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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Jun 1944, p. 3

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Pra ay Do Four'i nOvralis Affer W Work Ouf in V anconLver, whlere fl inaapower squeeze 1 s nsfigt as ~'ari.ywbl-Ie-e s lil e cnty new sebeipe isbeiag fnie ont wilich în1aygiveunr -war indus- flileWnipgFree press. If is based alpon file assnmpIi- flua ft maïýny j pIeulwokg insedentary occuLpations wVonýld welcome. a chanef0 do some K_ uofsiops gangs of office;wos- esdon ve aliad sLicks and do afor-burstiit affer ileu normnal day's wn is dune. Tt is foou ennypyetaf0jndge wbhenrfile plan wll ncced uý fail, yef eirly reports aire enpcon' agingu. Tecer;s mid sfeaog-t rapfilors and salesmienwi are do-- ing-file workre geffing a greU dîealcof. satLisfaction oauf of if- ~ laie iywiIIlt ho aiýLle0f ~keop up)file griad affor the nov- cîf y es off is sornef'iing ls again. If is aune fhing f0 work for 12 ioars a djay for ii weei un two. If is mchi-o ediffcuift te str-eteli ouf il e pnl for mnh u n end. One fartor wiichi eds sorne cf fthe Vancouver obszervp -iteed tilaf the plan blas a gô 61l e of saceces is file old adag(-e faf , chanmige is as guud as a iest. Tile- wuni ile mca, and wuon ildo af nigilf is comipletely differenit from iÉle work fiey du in the davý F. iey work na barder a[ their wan jo!)s thiln hoy would in filir gardonis or ply-n goIL.Tlaan- avent file Vancouver oxpernimoli iýsosurnefhiliag for the nost uf fil connrtaf0pay somo attention f0.' 'f if works fibre it ea be adopt- ed in al utber contres cf heavy war production. KILLED IN SICILY Major J. fi. W, T. Pope, se- ond ini commniand ofrtheIloya Cana,,dian IReginment, whu!Io skili- ein aétion in Sicily. Major, Pope, who 0was 29, ad been i'! the Canadan PArmy siace 193. H formerly resided in ictria, Quebec City and Ottawar. S~vims Past Sak To BurialSevc SecmsJOdGicer Arries Oni Tire to Conduct a. Funeral Service A Bible clenched between i teeth, an officer of a torpedoo4i British mierchiant shi)ý swam front one lifeboat to another dofying' shark-infesfed waters of the South Atfiantie to re-ad the ,banïal sýervice for a dead shipmate. The story of this heroic acf has just been revealed vitb the awainig of the re Modal iou the officer, Vernlon Upton. The 22year-od second officer tokcommand of 40 mon in two Z' lifeboats alun is speriors wene killod by tho torpedo explosions. The survivors wore more than a rnontb's sailing fror n teSotbt Amierican coast. Aftn afewdaï, Upton, hed- less of the shiarks which closely followoed the boats, swamn fromi one to the othor f0 tend t he wvouai idoed and revive flagging spirits. On Vthe l2fh day the firsf man died, affer hnving gone in- Ssn.Holding- a Rýible in biis teethi ko eep it abovo wafer, -Upto-n again slippod into hite shar1k-flil- ed senas and swmo the seoe With hIis wel-kunown energy and tbility, Premnier Drew,\ is ïimmle- dîiately, attacking the problemsprsenited by bis programf, of rfo(rr. Hfe has taken the ý ducationpotfoi imseIL, [CHATS TOUF Gedln .Cak Tiere is une Advantage f0 a big bioilouse-one zIwa-ysbaýs a goud choice cf rooma in a tilun- densforrn. TIlt's filhe wny wo tiad if, aniywayý. If file stoinns cone from file soatbwest thon weoue file doors and windows tacing nortbont. 