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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Dec 1943, p. 7

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REX FROST * aî4 p o star . . y ROY s. Tlhe Mac- of Canada... Badogliôd is sn-apped ;ii a jovia, moQd at a press confemence jnC Naples. "Fortified" Apple Juice For Troops Appla juiçe isak luntde sew= Again - but netL foir civilianls. Manuïature et a considemable gallouaga for use by the men ln the armed serices is under way,i Ottawa havçing relaso faditional quantiicis et tin fer theuaesar containers, Iu Nova S&etia Lth.' meians a greantdeal teA argoection e0 tUe population wbO a-ve bea woriad nabout the chanices, fer ofviale an industry ;w ich waus just wel sarted v1eu10a, began. Actually, rep)uLedsorge t vitailuceueatalwvayswsa handicap net wbholly ovarcoma hy the refmesinig "o ofe"etthe niative pro duet. Now it bias bDeau discovered that "fortitîed julica" .-vitmine aeput lu sud stay thra-bas qualitias wihmk apple juica prefemable te, several imiported varieties. Thus the futu~re et this branch et tlieaappi indastry seemseae more now thn in 1939. Battie Is Just Thoeaare days wethe ladies'- J bav e their say lu more sanses thauneue. At the head of Our columa teday yen se a greap of ladies whe1se voicas are preably a littia miore prominaut lu carrent radio rconIversation thIan uul Eta lw obbes, Meica gai Joan MarsUali, Marcalle !Bsrtba, Jean Hinuds sud Jean HEoward. , ail wall kow Canadian womea commentatorsetthe arwvs The pictara was takea at thei-r rCcent confaranlce held ilu TorC,ýte lisat moath te discuisa rgam pdircies aud cb1ocdsat iag11 c ~niqua,, as wýell as post war. Se)rry girls! Anlother chance le'st! JakDeunett, the bicsmoet, sonoreis voice et CFRB3S 1il o'cl eavenig newcastbasgene, ~tbe 'way net ail 1g0CIman. Ou-- Frisy ;Nvamber 195 is taca naIlta rrvdla Tomeu-l-te from Wîuu,,,Iit)g Iby the asrly nea ing train. By 5 o'clock u the ajttornoon Jack sud Norma badI day hevameon ait Niagara Fails, and Jack was back at bis ragalar anglionnicia,,g datias thetolwn Mlondsy. Te Mr'.ail1 sd rs. Jc 1)ea111et rt cordial c o 1gr 1-a tlions sud ,!ail happiulesS. Thoeatwe astrWoodhonsae sud awkns, t ntworIk Lmare doiuga litiahjbhiud the Sace!as organisiug abig bhanatit pro-, gram tom ')rthe Evl"enliug Telegram- BrilihWam Victims Funld. The shwi cheduiled for 9.3(, te 10.30 Tuesdjay Deceunibar 1,.r Ainothar husy waak AS passed cimi-axed with s carlead etcit visitera tor Suinday cinnare. Dsttgh- ter was eut with semasfrindsoe et whom works at the same Mu- tien plant ,as Daulgtarsu w ratiher.etitthatUit l thaopiioný- etf ber friands that we, bar pa'-' r- eutc,,ý do net ealisehwgraa responsibility Our daughter hol dars u tUleposition ithat shesec- cisnom hewhsldsihe vrhs, Wêll, we de kuew tchat Daughter womka long b oumrs, tt sUa semu' eid'îer than ber yeams suld thlat U narveus stralu smetîm9s tshem dew, ut It la imlpossible for n wbo ave tne Ikuowýledlge e h nukte realisa the axteut t ba reýspousibifiyIiu tact Partuer sud c I eau bardly helieva, aven pntu that we have a grewa-up famih.10u wa Ind(onbtadnyly hvejus-t that! ar'a etga, stud -yet with ko ag sud experlence aloug cartaie Unes that I neyer had uer am Iïikely juts ha- ameas !bisDa wa tw;ýeuty-tiva yesrsag-Crpra Clmke, et bis Majesty'a Canai(anj ý Arm, ecet tat isDad waS lu bospial whle o, ai glad t eay D lasiihleansdhary Our sou Winl coma of aga t h eudi of tepreseult year bi uno i thatI woldnl't lkete aa ha la CFRB sund an'tworketoutrf stationsý. its aimUis te0 send lChrist- mnas chlear