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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Dec 1943, p. 7

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BY ding >Page) isdis- s o)f th(' cfre- and giveTiset nirebe ar -yearvs the act cf the il e ment- p,der. 1 say toc) th~~i Icar, uidneu nJeecu for. nationiia]izatàiiien la j:de r te place the natieai's suppy of mone'y under goveramental regulaton, siace île regulatien of the mnoncy suppiy is a funct'ion alrcadypr formed by the Gvrma-wc central batik. "Our pesition te-d',ay il tînt here tre Ia lJan Ctivclycer peting with -c othcr for busýi- nesýs; and 1Iena assurwe yoou tat this comnpetilien is real and lan- teasive,. IJder these circum- stances if antindividual hias rea- son ( lebale-ve tînt Ihe is not being ad-equ)atcly sreIvcd oriht1at bis ro pesais have not rccivcd duc con- sideratien by any one banli, there lsý no 10gl prvelihlmfI rm going tec another. I thin i i l safe te say thal under ou, cn petitie systen areusiofbui ness by several banks would ',prob ably be sufficient evideace thatý the propoosai asnet cone wi by any stratch oà[f theiraîten oudconiforým te goodbakg prînciSpls. "The altJernative w ile pro-, ponients cf nsuicization effer la Prenange fni dheprescnt ss- tem cf cemipetitive ba ili bankinig meoeyudeoea umetlcontrol, Under sud cis, cumistnnces 'once ticherrw reqitrmants cf acutmrwe dûdfor, any,, reason haevr hie bold ave nI rcure x ceýpt t hiîe echanntels of se cial pieadcinIg er polîiticalîinfL- agree. Set Up a g'overnment m.onopôly of bankiag hi Canada and the socialization of~ the rest of the economiy would scarceljy be m~ore than a "mopping-up operatn." For Uf a govera- mental bureau becomes the only source of dtay-to-dIay credit ac- commodation for Canadian ids try and agriculture, the Canadian. economiy will have aiready lost its independence regardless of the exte,ýnt to sghich any field of en- deavour imay cotinutie to retain the outward appeaXance of free enterprise. This, 1 suggest, is a. point that eniloyees, as wvell as owners and management, mawy ponder. For. if the Govýerum:ent, direetly or indlirectiy,, is to attain control of the entire productive facîlities of thbe country, such an important elemient ia production as labour cannot po'ssibly ho0pe that the vast regimentation Ma volve! would apply to everyone else and pass the workingman by. "Ili its primary aspects tie mnatter of natiionailizedi banking is enme of monopoly versus competi- tion in the field -of credit; and evnwithin thlese iiiits it con- cernsý everyonee owning~ or de-. pendepnt uipon a. Cajiadian enter.- prise thet may have need of day- to-ay r easonal credit accom modation. In isls broader impli- cations the issue- is that of mndi- idual liberty of action as oppes- ed to the concept of a central. Gov-,ernm-ent supreme not oiy ýin, tefield o)f legisiative powers adresponsýibilities, but in the spheres ofbuies industry anda finance aswell. This wouhld l- evtblrean the domination hye the central authiority of ail bde whether public or privato, which must have recoursý_ etocdi faciites. THE BANI: IN THE POST-WAR YEARS "Fr16years thiis Eank h-as piayed an important part in the Comnmrcial and idsra devel- o)pmen1t of the Dominion. In ail that limie our facilities have been freely available to the Canadian.i people i the exercise of banking funictions, cendluctedl in ail thcîr asecswtheut bias or polîtical prejudice, and la accordance with pr-incipies whiich experienceý has proven to he sound. ka this, wehave I think played a flot uin- flttiag part as the oldest repre- sentative of the Canadian hank- ing system. Long traditions of soundness, sane andl experienced management,. fair and coafideri- tiai dlealinig, plus the competitive spu opogesv outlook and efficiency, have ail combined to b-uiid thii s ystern1 that is serving then public veil, 1inam confident thuat your Bank is well equipped to, do its impor.tar.t part towards mneeting the pro.bwems and oppor- utitiescf the post-war years Mn a- contiaued spirit of enterprise and hlelpfulnecss to the~ whule cen- STAFF UNDER HEAVY WARTIMJ.E PRESSURE "yal sanarsthe pasiý ycali as ilot- becu ani easy one: 'lor the Staffi,, w1ro have wrc lon1g hoturs audd baveprome ite i anly and vaicd (ldies with courfesy, cfficiclley aadi depcritc. 1cannot spcak too hghly of thesrlyajs ervies, Mhe incrcasd volume of routine plus secialwarlime duties hv enaidmanly extra hours of work. Especialiy are we mindfl' 'f iee (avýy preýssureIuPon !OUI, Manages, Acounltants a nid ohrsenlior officer-s Vho have haçiotetrain ieprccç m pioyceesfin thle handliag of rel- ativ-ely -senlior poste, very ofteni on short notic.e. 