*MUSCO VITE Whîte ic ca - The Prefer-reil Type . It is Supeýrior to Ambiler .Mica (Phliogoplite) -SYNDWCATE CAPITALIZED AT $10,000- diviçled into 4,000 units UNITS ARE NOW A mPER OFFERED AT --- ïS .75 PUNIT - Full Information Witho>ut obligaion Glendore Mica Proapecting Syndicate, 184 Bay Street, Toronto Address ..... ....... . . . . . Name ................. ... .... fea1s the loss çof Corsica. The is- mutan.Tie a!rfielda thî!erc, land commund,, tiie Erp coast are few nsal. But the2y of th-e western ,Meçiterraneani as poabycani ami wlll be devecLepý, (3rete, toiuaniiids the eastern coast. ed. Dreeheievr lesat the t 1Ip of Perhaps what hpee eCr he 11-elhaT peminjsula. Corsica sica, gives s a previe-w -of b rises near the top -of the itatlian will hap n lFrancee. When th boot ilke a caaulent hrs at t-he Germ ans started te withdraw te I ,erIna bOod Une" HIitier 1 s e f heslvs strunggligmYg buifing on1He River Po. astJia, through anl angry ppuato dai wiere die French a)re stili mep- ready' armed. Many were ambushJied -1 hg uis 0onlY ifty imiles from anld anhlteib re thrfi c h taty an4f 110 mileés from thVe "onr'and AmAerican agr l'rehcfi, coast. It swti 2Î.rvd rm Mla. Teel nuties of Marseilles a i-Cess tlil fanrýa hui î1it fromitem'one. Bombeas îroir, a trail of'Germian bïloed ta-,)rgth lais cnbré a1rier eould sweep wheléIngth of the islait. GCet- i soiitherii (Ger(ma-ay, ulor- tjng utof Bastia Was, k e 'Lu111te1y, Carsica ia a tanigle of thrug aburing fdoerway. OOL There Goes a 0areI of grief forHiitlea c dose of concentral-ed high explosive ta bjast some skulýki-ng U boat fite> sud den oblivion, Relentlessly, menu,- after month, thi. grim submarine choase goes on , ,. and i that hwnt of death, Alcohol1 bas its port to PlDay. The explosive wMi which the "ash conis" ag* charged uilizes Woýr Alcchol' ven the prope font thai lobs the ctepth chiarge everbeard- con-tains his same Critiral War niaterialk A1coh0I is pr-Oîng ifs worlh 1 htse ai var days ýý. ;nh the facoryE, the laboratory, on the. field oý itt#4 its9u. Te make explosives and plastics, a tremiendous quainfity Alcohol is needed, Aeriaq compas-ses and other delicate instru ents are seal1ed ir loo As a practicai disinfectant, Aiýcbho1 is thée constant ally of dcïCtors ard- Mres. in the we1ding Of Ouf fighting machine, Alcohol 11as5 a iiiyrad of uses; every ounice that ctinqb. produceýd is needed noGW, That iî why al Our plants are on J00%war Production, o ~~*b~~ E 0fon