Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Dec 1943, p. 6

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--0 ,r in cl ee you lvean- he remarknle A îppose thie bore isugar tY is Mh ont?" repliedth 1e re- one Mwlat kicke! ýharge -f rifle 'iow arny better n empty gun at "But it isn't loaded."* D- ie thing I ejoy -r, saitiSrcr e river 1banks ani see thie noe siý,ty the baplts o!f the Yremaiked Mms -o- at college nÉimred lowni by B.A's and Is no0 os s.-upTISMA Record Mevement 0f Hogs To Market Records are heing rmadc, inte siaughter of Canadian hcgs, ?W litbor available for pacigpants. stili is hardiy sufficient to keep paee with the fiowý, aceorinig zVo. Aýgri'culture Departmrent o)fficials. Lest wveek 193,000 hogs were kilied in Canadein piants-15,000 .Moire thlanth previous record tjf)ir a week-but unprecedented runs to mearket indicated that ail problem-s stili were notoerm, The müvemient o-1 hogs t(, mar-~ ket in Canada îs pareileied by a sýiilar fiow - inthe Unitedl States here peas incutr districts are beinig jammned as packilng plants are unaýbie t hendie offer- ed shipments. Officiais in ttawea said thet --in recent wveeks additîonei labor has 'becomie available in Canadlien plants, which now are aworking near cpaCi t Y, The prospect, however, i, hat hog rmarketinigs wili contirue to gain into Decemn- ber, withi furthc(r strain on han-. dling fecilities. In Septemn.beýr Saskaehewaa marketed 6ý7 per rent, rnore hogs then in thle sanie 1mon-th iast yea-r. Bfritish Uo1iml»îa C, li;Alberta, Il ; the Mar'tîimes n-eeriy 9 ai Ontario 7.- Unider recent Selective Service reg-ulat ionsý, essentielpakg plant workers were frozen ini their jo bs. Li addition, ani estimated 2,000 to 2 500 workers have enteredi the plants for Élhe rush period. An Outstandîn-g "Current" Event The Weshiaigton, Strarhs n article telling of the n rerve dis- j,1ayed by British eng,,.ineers et Brindisi. T+, seems thaât before pullinig' out of this Italien Port, the, Germans had wecedail power plays, rendering the dockS ,useleas to the British. Weki seemied, ig>ht have VLo elapse be- fore electrîcal eqiuipment could be brought iJn and the- vital juice nianiiifactured. Then it wsthe British engi- neers got their brillientidea. Unobtrusively they sithered CLASSIFI ED ADV ERTISEN ÀAREAL LIVE P rface conditions. A ns this -week. We re about the countryside, miaking deft connections here and there, and in jig time the docks were humiïn-g and thti ights -wýent ron ail o,,ver theItle hel Mleanwhile, 70 mlles farther -up the boot et Bal, the N'azi sulper-. men were busily oeaigtheir o-wn power plant, bILssfuiiy un- -are of the feet that they were commiiitting, the iiitevy crimne of giving power to thne e enmy and vthat they were genereting joits, noV volts for Vhieir own wer effort. It w)sas elost ini sadness that the British later Vooük,~Bari and put an end Vo one of Vhe unost remark- able current events o)f the wa, start stock. MRON AND WOODWORKING rPïACHINERY MAOTORS - -- SUPPLIES TIIE ALrSON IMW%,C r -RY 26S Simee street rlriSo2B. U TC m-rMnyBc qusa d du o$s.uefant4cting, COliOg. ne,&<~oo~ies4rritaion pdqiklsto8ieIC2 70r cruggis t5sday for ».D.D. PlESCRIMTON. TS 1!) How Cani? By Anne Ashley tard that hs urtleti? A.