s p e 1.iKe PteareI Toronto, sparntlPtBoEdrn, ertiied 0M Eiigýlish HDealth Sal1ts, 'tllgan efehig l ua 11 J . the week-end iat Mr. George Ovensý-. is spend(:1ýin urcIave ip Bos 1e1-large one pourni tin for ... ..... ....... ......>.. ..... 5 M.rs. Ceclil Walker has moved into mits. isleve wth bi pr- Fruit Sait ............. . 3o9c. n R.D. No. 1 TJYRRID SE 'D CORN Vr.J. Paeden's house south lof the Miss ?Reaice Thoipsi. Toroute, hkoal athit, . .2ead7c parsoniage. speni' the week-end iSa Ilpatc ....î . - .E.. ......a. L2 66and 645. Rounds, os. 606, 64" Miss GJarol Broolks anid girl fr-lid, Luxon,- To-ronto, spent the weelk-end at their Miss-Ani Thompsoin, R.AF. ~~RJ «S' cottage here. Dafoe, Sak.vitfi lier mother, Mrs. tC mfr Su pies IR SE CORN Mvr. a.nd lMrs. J. Sîtark, Donna and Foothompsonoand-îrphur iRd f15(medju a.fl t); ébttîawen 'sp-et Sn awih e prets Cogrlaton 0 Mr n Mr, Marathon Liïýineî#i fr the trecatment of Atietes Foot, 4 oz.. ?u alt(asitnIenry oy h aèrtd their for ,.......................,........., 49c. 12 ounces for . .,98e. e2ri(r , eite .NewtJonville friends are sorrýy to 5,Cth wedling nnier 1ryo-May 2, Mrto otPwe..2e nahnOnner . 9. hýear Mr. Brock Pethick is very Iow v /Mr. and A s Russeil Wi11an aisci Sani-Ped Foot Powýder _,.......40e. ReýxDAi Foot P'owder.......3 in Ne%%eLlstle. Beverle -y, T'oro-nto u pent the weeký- YMennecn's Quinsana Pow{ler ..... ...... ........... ... . e PE ~POLLEIAT e)SEED CORIN 12,r. MWiIIis Jones accompqanied the end with Mr.and Mrs. M!1tionRob- Nv-Feet Medirated Inis for tqiiil; and iastinigcrnrt2 Roa Co mioer n d I Sue i ison. sizes, per pair..... ............... .-.. 25c', S' ni No. 7,Gùt Bailey, endeait toGdeil on Mondiay. 0-Bua--r as... 5.1h~JyBnonPd.2 f-i en1nse, O ME1O T E RhBY& i-ed ayCorrn Padis, ..........5il. ad, ox.......,.,.. . ..,,,, 0 JaekÎ) R -e n aononMr.an1,s. PERYG.POub," f Seole ZnoPdsfo ua s, oxso uin ag cn * ~~.i ~a m r. avelnd M r , klg r W t takýer T r nt, f ie e re u a f o m i e b x o 5 f r .. , .. .... . ........... 3 e Ip, nl ndT ri edguests of 31svmother, M us. W. For,(-h is parents 'hIve be n , nform-coilSove Jack ih r sdMs J / orri , M .an d Ur..1, G3Dub.rf s a 1cý7, e,9e. amfi, 5e P4et h ys fo 111.0 aY Y M c o n /il Oroo, amwatten'e41te -Siuay 2rTvotfurm e d o t o rturn ry ori )w1ent o if1 'r .. '2) k n l n T m pSe ,eosof Anivesamtry. M ýto Toronto when par lie wa' 1 ,~ithis evtaSubr ran., 9. ham as ftes - ro oMr.is 1'4etyS-rithte ncster pIarntsETEltohr, 1 2l h mAr ______________________(,,,-,Y__l___tie!U r.day gest oMr. aJ. Mrs, raiSuanJaFrtnsiulier oiM t U.,29., AAG e c,59.a .., .......7e 1HuHÀul l3est, Orono,,and att e nde an d M f rt. dw r rt, 31/,nÉ prro-,tyuAswîtheregar-nts DIJRATIO Th S ul. nnyie hol ivra ry. ',0t r or frornl , v LEGish rm îd ra -DO -ýc ýL1 Wih eleT S Moth Kiler,4 ewr3c9cesi. p M11. and M s. Sichie1Lanbasterparents..n . .t.bere19-12,dewà a teof ut sian 3 yý s at 0e. an .,.. ..........1. 0 ~ ~ atr, bot9. ....and , .., 4 ,vee Sndy gc-ss f -'r an Mr, iedSuznn Fci-inAgent fr f OT JDAcMAGE lo er tmUn Prescription Speeialist $50.#6 for a pair1of-tigor ....ablets p k g. , , . , ... . 1 hoes.h I r a ePhtV g roo Plar nt oda pg . ... ...... itl a- 1 e Gar te lan _o................$.0 w er ofe. 9 5 ts or wages, and thatn Hu r Sou C omntio er sk .. . 5 dprsscription fsupplies - mtshbnntses.....29 Ile n 9 V'p-ringcop te ih ok ,k....,..5 Aeroxon FlylGoovs,2oforon 7 ,.lee. Doz..., Food ts- -,vgs ? ,mAiils, s m or t e m o e y nus eh e s o r oo d l k fi e plk y p o i er u î git nkh- M I , b t l e . . . . . . . . . 5 ices~e Leradierosbuy befre prree enists haringevSttinthv culdgetlr 1 0 etsPode Puifs iii...of...elour,2c35,c and 1e S Cnt-es Emer>foards oeni ........1e Sentinl Firs Aid it etis, ecplon, ahsv plaste, bagtcae, cttn, inbo Sopr et...........,.........29 Cottaged Curt&ný!s fih col&re orderns, et .--r 82 tie s re, pa ic '.y e0 1ý Mer _1 b yi lC_5Il, adre ' P 'nt S n te -' . .2 e an 5ec everyIj dy hrd -1 drey gd thehhaad of everyone with everybody for for e5 colors 25eC_114...da d29S BaIl x roocei BIar-dsa1 doziteinebch.........9e- Lyn' fee "n1t its, chIntbiù, coupne.,.. , 49e ; -yAy>1er, V geZtIe 2$o't tns...........1c te Ceoztwthrlifthtage -iRO Ctclt- Swt o $10SOREdsý S_ -iilli-c-iei t Sunheitce..t. ofe livingj Èlire luba c u1trwerm d e lai f- t o realize thafo tlçea an iha3 beeofusnlmiinkept wltd-h1l 1 ..-ad gi[) ute-r e w izz- -Nwbolunds.-'ibo ndJsin -YIrLlyiiIle tge'r Moto-lr Eqlpen* rivate Ambulance tatre aded ff1 z ha eanstv9at Pi niYLR OUA HPIGCNR i n l ti n m i g t p a f i q d d b h s p a t h y n t I D NS1C U T E YS E V C a re n ig3h v e b -. t y n8t e 11 s orn îe3 m o a y ,E u p e e a e t r f t z u de-f n r i a h n