A~O Ut g I Local ew Loa b4 NE>wrtW ET Y$EIsAP{ he ~~ ~ CANNEN G P Thes Ferary ii-eetiorayloh h we-n a oe -t-olycsatyia h Tliw dz 1Ua afternoou, n oer 8lith ln it~ to tan ç . IMr. and ý ) t the honte of 's. 111. W1valsh; thie M lû. Now it has .thre~ differe-t i he Presidlent, Mrs. ~ILJ, Taimo, YeO-t ainined Iy thi P Mrs.ý an afi_ uiies UaI OiP ?esýidnt Mr3 Jl1r Walsh, preside tiiieg on. the three 4Ws. Tbe dinli the cha'ir. Wýsý 'D'vey ~o4e~ diitain IeeeÉii 4 ~~5Pionce~he ~ '~' l'lie 7meeti3ng op,1ened iriit Trno«e h ekhn. ~ ~ nrl sd re4terlie eor the devotiomal period and read the neaaprqlon the par of Os Ï'the; Car.g teettn _L beaii, l, iyugter, Ren A Tp t- yn O osi h ig'W nesadta etme,, btth diais con the east- Tsalm. 111 mling'i helpful eomintenit, ta1i o housewi*us.Relzg-te Leona d Jam s Pea s, d Ït.n "o The Bible readin.g and com mnents Caïn is iinproving- after h r 1een w ed so t a,1re a long -vý y out, tho ugh,-i she .diwelt on the verse ~ U i s ~ t e n u O i i o ii n i v l e , ýv(re ande lX'y MIts J.tieod fol si Orillathe b e,1 trikes on the right hour. 1 know that 1 ar:God heeivesit of le the n 3 s ctwell ,h atae tske place JÙE Feb- irere aenbM tted 1-isilem Snow% penetratei into flie tower D-rn thebuiness seso it ,v,ý feblifthpans Isela h mary. prar.»riedî e ng eie te- guiv Xfr M vartin Sisson left aï, à1cndeay Wh1ieh piayed ]]avec with Ouri 'reliahit deLided to have a social evening on faraeani lilleral nature oif the ï"!-- $5.00> te thtý famine and miedicail re cf this %veek for KCingston, to repor7t Lie plne.e 1,o\r pcseople dc net- know, Mareh 17th. It is hoped that the lowance. >Eliminating- the compi- CARD Or-, TfiA. KS 1lef of Iita and China. - to tlie Aremed Force,-s. when t-go lise te eat,> urdess they -con-regation wil lkeep this dlate in csted <~picto ehe e.Piee- ese the north dia1. im -and miake it a reai get-togethe.Baz l iiV elr sldtt n wish to extend ppreciation Letters and f-ards of thanks andi )Miss Beatrice Haviiiii Tbnto, A good programvme wil heprvie irst tell ipr ~ etynl ti -for the mainy ale of es h ivu preciation wire re rod andi the cOr- spenIt the' wýee-enjd' with- ier be arent, fer magre du r, b1jessau- ievtn vvas~Z ri structed Mr. and fiVrs. E. J. Rlammy. - -- -,cyLD DAY OF PRA,ýY1R - and refresliments will e ~gs neWi1ee-e d tey meagre 1se ziyip-,N 0 glt cartons ooff z_ý tiful 1Lowem eatended i v re- Ais this was, Francis Wiilzird Da, Lance CorpIOrel "Scýkyitnr - A'io~nalcre b t i, ar e eif - Te d i wil thti[i w, ýý,[ tlie - b t À)hai cent hereavement.-ILIb t J. Bo,en. a very înertsn accun wollre alvc ofe the vvlI ar- Relet Thops lase of thpV.A edc' iia l - Î alt - by M. Jacson ofthe lfe 0f iss fir das tons tis mek .-~eeting foi Speia I?5yer Seric l~- ilke T& take 'thin op attet - 'CAR - enFof tl-le I iSth, _M44.s 1 011 thsdayi tht!irui ffor thei'r 1 e o CAD OF 1'UANIS Arni WladagrtW.CTU i ûunibr of Oroino and OsIh. ir Oroo '15ýhis, Sýlerviîe o 01) 1>: -leidid- repone, alseo-the laIe j e e~ Th aiys h ueBr wre,viio -inter -becamie World's -cq 1 le attendedl the fiineral et' xved iin Park St.,. umitedj Ilwc -01 th "lie mCfichli fr a-new Mpfl ýOs fi ef person w -Seyn,ý-iuwish te thanfi their jha Ipresident hile W.'C.T.1U. J .Bie n tra a. February, 25th$ tt ~n -W~ ýn the Iadies t 0i~ pife -c 00 e n nn rah -1i Thte rresidlent r-end a le1ter from -- frn f et> r-e ionIaWs-tg n i.o