ý Set IVin -1 a paen of ic.e water and whip w ,il a , ,g _ea'r. I illlbecme soot,,s igar when mkig ake fiosting A. WVhen mitiking plain white cake trosing atiabýout two table- sp)ons18of Corniserchl, and use less suaThe frosting ýý Illremein, ýIt is at est clr A.Damnfa maa l piece of the uyed clýOth anS thten rulb il on1a peeof danwhue arier. if it leaes o tain-1e Sye latst !Tq. IIocen I1daasng? the spïoage la Mjilk, ai- 10w i t to uai, o tlattev Q.110w vCen Ipre-vent hejving il"m 0f flou la in inballer? A. By atiing i sitto the floUr1 bjefore wti B.13-o, ig lu ino helqutori ee 0 iquiti Into th flou,ani eaif, ilwith ,wmshLag "I;ang 11h-meon th "rn a "11Ca - ue hse o the to inývlse, Stckn g s - -0'-O ForEahGmn The Guia rs nnounced f 1aIt Gernmn womren nwmay ~buy a pa;iir o f stockings eaceh, 'ICLing r- ation crsfor eiduits for ail, types of appju e 1 have been useleso forimnt until WANTEDI WILD AND RANCH1 Çor ail otIiser RAW FURS 1na Renittaace se nt sema das! shiomn>(1't -,aci% EtI.a j in the 4- J, YAFFE & SC 200 Bay St.- PARTNERS -C. C. Fields, J, F. Rose, R, Paynter, J J. Genaid Godsoe Mr.Godoeof Torontýo, sýuc- ceeds ll-eary Bordeni, ,C., as Co-. odatrof Contrels edCh-air.- mian of the WYar'lime Industrie ontro!L Boar1d,' eetelo Munitions end Supply. Mr. Godsoe hes been-ascit co-ordinator z5ace 19412. Hoe is on ïoan toj the he lnaasistant general manager, 1HOW To RELIEVE PILE ToR TUR1-éÏE piles r ecalsreea, ot n de- lay treamenn a1d ri the rý isk ni le., n thn o oees o shoud b secredat uonce. For hispurpse et a PUackage4 ant usmasdircte. T i formulaýs rieveatue itchinl anti oreîîess and 1 Hem-oid v ius plamant th s, cila, (., may' be had et snc maîl eost. il you trmil-oî a ! re flot eniriely pleasýed with t01he resuý itLs, yo0Ur rugg1,ILst HIi u l 1SmI' retilurn your mouney piles hut knowv',Bunkrc1s 'ebI PUStreatil the cau, 1seeLt Ils s ouirc(,e. Moniie y 'DL;ch if lie first bottie does inot satislfy. Buy from your druggist WOMEN (1~-.~ Mf you,'re ocross, restlèss, NERIVOUB--- sufer lbut fashies, clzziness-iatlsed Iby this perloc ilI womean's Ilile- try Lydia E. Plnklams ýýVegetable Con:Inound Mýadîe espectfllllIfor women. Hunndreds of thousands'-re- mearlabijy helped. FýolloW laFbel direc- tIonjs. Made i la Zia a'a ýonto D, Adasiis l.Warad Chic-k EteeyBitn AV~E YOU OUR PIC VVTIPE are ha-,ýtching 10ordranSif ieyou nu ,a- e4fchkafor !Ibis yean or early7 next, peaelets hae Oui'ore, \V, stili av afew lyn ,IIailIets for imdaedelivery. jiu.iy tacbieny, 130 John St. -N., Ii~upiton Otc, Rocks aS ohen urebeeudý3alanS hybida ai ags rom 16 we vcks ItceesLiunte,"e1 os Ot ULSFO R SALE vice. Two clS i "A" bulisecl letpedigruees; priýe iÔ.M- Jetn am, St. 2Amie deu ele MIS 1,ORLSALE UA PURPOS"i) ,E -SHOR1 ,T 1-RNC S 'ui it1,for ser>vice, oungeri, l bu]l1;:;nd bull calv es.Try guod Ize 7ýancdbure, !hýIb produc- dale, Cal ,eonia, Ont, i 1 HEBL,',\ MEDIES. WR \\I'TE FORýjý VancIouver, 1EiC. VDlA P NSAiWIWANTeD1 Saw. Writ,1 ue givina mod'ee, condi foi' 'ton, Ont.t ainiwer youir questïions. Depart- Men 1t E, Pa r Ke r's Dye Works l'iited c. 71 '1,onige-> 0S t reetTo- roi)to. b ougLht, suld,reut;beIt, 1puleysbrushe's. AllenilElecie x2oinpany ILtd. 226 ulfferin St., FAUMS FOU SALE $35tO DA 1R Y FAýRM, (OTTAWAý d iSticï,t. it'lly ,equipped, Ilarge, jer isey1herd1", t wo bouses,1yea rounld wtrsup'ply. 1'0. Box 14, Ottawa. 