FOR YANKS i ta I in near a hundred biuck> lhere fram the Silly etlere day cdawnls e asud bide 0tbemlselves --Thle Duinville Chronlele.ý -a- HF NEVER GIVES UP Armlcllair strat,,egiýsta bave pre-J difed (thafthle war will ast a i- weef rom- fhree montha tan10 ? yeairs before thie Axis folds np.P-lu- ersigpredictiois mighf be of- fered. also. ag to when thle ianil- chair Strafegists will fold up. -CrifinScýience AMontor. -o- E3 0M PING NOTE Did yau ikuow that a 2"00- pouind bomlb (dces nofweigbli00 if Olly weigbis 190pud.B even at thaf, it "imakes a flue wxhopinc! a baller as If ae Star. ,ýSTRONOrv Y enhssurface ienloni asf niigbf, ieal ose .up mli the irearl. -Ottawa Citizen. s Journal lito samart 2r Recard. bi case yuv ehwueig eessome of thce returu th Amlerîcanis are g-ettig for ter ed-eset Great Britai'n. AUlth food-incudhi thefamiiarshredded ha-aegon rpo cessed luin gland andaetundoert .S.fre, lu with Britishi-m-ade cotin, s paym-nertfor soe of thegodsett Britain o'n a ln-es ss THE WAR - WEE omnayonCrettet T-hrow ln Its Lot "With Aý-llies? -Under fscim te istorie DodcanieseIslen i z-eseiz1d 77 itaiy fron- uneyin1912 becamue srnbisfrom wie Mussolini ihoped ,ta con1traý1-.i h Easteru eifrana. Strat e- gically themoaf importan-t 0-f the goups is tin, rugged Lenas vwith ane Caf the beat barbons lu-1',thc aea.Therei, talians buit a naval and air base wihthreat- auled two £it'al wateaas, h e Da rda a ies 50mle o h north sud the Suez Canal 40 miles ta tue( southreast., The fa111 of ltaly made Leros sud adise- eut isîsudý d pnze VoLarce be,- tweer Nazis aud Bnîitis h, For, the former-,, they weýrýe outposts of FotresEroe for th. lat- ter fthey were ,Pringýbôard!s fora Balkan in-vasioni. Briih ..)nuits' wvere, rushed from t he Near Eaýst t hold them against Germians, trani naar-by re ilna Battie off Turkey Much of the esiu ight wa,,s obscuned by censorshipbut Isat week the onîýteoma ebecama ean.--t Brifish hieadquarfers lu Caî a, Which lhad prvi( o usly -a dni t ted the Ibas of two is1iuds, announca'd thre fali of Lerasý. Outnuwmbened Ou the groundrsud! iaste y a virtually uuopp)osed L uftWD.f fe, 3,000 British su.d 5000 Italiasu troopa suren îr ffer fiv e days of fierce baffle,. Gennans pramrptiy iaunched au air affacit Ou thae sole re-mainng ritih ar risaoilu t he Aege(an. ancýhipelago, au- thie Greelr islýand of Samosý,, 4 mile's norfh of dLanos sumd with- iu sigh-t of thýeTrisLoaf. A Caatly JN'aZi Effort The Nazi as .Lorft - fiaos Wehrnmacht ictoryi nosthan, a year-,ivas -ene t7ï11y Vewdas s desperatce ahd o fstfempt tca boister the Germar posîtia lu' Sauth-e'asteru EUr'o pe, aimed chiiefly at ipesignuke.l this if pparedfa ave missed fine. Receuf Turkish conferences with the Allies in Camao, affatheP Moscaw Conrfenence, werPe fo0l,'- lowevd hlast we bP Cbnt meeting in Ankwaa. Fram the Tur:k-sihcptl cm ain Qsigathat TuMrey ight eud fs ~Ph qesio -or eferTun- key will thowluifs t ý wif h the Allie is one of the vital ques- tions lu f0-he war situation today. Turkey would toss sbsafa v. i eight onthe mliary "Sc(a es, already týilt ing çsharpljyaais iiitier, if if w;ould joÀ itheAlIies either pa .sively wih an alsud barboùrs for bases' or acfively wf oroua Air Force. from wh"ticb Axis key p inl the Baîkunis could beinesvy raids ta fields in SouLheruIt,1aly, Ploesiti wifhifs ý5ohl tresures3 lanyabout 300 mlIiles fr-om I s- taubul, wbrile Bca tail(! Sa0- fiaq are"aveules Turkey'S ArSrnt More tan Mmre yearsagoe Turkey began rebuîldiug ifs Air , Fmoewhich thennmbend Os'," abou-t 300lf)rt-inepanes. Ni),, it