GAGE Large......... - $40 'htuAhu' . 2cÏ,1,$ egsat 2e., 7Se. and ards.-.25 ad ............e LET SETS ýy, Lnhei d T1Il7S YEAR GtX(liV lesin LADIES' GIFT SETS A aid eneat$1.10, ',$*a $250 * to......................$11ýJ7ý at .....t.......... . $ 04 asmereBuue,3 0e, 60eOc: ud.-............ : PENCIL SETS Watrma'sPenu.and .Tenci1 Sets, at $,6sd $.5. Pleu, Penc-il and Thiermometer, Ilhito ....... ...... ...... $8.92 BRUSH SETSi Ladies' Brush, Comh and Mir'- ror Sets._$1.99, $'3.25, $8.25 l3uhsonly, at $.... $1. .5, aud......... - .................$3.00 M N'iitary Brush Sets at $3.00. $4.75 and... 50 Bilodat 79ec« .1, $2.00 LE NTIE-RIC ~resntatonsthat ae. -Miracle, Shanlghai,' .75 and 55 $3.00, $7.00 and $2,0 Charles Tyrrell Agent fo4r Ja-ckmnan Flowers Pno68, Orono 4 'ee flrom Suainl ative, enid Its Daily gazine Section, iaJce eHome. ing Society [aýsachu se us a Month. tion, $,2 60 a Year. 25 Cents ORONO WEEKL'I KE N DAIL Suggesti6ôns PONTYPOOL Soýme far-mors are plowing a'round' here and say there is no fot Mr'. Keith EBradley is doing aj florihin bsiniess in thlesoe Alrenuaibier around Ponitypool0 are sick ith 'a miid a 'ttajck of thje Mr. and MUrs ' Ivan Kellett spent Sudyat bis uncle's, MI-. Williaml- Mi.E'piiam Wrighit spent a dayv ,-ocentl ' with his son Newton a t Pte. John WohcI, Ottaw-aspOnIt the wekedwith bhis prns c and( Mr.william Wbb Mcr. George Hamnilto n says it is; ýoîing tgofie a soft w-intei-'tas;o li-l eda snaIke thie othor day. MKr. Alex. Wb is puitting on a1 siigonWila Foster's, bouse in th etend of tboe villageý. iMrsz. Robiert MCu llough and' soni 'Frank, of Blydu1IICf, are moving to 'oiyo l i the nair futurye. M'. nd 'Mrs. Joh-n Topoof KlbSpont Sna withl the lat- tei"s son, M'.KeitbBrdly A latrge numfibr from arua ore are woking1o th e C.P.R at Ptr hloro) on the soctioni ,vaing sol Mr.'. nd Mrs. Wilbiet G.nio T~nSny spent aStinday r-ecenlii the vÏilage. They report not imach I Pte. was hc Mi'r. larence Bell was hoime over MAiss Ada Wiljson wýith M R. Wil- son over the week-end. Mdrs. A. Hoskin speint Sunday wt Mkiss Mary McLean, Toronlto. Miss Agnies White, Port 1101pe spenit Sunday with IMrs. Lux-o. Mlr. Eari Burley spent the week- end wvithlMr and 1Mr1s. pBuey Mr. and iMrs. jack Reid visitedl withf Mrs. E. Carscadden on SundlaY. Miss Ma\!,rgaret Pardon s.pent thie wee-ed wthlier parents, Perry- tewn. -Miss Aniie Toipo and frilnd R....Toronito spent the week-end wihMrs. C. Thoinpsoni. Aïr, and rs. MltnRohinsýon and kwvrle Van Wllan s-pent Suniday wi thlM\lrs. Tremain, Toýronto. Mr. and Mrs. lLeonard*Ougtre *ith ,Mi'. a11,m, s .Vanto Mir. and Ms Vance Alix, Orono; Miss HIelen Mre and fr'iend, Toi'- onmto, witl!ir. and rs. m. Mercer Mr. Fred Tho1mas, Mrs. carley, Mrs. J. MTgnt Toronito and Mrs. Wmi. Jamiieson and Mrs. Cole spet the week-end with MAr. and Mrcs B. Alexiander. ~Mr. anid Mrs. W'm. Jacksont and family visited wvith ~Mr. nnd Mrs. V. Peacock, Elizabetw7îlle on Sunday. M.George Palilier, Mr. Spenice Gordon and Mr. Fred Wilson are ai] *wvorkmg at the Goodyear plant in The Bazaar last Wednesday was well attended Qothin i the afternoon and eveninig. Rev ,1Mr. Triston of the Bowmanilville Veteranl's Guard show- ed pictures of Africa in the evening. Af