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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Dec 1943, p. 5

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e n0% twenty more shopping days L I iefore'Chism. OCr"Des" Miles spent last week- end in Hami1ton. 3mssEla Tucker vistite friends n ono durig the wee-enid. 00A Muse iLuise CowanTot, spent the eek-end in town on busiýiness. Mris. S. G. llafllowel.l visited with M.and IMlrs. W. Stutt on Tuesday Irs. Ed. Dean spent last week lu Torto visiting with lher sister, fI/rs. H. Austin. ATURE PLAN nTues., Wed. FDecemherr 6, 7, 8 DIob1e Feature 'ILOT NO. 5 RA NCllOT TONE and -MARCHA 1HUNT A1 i AIILIN -- At N( on T ýsday,1 Johu lferbert L- -yofJ W-hole, Rib Ch( Flank,1 Salmoni Miss Edith Truli, of iamîltjonj, -pent last week-end with her father, lie Fred Truli, Mrs. F. O. 'Cooner speat the w veek- end visitin~g wýith lher agteMs Fagan, iu Toronto. Dr. and 3Ms .1.LeSli, Peter- boro, spent the 'week-end withMr and Vrs. W .ideL Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Bqcyle anId Brianl -1vre in Toronto on Tuesdaiy ee~ Žrnd attended a ho-xing m 1atchi. M1r. and Mrs. Harold Deani atteind- 1d thle din f agae ar-sý in Toronto on Saturday, November 27th. M'r, and Mrs. Arthur- Bell n cu N 'ETdren, of Bowimaville, iit riends- RA ý1 FRD iin and around Orono on Wýedïnesday RAWFORD ) 0f last week. Bowmianville Rotarv aqutwl ___________ be !he-d la the town hball, rno 1Fiday i,7eveni'ng. Orono Wom-fe-n's in- broughltot stitute are catering eut seasoual A rnun-tber of our local young far2n men tnook part in the judgitig of Jivc,- stock amiong the mnany fine herds of alt fleet of the district on Saturdlay last. Royal Nav'y IMr. "esauidy" Somierville, Toronto,1 ~ Bltsh ndwas in towu last 'weekç attending- the trapped lu funeral0ï i rte;(r .W rescued froniSnm fhsbohr .W à Vo J/une 4th, Somrville, on Tuesday of last week. Rural Gonfereuce, TownuHallI, at -- Orono, on Thursday, Decemaber 2utd, 0f 940, nenat 2.30 and 7.80û p.ii. Acddresses and ar plants of discussions. The public cordially lu-E 0-90 hours a 'vited. ere found to We understaud that Mr. Jini Wooýd ,- perlod, andiwsmrit on Saturday, No(fvem'ber ýu t ho bum_2th and have taken reoome i Mr 1ours Orme Gams-by's residence o'n Main street south, 'Mr, Roiy Winýters has the surface ýES of the rlnk le'velled, andi is niow; wait- ing, for the colti w-eather to n on te -water. 'We are looking for skat-9 ing-- 'y Christmas. SDAYMr and Mrs. Suod grass left on Suunday for their hiome at Rochester, 'Y N.Y., after spending- a few days wit DAY he latter's miother, 1V/re. RaýiueY 11andi other relatives.q 36c 22c 36e 15Se 25c 25c 29c Grapeý Large Riue 'l The mierchiauts of Orono are begin- iChristmnas tlmig.Al ie uceed uowv is a li-ttle sno-w to niake uls reali'ze th-at Christmas is nearly- here. Mr. W. H-. Brown visitedhi par- ents, M1r. and UMs R. I. Browui, over the week-enid. "Bill", as we know hlm, bas been transferreti froin Que- bec to a position nrîth the Nichols Chemical Co. in Toronto.' iýVirs. Ross, proprietressacof the Bowmanville Theatre, is uoyw rua, niu'g an ad, lu the Oron Times, so ,people hi this district iwill be able to see whbat pictures are being shovin lu ojur ineig-hboring town. MUrs. W. StuÀt has puýrchased the bouse of the Estate of the late Robt. Fosteýr on Park 'Street. Mrs. Stutt intentis toeniake it into two apart- mieuts, eac.h apartment having roomns down ai upstairs, -with a cellar- for eacb. 'Mr. andi Mrs. Elmer 'Foywer-, who have occupiet i roomýs ln Miss E. Pat- terson's home, have renteti the house belonginlg to 1Wr. Albert Harris fon Main street north, the former Ida Gamnsby residence, und xil, take pos- sessioni somietimie next weeký. The Woman's Missonary- Society1 will entertain the mothers and Baby. Baud membi.Iers on Tuiesday, Deemii- ber., 7thi. Part of thie pro(gramme wllle be g-iven by the children, begiuuiug at *3. lýindl 'y bring along lmite boxes. We hope 10 have every mem- ber present. Mime, hale, past three sharp. Pllease don't forget Decemi- lber 7th. Place, Suinday School roomn of Park St Uie hrh F or Cernent and Lu mber See Molari Only 4 OlADEQUATELY 000NOURISHED 4 OtON BORDtRINME OMALINUTRMTON Horeo's How To Kako Sure fr r a.iy Gets the Right Foods!