s ton efe) fOol.n 1 w->r e hi t ,ýirî frinds o their thoughtful finterest Mr ies Spritneto o- .. o.Kae, 0 E-r eiin ,iygd n 'hi toe ltis -- - e'ta t- a irilly- canne, syirs.y aIcýý oý )IireIel the Boml neigh- (Il J1*sr tm z'tht conr giet t:ïtooda,- On th other ltnd, person-, hor syfor thr asstne a ki nd c rlh ;ri rdcs r ana i , -igalne witV hî - -si, jmp-o'a-- Atte the~ close of the -i t ~ us, i ii o-do me esn u c~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~lcfoi the,ïl reen 1ess of h ded ,I deeaegv sleide -a ins M i -and ,fs A. i Ke-,,,fi m' t'lrat on-vce Teb une ii4tb.-o 1 pregsanTie of a>~ _%exhag te(I ir Fm cupo ing > Dr'- iors rthe a ssist ancpotef h T ns ernctheertin i-vae- ac B ifeei in te e ato-Fa-t hcoupons pethy Mr, hfeornc Mi.Doo -nohbsî o Jttnk ,ep a1n r-cl a lbnmorons 'req(lîng -by ______________________ eld in Toienito last week. mil r.Bu'îy siperto v file Mi'ntdp'te194-a f >aes.~c î anil a du1et hy,)k1 Par> t, Unt The eeting closel with a hyor 1~e-n 1iitn wihfinslub ierom T'oronito o;ù e? GB. pal st. Ils 'nitdik wr Iii the drive for more rmnbljer, the anhpac',y Mrjs. D)elve. ton -- -- etvork, by 'nsvý. R. F. _'cW 1i s veryr i-hj enjoyed. - il isii t the n onily Eiuropeani estates in Nyassaland 0o- ~, ôeinin lneWinpOn Bo\e ~~sîgc<e ign'nB>rai1, (it, t îwrkngn fulil pressure. throimghout RETIRE~S AFTE1t 1ECiN L..C A.1i Blwét-K n hrdyatrûn brîaryi 4th, hyliiii and the iMdzpa h ene-,(Ea t-eounci 1 --942 produced apýpro.xirnîateiy 2000paents Mi'. t- lVr w if lew -il a >eht the year the or,-anization of atives -2t hnu. ett. --PjLESERVES CO P N never n Moùia1 vkiad kcVs i it epe-1l oL -for c-ollection of iid î-Utber p orO, nay--- --C0~ N ee o fl>il-psd-hon iras.s ekle tefatetbiieri h itrlJ t ->gJ~ 1rpij- defflCd 18,94-1 poimds of* hall rbr.tend(en'ec toM, C-».) BOuck by the A 11um11e4- of >townl - pkî1 have I NR1 JN C- RAU laý Eekoe Ds-i'ts 1uht4 Nh -vo .t te 1î i _ , ________________________ Stf Of then recodtc Co,'1- takeen adivnntage of- the restnt se-- --- - o'd SId ses of the Depnirtmcint oMf E cton f sand are g-etting ilain ski- Vlmnroved a ppy -ôtî l'i t . a t' 430 niles ant hilîf' or jusIt ovr Theve arce ý1, on his rctirýEeent ns Director of, that i1ug aCtiitY. - srves, hionü and molass~es have p e \- eiî miles a iniante. III >Bîrm ïig A ft~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~AisAlee-oti n the vi 'e( o-f D coupons for- these 1We are bus-y, but. 'wil4ake tue300 h enten. -Ms dl oto a »c ute hePieBsdt lue absvlg, eLs ý, ~.Iffks Mi'.d a. Mcl to, hisï - e ese, h Mortonl, -Te ontro, spn tic weck - nd item-s. Ont- D couipon owv -attis to take Ila' suibscriptlions. -- -- ail nImouits. actd a dieetr o cemeness oe ith their pIarentsý, Mr'. anMsA -h odrt 0i done fun ilu glowilag tern-is of -thé loeng- ald E etn th Ie d rt o120 fluid onpaes of enam, succcssff 1 tenure gf Mi', Bouck ns aidfnt - fud oi so teacher in hIe schools o Otaie Mn. G. W. lockiiood îs en. [elly niümldls~ciiter 0'or Mrs. Harteni, one Of thie stf,l d- in- the p)o\ie at the Flou Iced en--ur f ez. - GponTtNw en -~- hoo1 M ilîs-y the inistalla-tien o ag- aef honey lias -heeniiiceased to - :~~en ~ Oforer mmberDiesl eni e, - -94 ffuid o-u:nces (Iro poun0s) O-r tire - UECHRISTI.N 'CIENCE17 MQNffTO-R -> e-f e s am dc -the presenýtaItion. - -tan.d -s-ections <tiro ppo-nd ). D-1> -. -'A Mrfs, Ffilier p)rcsenited Mns.F Bouc-k Messrs. Milfned andl" Ro i -j i i i& piroduciag seasmn eil TU1EU-OSýiiiig~80Fcef~d sti~i wIia hjeantifl bouquet of> flowcns-. wVîn atte-ded tht er ofl th ateý Mn~y 33l, the coupon value of niplle in- Edit 'mias Are Tinuely -and Isstn*ace, zjd-3 -- OnPcabr3,1943, Mi'. Buk George Shierwln, of Penieli , o-n. Wd mirlp -,vl! le 40 fluiî olmces. 