te BrIIiilb cbildreýn. Pralimiary anquiriassuggest tha its ge'iug te ha a "hur11'diger" et s broade-set. Furthallr details naext weak. Vivacieus Paggy Loder la 90Wu te take charge et proceadings wbeu the 'hidmldrsSrapbeOk" hela s s aunaibefore-Chrittmw party, Saturday Dacambar 4 at 12.30noon hoer, teha ared ovar the C,.B C, National Natwomk.L Evýeryýbedy lan he Scra-pbok*" is goiag te sebol te i Paggy"whio orgaisig a conert sud play for the entrtalumat et br ypuils. "Hwdo tbley get tha holes la Swis Ceese?" Watis 'uutmeg1 No dobt yu'vaofttanwourffed Roy Ward Dixof et',1anParade rriday afttarnmoos, CHTuoente 4.30 tea4.45 luwbich evary weak, she briniste thepmicrophon three liadies alactad ý 0tem reqlua(st r !ev ) Y nmail. lut'atrinl quis On thle subjewt 0ot food,- rarssintresting pints, auswers leau" s aseanotherlnaw Ro'y Wamd ixenprogrammrle, a Wd naesday attaiar, CFHlB,430te .4 p.m. %wbich opens the pages e deoyýs Prsol ( , ScmaibkIl0v1, igh;ly itrstn , a c t s about lfeitelugeneral, Goed attarnoon re.(ally g1w-p.Idon'tthinlk yourg peoole ev"er grow Uriutiýl t'hey leirn te hudrrsosbl Uty-and as yet lie bas tbrust ne seonmsesonsibliy upon oU" 'soldier Son. -No doubtý b is"tima ewill com-prbpemaich seonar than uneaxpec. it auc t aevisiter ach liva" s iteru sert of lita rem ourii. n becausa t rom thlem lwa leamu ,methag et bow the rest et th, world gets along. Parbap., tha"y, lnurmloarusomatý'hliu troni us. For instance ycsterday wa n at- nrlygot Ounteth',ajete h suýppo)sadly 1hilh wagaýs paid t ilmnitien wressu aetold thatý a sialjemnareg$4a wjjý e ill:atialy tinds lu is ýpsy an- valopa, star !incee ax, Ilusur- suce, sud empusory savinge have Pean daductad, tte princey anmn et $24. Whan yen casider tat ont et bias bis hoalrd sudlodigte psèy, tran s portl a t ion chargea, laundicry, cletlngsud therparsualex- have ery ach ett romis ps'ny Comaraa mnîtonwor-kar wltb_,ý a taibu arlQtrmtnt tittee* dolar s aek Th rP-ar S.UND s cHG0 L ES S De-cember 12 cl-lfIST'S NEW COMMAND- MENT Mark 113 :28-34; John 13 34, 3S5; 15 : 10-14 GOLDEN TEXT-A new com- mandmylent 1 give unto you, thaf ye lova one another; evet, as I have Ioved you, that ye aiso love one aniother. John 13 :34.1 MEMVORY VERSE: 1 will sing unto Jeblovab. ExKodusi 15 : 1. THE LESSON IN iTS SETTING Tiee-The passage takýen from Mark cwas ulttemad ou Tiusday ot PsinWee, Ari 4, AU. 30, The dscur nslaJobu were ut- tered two days later, Tbursdlay. April 6. Place-Aill the words et our Lord recorded lui this lasson ,ware spoh- tnl luJemsalemn, The Fireýt Command "And oua et the scribes cme, and' heard thacin queistîolng te. gether, nuowiligtbat ha bad anwrdtbeml we,1 aske"d hlm, Wbt omaumetis,,the tirst ef al?' Jesus aniiiweredI, The itlr st is, H-,ear, 0 lsrael1; the Lord oaur God, tha Lord is oa ad thoni sUi oethe Lord thy CGodC wl ithfi ail thy heart, sud with i l tby sel, sud ith:Il thy mind andiwith il tystraugtbi." Our Saviour quotes the lto ductieni to flhe-,Taýn Coinmad- ments (Dan. C6 : 4, 5) as tbe firset Cohmudnotas tom as g eeome taiinig tbe priaciple of a . Ail tru ebdiecedepetnds on the, correct knowledge etof0iI. Noue elau kceap this comimaud 1 ilelnts M10 le ignoirant et Hi iie auire ad Hie perfctios. has o Cr Lord bgn w1th the (doctrine of t11e unityDEt Go.We are te ove, God suipremel- ly7 more than il 1.other beinigça aadn sible. The Second Command "The sýconid lahsThon shaht loetby ueigbb1om as -thyseit. There 's nl onile othaer com dm t gretarthn tae"Thea love et) God. includas laiti1self ailicthei afetosbut tlis love 0f ia ieighl- bor bas over