th of tam and, though it had flot yct horse set, the whole wild terrain OL ~side dl to- was plung~d into a shadowy twi- an light. For an instant the girl was i point of throwiog ~e~se1t hais- upon Corran, to wrest the s1x~glrn The tram hjm, to save Dave's lite, afin- (Contiriued next week) Wvheat is a breakfast tey'l be gad tA wakeup ta. A<d clong it that tempting F 'avor, they get a. betler breakfast! Why? Becaure Nabisco SItriedded Wheat is: imade frorn 100% Canadiari Whoue whear wit H tl he bran ond wheat em Ready-cooked, ïeady ta eat,,. Use the tested, practical rec- pes fIOund in every package.- MHE CANADIN SHREDE WacAT COMPAmnYLeO. Niagwa nFapCanad Fcist - No ohernatual erea isso rfich i h t k