À According to Govertnment surveys, only 40 percent of Canadians know and regularly eat the rïght foods. Forty percent are on thi borderlinef mal- nutrition, and apt Ln wartime t faui ito Ilhe under- nourishied class. Twenty pe eut are definitely underfed. To hielp yen feed your well, we offer yo e "Eat-to-WVoïk-to-Wiin"*, FRE ew bookiet that a ail the guesswork out of nut tion. Twenty-on ays of nutritionally-sound menu plies facts abo oods that build energy . .. stamlin .. . morale. Learn the e sy way to ais that are1 as tempting a hey ar ealthful! Send for your FREý f "Et-to-Woirk-i rH --~ to-Win". Maih Icoupon NOW! ~'~~TR~5Sponsoredà THE BREWI/NG INDUSI ~2~l~Ain lathe interests afll ,. riî ab an aid ta vil L'ca1 News j-Nwa Bnïy fnmyomr local merchiant. AILL IMr. E. W. 'Lockýwood of the Oronoý Flour _Mils, ccnpeted the unfloading of the last ofe five carloads of We.S- w tern Canada grain last Saturday. tha.t Ail five carloads had arived in Newv-lte castie in a little over one \veek, mak- fiee ing a 'busy rouind of work for the en- naghf ter-pr.ising nmaianaer of the ilL fa16oi Morning -worship at Parkz St. the Church lasýt Sunday founid an appre- drasw ciative- and good-sized congregation has to join in its prayers and hymuirs, and to listen tô the timiely sermon by the pastor, Rev,. Mr. [Littlewood. TheW titie of the sermon was "Our Lord Jesus his.0 Appr-Oprite niusc i was rendered by the choir. In the evening an illustrated lecture, "The S3ons of Shuh", gave the ore- tion siething w'orthwvhile and edu- M cative alon-ig missionary lines. The! lectuire deait with nlissionary ,woçrk in China. Orono Ti: Repairs for ail makes of Sýtoves an~d Furnaces W Let thi% priginuI new bocklet bring befter heulth tu your famýilyâ Wmi;" ,accepta hie to ufi r2 Service,, De- patîtmen Penions and Naina ealih, MAIL THIS__C POil TODAYI -NUTRIT1ION r OR VICTORY", BOX 600, TORONTO, CANADA.R Y (ONTARIO) :Ades y. ~ City-- serd me my FR EE copy of" Eat-to-Work-to Prois I - a_________ ter onths. -Y COWAN'S RINK if you Cdo't ko ha psend tco WVINS THE SPOONS thlat dýistant frind, jet usiugest 'Chat you send a year's subseription, tÎcedI in Wedinesday's Star to the TIies. [son Cowan is dloing som-e ng in Toronto. On2 Tuesday Thrée hounidis from o anle ison's qua-t;et Y0om1ed to a harve been lat .-n thîs cdistrict ia the dlecision over H. Kennedy's last Ave weeks. This time it is Lýtwo ta capture fthe spoons at I cns.Fxaekn-nt u il Canadian Gurling Club fxhnd. aekontru is is the second timne Allison a lIong way, probably the hotinds araj this meet. stlMchasing t have a nice display of Personal ting Cards. Corne en and see thern, 1SUITS New Suits arrived this week. In good, quality English Worsteds, in plain bMue ...... $35.00 Fancy. Worsteds $37.50 OVERCOATS' IlDark Grey MUeltou IlCloth in raglan sleeve, R. E. LOGAN I 3-4c lined; a very dressy P PRETORcoat for the man that C Str 8t oo Phono 80M does flot want too mucli weîght.... REPAIR Your RADIO' No14 Don't wait until parts become srarce For your convellience we carry a complete une eof TUBES, BATTERIES, CONDEIN SERS and RESISTORS If unable to bring your radio te the shop, Phome Oreno 42 r 2" C. R. KNOX PARK ST. UNIITED CiIUI Rev. S. Litttlewood SUNDAY, DEC. 5th "Thse Christian View 2.30 p.su5-Sunday Sehool 7.00 p.=Worship "Thse Pillgrim's ProgrE "To thse Celestial City "Blesseti are ye ült s sw bai ail waters. Thrif t Soap Flakes large 39c.6 Weiners lb. White of December, MITI for $35 .00 lleinz Tomato Soup tin lOc*e Fresh Sausalge 2 lb. EATRE FOIR DE r 6;, 7, 8- OT NO. 5 TOW-N r9, 10, Il IT PAYS TO PAY ( Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 IL Blade R, Sirloin S Round l" 17c. 16e. 26c. 32c. 29c. 40c 39c 1 1 ILb i b 30c 35c -32c lb 131b Please sei

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