0 and $5..00 eachi $2.00 and $3 each AlIN VASES to $'2.75 ND -MIRROR 0f Ibrkbl Pasi,5peesets, at.... .... ........... $4.25 3-iîece sets, at $4.7, $.2,$97 Our~ Sto-re wiII b Open Every Evening Until Christmas DO YOUR irmas ýping JU'S n every pack- as Xmýas wrap sfor youi or malig.There liarge. subscriptions ee il or exehange. We ýud notice to be Sent ýTES s to hei lô~k ut s, ami Cycla- MdissMagaetPurdon spent the weken ith bier parents in Perry- Miýss Helen Merce!r, Toronlto, apet ,he wek-ndwth Mvr. andMr.W. M.Johpl radn and Fle"tchier and Miss Viola Ogd,-en are on the ild Miss Viola Ogden are als>o on the >ikla.We wvishi them a apecdy j P-resentatý4iaand Address To -Mrs. Underwloodï Thefred and nieiglibors gather- edin the S cna hool roomi on Decembler 8th. M\I. Swýarbrick acteci Ass chaiman an~d the programi was opencd Wh hymn No. 231; (2) bord's Prayer; (3) AiMrs. Wm. -Jack- szon and Mrg rfavoured wit'h a muet; (4) Miss Anni Lewk,-o and Mfiss Jean Hloy sang The Star Spangled Banner. which was accompanied by !mtieslen Hoy; (5) prs. Stoker wave a reairh; (M) In the Garden, as then sung by aH; (7) Mr.n J. Scarbick gove a reaing; (8) Airs. Wm.Paero read the address, ai'- er Mrs. E. 1tuxon1 and MIrs. C.ý V. (oop'erprsne ArsUneod with a walnut tabe. niany frie-nds, hfave gathýeicd ongh 1o wpend a socKil our CwIhYou, as onu are atout to ceave nas for your ncw homne, hping to make your de- aruea vepleasa'nt rnemnory -iu i sto crnwhen yourtogs i:I bockaotle old ascitof Vour hife wî0 ius Yon came te .s. is. Ude ood astranger , yon iwre Lp, i s with til- e Mr. Franik ves proviiig. lrs. C.Deck visted i3ewesboo. Mirs. W. anlcock v in Port Hlope. Pte. Edgar Milîsoni wýas home for thewe Rev. J. MeýLachiani operation in Peteroro Airs.Arthur ïWamîa ligovîsited Mv. L. Mr. and %Wrs.'. N( wýere guiests of Airs, .J, Thursday. Mrs.J. A. Barrie spen Sudayat Air. bysZion,. Miss DrtySm-,itI Statior1ery HihQuality Gage Stationery, aittractively packaged, at 25e., 35c., 50c, 60c., $l0O to 4 $2.25 PHO1TOGRAPU LBM WVeIl Bo)und, Artificial Leather Ausat 65c.. 75c. $l.10 and ........ ............ $2.00 "SNAPS AND SCRAPS" ConbiatonPhotoAlbuim ami AUTOÙRAPH ALBUMS, Mt1e., 25cmM40c and50cP PLAINGCARDS :» single Decks ............ . 4..... e1c Vouble Decks .. $1. 25.. $1.9q Gilefts : For Men New Attractive Shaving Sets that are practical and appre- ciated. Here are Bachelor, Yardley, Jasmine, G ardenia, Palmiolive, Colgate and Lest- therice Gifts to suit every t taste and pocket -book. From 60c.f, $1.$50, $2.00 to . ..........$4......... 25 Leather Bill-Folds front 4 c. 90c, $1.65, $2.25, $3.75,S 5 aild .....$825........... ...... Leathier Utility hits. at 25 $3. 75 ami ....... $42 Coldgate Kit Bags>.......... OM LeaterRl-u ps.... .$.50 Fontd $10 "Frai Mde Pipes $1.47J imsSfiavingB;rulshes.8e Books For %Gizfts( Ngewest Tites 01$250 to$35 Plopular Reprints 90ec and $1L2! Childrens Books, 35C., 5e and .......... ........ .... 