Durhamn County Federatioxi 0f Agriculture Picni*c Junei John Tamblyn Received ICanadi*an Bred 7-year-olI $1,500 For Heifer Caif Holstein Brings$ A J. Tamiblyn, Orono, received Red Cross MYeetinu ý 1 f1J~ ~ See-year old ~15Ofor a seven-mionths-old h eifer____H sei.Mnîi "or 00~Qat ti elf May the ai r onl Hdseaies eua Jn eeigo h ~' Over CKCL Saturday vwood Sale held Junle hel ~ay3~ at raptn. Sh ws rono B ranci of thle Redý, Cross so- ',ýedar Dale AMonvie patsy, aq gr- ud hoYTis is- the lh aghrofthe famlou's oentvic iet nTusa fenono atý' r _W, P. Riu!ar M- P- for Du-r- for n Hoistelnfm onheur Piet.je B., and lher purellaserwek Thrwa vryitebunss ' hu-m 'cZuit_ ~ilI bron4sIt-oel iercn cnie ,vas H. L. Gifflber-t, Verchees Que-ovl la-d, s mefnsot!,,e eu-i OK o Jl adl.o SaudyJne1t e ti eta ie B. 'ilbr ec. IMr. Tamiblyn asosecuri d 20cle o uyan uut .0p.m, Tliis privilege is g-ÀenLoria Fa rmn, IJHdson io afie-oth-od ul iaf f Th ldisar u l' O worlc as.......to al i.s rom P'arlia n 'l ui, n-d topped the, Moui sm arblood limles. Mr. AM J. Ta ilietl . osil.hogh te.....pesI .14 gm byn, Oro-no, sold a twýo-yeai-o une ots nmr rice r uh osokPr lieelf fo $42ý5 aniafiemo-nedd an the wa ece acia lij 0 h ighest prie ol ul or$50 . .Joe& osTer aYarn on 'handwih frc '~iuiyiiaO Eatr- for a IHostein feuias ,Nowcastle, received $350 for a twû 'tins fo .1.ht.ing mateial .or.P...... y.jsire wnis consign edb r-jahie, 20fravem 7 ias aand nder etol-he .......... lu NeIw neaith Plani the 'oylBrentwýod yearuidheifr, $210forac~a-oldîe .Mrs. lHesper Dean il suppiy hae.asGenL OUl and $170 fo Yôp iielaerwa 15,i lifer. mnb-?dany individual or groupe with trHî-). R ~Vvap~oiva ih i , ,Iiltin-g 1i1 cor!tînue - th i n M1 of Helth diPovied ilast Cedr Daile onhiet John ruiekshank and H. Bruce Oï-ï-ange 1Hall ding Juino and we probth - miser laatwo-ear-old granld Jtn, &ho ap o In !nY Pur- àably in differenat humies -during Jul Ywek btdnty will occupy a1$00) o bruli ehasedthe hih-class sevn-monts- an Augua. '*~ promninent fflace in the niew heal-i2~~cwbo~h Rock whehiilas '-proosas *f he ntajo o ea-bred by (cedar Dale oldbll caîf, Snith Hiaven Ha-rd Plelse -get in touch ith Mrs> C>me011ron, Who sold ber 11,ck. Ilew s cosigedby S S-i inittlhBbe ioee i anf--yoI intci 1flhelpl I À 0aU Dbs uneNA Teof Bancroff ,HeatdeFlintBncrftFlnf i-Mili ,1aven 1Farm Woodstocl. and workc, as quilîs are awysnedd ITALY lBRI¶¶[SH TROOPS BRIN4GIN 1MUD G tTh inoeroflichdclrd a broug-lit $90n0. the thnird higheSt Our boys and gil nthe front l7inos AwuddGermian soldier is brought ,down <~ tret-h 11, a p teto pa motoprevenr it e n oo0d. rcoof thle sale for a bull. ilarea't getting a vctomonanu sector oýf the Sth Arly front. isr trol hu the country 11 Filhe 163 Caý,nadian-bri A feature of this sale ws Hec________________________________ this the dental profession m-rust give -ergdS,43,cPs ~drawing nof the lucky t:.ict o ai'dgiac dniin a A Lien te egrrasle voa E. 4.Werr's Barn4 ANIVERSAR 1d.giac n pno s htte gnrlsl vî liie afwiheaad$ OQfrMrs. e ffHenry SRICSbest intorests of not offly theniselves 79 bind. ieThi 15 tb tithe Red 'Cross. Thris animnal, -len- Ctý r-liRVCS utte pubdelcmy -beLserved, D1 ae)utetwayf aftoa arlBlsowas wn b y uesiroye Bsy F ire Z T . e"g i vîztf heBenooise _____ L idIJnie t ed CGhulrch will be heýtl on suîl--Ocniet 'wo a brautind f, hebin.Fine, believed to have bee tan- da, Jn Ih Mrh1sric - L îng $1,60ber0, tiha oied L so e nt ry on hlr~j paigwt h uerlsrie