g d. n eif yoU ýýoLmmlMo VICTOR e j oFlow, anid the 01ld man as ly-ji he v liwite and stark upon the ied,-e IDeftli imust bave been insata mtAea, OVÉýi of glt ! awu rear o! thýe to îiy a 't, baci bare- 'binger upper s edge. aif liglit With leén S beriff U'oggsweii anc îoî a prosse to take Up the trail o! Hooker' murderer.As lie rode, le re oled lu blis ilmd al possible rao for the dastardiy deed. Bad the assassin supposed old Hooker te lie iu possesslof o!a 1bard o!gold aud flred lefore hie had seen Dav lu the room? Or ,was Loeraniolved,an hïid OUI H0oer ftalked ton mcl lu he Wayslde Res;tl The shr11l ieighig o! brones - caàled Dave to bissrondga Emr iu pon ïthe iower mss lie sawv Lois seated on BacI Dawnt, witli the rest eidthe herd massed lneil. the serlh and nok- lng athm.Dave rode «up to the "T ot anme bad news forvo, Lois' exre ton ardy cag ouly that set, bitte2r look cýame ui lier eyes agai and Le-iermoucLh ba-deued. -"Se you killed hlm, did , yen9 lie had money? You've !ond mt youir mistake by flou, I guese-, WeIl, whydoni't you sotm Lois, hicbahI't te be wne at under thIlecrcmtns"a- swer.ed Dave. "Fim ridin' for the1I sbI' f Yoli'd Ibest gobalad wait in tie cbi.Theýre wasn't noing i j uld o forlim. ews cage.She sat black Du liawk land,[ gave a shrillwIste n stanîy 1the br-onca i 1 eae tlirougII the scru-1b. And I lu anIother Jinstant Lois a ice heot iaw heilrse iihei ansan a gaflopinig widïlly lu tlledreto of Mescal. Davet, ried to follo\brbut h hide7haid Ithesed fthe ind Ile galloped et fou sppeed dlow- the baýy colid oniy pickis wa catosyïo nvnid plunuýinu headx-:î lonIg. B>y tbe ltime Daveruce the lowvelr sope, Lois ws mr seiltheditne the valle, Dave sw Lonis ridingý bnci, acompaned by wi ec nue c".whlom lhe rcouI3zed as SheriîffCoggsýwe ll. e ohr r the badge lie wvore, was e'dni 1) deputy. As Dave rode u, 1 t-wo drew swiftiy nld c rdhm D)avp, withnut rijgbsbns reiudlu rgrcimly bsdeiesher- Ut! whe uedded tb the deDuput The l ate',r 1enae d for1,wnrd- nnaild e xta- edI Dnve's guu freninis b tr ilc teSaine timeruagbi baudcs over bis sides lIsache uc.Lois, seated on Blaeik tawn, antcbed hlm itb bate la lier eyes, but flot a Sound camie brni ber i ps eiter. "So ub ,a m ooker woite uP before awn andstarted aîin, grunted tCe MEff "And whlle you tw was tikin',this mse eierot hilm Threugh the wi- der? IloW abaut hatgun, Sius?" "One atide ird"said ýýthe "10w aot that.Brce"asked Coggsweli. "I old you i fired a shet at the mnurderer. 1 ceuldnt get furtler Eight o! 111h lin that scrub -,and BI heing ames tdam&" "Wll nw, 111'lil yuh, Bruace," saud Coggmeli."Yore storysounds kiner iler o nme. And yore pay- In' hattwohuàdred yesterday, and aki' adantge t Hoolier ta go ~ ~ i padesvhnh as drunli,,-- wbic do't bld ood inlu law-was queeAnd flyestidday yub rude Up t the Cross-Bar s-ad picked a i quarrel it Curran aind beat i< 1Dpi o Aili h iputs yub under supcoYor the urder of! Hook- "Se 'm rresin'yuli, alid if yo'e nncetas yul, ,,alim, yubl)'d bet put out yore hands and come a gqu]itÈ. Ad f yuh dol't l'il dpou yub!"ý (Continued Next Week) flea U.S, Am:1 -sedme to write àa that rhe supports his fý anetred, se don'tt4 n't oue ntl]ing but uddiklemon essen mýýaried h blm yar go tefeed k id!s o heg-rub and s bed fc junl intk lm ni od ý Corn ,. I ~a'.v n ~ fere I 1/2 i i tE Ou their xva~ Lid., pinia nû Malt n~and a±rfîeld ut I front, three glant Parliament 11111 lu geverument hulldh er i t nes lu forma The Lancasters t e Novembcr pro Dave brlefly recou -I o! in Nort~ Puidding lmould