daymrning at teTîimes Offlice AE o1n~ oatemeig~C hP, sO Soiiý. solid brick A., F. McKENZIE, MLE. (_)ýnano Eý,-,citîV, Candian ANGE N houseJ) cernent fo)un- Red Crosýs SocietyY G l( ay 18, that lhe Conmenw» Ong 11Monday, May 2th,. dation ctj pyt C . pHYIl N and SUR GEON efforts of the-. Cmaaian Red Cross C0 êItY iWil' comm-ilence CaÎi, nO n.a1-p > or $ 1.2Society wa second to none and stoodiea4y. Wag dÉlivery of riik. ICI______________ 21 r 1 and 70 ryiaoe al others. Thre cmiteat flt yourbottleou Spdy 2.(O t 4.OpR.;S.30.a 1,O Ea Genv hre et aecert i.Regu ni ilk dblivery. onFRM ORSL IOE71OON R. -. orrste, Pbliher you how much they appr-eciate your Sundays, Souh Haf Lot 1, Con. 4, To-wn -______________ help and assistancý:e in the work for______ po lrk bot IJ>0 es, e 10 -prisoneres O!f'ar in wihwe are ail In the wake of the Unted acres ayd,<w4o ý uslisoie cedar, EG AL ,so interested. Everyone aeeations'red forces %vîll follow spe- cereek iear Jrnldîi'/hose i n good Xar and Posit-War Economy I1T S im-prea3sed wVith the tremendous ef-i fl relief uniýts and speeialdsts i,,n condiion. Teir.qs Zsh. LawenceC. MBoA 1 Enet . aterr Adinistýcro81.aon hasrdo!infatonconrots fort put flortih by (Cantrada. relhabildtation;, Preparation for this o1oiao Wr~ s~e ecs that, the atio Ipolea tin- Ernest L. iMaag, delegate of the relief work la engigo iofRbna r m-- t Barrster andSolicito is pnmmanily a ~Internationsal Commîittee of the Red pr o hAllie nan 9plan as__Ce, ________________ by the co-operation(of every Cnain. Coss, madethe presenkotinof bon- 1____ofthe_______invasionplans.BOWMANVILLE, ONT. orary miembershlips and badges o!fO King, in a broadcast spieechi on Dce- service to niembers of thec Division, year is exceeding the quota of blood LSTPhone : int that, is worth reproducinghe: in recogni.îtiofo ser-vicýe. Volunteers donations set, by 46,521, Russell T. A Redd4ish Rown BeaFgIe og wstai ýorkers at the iiwo warehouses, and Kie, lnito,'eptd ound, four ,vhiîep v n hite Office 68HRme 53 iss 1philt,)ifîÂspoet on ahoulder. eýast sean lj j the ______________ tie agahiet iinetheoyment hiof theSociety were ainong Ian iR. Dowie, campign hainan, icînity gr play 140 igoiug ust filrst of aul son the battie thPose honore.gaefia figureýs in 'Ontaio' a~~nngnîg 17 E 1 k Meeting, niddOýver lbY iMm.Ar- paign at $5,409A000, ane it be4adlr ived W11V.F. VJif i swepsa contr themas o! he hur W. 'ýEllis. was hel'd at 9.5 Welles- Tliene are sonne 2,14pionemu o!f oni Orono. ARSERSLCTR a 4clinry ile ias oft1S ley Street, To,,ronto, Ontario Coin- w var, inchuding thouse in thie fan east, 1RITR Sý,cýO iascrup-ulous indhviduais may temipora-r- mssoe Stafford Roberts repnted wth meibers increasing and eýspe- NTR Fepese of others, in the lo-ng rni that 49 ýpat'iotic societies taking ially Air Force personnli, 'lanaaMSCLREIA hn paee wi'h ising pnices, This has been parti the receta lRed Cros", carn- Said ni his P'. 0. W. next-o!