0ON 1 'ILUND1)1,LE1 A C R, E S, UX- br idge TowNshpoie mile ýf rom stati1on aacho l', ruri tal1 ma il. Hy, te- 'lephoie.' rilled c,1wel,, lm anî1ý,1tmeboueri ve suehog penl, 9 acresworkable E Vr n e -s t 1Morgaso, Gndwd FAFINGMIL '2ine ANI)E paira. K lo auacin, 42 REG-, I>.RN. 3IRBtt2nBOnRtAN LocmotveType, 3( HP. Sep- priorrOnt QUILTING PATCHES PRM INE ;MENS S7YITINiGS 0R 9x . Pice (from 23e11p, per poundl. Trial paickage -$100.Loi 3ie 61 SpSm ivenue, To - BAIJUBItAFOOTBALMdestruyF ofe 0v dor instanltly. 45C boti {ttwsag ent fleumitnï YOU 1TRY GIIT: WR1T VE LIM-1- stone uin 100 lb. bi.Iliiuite, delivcly in. cairloatda oor 1aaler quanititie, Writ or, sanplus anS co, Limlited(1, 55DlrmeAv, STOP tTUI eizai , t termna )gexp = -~ & con ronto Bookiet of lformt ouest 9z TOGAV sI , Torcon to. Lion onl re- %ly PHOTO CHRISTMAScý CARDS 12 FOR 69c Seetyour aouie eatvsand il(d to u ls. W'lreturn t2prinita moIteon1 a, l kttractivý7e,; mos reigcaruda, with envelopes, for mailing, rori, c.The most oii greetina ýcrdayou caýn get-1,he kîind yufienAs will keeýp-car Yds thait nen on ac2tive et rhome ý and overseai lýke to et.Order STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box121, sa Teurnlnull A,Tono velopislaexcelen."rites e ua tomner eaternr gOn1t. "anId y ouriserits prompt andgurn ted. I amparilrly f!asci1ýiatd wihte onrd eaageet nd Ch r i t1m as catrda. You 1r oces fo r S11b11quIlaiity %vwurk ar"e rea 1 e conIl- omial nd aprecateyourl 'prompt relabl sevice. AuySiýze n l6o rIlxpurs bDE V îELOPî' , jAND %' INED Size" 4 x G- in I i'!fuIHEasel Milfigets. 1l oS hy hand for a emalladtoa chiarg;e ivoryý tint mounts, ilin rms7 ' Bulrnlished Goid or silver. CircassienI W'alnlut orn Halc Ebrny finish 5SOc; F>rilit vyou nma ne ddesplain- ly oin aIlres- MAIL YOUR FILMS serviute and saifaton; or 8 epýý-osure ilmis 2e.repnints 8 for 25. mpenial PhIoto Service, Sta- lioni J. Toi.onit. 11 'UM fA DELCTlVE -MEN ao omnover i17, waGtee3 tu Iean Dlacivework, screl serv- ice Kaý. ous by mail. WVrite. for fe fr:"" ion.M. Julien So 2. ttion T.. Montreal. 130 WAY TO AICE MONEY A home ALin spare tîi, Idolas5 day boketof 124 Vpages uone dolalpstpaîd. Miklguas, Meiddo1 Missiion. Rocheateýl',r 11~ RHELTýMAT'ic îPAINS11 FRUIT JUICES: TRE PRINCIPAL for Remtc anNe ur!Lis. k) jjEli, itta) ._Postic1, $7 Ci SCROO11L DESnS, 60STANDAR sAnges, iront , re r; Vie15,1ne FJAMLL AO1, ÏEIl't 1 SAWMý1LL ftreb he"adicloc Ior- commnceJnuay tem, 1 lpt ýol[mluunityý ,, 5(Iileiis from Eapus- kinserveS) kv ra i1ly ianc fri'bs,- ric.i xcllntbor aindlodg ing accommdationat low rae>tcopiî ratat"d f ications, 1 genamecanI idres olf lt Ispetr to R., T. ltich- RAW VuRSWIeE ONES lIORTHOU)(SANDS - T wilp ou to i 1ip t. nai' to ecive ýthe highest 1miarklet pie.Wrielorihi, i tag's and advie foma.Ontaio PurFem ea Copat i \e, LiiteS. d 50C Y orkvçille, StietTor ontol._ oflnlare the euse f ill-heaith in humana ý 1a a-e. No oneic.m- munle! Why noct finid ut if this is your trouble Iterstlgian'- emde.SpecislaszToroilto S TkURREIS POIt SALE rearcd turlikeys. 1(Pa renti floc(k O.AT.l.. ppol, d. blootdîcat- ed). Two dIlistinct sraý'iIi-unI- b lalnced, lwat bil ci. 1a y b 't -L .Trirts ".'.Ha S . 10 Raron orthAilsýa drai On ke the works calr "0 t Wh~o was it?" asked tc it who g i fIý way to eal Unbiased Opinion on Bonds, Industriels, Qils, Mines C. C. NFl'eM & Cos 1

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