis sister, Mrvs. Hienry ý_!?aacott, On Suinday. SSev-eracl from this section attendeti the muneral on Monday of Mr% Samý SArchier, Port Hlope. _M r. Archer, whllad been in poor healt~h for ' ome time, Nvas fouintdead in the barn. fils daugliter, [Miss 'MI. Archer, vwas a former teacher ln thls section. FMuci symnpathy is exteaded to the Sfamily. M Is.H P. Plumptre, hionorary di- rec'tor of the Red Cross Enguir-y Bureau, Ott',wa\ý, state2d thtsinIce the begianiag of Canadianparticipa- tion ia île action la Sicily ant i taly, tIediyIists 0f eaq,.iry to the So- cîet's versas ffic è ha i lengthi- ened osdea1 and iacLuied may taunsfor wounied andtimissiIg men IIýof theL Canadian Anmy. Pull dealsa eceived l iithe reply lisis, she aiti wee fowarted y ir mail tof tlie exiofki wtliany appiro- ps-aieadvceor informtiion. R%'eporiting on tihe release of pri- soer fom Iaian camrp'sMrs.1 Pluýpt "re ativisedt1i at ise namnes of Catanpisoners who ha)M've bel"e, transf--,erret i foni Italfian prisons to Germa camps are comiag lan slowly, eihvb officiai enlies from Genev-Ia on by, cartis seat ly dle pnisoners tliemseI,'ves to iheir. nexi-of-kîn, but thnt it is impossible at priýSent 'o gîeinformation as to the aumber wohave escapjed to join île Aliied Arisor to filnd refulge in nieutral tertrToadto tHe cnuin amsof Canadian pisoners newl]y captu-retIin lale g iiinItaly, arej comngthr~slsome of wliom are, being -impnisonet inlaItaly -whiief SNO otier ar Ibingtaken to GermIanyý EQUIPENT RAD isere new, camps arme being opene O-N NATIONAL RZAIL LINES anti extensive transf'ers olf prisonens- are takiag place. This géieeral ne- MonrelNoemer22. - Wtl itibto of pnîsoners la E nopeî the first swirl f snowfiakes operat- entais constant revision of Our re- ingani mechamnical forces on thei cortis 'anti1correction1 of Our case ~anaian atinal ailwys ease a cards, andci csequent correspontience i anti cast nt wary eye on the bar- wýiîl next-of-k-in, lMrs. Plumipire de- 'mIer. Prior to) tliat a lot Of ila- iaredt. p)ection anti prepar-atio-n las been M-'rs. W. R. Campbll, cliairmant, mnder wythe reaInite of île Ntoal01,n ~unwn cm-I 'ilway agains thetle inter saOw- tee, mrepotet tnt 9,741,276 artices ýto1nIs begianing in~ the Snn anti of supplies anti conifonts lad been IuMner jm'otîs wlien h aodl gh-distnibuteti turing th)e first naine ing equipment goes into île com - mnths of 1943, hinging île total panyý's shops to receive complote disînibuteti siace île :hegiinig of ovenleaul. "'Olti Man Wvinter ma-'y the war to 2,7,1.Tlis year's now offer Lis wvorst wares," saitiG. distribuition includeti 8,5011,773 ship- E. MecCoy, assistant chef of car peti overseas, 1,0,32,918 to locýal units eipetfor île National Systeni, la Canada, anti'2201,7385.- to Newfounti- wlo explaîneti "Ail auxilîary equip- lati. ment consýisting of ine types for aIl Report on île Canadian Redi Cross total of 271 snow plows, usual/h"~ op ' r.Baatr uial a loi of work to penfonn froni De - nati1onal commandant, showed tînt -,enber to AprJ nillcea-ng tle igihithere were nowm,,- 261 (9membiers of cf1 wray of saiow anti sleet. Dunîng thie Coips, representing an incrense tliose five motî)s of lasi lne work I' 42ý9 since îlec beginniing of île tra inîmleage operattI. over Cana- yenr. ia mNational Railways totalleti724,' reetigan1tniiprge, e 762 the far grenier part Pof MIch DMkdU Of àW W 1101W- ýls ccuteti for by sow piows anti woktrains iranisporting crews to the b)atle wthsnow difs PROMSEDBY PRICES BOARD In conformuty withI plans develop- et aisummer by he Pnices Board, Cadanadls duin1g île wne moil mat, ccriniy le 1p blic is lýeingake to spread li, bn- n F sud uuderwear osr île season ind oui f coainicRas usual, te 1, ie falil anti early w nter onlisý. Plie yen's producion of die untier- wear la question is estim-ateti to le 10,0,'t000 arensas agnaiasi a 8,9937U0 lst year anti the extendeti production sehedule which las beeni adotai ill Iningi a continn 1ous sup11- ply of new'ý gootis to netail estaIblisi- meats duini îe winter mo.nth!s. 1byý Red Cross affiliated wýith heWo men'l's Isiutssdothier ognz tions, L.