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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Dec 1943, p. 3

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athie 3aLaaa ýnam( a uniform biend of I Sanctuary o On Shot JAÀccordliag 0the Ontar bear-s the da Mbs province anctuary 1< shore of J tuary will be 100 Milesi iription of! I starts at tbi Iskau Rivet- 'ward along liulred iml line project "5gtue8 Then the h Kapiskan wit boundary of1 The ordc-ei, that the sail Ilshed for a Atl the end04 Mnay lie extE tixue ICItimil The sanctuiar tle Attawapl tuary, Theý ablieiversi lm iu ch abouLit anly t hin1-g eept ini --weil, et'be <eWtng' home.ý Jus't isible aýt the edge of the bmrusli was a srna;!ll cbi, ith wisp of amoke eddiyinýg uw freom a stovepipe chimney. Tli littielace wvas a mere chac, and loolted utteriy forlorai. "Wlwe're nomie, Bav,i said Hooker. ers where -w liaag envhats under our hes- pitabie roo)ftree."' Hie took the lead, swaying fronu ide to side in his saddle wa lie rossed tlie strip of green. The horses, ild-ooking broncs, scattered, saorting. Aind then, Bave,- saw ýsome-thing that momen- tariy..houhthis heart into hiL throatL. .By ViC~OR R~SEÂU At the end of the the saige began, i patches of range gr strUcli a tLrail thýat dtebtlnc of the Wo11-1 upwvardtor For hailf an heur tli vn ou-,tside avalileyad -d themss le two rode bey lad rÈeadled the iowýer a and thie upper mesas, Theý liad -giveiplace to a tinr ýb. Lookinig bach-, Bave coulId thie whoie v7alley stretclicd benieath lm, anid Mescal a e hlum on the landscapie,fa W, Hie spoke for the lira-t end o! ficant abfle ia <-' te tr * * * gai'up here," oks like 'asl-e would havýealir te maIre a2iin'" ayed-11 inte saddle, I a s lie rode edoser. got one cow, Bv e, ,,and arudw wln y Ife liv "ShIe stuck teme Sreeyasao NEW RICHES Yrom amà u fa famons Cebalt Id controt ofl ,itais- in 1),'0 in ,me)ey. Ilas Lu Ilmain .v f micropone, fit under heli Ast -reCsp irCat i"Bm nny" O wn C. E. Uepbn)rn *ACo, NM............................ ÂDDItESS...................... i coug-h ed& "You would't be- fleve 1 used to be a nroessror f dno-w I'njuIst n oldbu. C-'jest as that Lonergan a %%d "You'd beast lie dlowul an(" sleep). M.Hoke,"sid Bave. Pi spite of thýe incongruo'usoi figur:elie cculdn't beyp feeling both respect and pity -for ht. "Lie down, and( l'i se aout rsiigUpa nmeal, won't corne Ato aharm, wiIAhe?" 'eShe'sai riht" icýcorghedJ 5ïooker, "ohdyarun tese 110,011Jwoul dare to touch ýlier, T1y'e luhscared ïof heýr. Slesgot them w Vi-'ldbronces SO g tey'1 et oto e huand. Grew ,, up wth tlim, munning Mild o the mesas. e Idid ailu could to educate a lir, Iknew I hadn't Iong to()ve d and I wated to help lier, SO z1 tha e hecould go out initco the world ,ne 1nd ak e hrlilving. Býut the , ý eouatry's got lier, Sh's hll- tamedtg, and somnetirnes i'm plmscared cf her mi-yseif," f Wydidn't you quit this m1ega and ake liher toý a city?" asked D ave a -p s For ia foont of tne domr, stand- ing with neither lbridile, saddle, nor hlewas Bl'aek Dawn-î, Old Hlooker shoutcd, and th-e door of the cabia opened, The, girlLoi s tod lantheentmance, a rîpna 1)one hiand, and' le.,iernrmaWhite witli flOur te fýIe elbows, "odLois!" Hookerba- eA. "I've got somne news for yo. l've bronglit mie back a prnr named Dqve Bruce, and the iner- est on the mortgage is paid, He's going, in witli u1s, fifty-fifty. CNe and shake hands with our, aew partner Lois!" Dave clap- ped knees on lis horse's flanks and rode uik a p, Lois was ata4ng Athlmwith ldnay n a ~ngor~ on lier face. He slipped tce the grouad and moved forward, but she m1ade 11o responise to bis approacli. "Sa yo've cone back!" ishe sutd la tones of muter anger.