W "dbsafloa "'~ The avenage perso îisof coa tmmlyasmtinw ht a1t d led b afurace r astoenf0 >WCodupc eun cmments th St. lai as amultitde of ues.Iti C0,0,000tn ofCoalwee ee kaily uilîzed n NorthAmerca bomishlsand ïtorIpces, pla- tisof onyts îcldig hoe prsraieinsect Oicide, erilg - hpgouhe Pm s 4ad enges hve- ~Is Pc To have prestige of how heavil value f hat C. Hareci cnet Monil why tbeir shoold not o tcifor thle (flic ermals rC is Jo sel re "ilFnOcreaSn me lowens rinan sol- e. It also dier thaf il luit sg on all canestherargeorf the A1- ino eran 01f cotïrse, thatl does't hppenat oce.lit-tock Cel r a iothtogct the Fog- g 'a fed i peratinig sae t Irit of thei ul jS ob.-j flwoff fuel adsupies oviing an rpar acliie st lp. ùHow1 Transpiortation Centre a trnsprtaioncenre.It is, in eýverY sen 11the ri l cetr-e o fft ial cetr. -sslnisceida A uhdw f infhiluece and au 2thor- But tsat subtance tat shadow stil enoyedderved argl CIromBAy CHI CIs theiolning brecds forimed iiate deiivery ):WhtLehrs White ehr' ardRcs Hamphire. Picesat ock bot- HatcheiesLmited'i Fergusý, Ont NoGerman Ships 1 solyngec î Lr birt'sprograin for deAln , vchivalry atasai8f i p ,1 eA .TheUnited Napions - mn her feilitf r thelIîpi thycopay tue usal como fliIlr teys tatd Netherlandere Told To Save Suppili Radio Orang, 1 off-ic siaI)ii flic coming invasion and said k aorthwhiele f0sffer Sung Mmewcco fw o anbr mturi 4LIYture use." HOW Can I? pu.aWhafiStîleproper pc oware ruma? A. UncookdMmatsould Dube im a licc m taiî te jour-is vthout fje moat fouchingi une oweulak Ue poper Se an, placeondy adocsi- ay. For feeding give thi À~. sttraped ma, ïgtbes ens . Hoai cal I ruei ufliccolo corg mcilogriaierr vaetet. ~. Ho caoI kee chese IsL the lasi b there is t And sic Vatican, patrolled cao Cîty, inold ifs b fois ffs the Vat k been fforc es f0 cirt That ci fait off R can may net been spoken fi Pkobac Tobacco 04K 10 mat Genmany 197'0 when niagei in ready toge conquer fh~ Tokyo bombing non- sîce sason b Employînent e Service Office, 174 TO FILE 11-78.151 ~ FOR DAIIIY FAFM, up, board washing, i. P. Leslie, George- LIE IT o t ~nd ORD1,R1)E 'ýOW % lUc AN1) 2ù i 2) U tVICE ïtPAN5ý lti sht- stores. A pronuca ni Linyns Lau- oratorles. Tornoto. ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USEL, bosiglît, aold, rehuilt; beits, pulleys, brushes. Allen Fiectrin Compsny bld,. 232f~ Dufferîn St., Toronto. NE'W BICICLJIS F011 ME.N ANtI boîs, ~42.50-$44.d0-$44 75 and ,$46.51t For wnmen and girL, f48. 50-.$45.00--1146.i0 and $40.iO. Malt mone5 order anii 55~Ot~ h'ight of rider to MeBrides, 36 Qucen Unit. Toronto, SEWING MACHiNES REPATREL $150. Parts extra, Il required. Parts stili acailabte. A. Giibert, 2220 Dundas St., Toronro. WTAR MAF BARGAIN. AN EXCIT- ing aod thorouaiily reanable 0cr nvso showirrg dated events' a map eserynne îhnuld non. A limited number onu. S nil mîment. ltc f0 Canadian Fine Pninfing Pro- ducers, 519 Bay Street. Toronto. HELP WAIT., 1'Efl EXPERîENI'ED FUIOItUAN AND ail round oritie . Oc ni ,o,,î,i ou ciii selective dercice Ottice. Age i' oI~ er LI ih sehoo l o 1 c-r 1% owec? likelihood o' (f mee t ing fonlosî mainIimIumquaificai-s on Ptaî- 1,gfage ifI21 TyLA r eihtN 70" weigt 10 pond1 TE EITEAPINMN vice Offic, 174 SpainaAe. o Sto, Ont. J ' ', b lRM, IACEDELNJ he ose for 00. Eroder ler welI, ManiolinL- lan lt tocMece cptit. p5 sttigqulficton nd1luy excte bJon cRySe RF. No. 1 ManitowaingrOt s, N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 's' N 's N N N N N N N 's, N N N N N N 's, N N s. 'i. N N N N N N i. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N '1'. '5 N N "N N. N. 'N 4' N. '-s a N. "15 N N N 'N "c "s N N N N N N 's N N N "s N N N N N N