ter the pictures the Autogra ph quilt, was auctioned off by Mr. Mult RoI)i nson and sold uto Miýss Nellie HIi KIRBY M.dM rs. Geo. Gianviille visited -m;. n -UMS. Brimacombe, cailýl to see Mrsý. W.carscadden of Kendal Ml. and 1MrS. E. E. pattersoi,Î Newcastle spet Sndy with Mr. We ar gladMiss 'MarionMcel vey-s bck in] thleecommilunity ulgnin aftr iursng n Oonosome time. We are ga to report thbatMr Morrow is'some botter an!il wa.s able toý go to Hailitcrn ith h li aghiter Mýrs. Roy Bryson. Mrs Jam-es Thompscron F Cd asretiurned home after s'ueniding two -weeks with hier iece, Mrs. Wmii. Wannanm and other friende and lrelai- tivesQý. Thie Aninual Sundiay Schoicol mieet- igwas held in the SndySehiool on Tusdyeveing l-last ,eek.Fao- ulble, reports were give(,n on the w'ork and rogessof the Sun-ldayScol The FEast Group or Kirbly W. A. aehligasocial eveningonWed- nlesdlay, Dpern!hei. 1!,th. Mor1e par- ticuiLarsne week. Don't miss thie f unl. Corne and hav,%e -a good timlei and(lhelp thie gopalong. Th'le menibers of thie East GcrocpI ilpent anl enjoyabIleevn "k t thel hoýme o0f Mrs. Bîgelow last w,1eek Thie laisquilted iand the n mnplayýedl ardaer -whiicb lunch waS served. Oth'er qci ltings for, this group hv heen ed at the homies of Mrs. Fr Le, rs Vatson and Ms Wm. Thie firslt detachmient of the dinWomeni's Arnvy Corpis setto :Englaind recently cole their fi'st year of sriethoný )oaYli Insulat ,LARE N Il & LUAIBER dL thle worst hor has yet been q the mlonth of ' Under the auspice s Or0ono Chlamber of col TOWN HALL, O Lei'oy, N. Y., visiheu at Mr- . IL~ 4fones recently. Mr'. and Mrs. Jack or'î,Orono,ý weerecent -,,tests of Mi'. and (lMrs. Wm. Staplo. Keith Bnri"ey, R.C.A.F., Gaît, pn lhe weeký-end wilabis paren)ts, i' andIrs C. BurIley. M.andMs.Alfred Red!knnap, ofý Oshawa, pn the week-end wt c and Ms rhr~Rdnp Mr. MI\eredlit'h VsPort 'Mc- Nihoil, and Ms.WYleyArglI visited thieir couIsins, i'.and Mi C'eeu Robnson, recently. ,,i thie sik lîst. He has not b 1een ale to mpech foir two Sndays. Quiite a, numiber have oad colds ?and the "fia." 1mrs Sami Smiti, Mrs. Tone Lang- sta,ýff and M'.Wm. Buirley. iie at i'. Wilbert Langstaff'., Toronto, on ISundany. Mdrs. lMabel Langstaff camne hom-e with themn. Mrs. Leushne, Niagara ,pnt tMe week-end with her sister, Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Mr. Ed. Symons and Inevz, Morrish, were gutwts of 04r. and Mrs. Pearce on Sunday. M1%.Jasez Wvorknian died at' Streetsville early in Noebr justi six days aliter the death of bis elife. They left NewtonvilIe and went to Streetsville thirby-six years ago. . Those attending the Sectional m1(eetingý2 of theW.MS at Oroý-no fromr hiere were ý Mrs. J.Mcahn, rs WV. C. LanezMs J. A. Barrie, Mýrs. C. Rdbl-in.ýsouniiand Mrs S. Lancasteýr. Mu'. and Mr11s. JohnPatn r- erly of Newcaýstle, and auýnt aid uncle of AMs Fred Smith,Ave clos- edl their bouse in Toronto on con oif illiialthi and gone to j wt teir dagîer rs. Williams, ai Niagara. Th W,. e ld hei uantmn dty metig n Noveiiiher 3d, a w-eek ealtecause of theSetina mieetingpbeng hcldi Orono omi ithechar pe ghvimn "The Spirt Breathes Upon the Word. MIinutes(of£th,-e DaStnEetngby the s:ecretiî'y. IMrs. S. Lancaster, treas- uer, repoted funds on hand