-kin ne-2 i other coujintries, but it iîs within he paige for fuands, had raised $-12,000. port. Toronto ) Braaeh -with i654 Ieads d!Ro eserve n ark a u6h,!4rr citaitto be heedt it hParkst. Churcli Office 825 eiece48~ a topreent t hppening hiere. Li!ebuoy Fouies hasd played to 42,- and iremnainder arle represonted e &~pm rgam xiicf)itBWAVLE N' 0010 peuple and raised over $19,00 hrugi220 Lraaçela inthe ,orv- . 85pr.iram ,oSS lT ts appeaning fi this newspaper, spoli- !OrRed 'Cross in Ontano, ince', ComitteWS task is tlhat ~o! ý piancolosoansd duets by pupis________________ ýo! 'ontanloj, demionstrates the impoi't- 'GreÈat expansion)s we n -Jn thekepg ail the next-o-kin supplied sfM.W C ye, ~ a--______________ ings and the dangers o! black markets. Eimergeny QN'Wièng) Resenve, underno wth information On postal regua- sobst, pupil o 1 acsonRcnvlay, _____________________ ýtdy thiýs 'eries cnýrefully. dreio ifActiig PrýovincýialLeader tions, next-of-kin parcels, changes o o owmanvulll, oun n_ta Dud~ly -[irs A C IcKnzt'le member- prison camnps and othei, informio be grealy apprciated, Corne and DRit . E SERWTIN ship isý close Co 12,000 inabout 200 on pnisoners of war obtained froin sgwf",I aeo ev n Sotunits t -hroughout the province, De- the National Rýd 'Cross Enquiry, riag your nire dw3la ae o!heavy on velopiet of tlitispro ject is toý be Bjureau at OitaV W.Vok shdîd nainogramme w 7til er heion DO. Y, T.SHEPTARD eOfteerîdi oLe Wtwnr peniod and ifhnoug'h Liaison Officers o! branch:les,. týn VETERIýu1NARY SURGEONS e~~ of the iMIoth c~~-iadr-id lan publié heath work -, ia ilce begilning o! tihe year a supply!StreMy2t.Sle o fie Mi t rn ba it hanppeared in the press p-neJdptha enoeae at Divis ionalPho56r7Ooo fe and cwise storage o!finter clothie. Mn.lC. Bruce Hill1, preside n-elect headtqua ters, to) assist branches lai ANNUJAL MEETING thng and aiso the thrity course du- jdteeeuie Yuhv v~ obtaining, cost fre, cormodities no ng ji s 1nslog fns possible. Normal reason o be pnoud o! the iRed Cross lionger oUbnable in the open Market, Duiham courl Trustee's aa for making inroads into the life o! Our Corps girls in Englnnd". Reporig for anext-of-kin pan-eels, inclhig de- Ratepeýyen-'s Association -wiil hol J. C. GAMIEY a !oothold in Mhe bargain, then thle sit- o h nw entiag o! the Naioalhydnnletýd vegetab!es, spices, ehipped their annual meeting la Bowrtnan- iTTz AfyCE iVie said beef, malted milk tMtpijville eI Nne TRA n 'C3 worse. C~~~~~~~uncil,!P 'iicanadian lRed Cross tbes ent o ue1t hrdy t73 ggetins lt semigl cmmedale waspnpe-d o-nck5,80000pn- utteýr. pNeiv -nps showing ail pni. -1ap.ii, n the Au41ditoriumiio! the Ew ggesions-ýý,th sen-inglywaýsprepred e pak Pr- isonen o! war camips la Genmany wnî 1 man.ville IHîgh School. mAn Injteres- Fire, Caualty, Autm - onb atci ou edes e vruhg soes Ho w asaeli thi yer is su- e ita bnaaches ini the next few ing programmne 'viii be givs-en ,îWth bile UaktlLiability zc icl oý eiorughl sh ae ath irsh Hestatritios en ain ited su- Dr. Atitose, Toronto, -guest spenkei% ________________________in_______ Wake j e h pe to ee every shoot board O rono - O n a j niake PDavson. nj ndr a epresentled, if you are intenested _________________ Ii-jy fluf whi c gtes inns ns ae xvein-de wy for the 1o Olat our "rural clctoa ytmpa UTOER j'y . T u r