Littie GueQ Park St. rs may ha,ýve enkt Iss Which mrk rvices of Pairk St 1Sunlday Sellool s1ýt plae e again it thie speaker More Tihe WaIlS toto durg théis sevice an o9teing hcicouki wefil be termned a benedic tioeven as wasethe sermon YDr. Licte. Dr. Little hand based this discourse on t1he niiierous scriptural phras-I î1 'hich wve owas "enfcion, the beautiful languageakn t These sentences brought ont once': nuethe triuffh of the sttement tha,;t heBible is P, hlierry maisterpiece. A wealth of spring bloýsSoms anI-d flwes dornied th chuch -Ms. R. >11. Brwnwas the organist, and iss AuyBil!i])gs the pi'anist fror th-eif occsio . Ushers 'had been chosenf from arnong the senior scholars, aýnd these Cared also for the ofFer-i toý ' ry, While lîttie was said regarding t finances, Me total sumn up to AWcd- nesay of $2O9A.O with more prom- j( ised, s'hows that the Sunday Schoolj -il pnot be impaired in its wvork b lack offus in the coming yeas'. T'he m-loring Service saw a prom- I abn exercise wherein pupils advance il eld for New Bacon Lent which wil su farmers af when Canad~ r bacon agree Kingdoni. Th nus ýof ao n urngth e ew:1,