-r. told y0ou nleyer to ievoss mýy path again. WVat hae yon corne for?" "Wliy, 1 toid you, Lois h' Hjooker began.11 "I dont eiee tîYu n take this mlan back whcre youý fouaid lin!, and when ouvedonle sc E-, 'ilceback and ta0k to yoci Tili tIn yu needn't exee ct see me againC! "But Lis"protested lHook- er [1o)ngte old rnlant's sImilI voierati.ons, tfIc girl, vaulted upon iaek !Dawl's back and clapped lier knees to is asides, HUsýarted at a swýift lopeaon thle niesa, foll)vwed ,'y thlewol lid rdcf11on 1,1ndin afe moltsthy wue lest te siglit in thte scrub. -li reweetw-,o ois.luthe cklaua tin1y kit(ýcn, withas siak and a flow of watem fromn -a streanabove. There was ýa buni ula ither rOoom, a table anid two chahrs, a few patlie touches cf a wonns untraied liand, sud as tne cintzmcurtis atthe windowvs, two cîheap rugs, and svalpots of wild flowersbo- om1ing la tin ceana at tlie win- dow s. Ia the lre roomi, into wil Hlookeýr lad stagge,,re L, there was somnethig that bore ont the old maa's boast cf bia past la the, orpoval la j Rie grased Bave by the Alee., "l'v dou mybest by lier, but she's ot mydaliter, Unr stand that?? luilteli FeU - Slee ovrcam Hokerevea aule steod tal1king, Ilis tali frame ayd. avecauuglit him nd carryig -hlm e ebunk.1laidý Niht feu, a nd Lois had not retunedHow long did the girl atecnýd tecstaawý , vay? !W ii h0Ho k- er as obered up, Bave meant to hrshmatei's uut tlbia and coretean uîesada wili ls, Sudnly(,1 71e caliZ edC ýeertions ofthe d ayH e went into IHookae'sroor ad spread Iris blaket un the fMoirsmki a pillw ofbis coat an slick- e-r, aammn lie wavý-s seound asleepp auli oers aeeyemstni bling about the1ro','-L,atering1eJ te~~~c yisf.bvestre u lepc stili in lisieyes aeyou? Wha1ut are you dýoin',g herea?" called ooker. "Jut tke t esy, h o o 1er I'm our ardnr, ave Bue AMaybe yudnt eebrsiga1- la'upVwith ne" Daturned u! the rock of the camp Mtha lad set on a sheif bes e e pen door.fliecod sec thfat !Luis' bunk %was empty. wailbesieuthe lîtte wndo, brting lieilcanstarig' a butaglaîlce ,at theckshowýed bav-e that t,,wa,-s witi anhou'v and a hal of aunriw Hooker Mtaeu at Bave in the iglit of the iamp nd passed lis handacros Mls forenead."Yes, 1 remember ,'Le saI thigcy. "A 'vas demn.WeesLi? "Shc aun't conte la. (To Be Coenud) SADIE B CHAMBERS Extra "Goodies" For Christmas If yen waat to av sugar for tevery best rem choclate i fudge you ever a te try this--nraýy- 1 be feýr "Ris" box for overseas oar la Canada, or maybe for yoLlr itcfrernty Chocolat e Fudge 2ounces unsweetened cliocoînte "P cuvich mîlI icup grannlated sugar r, rp fiýrm11y PaFc kZe d b r 0wn. su g'-r Pinlikof saIt 2 tablespoons buter i easpoon vanilia I - __ .- iEconomy Jar, chose's A iegg Ji cup fleur 2 ceps rolled oats 1 teaspoc.n soda, dissoiveCi-1d t biot water 11/ teaspoon of ora f tartat, Fiacli sait l teaspoon ,ývanilla Drop oni butterec, pan aad pres do'w'awitli forl, Bake in fmod- ý,rate oven. Smailert worid's sarn Ecuad or, aches ai miany et whlite ru MUSCUL.i lu i "g ' Y)* & PAINS HEADACI TIRED ACHIb tres., icup of brokien PLut's (I1f You are lucliy enougli to have them) A Mtte chopped candied ginger Cut u chocolate and place in double bo-lier wîth the cold »milk. Hleat Mnt hocolate meits, then beait siioo)th 'Vith rotary egg be ater. Add the sugars and sait, place over direct heat and "stir 111îttl thne sugars dsov.Cover, 1 ing te oHuani simme r rthree minutes. UnLover and cook, stir- nng oly eiougtio ùprevent hbum- ing, until a few drops of the mhix- o tre form a soft bail wheni d- opped in cold water, Tenmper- ature of syýruP, 238', Hemove f.rom h',,eat; add 'butter. and van-. ,11a, 3at unitil the mitur be- gins t thieken and lose its gloss, Add nuts Mndturn quickly int greased pan. Sour Creami Fudgc 2 uslihl packed brown 1 cup thicýk Sourcra Pinch sait 1 teaspoon vanîll u/ up broke i nut meats Stir sgr sour cream and sait over low heat utilsugar dis-- sos. ,Cove bring a ~hou and ook trem t,,Unrcoverad cook, stirring ol nuhte pr)"e- vent burnling, uînti a f ew drops of mixture wiLi form a sItbail whn esedin Cold 'ae.Tem- pertur ofsyrup ý28 týo 2388'. Coolprial, aJdd allaand beat uantil hemixturý epbeins to thic1ken-,éAdd' .uts aýnd beat. unti!, thickan creamy, Turn quickly nto greased pan Xlieon Cod cet l a sar ,e iii 11q Toroatýo ItWsThe Ste Regzis ;Htel *Every Rourai wth bath, Shwower amd. Telephoîýýne. *sîrngle, $2.50 up- Doýuble, $350 Up, 'Tel RA. 4135 Tiec lu r poCs- a -bell wapuïs làée ns Her d Front Ta m RI1sj Iand,a ..... ... ......... ....... . .........

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