rtelte 11.30 3Jithle, t Jr. erca us-5RN tothie Red Cros. Her fina wciachsietoedteLiae rGog eay h eîddtog tspealer. Aitsic thesohooL, coupons for Sa] -'asH.L GilerVerchieros, Que- hr fM.Ens enacrE-mle ot fMrhlSs. ~ At 7,130 il! he oveilg Rev. S. Liite- M. aiy aiey, of the 1.... bDre. This bings to a totl of $,ý- nakleno-M ada f lasi,ýt we.bîïth ~ntd(bsh shalli, - 1'tove 000 cýthe funds risdby thfmlbisch-,ospartly covered y nsrac ,oariday 1fternolon. _May 12th, 1944-1 lr' wl ~ Ie fteTrnovstdathoe oe h ofth Iosti-Fr ch Asciticia p-tmatdît Goudt, iJOlTe cunh ws lied it popl- n Fidyoi'.ay C-- lr an Ms.lieryNion udson Th Wrtie ei ~ast four yoarMr.of t er whi ad hwday-o-rseto rensndagbr f1 ) " 1î bec oen- l4--ab y e n -Iap aly f vprtdmil Mrs. Gala erge agleartson Twie t wa blî tat pti Il'ef-te araaî chrg fotuglily luCofdrù-Fre.-2-'LI atMr Fed uiistita wiha - rakot nw. hefrouare-nod, od onsla-daarntiu li, oono ist-dwthbs aens ary n, Teseti hefn alo -r.tste edpti atTh tnt adhe floors had spo easte a-thic n ra-th e v r oigPo'eo as Mr. and Mrs. Arthr Saa-dsToY ~Ealeoa beovd ie f helate ion wet en. 'l tu w viad ad Tne.A sevic' fr ane :ho Fa ea tsEe Socoad nan ticteia-rs -ct Nf B( QIVI ie- - Ahýoy 2 eis Mile ýc ndJculn' visit- -M Gerg Egls-nwa hldree tly nocom mte igthadiprctinflied a th eom nniy, rthertda j ii l-ed ith er arens, M. adinr. osnos of Sut front ber sn, Ed'e ritl owould ha ïýve t bYn., tFetreer. mewtattiiICUI i i4yHbe oc verteweked Ocp henrhr th o eo1 serina aoý i, 1i. erii Suiass idsoAl 1ýife s rarc R.R.No 2 Mlbrok ad a lrg- utfomuh ubtt be iadca- hpe.The sil. andise, navrfiliag M-ei Tr. ntaa-d Mrthls. ege r ends n lyateadue ofby relative ndientie J d te sars -ayfontebose !_ homee sberdn-raiat, Wrd nsrcevd as ee1b-r Wllamennn s . Tooto ether with e lai Sevies-wrea ducedM y Re .it ant xpctue adthe pt Mr Werry a osfi-o of hra- ae nt-nb oherass aathewMrred antd wi-th A-tur a-nd is-Fe ctesooteforW Pa--titesonleaasstod by er, . w etltear. 1fJ'a exeren e _ and ien calî ofewcasleBoyhat be snAlrerBacbOniVis.Jeaigsrealin MCGoanchiesud itermet too O Hi a-go aad -ea-ryomea » Hinseif.Alldra-d ha beauklveeniVouclfigt-nfar thesummerwith rs. Backbun,-eiigsleofgCo -lae l Bileoro cemet _,-£fy ,t iefery ~ in 2bileaGods pln fr h heraftr H iagwit th Fifh Amy -S.tly.( __ GiVrs.gleoas7, eal a teiu~ihlU U~ rprd a bouse C ol]ii, t aewt rVI ldea n-s ihthaned 8 500 Weraretr.andAreeMiodeIo fromneoe dfuhteM'.Fknl-te soli, in theorebea-reena' for ih id 1in AtiionAunust 140 ep Fuera i i'ie ascadc e by ath o e bo, aviolng uyso)npWgb u feerSuc ve hed~~al. i 1'n , wc it rce -a ra RRo , o hrd- ain g, May ltFu onerael Barlors on Stui,-iday,ý ..y memoi-al slervie tosaîd thver ia- g ana-dd.la hefiretrart of194 and__as 25Y;3th esies b, rlaersn, Edwiad fot oe- r t Pliyon, age 8 earls, e r,'v-satie or sl-annlyai.s w as dra-Toted from the Midads ,Servicu,, here -M b. Rnak W.Itisne ePetetsMr 1wa 6ce1eIaS tle b ono ll4~aid.Afe smetriangl c to oeteWr av benpl-e A earofa-g ouaring hoothers, il l sie aad JohnReidA , vilih Sa-skatc hewan, o a J' rd-, M y Sb bn orzr ad gif- ee bîg t a o Ary ho s Itr date o i mpo m at h ý r ough natioa1,ii;nd n a-a of Tornto d Dceasedha-il ived aad a-r Undshd it hebre-vd oe ihtî aîy. selýe klc wie i-It otiv e vie in co-orBabi ihhg.A. es Talaa-len for aumber eyea-rs.Y Tu-sn Gth'se sud foitiy oesLfel-fl1e hslaughtening of la-mbý lnIta Th p -lbe res er J ck la d, tR oe t 'sP ado aTad 2 ale e m e l tte fo fut