'Con- - ea-tures, Together wihb the Weeçly Magzn s eisie'-m ký copee an -)boe ero f5 nesday ef lest wvach poil- vaiues fer coril -Cane QI, -aii th£- - ~ Monitor au Ideal Newspaper fcr tis Home, - bln ale syrup have been- upped - -'--------------- -- YenIrs ns tench1er ili the seýhools of A M{ge s-hî t~,fende t,~ The Chirisuian Seiace Pubii-shing Society Outalo. , - e-~~ - - ~ ~ e One, Norway Streer, Boston, Maàsachusetts S le is the fethier -of Mrs. Ro ole unilt wras onpedadsetecun,- ' -aura Prie $12.00 YearIy, or- $1.00 a Moînk ~Forrester, Or-Ono, Ontarie. - Stra e nsatJze.'Cnr tc--isue, icludig M-/agazine Section, $-2.6o a ez - ~ - - ~ - - - - - - ntroduc ory Oua-r, 6 lalues 25 Cents. ALTEED RICERRCUDr.h Os. - oand MDi s 0.i~- o. À velunteer deapatel rider force, - - - - RTAILR FIEt~ $i,{ti« ate-- 1 tihe -Arclnrl osef girls drav-h frein- B-rit - -- Nm~ - - - - - Onratinjrla -E 1Ring is Govermi-n offices - ias been spe- ------- --- - ------------..... ------- --- J 1twan Hotel, To-routie, oThd-l'l cially tadied te cojpe \ vithbîer- - SAMPLEQ CPYION-RQUEST A ageToroito réetallar hsaet of, in t weel<;- ~ny h, e -ueg'e§bt Apply at the finied $1,000, -~yi~~d a - ~ tic- dress, hIve cras hlnisarid 1 ORONO TIMES ciFC oanecion tbLa- W~r -p~ Oe'sD~' lôy 4k 'tit d ay to r C si e oiedt: ~~FTC~~ Stanley GoIdStein-m , [ c-re l; ttnene' tsiu 'pnyt he hl n- ____________________________ ~t~nt8r1O~flt8~O firn, admlteiitLef i hic basic p)e'i'id evening-, Fejtiaiy I8h sis o odruccrrd withi intent to - tia-de prlce aý 2-net Contedy llrana. A dnIisslý io i1 r egula t ionI s. 2.5c, and 1-ht, Orono iis o ý1injuries I-ast ltMoxiday when e. c bis fooýt 'with an axe. Tht inJury ne- RED &WHITE STORES Rcn z eo'r tte Alo IT PAY TO1 PAY CAS home of and nls, G. Joats tr 'ee P I-C A L ,- Maple Leaf Pure Lard', l.b. print 17c Wi'. anid Mr-sR, S. CadrirF RUA Hlo::M. Ottawa umbig FeBRARYSPEIAL Sauer Kraut, Libby'"s, tin MsîEl Jn Aa «erandInSa nbeGod Fresh Splinnach, 2 Ibs. 3,5c M.Orme Gapshyslenied mn- S Lag renC lr,2 edg5 Wousiý'p at >St. P'aui>s 'fi, t ed S eet M etai Ladies' House Dresses ol Hse, of goqdl Vita Orm isea a-i mndeed nrmie for........... $1.49 size 7 1-2 to 10 1-2, Be Cerealte of 5 n st. rRclt-' Brok.en lines Cui-tain for........75r. Block the pork product, tin 3O c 'e .- Nets, in plain and New Spring Shades in Hoey am e or w'hrt 2uil 5cg e, in O A fancy, yard....35k. Crepe Ilose .....ý$1.50 Bok loea b o wht. 2 cd 11tIl-ia Xrst,vhi w-rill E. LOGP Crib Blanketà h,~ blue, Seceon'ds in SfIk HoSe5 2 Sure Whiep, bottie 25c ~oehm s--eetydsryda1~ ii,~ -odpWfr....5 I l 2 in I Shoe Polish, tin 10e iVrs A. hapînrj bas retuined __ _ _ _~Tea Towels, 20 x 33 in- »ow ii. Toronto fwth h-er riiece, Mis. Ct DELAY IN chas, 60 per ce nt. Long Sleeve Nigh!-t- Wieners, lb. -25c wads W1lie thewre she. ettended Eg - ieeah4t go sofodqul il e W W A M ~li nton )Ciurch aam&d listenedl te -tre S RV C N 'I Pamel orBrekfas Baon l 45 rener , pat a 1edlsh' 1 E V C N Eau~d Bag9s, boken -ity flette, special. $1.25