u a i lr ffpo cd eet spwi t hl fi 1ie Cig sa tla -rEl t o a t t e n d .a esand collars. Thie market now O!f tesoad orespoedfrAT E S NAtýi.Cote Mr..R.opr tais which have the sanie protection !ctryi ade m, o be Shipped to WE P M . cne eJ LCue h do not carrythe objectionmîe odr o!f nian.Anutriton scbeme ni to be E. . A T R O Presidetit Sec.Treas. TE efrenli air, 'Old !ashioned nn-phthnlce e arnried out this suu-ier in tho <lOut- Intsuranîce Agency Millbrook, Ot.On n, T ýe cloýthe-s left out in thne sun"shineý and postL hos.pitais arens la Notheru on- FIRE AUTOMOBILE, alea iwanlastorage lbags stand a very taicO--.uton ad V eýnt o! the above-mientioned c ýry,,staîs is Red 'Cross Corps Meaib'ers ain 1-ý CASUALTY AND LIABILITY ', 1~. saront î ,e adare ult anio ihave given a "m1ilion bours o! Phane 244-14, Clarke iourt o vsofi tutsActir-Tlsales e I l 'as r o tenirkt ad evieat qa cSofo!less fVlnathons- eWATEp o __ 3 t raonber t,. of nien'Sscsits and laies' dresses. 1sudECAdLEl.lareaLes COURT 0F EIIO N Cý31nm'r!ate with Whlm nt per,> thin,,gs to bhastored awa.These in- Grae de o oolno isu o RedF V10' AN, nies nlins nissokig ni rs kier nOta1 5 j-REPRESENTING APPEAL PerI, ontario, or s3a hiz lark whieh rrniay huewvssveave ve- ing th ,le workers mcliha is for Borne of the ILargest. Sstronge-et E. Motn, at DOnQfor 'ae e. Newsýpapers iay also be o! service t1he present tbey no johger have to and Ment Reliable Ipaurance Nidce j'S h gbyveên tiat the _______________ 0 berather êffective as mits dîslik contend wit'h the harsh xvhee-lîag Firnks a inCanada firatsiul&ttfg o * awspperis often ýso bittie nlowa- wý>ool, snid Mrs. John C, Fraser. No,ý teJ CK R I b,(rownpape--- shQufld 1go on the outside sllr as Vt ivrwa i onTb LCOURT C4REVISION J C R I .wpae t ereas -n liaing. Seallnàg wolenwhen a rescue 'tekes place Fn rpryfor, the -Town"ýj4' ofClakef vi b Lcnsd utinerand a nmoh£MeAS Ony a very suanilpace et ses; forý ail rescue sbips; are now a Specialty hld in theT qu~ inneVlae Lcn d OU1of ocli 'wMie gummed brown papier equipped 'with45 survivonýs' bJ)undles. I a p epared ta quote You t9 Village Vainator_> ds o! brown pape', pasted 'witb oe1hpnsfoi the, Ontanlo Receiv- rates fnomr 40c. a hundred, TULSD,4y, JUNW 6thi, 1944 Specialize filnFarm an id effective, A convenieiitplan is to "Depot, Jnnunry ItoApnmil -0, la- accordin;xl = no tth m !2~Upn. t erad uutr al mnes o! the gootis therein, as they my crighospital supplies, dressings, Building utrrethce b"eof erai onhepraitsaive ae one cold day eut Fal wheýn they are mon ïfrforwes and ciýVilinans, dsur- mnie lu he AiCnutm o ýe o! expenlVe furF, it is 'wise to pae vvn bunidies, capture parcels, nn ms in e ssessmrenit Cisl lî,frterns ,e ern. PossbIy 'w are-,ila abte toliet bags for the ATSadsew- phone, write, or botter stilil, Ro:ýl îfor the sýaid Muaicipality for an dte rai to>wns to combat Éthe mnýoth, as we iî!lg kisfor British imother, tota LI,- caLi wil -ý,l 1be p1e&seclto quot. 1the year -shine and ! resh air than i d ourcibýy 174,515. Latter two items are made yurtso yu rpy Ail pensons bvn uiesa h hn 60 - Cak st nifoths ms ewaged to prevant