ýr noiatn calves againlst blackleg before lnjeer (for adinfistering blacklegoids onlly> $210- ,,biquid (for use in veterinary hypodermic coes.u ..... $1.45 50 doses..........$3 65 ,dermic Syringe Outit, syiÏnge with 2 veteriti- GRAIN TETET Yt TretmeiiT, 1 lb>............ $1f. 4 lb.........$3,0 ED and SUNWORTHY WALLPÂPER oLur stock of liecw Spring DIJesi-gis in B3etteýr Préed from per single roi.-... M,.12.to Bue. nt. _,Spac. qt. $1,4SI5 gai . ... $4175 laut Drying Enamel, pt $!AD0 qt $1,95 gai $7.00 nrnish, pinit...80Sc, quart ,,>....,,$1,45 Varni .......nt....... $1,00 quart...$1,5 Vnrnih. perfectfor doors and liolumy, pnt $1,0 ................ ........... $19 75c, hier...39e 75c ent llags, (yam for in each -........................ ..50e, $1.60 Stick-Fast Paste, 1 pound mnakes I gallon of best )Nallpaper paste; made with cold water, 1 lb...l-5 .ail Brushes, Hand Brushes, large assortment to ehüooe from, each,.. 6c, 15c, 25c. 43c Facelle Cleansing Tissues> Heavy Quality, box of 300 for ............. , ........... kman Flowers Prescription Specialisý-t tries Tyrreli ORONO, Ont, 1Br'assiere,ýs, sizes 32-, elastie iniserts, eachl blule and tea rose,- ........................... .. ... ...$1 rs crecam, green, white, each.. 15c el irushes,wdh 2 inches, ail ,mooth jobs, each.ý........ ý.5 C. -p anid 0one-piece Screw vPlugs' tachmn-ent Plug, each.ý....... 5c. ,ires, deep frames, 7" x 9;10" , priced....... .... 25c to 98c ~ornredtyýpe, ivory with green ............................ ........20c mnedium size, each......... 29c pefruit Julice, giant tins, no oz. botties, 2 coupons . ...38c s, 16 oz botties ............ 23c, z botties....ý ,..... .. ..... 32e botties.ý......... .......29e Pekoe Tea, 1-2 lb, 4 coupons 44e e, 1-2 lb, 1 coupon ,......... 25e COorn 1Meal, 24~ lb pkg....15c Flour, 2%. lb pkg ....... 32e cake Mix, 4 ozý pkg . .ý. . ,ý15e Paints for insîde or outside priced, quart ..69e ~TO $1.OO% STORE 'LAR SIIOPPI-NGC, CEN,,ýTRE PrivatIeAmuac utt and SmithH ectors arm FýunitureDelr SY SERVICE st4 fanerai at the ms the largest tsiil nk what it ns, to find letter into