75e t Bo)oks for Bysali ?lsa SOýc. iand ......... ..7 ....... ;5eV ORO-NO C Éle er sof thl lOss CLARKE UNION Mr. Neil MeClain, Torontovi. ud wîh Mr. Fr-ed Hu1ila on Suinday. Mr-. Harry Bailey, Toronto, visited witLh hi~s wfv nd bayjvr Svrlin ths secion have had b;he ' with orn being confinied te,- their bcd. Sym'pathy is extended tA Mrs. George Gain and lamily in the deatl or a hsba i nd father. Miss Eni Bowen, Bowmanville visited ith her parents, Mv. and Mrs. Hiector BRowen, oveLr the week- Miss Eileen Souch, teacher at1 Hlarmony, spenit the week-end -with her par-entsý, Mr. and -Mrs. Heber Souci. Mr. and Min. Sa m Gummo, Miss Bila Gummio, M1r. ami Ms. d. Souc'h, OshJ-awa, visitedJ at 'Air. and Mrs. Keinneth HIls recently. Don't forget our (Gristmlas con- certL and Christmas Tree at the school on TuLesday, December Ziet. Creand see Santa Claius and hear a good concert. Nýiekerson, 0f arrnouth, Nova Sco-, un areatiaedairman wî '\ilïth te re- cent , ari V;!I ï rom over-seas, bas gen- erocus praZise lfor (Canadian RedCrs parl(Is. "If' il hadn't bcen f'or thel( Redi Cross wewud' ealiveno, he declared. neg mbrad a loyal >supporter utfthe ch ehb, ts niany acti iies and tie peinciples for whici, it standsý. Thiere usý an old dag bhsays, "We nover mss the water till the 'cli ruins dry." Agalin we are realizi1)ig îhow truc it is,<nyth uue can telh mruch you will 'l i issed. Ard ow, in recogition analépure ciaIon n' wn, hue mmli ti, Airs etor of in Ot- ,knowl- up tili soners.- ifferent se food Mr.. and -Mr. ug Sape Mm, ax tapltonon Sundi, Alvýiii jones, Port Hopeç,. Miss MrgaretDenanîftha tundfrom a Ifiee weekcs' sojot Tor'onto tth hbomne &flher 'Mrs. Dymoek, who undl'rwel Operationi. Dr. avi Ms.A'shlley and MrI. t in, M.P., Napanee, Mr. and G-,eorge B3ri-tt, Franklford(, and Charabers, Toronto, werei guests of Air, amidrs-W. Ha] Mr. Willis Jonles' grist miil completely destroyed by fire Si cvening. Thiere( was no insu Consýiderab)le grain anid Chop burned. Newcasýtle ire engine to thie res-cue. Tt k a gr1eat Ic thie whole commeinity. WV. A. Bazaar At 33 p.rn., DeCeeniber lst, McLachllan of'Jiici-ally declared the first azarto lie h i b)asCIeent of rthe NWtnvll Churc-h. A spIlndid assor-till iorne Cookin,. farin ipoduce, a tdslits. ec.. .as ell worti, ptetto i, :l pr'esent O'veri drenl. Aot4.30) afternoon te seved by a bevyof atatv amIi !Mes. Pearlce, amxi a socïil asenoed Atghe it cntda complete suc -,as tbirig wsdîposýed of i record meibeI)rs ot the W. A. iniis.i-; firs.t undertak.ing of its; kind. E Dine hjo hlpdili I ny ,way de- thanks. b,,, 1ut we wofld like te rn eseilythe displays by thl sehooLs, Port Granb)y and Ne vilwhose teachers and pupils co-o-pera4ted se kindlly and gýen Boxedl S 32C. î Cooking- 13c, .25C Imitation Cinnamon, b................ Container 22C D3e Sait, 5 lbi. ba................. lc cla Tree Bulbs, assorted colors, 2 for,......1j5c. Tree Sets that can be used String . .ý...... ........ Oven Glass Fire King Cups stand the hleat, set ....... outside (or inside, and Saucers, will .~25c. ,YFOR Equipment Private Ambulance Few !ýýýMffifflm Qmejxlu-m