Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Dec 1943, p. 8

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High Quality Gage Stationlery, alob atrcieypcae at 25C.,. ach 35c-, Soc., 60C, $1.00 1t) $2.25 lilOTOGRAPII LBM ,-eil Bound, Artificial Leathler Abmat 65c., 75c. $1.19 at $475 , .5,$97 of Fine is Presents to please YOIJR TYRRLL' e" adThe Iç,w Sale Price is clear- Iy marked on eyery pack- ag,ýe. Let lis Xmas wrap youir parcels for you or pack 'it for mailing. 'There is na extra charge. Waterman's s' Pens and Pencils .ObrÜ $120 Pen oly, at $3.57, $4,16 and $6.54 $2JC Pen and Pencil Sets, at $7).06,$59 .$1,20 10 Year lPen Sets, each......$ 14-50 um7eNuirse's 3-piece Sets .........$ 8.92 S$,2 tBg1e l'Pen Sets ..............$....... . S2.50 (Prj.ces are tax includod) and .......... . .......... ......$2,00i "SNPS ND SCRAPS" CombinationPhoto Alum an AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS At 15M.,Mte,4Io. and 50c. PLAINGCARDS D'ouble Docks..,. $ .25 90 e-, Gfts For Men New Attractive Shaving. Sets that are p)rac-ticatl and appre- ciatedl. Here are Bachelor., Yardley, Jasmiine, Gardenia, Palmolive, Colgate and leut theric. Gift>-,to suit every taste and pocket-book. Fromi 60c., $L1,00, $1.50, $2.,00 to ............... ... $4 .. .25 Loather Bill-Foids, from 79e., 90c., $1,65,.2.25, $3.75, S5. 5 q and ................. $8....25. Leather Ut1ility Kits, at $2-,50 $3.75 aad] ............ $4.... , .25 Colgato Kit Baga.....$1.00 LoterRllLp........$8,50. IlFrank" Mediîco Pipes.$147 Books For Gifts Newýest Titl1es.$22.50 to $3.25 PulrReprints 93ýe. and $1.25 Chihîlrens Books, 35-)e., 50e. and .................. 75c. oosfor Boys ,,anid tlat 50.and ................... 75c ______________________________________________________ i ______________________________________________________________________________ and lu Daily e Section, Miake M.e. e readialgs !)Y the leader and ro-i ises ',,y the audience, inteLrspersed the singinig of severail Christ- hymaiis. The, lighiting of the( dies, held by the mecmbers, fLýolm central canidie light, a sy' o of it, the lighit wh11o i s eternal, srgt ome to us the iaifliuýence we al have andnmaY sharie. oloigthis ithé Woman' ,s A- aiobeildtheir m leeting ýw i th Thioal xorcsesunder. the le-ad- ip (c' Mrs. . W1a. gave a reading on thel -ch. Rprswere given bY thie oris of the various grocups wihi comm,1unii ti, Y, shiowýýing thaut therel Tear, i eiectio: Capma, Ms. Win. Allia., D\oonlCommittee -- Mrs.H Ali, Rulbv AlliaissMrinMC- Keve, r. 5 . Chapmnan, Mr .S. Bry- Woman"s Association- P'resideat - Ars. Wm. Rutherford. lst Viue- Mrs. OlyChiapimn.1 2nd ice 'ir.Wm. All;ia. a~od ngad rorapaigsec. i'ts m. annan. Fin. Sec. - Mrs. Robt. Allia. Treas. -- Mrs. HI. Lowery. Oruganist --- Ruhyv Allia. FloralI Comxittee'- 'Mrs. R. AIa 1, MVrs. O. UChapmlaa anfd Airs. Rl. Viitiaig Commiiittee - MArs. Wmn. Allia and rs E. Buyson, to co-opor- atle with Fiidsi'Committee of Parsýonago Committee -MiUs. Wmi. CocraeMrs. J. Bigelow, Airs. Percy Chapmlan. Devotional Commiiittee - The Exe- cutive. Crou Covenos -Mrs. Chasý. Harris and LAirs. Wm. Warnn. The meeting closed wî-th prayer. KENDAL IMr. Earl Burley spent the weefý- end itbi pakrents. MissMargretPuroit spenit thel w ek-enid iii Toronto, M .Qlrene Bell, Osaxv, seat he wek-edvitl ir. aad Wrs. L.1 Thertell Milikýen is aln<d Mrs Water. Rexv. J. Peterb'Oo Mrs. J. day %with Mr. nd Ms. 54. Lancuster were! Sunayguetsof Mr. and i rsPRo'y Best, Zion, Hope Townýý1-ship. his prent, Mr.and rs. C. Deck. Mr. an Mrs.Fred yers and 1WMrs. Howlýson, Trno er'e Sunday- guetS of Mr. ad Ms iHutchIi- son. ýVI man Mrs. Reg oo)dham andi Ma e, and r. jao"k W haTor-1 onto, visited thieir parents, iMr. aaid Mrs.1 H. Wohm s. Wittkerand .Mr. and! Mrs. Artllur Redknap went to Mir. W.ý .hsesOshaw,ýa, Satur-day e2veingi1 to meet their cousin, Mir. Clifford UPunniett, Rochester, N.Y. Messrs, Chas. and Robt.Trsot Leroy, N.Y., attended the fnrlo their aunt, Mr-s.IHenry Jones, on Fr4- dlay. Whiile here thiey received -word that their father was dyiag. 