0f course if its lut I vay aift 'il the ast min- 11ta. And filofile wind gefs up and I -ae te rush aluoud fnm reun tf0roun slilntting window an ocinig coors; btb fa fime Prnrisearalya1na f0 ilaanad. Bly fiat you nal gfLtint filcea t'a asteîlIrrn raiag a wrt.And if sure- is a sfurn. Th i litinig is inessalnt 'nad fi hfLundoýr terr-ifie. Ram l i sihigby lainshoots annd fil widis fwatig ad timig file fi(-es iîe a aer mnsor TIline is a ig ciiosteuï frc a 1ite Jay roin file hbackidoon ad if luis as ifrile (,w iladand file era locied i lia nterii fIohtftest ile wiiiilliad strangth uf encil. Hav ',e yd aven vacle fe tin a storn? To do so js toma-o at ifs treredn fr gi.Sfee bow file wýiad\wiinýls a'ron[nd flile bracies bndngtilemItii-sf fuis1 way nd flon ft. You v#-onlId barly ehivetila ayýt!iiag -ýcold stad p agajif ftiat nwfn ind neo tiiielian a ibr.oi- andle yet hock at ilfitglfif itPuIS ip, If bonds and sways, if s i-e lience cornes ifsstngi h)ence file power f o- safiucivo toices ut file slposie file anmswýen is- ofil fle fr00 is in Ifs id fiat sumnehuw ies ufthfie wan, anld outi- tîtude otpeulewho go ip fLile Allied streagfil. luIie tr'cee-same bi'g' il, 'Md ie tros, ut n diffenent fbe Sone stroag like fileon)k, otlers akýin fo fileles sfurdy caibe thfie b a s.swouod froo. But yef -cilh, accondng' te Ounr stnengst anding ap agains file aiil wonds ut warBeading and swayîng maybe, but not breakin Neg.Not jg because Puc riota are M tfira y and dep l fiIle sou cýf canada, and oitfile BrifishI mpýire as -a Whoue Wlthe storni il; uver butf if is sfill raiing. Partnen s tfie spigcnop is liJflit. Tilaf mena1S nmore trouble is ilarvest- lng AndprobJably coaisiderabbe loss ut grain. but iat's une ofthfie jeys ut faring - you nover knwhow nmach yoa w.ill geftCor ah'i youn w-,ork tnaflile gri i in 0hp bin. And yet ni-han poo- p)!c, woade i a-e ns su otte gruM-ble nabotut iewnh From wiee "Imarn itting I1ea see ftile snormnas tlood(ed file gprdenanad fie diee are iu-n ing.i Altogetbierif ý;isue grandu mess Butstihi wo have Ï nnsoni [f) ho thanktul eaueoui-.ila is; la fie bara anid 'h ave no cLif haýy lyiing iu ouf f0 -5il. Sorne ut- our nuibosae not a c ky fheyhavewileat, alsikoan tm ofily al ont l il e tieldwain One ilia is ertan, ieeis nu. drop in tho - teipora,,t une! EveyLime I mop im.ybr-ow I1fi-y f0 rleemben we ailud ho fhan'k- fnl frtofiehe -ýaf bcasefie longer if Sfays boftfileonger wo enatl do wifhout fuel tur ieatin-g and fie le"s tirn we silail hve te wronry about cual--ur laci ut if. And yef I ca't gofDnay eem- tort frurn fie tboughf. Isn't i thn-i ie initon we gef su fireofu cold weatiler aird] look forward loagngly to fie wanu dnys ut surninter. And in ii neI, file warrn daiys cume-nad tern we gef fined outhefient.eA, WMa inconsisterat creafanes we are ! SUNDAi y~ SEPTENICER 5 ISRAEL CALLED TO SE A HOLV PEOPLE-Book of Levtcus. PRINTE'D TEXT, Leviticus 19:1-4, 11-18, 32-4 GOLDEN TEXT-Ye shail be holy; for 1 r holy. 1 Peter1:6 Memory Verse: FB ye lid THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Place.-ýAf Sinai Goc's purpose For lsrael "Aad Jehovai spao nt0Moses, sygSpeai unto il tie conrle- gation Offilthecihldi'en o'f Israol, aaid sa-y nnto thiem, -Ye shll l ha lioly; fori, Jehlovail yoiir GOll arn holy" Tu commiand sets, before uis tie object of thca whiole moral laand fic te suproe objecf o! ithe gospel also, niaiy, to pro- dae a certaintype A imoral char- acter, a holy imanhlood. "And ye shah k jeep 'mY SabbafiSý 1 r Jehovaili yonr Gud." Thl' ob- servanice of ifie day 1implied ilte inistruction of the peuplIe la file fearud admronition o! ;the-,Lor, anid la eqiriig file holinels wlicl 's fie ky Ofe t Illajs- son. The violatiionfethfie saiclfty o!filhe Sabbath la denoaaced as the greatest as wbcilthe fael- '[es eoirnmiitfod. The True Qcd "Tara ye nof anto idlsnon: makle f0 ou relvs olfeaGCodts: fo an idoA llreanls L)tie taraaway from ilth fre Godl, Aaiyfiing fLbat is put firSt ilaouir life beforeGu is God f0 1le, WY shail nof stoal; neîthar shahl ye deal flsely, nlor lie Omie t,0 anothar.