a oepes-htee eRe rs. which wililsurprise Yom. Court arreeqesed te at t hea __________________ On1tanio Îla tho f rst quartero! i e*_______________a!osld Til Can,.oý c-neTownaeihpCik. F TheChngngSce~eOrno May 22, 1944. son-c ()r NonielAt sAil TMdhin g about tOm present-day butter situation hias, a terdency --- ir cent decrease durAg Che fVAi fDue Wt traOur though back tothose tinys o!ftbree orfour decaies -ego SA EFuneral Drco ld to butter production,bas compoled ahea 'the cenetral cemelswere onfly coïnng , nto therw,!and 1A¶.JIN 10 anniouaco n temporery reduction la when hai f oMte fanaTi noin mctheir <own ibutter et homee. FriueDae È, b)einýg effected by postp)oa"ing until1 Those -,ere the dayvS 'oton w eggs 'wevre ncptdon thoir 'menitsTh uesgndlarcev!ABLNES VC ~ o!tha coponwhib wouldothr- itiontthetroble o! cnndling, gnndin1g or coin We are tii -intuton anînil. rn flmst- o!(es. No oubt many la i- -hat apples rwere onietmes dnied at home and were seld Vo the locail f àthe decneased aoutsonxebng o! store fri ~ whenwe tbey wene ret'ailed te the publicý. "Tr'tdling" ,rwas FRED CROSMAZ hn,:BwnavIe a 8 3eople, both mnin -A womien, peck, ri corniion vouensd i t wans quite cui2tomary to brnin a abse osei by 1publjee. ancatli et Ni !X 4 and 57 Such lunclhes are nyather hbeavy on tho !bttro eg nee n plsadtaehm iaee a jnded o!na previous eioil.lawbcneede-d froci tinstre One hard 'wokig son o! theb uwo rsLt3,Con. 5, Uope Twnship Ooo 7 era subs-titute scbas lemrgnnepparently an aistnt lover o! "my la1dy nioie"was sent irt r1 u~~torth o!flerniess> -!_ith n consigneinamentrepec aof drietiappios 'xhih,cb he'ifr, ad idsnosy~ak~ihSipTeO~sLretadMs sscbeapyoelaeeyrset prepaned. WVVh hlm i ero n norder ifor the varions neessary bouse-eodetLret n ls nds la Ohe Uited Klnmand la the i boid greenies. Uon bis rourehome iV was founpdthat he had on Cmlt untr tr n Mreove.r we sboulid ho quiteotn cnpeely ignored friend wî!e's instructionstan liaed trade4 the 'HI$ALN ,14 oe uea eVice in ytbig ese fr tat atte, i thse etir shpineat o! dnled ape for tobacco, The good lady's chagrin albs~amSok apeotec:Dra cees are Vo fane botter. J-ay woýliehoimlag.ined a! ten al, the teio)honio peeling aidr ýy. ýpot in the tbutter ,ýsituation 1for the Sf-a - nig, and al the explaneation n justificatcrionhne" adcudofn Hne u evc.TEBS ionr o! coir no being kept upon u iras, See wbat a lot o ebcof ot wnt ae obu ny oriB . Horse Our Goada-THE NEEST o! heifers, are coming lanto mtntnlong tme noir. Hre le pouoe 0w'esPrWi be-THE LOdeWcEST ~e orton ! tese-xiiibe iuîo! e-Anecdotes 1%k% tihehe ae oid a'ioe ofucl ! humr. IGreycoaw, 8 sye jusi rni _____________ uestion. This labor angle also Iîs ap- Tïiie n'ust have been a' sense o! neîgbbiriness as people galthened tL - i - Rney Hee, 2 years, cal! a thore is a shortage o!fqalmiedbt- )Witrionscuýý types ýo! produce at the stores, and as,they bêonght forý foot. - e Rlig leford Steers. 9 M RRt &SO p for,- the su,,rnuer season vJhich i issevsl eu- u h agrmneshv aknhI ! Yaln DnaiIties OMoNViLE&-ORNO îlanigtei ota rtha n- esnSed o a mreuý.Nifonntheclar9ns of gouda.aknhod fg uhanilefes