-4Col. Johin A. Cooe ttt ti 11)(andother dfiute oi *ikei lessen the amnount s-enlt to Bni- tainthîsyea, it was expct'ed that Ksoo oiuds. -OLDIKORS ES wvantedCIfo0r CASH Wiliow Creek Fur Farm C. R. KNOX Phone 42r2 - Orono I I ULL VER 37 YEA'ýRS -It is iaidicatedi )ttawa,. that mili. to ýlie lowered The move fol-. recruitinag poliey ýe over 37 for it except under Mr. Norman C. Urquhart, chal-ir- manrsoners of war parcel-, cm- mittee, tolti delegates to the Domin- ion-wide meieting- of the 'Central Counciiil, Canadian Red Cross Societyv, mf Toronto, Novemfber 24th and i 2.th. that just uinder 7,00,0N0 food plar- celsý for pris oners -of - war haid been- pakdat the five Redt Cross packing, plants (MVontreal, Toonto, H1amiltoýn, Windsor, Wýiipileg) since tHe con- mneacemecnt of packing iniJanuary, 191,lp to October 31,143 Report ',-yDr. J. T. Phair, chair- ma, ationial blood donor comm'iit- tee, shiow1ed that 4117,865 Wood do)na- tion!s la 1he eeved atR fed Cross ciiic )fomJauay st to October ï tj193. Contribuilationis 'd',ringl Octoer 0,45. D. Pairstated thatl minonrcord withý a total ofr627 He epotedalso that Serum Separ- atin Cenres ad been opened adt the cnvr ity f ontreal andi the Uni- verity0f ibeta(Edmonton) ianCi wuee aow oradigserum to the ConauîtLaboratories. When the Univ1er;-ity.ý of IMontreal centre is; cconrpiltely eu~pd he saýid, ithey will process; the serumi into its final driet fojrin, as is ivow 'being donle in the Coarluglit Laboraito-ries,, Tor-- onto. ion regu- ,forýe long arel not the 37 to 40) group hougli t'hese cate- lave thie opportun- inters tey i -ghit mnpls.ory service. an iutiue. Be- rdt onofactive altered ilthe re- lie lowý,er ag-e aiso )ry service, and, mlen atbov-e 31 ug11 tasks of mloti- Canaj~ 1Canadîna1 gý" i".irls la"te ,kaki oer- sea S munif!orl Ilo f t!e-Caad 1i anl Rot C Cr'j o s(Corps Ser-ving in tle Medi- terranîean aehv en highly prai'sedby ale oiadn fi cers. Canhadian Reti Crosýs Juniors re- spondeti to 1an alppeal o llpBritish atid Cadoian Prisonrs o "f war with another suppiy of deta -qutipm-ient,l in in laOctober cnrîuet 120for tIfs purpose. Donationsfroèi" De Juniors to prisoners of wan amount to the imposing total of approxi- matel $4600fisince Jnay 93 Peope of 'Canada, especially those wlith relatives la the battie zones, an rest assured that the Canadian Redi Cross àisnlathe 1e0tiready to bring comfort anti aid taocor siek anti woned upytepots have lenestail'ished lainitiant IaIl army m nedical units mvn with the exeiionlary force(s are suljpplieti with ReMd Cross suria goods and coiforis for the \wo-und(ed. C%.uticura wýhet 'er, inl view of a-ge for accepting anechangLe would Call-up reguLlatiolns. thillg to do0," a* d,, when askedl the reduction la volunteers, the be madeienl the FrWallboard and Insulation See McLAREN ORONO CO-AL &LUMBER Motion pictures are Shown nlighitry to Canadian Arm,,,y troops; in the Mediterranean Area with as mainy as five tilousand mnen at a shiowinig. Army personnel Overseas return- ing to Canlada to train as R.C.A.F.% air crew wea)r their 1,1i1, ior withl al-,. C.A.F. arm andl. Produets Have beeii known the world over for more than three glenerations for their 3wýondCerfl healiug qualties CuiuaSoap, cake.......... . >--.l 1c. and 293c. Cticura 'Talcum Powder, tin .............. 15c. Cuticura Oinitmiient, box........... 10e. and 29C7 Jnfant's Wool Jackets, close knit style wiý7th tie at eesilk edge trimi, colors of pink, white or bliie........... ........ ...... 49c. and 59c. Infat' sW~olBonnets, close kn.it, colors of wie pink or blue............ .. ..........2. Tlnfant's Wool Mitts, close knit- with thumrban srnpai...................... . Ch1ildren's White Cotton Tr'aîningio Pantees, sizes 2, 4 anid 6, pair ................ ........25c. Knittin1g and lCrochet Books ... 15., 20c, and 25c. 'Kan-tehioke" Nipples are better for baby, 3 in a box, for ......... .......... ..........2. Round Clothes Pins, 36 for ........ ...... . lc. Jig Saw Puzzles for thiose long evenings, picture 16 xý 20 inches, more than 480 pieces, assorted pictures, box ..................... 39c. Large size Galvanized Pails, each ...... ..... 39c. Mouse Traps, 3 f or...........10e. "Mice Die for it',» Mouse Seed Killer, box .... 25c.1 Cooky Sheets, size about 10 3-4 x 15 3-4, each. 20c. Overseas Mailing Cartons, each....... ...... 7c. Cut Mix Peel, 1-2 lb. pkg....... ..... .... 17c. Lipton's Noodile Soup, cooks in 7 miinutes, 2 pkgs 25e Neiison's Cocoa, 1-2 lb. tins........ ........ 19c. See oui- large assortment of Xmas Bookiets, com- plete with Enve1opeý ....... ...... le. to 10e.. ORO"NO 5c. TO $100 STORE YÎOUR POPýULAR SHOPPING CENTRýE 'Motor >Equipment Private Am bulance Northcutt and Smith Funaeral Directors anti Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Eqiptt take care of the mondest faIner-ai at the moeft re2asonable charge as, well as the largest an.d int exactiing Telephon.-e: Offilce 668 I J elephone ColIeat Residene 52.1 endi726 Bowmanvlie0-1t. M 'I vithntle ui-derstandn l ha tuýt lie solti withlout oposI )u r cl ias er. Gifts of aioe moiismay lc ccptionfly Thle wekyration ibao lmlaGreaýt Bitiîi on conpart wtlithe pewra WiomeStic conisution 51zoui dian Army.1 an feerai Ist er- unitscmoe o oef oimh andi Mir- '9, $3.25,$82 .$1.95, $2.50: i, ifiq