H E RyS DA Y SEND DAD THE BEST "S GREETING CARD ne selection froîn 5c. to ý25e. eaeh nien, Talc, Shaving' CenAfter Shav-e ....... .........7.e te , 2 for ...,...., . ... ..... .. . . ,,..., 40 lorn t ............. . ... . ....... . .$ .0 t 5 mici Sês ,,....,.. .........$50 $5.95 J.une eL- hogs , l. ...... 0e recipt ion acTiit Charles Tyrreli Agent fo)rJakaFlwr Phone 68, ORONO farï-get porc,1- ol d Dad Marv to ehoose f ro PaciJS Co0in-,Purses, 19e- to 42c Deteécive and W Aes- ard o)f good ishes a ri1es s lCroteB, al- ss gound clro ..........................................................S1.29 îal leg fiis, ottie 49c -,yellow, blueo )rful patterns, sizes tea r"Ose nd blac ,L RES 2 l b, 2 coupos.. 40e AL, 3 fori,,,14e oredurble wx m y 2 large 28 oz. ýeeded immedicifely 'te the hay c:rop servces odayte heý hey must1 and at TUNE IN ni of the Onfo rie Frarm dService Pce, Y' FRIDAY MO3QPAM. C. B. I. N ETrWOR K .Sftring f rom Aezïl Tth >,g l lb, 1 ýsh, 8 o2 I'.YIY.25e 49c 21e 29e coup--on..49c ) $1,00 STORE I ,HlOPIPING CENT-REI Private Ambul1axico JSmieth Re ytr yor naine, by mail Offi-e,, or w 0h1ny f he G. city; or wt The Ontario Fa or with yoneare-st gicl Leda Hand on the Frn Furniture Dealerq Y SERVICE uneral at the moat ~ est and Mr amdiilà e,,,* ~LP! ady to Cnt within or two. k is an -one ef tise heavi- EVERYO ~uuThe Marri cor plptd;gèE