lish Dishi,, 30 and $,6.00 ... . $1 ,00o .~$1.75 .. $1.50 5c to each 1 8c 33c: 25c :y, jar jar Mý, r. l Re ni n ie P o e r T o o o , w a iii own ne d y lat we k o Pte. Gordon -Majoýr, dlia n A r e o r s, i hlomlehee orono Continuation iheir literary imeetinig evening laist. of the Cmita- visitîn'g at h]is- S chool held on Wednesdlay Mi% and Mrýs. E. J. 11a'M rn visited wýith friends in T o,!oïvio ithe latte, part of last week. Mr. Arthur Sau nders atten de d the oueii tthe late -Mr. lE. RyckrnanI .t Wellington last week, Ar-t Whîte eae (to-day) Thurs- daiy for Kýiigston ahere hie has joini- 'ed up with the A r m) y . Mi s A delle ro, To ronito, spe nt- over the w e -e d w îth h e r a en s Mr. zand MI-s. A. E. Mforton. Dr. and Mr-s. J. El. Leslie, Peter- brsipent over the wveek-enld with Mr. and M rs. W . J. R d e l M r. and M is. W Im. il nde son an son, oc Morrish, spent t ýM r. an M rs. W . C r sl y 0 0 t J J M i s s E n i d o b e i k , T r n o 1.75 , pent o e r the we k-e nd aiýth y her 175~I aretsMr. a;nd Mrs. Newýtonj Cob- ý'x !1,edick. M rs. R . A . F o re te a d so n John11 v7isited w tb thre !formn er's par ents, M rli. a- d M rs . C. D). B u k T r n o r;o Mond1(ay hast. Mrs. irwin Bragg ýLAndsons, PlrG- vijden-ce, pur-chasedl a pair ofl three aind four, year ohd Percherons from Afr. Cari Blin srecently. ssedl away in Wellington yr, Decemnber 14th, Mr, Donald an older brother of M~'r. IL. G. MeDonald, of 1)110. Mr. C. F. Aýwde had a busy day at the town hall on Wednesday taking ini tax mnoaey. The fifteenth was the last day. Did you forget to pay your. liss K. Foster, Ms French-M Beck aad Mrs. Jarnes- Dixýon attend- ed the play, "The Sttudeat Prince," pla.yed at the Royal Ahexandria, I'oronto, recently. -Miss Marorie MçCDowell, ,entside, spent the week-end àn town renewing old acquaintances, takîng in the bazaar and the 'Ghaniler of Com-- mierce dance in the ev-ening. r.Roy Winiters is husy thlese Cohld igbts flooding tLhe rinik and he is hopeful of baving skating for thiis Saturday night. This will be good news for the younger generation. wýere somne articles left over. fr-om thie faacy worl, booth at the bazaar on Saturday hast. Anyone can purchase these articles wbichi are on dîsplay in th-1e wilndow of Dean's Bakery. The Or'ono Public Librany Board is again off eriinig thirteen myonthas to -menbers for, the sum of $1.00. Take advantage of tOis ofer. This ofer is for new renders wvho eisb Ao join the lirary. This Thursday evenîag is the bigý anidra in the town hall et Qrono. Tenà prizes will be drawn fýor, from a ton ofceal dowa te ehiekeaes. RUSS Creightoa's or- chestra wihl sup.ply the mnusic. The reýular etn of Clarkie T owavisbip Couacil scheduled for] Wedtnwsay, the 1j5h, hati to te post- poned because of ilness anmong the councillors. Tbey are hoping te heý- aible to hold the mreeting aiext Wed- nesdayv, the 22nd, et 10 HoadMyles retura-ied homne on W7ednesdaýy after spending a couple of weeks at MVr. Ted Woodyard's cottaege, near Alpsey. lie spent miost of the time trapping, but the cehd we-ather of the past few d Cays was too miuch fýor Iiimi n thadut rnort'h IN -MEMORIAM P EAT K -- Li loving me or o m deair husiband, Fr-anciýs Jalies Peate, who passedl away December W hien e vTe ninj g sha es a e f aj jllin g A nd 1 arn sitting quie 1aloe, To miy heart there cornes a konging If Frankl could onlycon home. Friends maily thlink I1 have forgotteri When at timaes they see me smiile, Buit they little know the heartachie MIHy smnile bides aIl the while. -tEher r'emlemhered and sadly missed by bis lonely wife. BIRTIIS TAMý,BLY,;N - IaBowm-ian-vi]lle los- pital, on Tuesday, December '7th, 1943, to .Mr. and MIrs. Carlos Tamn- blynl, a soni (Paul Edward). The con-version of 10,000 motor) vehicles to producer g-as, in India. bvý pi-poses. Orono Repairs for ail makes of Stoves and Furnaces R. E.. LOGAN PROPRIETOR C.btr. BSt. Orano, - NUTRITION FOR BO~X 600, TORO N la e s n m m F Sponsored by m TIIE BREWING INDUSTRY (LNTARIO) in ffie int,-rests of nurridim and heaith as allaid to Victory. --- -- -- -- -- -- REPAIR Your RADIO No'w Doli't wait until parts become srarce. For your conveMence we carry a complete line of TUBES, BATTERIES, CONDEN- SERS and RESISTORS If anable ta bring your radio to the shop, Phone Or(mû 42 r 2. C. R. KNOX ay held icuclitlýý- foi. tbe 1 1ý Durilani Coulit'y oi-gali- vvi th bezalqu'irters in to wIlicli this 1 ilOlle)ý - as Orollo's simdl Lio- Governirient surveys conducted early i ,çvar that onfy 40 per cent of Cavm reguilarly eat the right foods, even t] seemingly well fed. Forty per cent are ( borderline of malnutrition. Twenty pe are definitely undernotirished. That's why you need a sureplan for he, family ineals. Thats why we offer you "] Work-to-\Vin"' ... authoritative FREF bo iliat takes the guessyvork out of nutrïtion of Pyrex IN'are, S5.0i) DEATHS - i (1 À EN 1 Deee! il, chtrke, mi Tuesclay, Deco'niber 1-1. Eli- u1deli, 'C'w 0 Zii)etli carsc, -,via J. Carscaddeii, in her 8iith ll(ýall ' 1 T li (-, fimieral from the Uni Led Church, Keiidal, on Fyiday, Decerii- ber 17th. Serviec at 2 p.rii. Inter- ment Orono Cemetery. each IT priced Silk and Iii many for 11OU Sathis, 1 Jerseys. In all , ËhOlis sor Il Wool, id Glov( ool Mitf JE Fancy Old -Han W,»-ýitei- WArled itself in ýitblvem,,,eaylce on Fridayeven- PARK ST. UNITED ICI ng last. Ft-i(ïay aft(ci-noon tbe, m Rev. S. Litttleiý,voc ýreather -was just like early Fillý Lýi-it y eiglit O'clocl, il) tbe, evening a l*e- ulav biizzard arose and made it im- SUNDAY, DEC. 19 Wssible ' o see -across, the strc-et. AP SERV. hroiýýtigi-i the night the tenipemature CHRISTiýl-,%,S tei-,clily dropped and carly Sat-arday, il.00 .& -%ýr ý- 19C 19th VICE The Gift of For-liveness 2,30 p.iii.-Stiný,ay qp9vlq ýrN 1 15