almoùsf ersiny severai timas that sud imany could be funnaied lu sift iby Bitisb aud IAmericaus ta excellent mi- if any airfielda. Tbeelargest and best of tCe air- dirmes is Ekhiisher, abýout 200 miles southwest of Istabul, but others are well placed ahi lover the w'estern part of the nation, ir-cIlIudng IstaulbulAuan, z- in, Adana su ad DiyarIbak. Turikey's Army Turkey's peacefimle Armî' strenigthla about 200,000 which could be swîftly raised ta 500,000 by gen)eral mobjiization, wiftlf- 1,5C,0 mretrainied (on"part- alytraind imer ilu reserve. The Tnrkish Sold nr'a reputa- tion for foughness sud courage, ia well Wahbiwhed sud affer noar- !y twa y ýears o)f intensive Lend- Leas e aid fno,ý 0the Unifed Sta tea":sud lBritain hla believed by far the best-equipped of al Balkan fightIng mne. The Anmy ha ieh in lanti-tank sud aufiaircnaft artilary sud ila coastal dafauca guns as well as higher espus.Tanks are avail- Thiat The Contr Farm In The 0f Ever Growi L0I{cJs and tu meeti~lL rieiimea f fthe r lntdKingdlom hiiiJ foiwîc as been r an Ivaluableahee d as Can ada's a cc omnr)li smu ticrbtla s bee sumarzedby IHon. j. G. Gadier iisten of Agricullture, as fows: "We bave armed de- fensive and ioffensive foreces rapid- 'y approacbing a million nien. Morltanl 7,000,000 of ur people a;ven 16 years of age areprdcn f0 maintain and save the lives oif as many as Possible of the rmlion who ;iOH defend our way 0f Mie. Abo uoe-thrdof this 7,00,00 are- engaged in produin[g ro'd(!on o;un farms. Thepy are paritlitatL grea-'t body of the men and w'omren wbo are neessary fA mntaièn he 1figbting force wi>-,s(loing the Most imprtant j)bob f je mo- There are mnany other acceom- plisbments, wever, inot so wl knowa, altbaugb nonefiielesc vital' ta fbe well-b)eiig asud offensive pow r fsailors, soldiers and i- m hi u very meeof mxar. As tbe arýasa 0f baffle bavýe been ex- !li~d te dpudn of tbe armeýd forces on the farm homne frn ibslnc-rea si, nnýd tbi1s de- peuduce xtens frni. lothring andpesoalequipmquet f0tbeij- henncssify of a close bond be- tenagriclture and indunsfry. Iu- dutilproduction is los,ýely de- pneton arcltrloutput Éand the ecbanîized aýgricuHlure of fa- day nieeds iudustry as an ourlet for ifs suirplus productioni. Tre, d- madof vwar bave axdtbe in- geify of Camnada'sscett- planltbreesbonisetm ologýists p;athiAogists asud ofbcers, lu' developing 1n-W Crops sud iu uobfug tce ains an sd diseaws thef igbt destroytheur lu the priedsor lunaforage. From armi [0 bafflefrout there a acontiuonis struggle f0,)saifeguiard tire higb Woup fy0Mte Prpos. The found,,ation for ithe nmuti- piiyof war cntibx)tiofls by canda~s farms is largely sOed, fleeoeif is important thait good seýed be useud. ]JYuiug the pr'oges afilhe 1ar,1a1Y souirces of seed bave been cut off, bnf homepo ducton bas ben developed withn fnesuit thaf mrost seed fornly imof n ow iïs produced lu Can- ada. If is equial lquality fa that hibwus itmporfedl. lax for fibre sud flux for oil ab"le lu s"Ial numlbers, bult dure f, Élhe terrain uu ad lack of ronds iu Tuir ey-anid lu the uear-by Bfaikaus hee theymight fight offeusively-this is sot regarded asý a major handicap. Under fihe vigoronas leader-sh-ip of Kemnal Afafurit and is suc- cessors the Armny Staff has been kept at a higb e4'el of profici- ency and comited ta aggressive tcetica. Turkey~s Harbors Turkey is wveak in the naval cegrWinh only orle 22,000- ton baffle eruiser as a~ backbone of forces thaï includea two au- dent 8,000-for eruses, et destroyers sud a dozenr subm-a- runes, Ifs lbarbors along