11e had passed alonrg before they reached home. Mrs. Uenrvy Jones passed away in portiHop'e hopialonNovemfber ;'0, after aligrn ilîness. iMrs. Jonesý spent most"of te latter '-4),1rt of hei- lifewithMr.and rsS. lR. Jones, anid her indlisposition won er c mnanly oingfiends. Sy-mpatHy is xeddto, ber sorrowing r 1elaives. W.A. Meetingl The W. A. net at, the hiome of Mrs. G.Kibaion Nvmbr2tb, with ten n1embeUrs a :nd ixevsîb pres- ontù. -After tooeigeocssthe secrotary'p ad1 resuersreports wereherd Final plans f'or the bazar eremade, and arranmge- mets for tales iet., dsuse.The daeror. thenee Vetiing wa's chang- ed to Dect, and as this will ho the annual a aomiing committee was a[oined o repjro a tnew ývsiate of o-ies M rs. Kintbýall took Charge of' the folo'wing programl Roîl cail, suggestion for a useful 'Chrîstmnas gift; bible rainPsalm 1,ý Mrs. J. Kmal a humn-orous rend- i ng, Airs. Hughes; -Comne On ýCan- ada rPoemýi," Miss Oliýe Whitnecy. Ton w-as served and a social timne enjoyýed1 %hy ail. The noxtnmeeting to holu charg-,e of Mr.Hassýen and -Mrs. W. Alar~ge crowd gathored ia tho basement of the United Chrc )n vonay vening, Nov. 15-, to doh)lon - our to a rocent bride and groo,Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Redkaap (formler-I ]y Miss Deaýne Sleemaa). -Mr. Wm. Laing, chiairmiain, alodthe company to ordor and presided1 for the fol- lowing- proýgra-,m: Pianio duet, Faoe Joneýs and Edna Denault; vocal solo, Miss ,ýWilma roue;readin1g, Airs. Lioniel Hughes. MVrs. Willis Jon es and Mrs. Frank Gilmer put on a quiz doubfle or nothing, a ladies' toami against a men's team, that gave everyoao a merry time. *Mr. Laing theni called on Moiville Samint, rn thie ad s hc spoke in glowing terms of the youangcouple and wish ed them the best liHoe an afford. Miss Wilma Prouse and Mr% F. -e ~Mullen proseated thomn witlh a floor lamp), a sivor casserole and a silm of' moe Rothjuadie suitahble re- plies affer whieh the chairman cal- ed on Rev. J. NICLaciaMr1 Sd Lancaster aad Mrs Cecil Burley, whbo made briet' eoagratulatory speeches. Lunch wias thon served and a social time enijoyod. ALL BHIS HOGS GRADE A A receat shipmont qfi by WV. K. Redden, Upper. grd A rgtthroughi. bined wights n' thie Ilh 1.717 puasfor, whjichI a net retura) of $30,6 .o Mwr. I>sarm cac ass woîLi coid éweigh basis thi 018.00 and aking Athe bGet MRcderatrcie $65 Mr. ade CecisaboGtas A1ni r. ad irs. Ceeinson 0 1 From 8.30 to 12.00 p.M~. CALLOà'WAY'S" OR"CHESTRA W;ýiIl furnish the music Proceeds wiIl be used to send boxes to soldiers Overseas Admission 50C per person Christmas Tree ElIectieý Tree Lighits...........1.09 and $1.39 Cordc Sets, wfthout bulbs, set........43e Outsidle Lighits, compIete........ ........$2139 -Bulbs for-al sets ..........2 for 15c., and 15c Ch1ristmnas Crepe Paper Table Cloths, size 54 rinches by '72 inches, each........ ....... 20c. flssue Wapn Paper, white, green or rIedl 12 double sheets .................c JigSa Puzzles, 480 pieles ........39c. ~Fire-King' Glass Cups a«'nd~ Saucers, will standl heat', set.......... ........... ........ 25c' Plain Whýite Cups (no saucers), 2 for.ý.......3â5 c, FireKingBowls, mnade of oven glass. .20e, 830c, âOc Glass Coasters, proôteets your- table, each....5e. Glass Jug-s, eacheb ....... ......25c. Larg'oe size Mk Jugs.... .... ....... 59c. and 69e Fancy Print Aprons', eaeh......... ..... ý. 39c. Boxed Chiocolates, 1 lb. ..ý. 41c. 2 lb. for ... 81 Chiildrien's Plastic Tea Sets.........50e NJKNAK Plastic Paiîntlinig Sets *for the'young artists, set........... ........ ... $1.00 Floridla'Oranges (no, lùiit) dozen .... 29c. to 45c. Extra Large Juicy Grapefruit, 3 for.....29c. Kraft Dinner, contains Macaroni and Grated Cheese, no baking required. Special, box. ..ý. 18e Germ Wheat for Porridge, 3 Ibe........ ... 13c. SIIOP EARLY FOR BETTER CHOICE URONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YO(Rp POýPULA SHO0PPING CENTRE and Smith and Furniture Dealers UýýRTESY SERVICE te modest funeral at the most s wvell as the largest and rce 523j ýt -Mr, Iuursday e, ntu a Year.

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