of $148. Tbis was over oui' allocation and was very g'atifyipg As next m-eeting w 'ýill ho oui' annu4a, a nomin- tngcommittee was appojý,int-ed t) bring ia a siate of officers, commiit- tee te beMs. ori and Ms Lan- caster. Ms oaha thoen con-, ducted thle pr-ogra'mme, cons'-istinagofj that oulined in tbeJlntlMs JTones tain uprt of rsoss t the Leader. -Mrs. Lnfser rs. 1oris 'nd rs. Pearce readl the di;'- ferent as',sages of scrip)tue. MIi ss' 'Mrary Lane sajng a beauti-tifuil solo andî -\T-- cJC'uloughgaveis sominterj eISting hghlights rom the si-, vý' book"ForAil of Lf. im 8 the send ieas 8 1-2 .... 59e. ~ch $1,95 c Air- 45c, pair ....... .............. Clar-k's St-raûded Cotton, all availableshd, 3 fo........... .......... ......Oc Ladies' Organdy Aprons (niew)........ ... 49c. Ladies' Fanýcy, Print Apronis........39c, Sho-ulider Pads, a'o'e shapes, pair ........2V' T'attinlg Shlutties with Pick. .......5. Dytîiit for, dyýeing orn tintîing. For t.iwting use in samte maner s bluieing. For- dyetn'. boil, 3 8 ihades to cooefrorn, pkg........1e Reardon's Wate'ýr utt y for filling crackus -in floors, stone, plaster, wal1board, etc, l11lb. carton ........ ........ .........2e Ruibber Cenent', large 4 oz. jar, brush top...29C. Alrner Vègetab-!,le ~Squp, tin., ý.... ......... -10c. Carnpbell's Miishrioomi- Souip, 2 tins for........ 25c. Shrddisthýe spoon size Shilredded Wheat. Special, 2 boxes for .................2c Quick Quaker Macaroni, i. Lpk-g. ....2. 'Maxwell House Coffee, good to thie last drop, 1-2 lb. and 1 coupon. . 25c. l lb., 2 coupons 49e. Black Pepper, fresh stock.,, 1-2 lb,....... ..15c. Imitation Nutrneg, 1 ounce pkg........c Chinese Rice, 2 lbs. for ...........25C. Whlite Naphtha P & G- Soap, 3 cakes . . . ......1l4c. "-riamel or Gravy Pow-der, -2 1-2 oz. pDkg.. -. . ..25c. Christmias Decorations of ail kinds, Wreaths, Colored Tree Bail Decorations, Pine Cones, Tinsel, Roping, etc., etc.l-1 IORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPUL-AR SHOPPING CENTRE Motor Equipment Private Ambulance Smit and Mosit i I Office 66~ Procec-,ds will boxes to se wvas thon sun and Mrs. onsgaVe 1tho ý cl'g prayer. W. 1. Meeting The NovetherW. I. nmeeting wa hedat the homne of Mis. L.Hgh. Mrs. Morris ask'ed for 'Suggestions of aiticles to ho includecd in boxes foc the boys s;tilli in Ca1nada. Thle mlemvbersdcîd to sond aChit ms bo to the Port Hopýte Cbildreni's Aid1 Soity ifts wil leas1 b biroug,,ht to the na eeig on Wodniesdny, DecenIh)er Sth, at the- hiome of Mi's. Ceci l Brley. M r s. Hughes bad chiarge of the pcogram. Roil caýI1 was asoo by "A Cana- dian iMîneral and whiere it is fouand." Dr.% Pochon ol f the Port Hcepe Radium p1lant was g- est speaker. Those pres- ont certainly received sorte flrst hançl information and wero fortun- uito ini beilig able to sedure Dri. Po- chion. Hlis talk -revieýwed the dlis- covony of radiumi at Great Bear Laike; told of ,its varlous uses; hiow it, bad becomoe more important owinig 'o wariconditions; eoxýplained the uses of its hy-pi'oducts and whiy Port Hlope was chosen as a site for-I the manufacture cif radiumi.Mis Arniold Wade conductod anint 11erest- ingý conteust wbhich broughit a-n en - joyalo n nd profitable afterno t close. 1