= s IIn Allieci Air Su The Promise of U] which drove teinivadpe Ibaclzfor' 1 bunitdre-d3 o! mifles but failed te crknsî Mhl, the R, sansummier e offensive appears te bpu slowly grnigte a hait because of au- t tumtkil rains and istiïffeing lÏGerman ac r~stnc.The Red Armuy con- t inlues to advane inte White u c 3ia anid te erans aire evacuat- îa th Ueir last positionis in the Cau- 7 cais; but Melscorw as reports that the major part of! thefront alonmg the Dniieper Rtive,- is beiag EAU CLAIRE DISTRICT Between North Bay and Mattawa SYNDICATE total e frntg , MUSCO VITE ica - T'le preferred It is Superior to Amiber ic (phiogopite) that the Germans thireatenied catast hoïCp es for a f u r van)ce in force1) p)ostpronýed un1tiil I abete launmcb al fensive, says t'he Air Front 'But olne front pective o!. amn the CTiited States ce a able te 11Sreod.Bri r, Ka ýel, Franki1- ther tewý,ns have #nld dulring the adi iiights' theuiair al D1urýesd home FAUZED AT $10,000 4,000 units PER Without Obligation - specting Syndicate, mnountafins. 'The àairfieldutheý'frC arer few and smiilall1. But1the y prbbycan aind wlll be develîop- ed. Perhiaps what hIappened te Cor- Sica ivesus a reviw o!whatý wlbappen in Fac. le he Germns taredfo withidraw thDey feuad hemelvs truligý thbroyigh aniagr population al readly armned. Maniy were abse al. -1 ainnihlated before the French Gom"and AmericanRngr arr-ived from Africa. Tbere luý a traiî of Germran bWood alorIg theý whole lengtb of the isanù, (e1 tlnIg cont oofBastïiawas like eep thiroughl- a burinng orway. vuaner naval front but it t11e ftact na te e r we ,,0ntÉ inte, effect Septemnber 22. Gr.0eers andshper wose'il aplerect teonsmeathrougli the ubli rnrket orfrom idoor te vor îl beentltled te thse in 1th(iÏ'own isrct.Thlat is ïtey receive teU ic gro"-wer' price, makvp Sae t etier reUdte -a !tt the ýon.- d iea saï !m wh ed-1and Te tise zen bec have ber dur tise erda price has br which is te ~hinnpr'g ~eei' about, t î il ;e crenp faled L To ma k e uie of !regs Pools that, TheR su*i. Reported Free The Mari time proine contet, d andKntils Scoià ppl maketng oa ,pple idsry s ie ai whretie pices aeset oýl bsso! t1le standqard bxwra andii on a ...lwa bas La althree znes', i sale fiadretail cejlilngýzare et thce basi.s e! tisebaslec ceilitg ng4 'prieforir.a en packs and 2 ire'tailers hvete b broklen ,lots efap Slisppers und ,le Storagec and simial after Deceniber li 30cet a bar-rel 26ý cents a hampes s on cent :barreI of gri-ef ýfor Hitier trated high 'aýxp!,osive to biast some sukn bhivron. Retentlessly, mcnth afte-r month, îti gos nand 'r, that hunt of deatti, Aàkoi ïhe explos-. wili which the "asti coans" are Alcohol, v.en the propellant that lobs ts ard contains bis Same criticol war mateyial," 0dbt I 'htîse cil Var days .. in thýIe facryý e field oÇ le itseif. To make epoie dotes quantity Alcohol is aeeded. Ae-ria delicate inistru entsh are- sealed in alcrhr4L tan't, Amchot ib the constant aIy of doCto:rs- lding cf our fighting machine, Alcohol bas a ounce that cari b. produced i3 needed nowý Plants are on 100%o war production,fo R RIS, 1.L1MITE R sEA adj anyttieilnGoene That The( Apples WM During the 1'er and U2.i CALF n pric that t will was kîllv 1 A L IC 0 H 0 L ITS RART