'We have been imprcsed cwi the way in which o:ur womca licleric, belh per- ann radlmporary, haverse te7)the occasiîon. They are oa splendid work and, wilout careion our f ulI banîkig ser- vcsor vie wouid hav e been. forced te asli for- the defermient freini iitary duty cf sorne of our experiencced per-sonnFel."ý -B.C.Garuer at Bankc o. MotelAnnuai Meetinrg. Boritish in11Queule For Chapel Service Most of the Bitish are familia vihqueues aowadays queuesfo S C HOC LE S SO GOD'S GOLDEN TfEXT-For God s Ioved the world, thoat he gave hr, only begotten. Son, that whono'- ever. believeth on hia, should noi Perlis, but have eternai life, Johix 3:16. MEMORY VERSE--God ioived us, and sent hie Son. 1 John 4:10 THE LESSON UN ITS SETTING Tine-5 B.C. Place-The ity oýf Bethloeem, six mniles south of Jerusýalem.i The _Newborn KinL "Ia the la,,ys of Rrdtire kin behold, Wyise-men from the east camn-e te Jruslersyjing, where is he that is bora KiNg of he es.For we saw h'is star lai the e2at and are coming te orshiýp hlm" Rrod was netý a bora king, and for a long tineP thme hnd been ne Jewish ingby prue- -oee f birth, 1But iat lnt there wsabora khn, e nt bora of the Vri Mary. Thi, titie, Kingi cýf the Jew-,s, was unknown before CIhrt'Us aiveat, andi was applied only te thec Messiah., Herod andi the Scribe-I "Ana ýwhea RHerod tlne king1 hieard it, he was reoubLed, ad al-,Jerusalernwlthnhlm."XWhy then w,,as Rlerod troubied? 'Si x theusand Phiarisees had refuseçi take the eath cf acogincet hlmi and propheied the kingdom would be laken from hW. The anu ncmUent thea cýf thep star and the kng ;w suffiiet te ter- rify himI. Those who w"er.e lathc faveuIr and pa, cf Rered were lroubled aise. 'Und gatherng together Il the chief priesîs and scribes cf the peop'le, lhe :quIrcd of them ,,hen the Christ should lbora. It was genieraiiy kneown ha Christ would be bora at Jerusa-i Imubut Heim. wouýcnld havýe author- itative counsel tA bA±sure cf a maltter cf sucLIC great im-portance to himseif, "And they said uintehlim, la ~Betiehemii of J ,Idaca; fer thuis it isý witnthrough the prophet, and thoun e !iem anad cf itudah, r-1t ii, 1ne wise Ieast among o f. Judab; foi4 out cf thee shah cerone fQrth a governo, who shahl be ahlepherd cfny pee.- pie Israel." Bethlchemi was the ity cf Da- ;i(l. and it was f;ltt lng that GAis, f the royal seedi cf Da- vishould be bora there. Hîerod's Comianid "'Then Ilered privily calied the Miela-moa, and learned cf thiemi e actly wha. M in the star ap- pearced. And lie sent thernte Beth- hhem, aaid said, Go anld ac eut exactiy concrniIIg the yeuig clild; nd when ye haive eu hlm, ýbring mne word, that I1 ais may oirneand w Isi hlm. llerod ished te convincethe Magi that hIis feeljings were 'as their own ,"thati1I may cerne and wership Hlm is. He made a shew e f bi religious anid sin- cere, but he was aiready plan- inahew lie would destrey Christ to mnake his cwn throne msecur The greatest Wiccness oftea coaceais itlef under a mask cf piety or fricndship. J1 s beu trayCd his Lord with+jja kiSS. He- rod's motive was not te woship but te 1<111 and te destsoy The Gluiding Star Adthey. having 4heard th1e kiag, went their way; and la eh star, which they saw la Ibe east, weat before th'm, tilI il came and stoid over where the yeuag child ws AndI whe i. they SaW the star, they rejoiced xith ex- ceedIing great jey'" The star which they se-vý la the East had not conitiaued te be vs ~bete thenm durinig their journey, se that for the grealer part cf their pigrirnage. they had te "'walk by faith, net by sighit". They believed that. God ehahd Wrught then hither weould net He. for thie te guide andc soieeimes vW4ý aka ertai gudnesu: beccoin a bc esdari< de! r if ,ewe haveiade 9a wem goon ri r ce.ases te si aaixi, a.nd wil i neiutu (jov n ù 'tars 0f£ade talion's, or lýa a stage piay.Evr visitor 1f the Sil Iscreen ~e elhelr interpre 1 version w7"elcor-, LasISnay eebeÈ2h wi 'se he, ratura te the air- waVe](s e la1 ôYs pepuflarF r edC Allýen Ind lis hpy-eIuk asi. No fù) dobileadt ainyu"jackc enywililkecp tfelic, ~ e wamduriag the corning wýinteýr WitHi an of healcd 'Tien- satis inbgled ie i he gay p)attera eï.t Iheir Jindividual 1pro- grmmes. Fred Allen has reuraed ,', is fermI_,er Sunlday Ilghit spot clndag EREToronto, I.3Q le 10 P.m, As dle renutof a rmeet survey, Claire Walacc, Ce smihiag vvcuspersoIahty orf the Canr- adi aarw aveu, lbas beca acclaim- cd [1hc, Demilon'es ms-ild te femiane radlio ia. e rs On1--cf thle mosl efi meals -yet voicýed ag-ai îalistlc Concept cf1 baaics is centaiaed lai iivered to fihe ana -ef the B anit of Mo-at George W. Spilnncyif H-e puinctu.rcd man, of ideas whiýlinhve bee iv an altempt le ýho) aianiýi finance and ccc. the hiandcf "mon "big inlerests." Thiosi, been beguiied by t, theories cf Ihe aatiena cf1 thouigli ituld do - 'his rernarice, çenys t Star. fered frailkin feu do, age te Theyr thit tIli I wc ifc 1, fflntn eatur

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