aantit a 1lova The Scribe's Reply e4Aud the scribe ssi l auto lmt 0f at truth, Teacher, thou hstwell satidtb1at be is )one; aud thera il. noe ther but be!l: and to love hlm wth ail the heart, asud witb al the uderstaiiaiig, and with neghorashirejseit, Is imuch imore no adctinsfrem the f arm ,hand's psy evelope, bis bfoard and ledg2- ing s freý, bis wasi I pobabýly dloue by the tsrmar's wlte nd since hîa is right oui the spot, ther(, are2 nictransportation Charges. Yes, if býe îbe se lcl a aarin baud ftcanl really save monay. ïlu fac t, T know one youui)g flo bake 150lu side of Six mnls SeIt ean ba doule. W-e also learned somlething abo 0ut e et arday-audwby we got on teC)the sbee tceaI a oally tee ebvlus. Ueally, I (10o1 kneow wbat this place wilIho lke if we humiri soit ga ifl wilter. As on'e prsnput it-"4the soot "s just, like snlow oly tat t- cm, dow bac,"If thle soot were onmly ouit-ade 1I wouldn't mmid but It leakls tbroagb the jinlts eOft tbé ste0vepipes auld thle emoke ises la- to the oom every dtime*we ma3ke tbe t ira up unltil every place Le biaclc. !t bave bougbt Somie paper to papr te inug-room ibut noew I amweudeming wbetber Ilhadbe- terpostpo eejob " and lîve lan the dOirt until spriug -- or at leas-t PDOP-There Must Be One! kH-LE% 7p11e YOL>NO LADY WWO PUTS5 ?~TI-4B PRK Iij thana tIu sacrlî hisfi )le bau-otteriags ànd ;Iid>Wbn Jesue saw that be answerad discraatly, ha saidnte l,rThon art net far fmom tUe kingdem etf Ged&And ne mana sftr that durst ask hlm any question."' The daep insight whlch tWa scribe had sbejlwlj ravealad ha walitad but l[îttie te mnake hlm a isciplIe.Bu at 1s not suticiant te ha on the bordarlsud ot disciplashiP; wa mrust laavd the World with its pîçasures sud aj 5ine and stap ight ova tU bod~rand into the Kiing- dem. The New Commardnent utoyMU, tmat y lovae ue aner. Evan as 1 bave loved yen; tha ya is loveeueanothar." The mneasure e(CD it'Élveteusl te~~~~~~U hat'mauae n ove te "BLy thîs shal al n kaiow that ye ara my disciples, If ya blave lova eulet ntr"Wa tue world sees helievars loviug oe a Wohesd livin u amony, i knos teuthat th(y-are tha f!ol- lowna t(Cris. Jesus' Prontse "If ye keea ycmmandmutsý, ye shaU abide il y lova ave as ýpj I hav kept qy'athej's crn mnanlaats suabjjotà'id lis lv. Ohadliance la the conditin e bd ilng !lu11theSav-iour' love We ea- .,lt live lu thea aujyont eoHi ROkIZONTA~ i t~epicted pa ý- LFHF 'e- 'J n.,, W CL PART 0F BRITISH EMPIRE r 4,, ~ o rn-,~ ~..a mt i es cl".1 power bomlber, c om pletLe d thle ma iden .4) te an d for the nonas the Yomk, sU ad witb tCe wusamd in!its et a Lancaster love if we do0 tbllng contrary te "These tiugs have spùoken um- to you, tba my joy may be lu you, sud that your joy mnay be mnade EaUH? Jesus dasirad that their joy might be "rofcoud trugh their stedfast love and oeina The Command ReP-eated Ye are my friands if Ye doetill things w bich i cormmand Youm" The grpe e e-al privileges le to be known as the Iriend of Christ but this prîvilege is oniïy grantad Wt 'Tsismy comïmudmeut, That yelove One another, "aS av loved you." Our love to ona an- other should show itsal in the commron ways eoflife-In acts o! love sud kinds. 4 Aa realiMM ation of our Saviour's le inspires us to sho woete AIl Mn. Supreme Love "Ga tlove 1bath no mainthau thstat a i man ay lown bis litfe for bis friends." The love of Christ sýurp)asses afl eartblY love; for Hol dieflt only for hbis frieuda but f'or bis enamries; net ulyforth good, hut for sînuers, )Wsý that the scribe Answer 1 ,L lit _74 7ý5

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