>ge Littie, Girai Of 1 Uravel bpent a Fe-w sa In Leskard Ditriîct rming and Painting £ollowmniews item -ifrom -Ith, he toyer oftrne Capiwtneatr<bý inÏgly illustrates th e courage .naity a'nd genius di(splayed '! ork of one of Mur yunger Cana artits osewh love Canadlian Ilandi ss will be ýaïrested by 'Thk tBok"a rustie scenie, thai Uts glint of light on the wind- streami, russet leaves shadowing e grass, t h it of a hil in th, gro-und, ïs substarntially painted memiorable for luminous effects, other ir. the sanie genre îs, pse of thre Orono countryside, distant blue of LkeOntario ed with pastel shades, spacious ,i fields (liversifirjd hy buckwheai ooand over ail, white sum- 'me ~ ~and an a mural Lse, 011 ncing Plan Offered J t'han deo hnn