re rias_ nd dffc L d ', Yd, w s ns r f- t e v t r n' w ln e ofcas o to Englnad a-t he an1e tinte -ad DepthrtmeatoflPeasions su'N10tioa- rn wegbt wistprohib latel oýilrMrýR a-ccompid y isnbr9terto8I500 tWal-o sytenro arng for ho ceiipng onfpi Preston, Iar o -l B ee a-anRêy Surviing e foicser-,vaMrs. Te bymas suavilg wre ,~uonf My1 taly lydwswJme lIcionichre mmesjft e 'assenindof mca-tBi rerHery ' S.ell F Tornt;jMs iiiWlter Sou,- lJeus, Srou, l ThMe"ý i i, asetanlg 1i Baltst-oe. T o br ther a-l-oEs r- lit l tmiLord"."inli iniua--for estoinpaeter nsitfcivl lie _lie_ GvIvo1,0bn t pain , eatie, ash.,anddeafrLargota-d byrequet a ar- ill hrfeted TIte Womea's Assoiatlionik ak rd -ise of S t. -ry's ,st. tcuarfaor-t o tem e pSA a-rtd, RTheertws $SOMoAt -icikan T-b)sc0e t' ranse-d bclenits FOR S ar gatfl o hectien ~fOrno5sOOG -S BTTR.AED gîl. asi'1)ugtoa gntenationaleHolnteîm caifo eei$6 a mnb f inl and he surrundng d~~rct or Te l-te es.Houy psseda-naYlSleulddonay,1, a1Wasingonya-al $8 if tari-r togthe wit - oca tihir esons. t tistim~ pr- Te ctin f te s'iesBead n rte ipvtl e g uf70 earsd, oelowu Mih He as osigned by e l-owancsefrvi e padetcilrn .N vinc.iwde apea us ein ma-e fr pstpýeoà a butter cuone, ignl-sntuya i ffahg eat adPaa lfukgoMi-, ni ea0hoe eki- epoyena-aitn 0r.aadMs. Tie p lgoh oniineares theRi, 1!ieyltended tlie.n u sabe on a ne c 1, tregth, u eep a n Anevo t - . fus, M -vil, -w idi. fIs rtm rn t a- r t nsor sn ion -rMcia, r i- eountry s Where we have h A ll~> e- il t c vigo bu i- en d -ie m1i-tow.rda d a ni le - d it )ale M- Ws'Mg h ae tmoanielieyn inap-etaed -W Soerille -adý vers s o Io s o matona tb n~, can lio pou da.. e ery day affaus. She leaves t a m ber o f 'the 1942 Rs r er t A Il re e ie . 50 a n t b iif ingfad $ 0 Wo dnw s re v Prestfont Haour supp ls e a-wnd Rut pioduc1tieon 1 Caai M s. 11eh lrss n Sýno ,[ cs osni OI ý r aG plr w sipor eseet.t aeo l -w a' 1a .routo a ha or erlsleÉubad a G-ndiuLl of-wSir ia n. a m-uirnrie Wes of dea ed nody l-t fo tht av lstevrybng fghin dten %, n -urderto ensuresuplisdaug-or j esSid Ea i at Me, y sldat Rx a-nislatnum er StititatMnr'oerh andhodig -tbe tei eunt aad~p te oahsahed rbn r iurdsns Saney -aWorontf a--TMe eailod -tts al ver- M. ich ateres is vîii inowent1bis ughco ld o Mi a-e Dv.th at-nhadteb ad re Ly0[ s n, telyn aad Sa i,g prode- wa-a sepluredabdy S-mith iHavfin,'ari Reforen üil-e- ltbcane ente te b ll a-If.llCal -ie an Sate -fait'0u attenant sttUiedMsaLus CwnpfaootoraOl-g P nin , yea sLa-go, e ail rted lady wa-s a Cre op C'sAsondtion& InF' OntarFOjoA ýStChur. -ive adeaï,ý piin, t on lilae eiiell cbudRh in Cros-raal. lnterjietd andtespending theservtheofiJane in een ý,ieas fo cloting or t e Re-1 in Orono latr levirig for e sye n p a te t M ictw nd ot er -b teal - ad wlll bold ýa frtr e a sa-le iinoi theii n i h Are erytFavourabe__ ài T ese ppeas hae 1, 1, en-l e a active pr t. lu therdes i d o - noarhofuture. orousI respofied t and t-îetybla-ndl othery M.omeTain -orgeniztak-g -oeio_ï p resate tin t hree c pi oal f-~tizescurn, 5is seed Lsho UT E Ris sp-i uteD tes of feci on.plycft extile -o f al nsforliber- J. L. tlthey, Minn1 ï oi istr e F ic,- o 45a orise ourbl, acodig t J i. M Led hld ion ofsedf -lys thr3 oagot elt rsd ein Safome lea-t e ldctriesay13 annourhil $80 if thatrid oestrios on fonenh T)ri<-±n o te ros. Seds nn Iba ursice ba bouht-ot are if the rp, age f 7 ' yairsosirlld witb - o arisgaoise d y- . es f o s epeuttd t oi Ths w l Eftp