the Aegeau, iacludiug one at Izmir, couid hb. au invauable jumpioff POin owever, for naval blows againat Greece aud the Aegean Islands. Siguificautly, perhaps, British officiai souirces deciued informa- flan ou Turkish naval installa-:~ tons. ,are rop whcbhave been ount- staning 'n Canadla for the great inres l routinfor wal»r)pur- poser. Wbereas only about 8,000 acres wsOrepauted tW fibre flax iu 19,there were close tu 50,000- acres of 1 Atis year, chiefly in easternOarioand western Que- be.Thu. product of this flax fibre islne wich has pmauy aroses. sncb as lu ipaIntS, inioleumls andc ohrproducts, but it is idSes able 'n munjitionis manufâacfuring, for a,-i sheils and bombs are coast- ed in o11 and the flaxs,-eed oit wlicbt Cana-da bas dleveloped( is equal to any in thre rd This year close ta M800000ushels ofis see(I are exced from about 2,798,000 acres. AilSoe rteàs By TerenIce IMortOn1 A Walker Extraor-dinary A'l who are inteete uthe bistoy ofDurh m tie wllre- calithe ameBarclay of Unec or Ury ilose nar Stonehiaven, but mnany are perhaps unaware that, bs deding mUCb ta develop He Sorhonte faiily also pro- duced fthe greateat pedestrian Mf ail1time s, in Captain ROb)ert Bar- clay-Allardice. 0f the C!aptain'sý many eta ordlinary feats of endurance, iLs walk 0f-È 1,000 miiles l u as many su,,c- cesive bors n Newm-farkefHefl in 1809I) î b'est kuown. Now a thlousanid bours îs 41 days, 16 hours, lud ta wa01k 24 m-iles a (day for nalysx eh, wifb auly short antchs)f restL,soUIIdsala- most eyOnk bumain ienduLrance, but teCafftiinimade iffle of it, and ti he, day after fiuishiug the arde a iewas in perfect bealtb, To gieadtie c ounf itbe Capftain's pjerformanrces wotule cover nch p1 aI 'ue. We there- fore 1sf lbut a few 0-f 1tbem ut ramndam. In 1805 be 7alked 100C 2Xilea over rough roads lu i195ous Exclusizive of sopaeste time taken was only 171,,bohurs, or -an average ef 51 M.PH. A year latr be left bis bouse at 2 a.m. alfdl walkýed a cnsiderable dis- < tance at attend a caffle sale, where lhe remnairped on biis feet for fîve h1ours. Fie the-n le homie, hvn oeed78 miles of hilly rod ndl 14 boums. Pufrely for amnusemnlt (be backed bhimself býeav-ly ilu mauy oý IL bimatches) he walkeod to the hOutýe of a frien'd iu Alleumlyore lu Aberdeenshire, wbere be dined and Èlple orose At 5 ta -oa grouse sbiooting sudi trampaed at least thirfy nileslun thte mutis lie diued witbl his hast aud lu thie eveinig set ont for Ury, a disace 0of U0 mlepswbicb be se- cco111Mlsed lu il liaurswihf sto-ppýing. Tbe Captainwa not aiue to go)ab ed lu the mloriug. ,,o he attendfed f0 bis duties sud thaf z'affernaou w 'alked 16 mle ta Laurencekinit, where baeat- tede abah sund tdanced mncst of the n-igbit. Returning ta lJry by 7 a..,le setthe day partridge sbaoting. Suppsi luhawlked ouly 8 miles wben shbtn t Le be sust bave evrdat leas 130 miles ail topd, Plus beiug out of b ed for two nlghfs and ulearly ithree days, tarmake n ea- tion of a npigb'sdancing -Mucli could be written ofcdtbe Captaini's )ower'S as amidei- tance aud distance runner; as ax weigbf hf ferhaving once lifed M155Mbs; as a boxer and traîer of piDtiists. lie preoared Alex- auder 'Mackay ta m-eet Simnia, Byrne for the caposibut alstue figlit proved faal fr Mackay, and it is beleved-but waa neyer poe-h t Barclaiy was S" chagried at the rsi tbat lie eliaIleuged Byrnesd thrashed hlm. REC'LAR FELLERS-Rockabye, Pinhead p~cs-'~o oua st~o~s N-4~ LMP~.P O~ Vt!e~5 -v mc y v By GENE BYRNES VRA~W P C'0JRF- 1 < ýU. pjýJ1T 4 rl 7-7=14foPR0 euas arid e ta bie :i' haves