ý" A mon wilo hwi'llta wlll lie; sifeliag genierally neces- Sitfasl iala an affemipfte 'Cuver ap the cevil j1duo. "nyeshah f ot swear by my. naefalsely aald !pFra;-e t he name of God: 1 arn JeovI." Thil is a w'aralng again iat hýËýqjlu to whliehmien are sO o rune ffal- fila careleas and poftane use uf fieuanme outGod. 'Tiuuahaf of oppres thy' I neiib r, rrob Ihlm; :The wages of a iired servant shall not ahidu w'ithilthe a aIlnigif uunfli oaa This bniaare for, the("laburer., and fie dauniafonagainstf any aiffemlpt to cdefraad lm, inare againi "Thonl shaht rut cm-'seý file dent, flehiud; baýt thon laaf fear ty Goc: 1 arn Je.hovnh." -The pro- hibiion gaiat ljuslice f0 the iafiýi m and tepour is efredby an appeal f0 tear the Lord. "Ye shau duo nu cy nigeoSness la udmef:thluashait flot e- spect the per-lson utf the pour, aur hloilor]fie prsuautthe 1111gb1y, bat larigi oseslhî hon judge fheIiynegh."Toamt ho au affiiictatli(,lof utildnss f0u thlepour, venas tia(re, muti hob au fawn-1ing flatteýry 0fthe great. HoeeIdon't tink -ýany ut Il, 1are looing fornrd fo thés in.- ter-nuf if a coal shortage. Cerainly we slioi-ld ho givig - considenablAe fhun-ghf Vto ways and m-enas of nsing bass fuel. We nay find w oyfutdoubllng iup) for sleeping3,, un giviag apl sonne of uur privaey su tWat eaf may be shnf off hin some roums. it is possible file living-roorn conld1 ho isnsdwitil for file-,winhter aad mure1-ousemadeof fie dhiaiag- roum. Wonenfolk miay even ho driien to wning warm under- waair (or.suffer file, con1seq1len(esý! And we mlyayl ho a lot mr bealfily and onorgetie ns a resait of lowen bouse femporatanos. Wiletborci we are warmu and comi- fui-fable depends a lot on 3whaT, we -are re-ady f0 giv-, p np iile way of (conveionco1(s. ltInmatters of ýjudgmneat ftue jIdg4e muust ho impartil. Love Thy Neîghbo)r 'ThOU shaut fot go up and dowjn as tblaeaer amlong thy p)eop)le.'Slinciere injuriles three persoins wiO-lie zet: the persun who sianders, the persOn whù fs slnoe ad fil porson who lEs. ten Wt th sander. "Nihrshalt fliou sý t a nd ag-ainIst fie blood 0,f thy noigbt- bor: 1 an JhovahS One nst nIof ho a falso wtinass tlefthe on- dýanIgering u aomf' lite or stanid by withouf an, effort to save lmn from ram oi. danger. "Thoa shait not hate t hy brothi- or ha thy hèýart: thuu afraît ,surely rebuko thy aeighbor, and flot bwar sin, becausa of hlm.. Thou shaIt flot f ake vengeance, nor bear anyj gruc(ige againsftfile chilrtren of thy' poeople; but thont shaît lvethy neýighbjor, as thyseif: 1 arn Je- hovah" WNe are ferbiddon to av- ene he wrnôong even wiben theý rebuko biasprov)ed iefeul Reverence For Aged MTon shahf rise up bof orethe loary headardh"on ehoMae 0f file old mani, and thouu shalt fe-an thi yGodI: I arn JahovaII." Th',11e 1"crowy lOcAs* '0f oler Men should inspie rsvelence ia aluofus. The? duty libre ezjoinod lias beon ec o-gnlized t liaaIl civiIizd natiïins and the Violation ei>f is id, eserV- iag of fthe severesf paaihxnonf. Lo>ve For Thc 8traniger if a strangor 4Ipnw it0 Lhee ilu yuur L,1a id, y es hah nof i do lm iwrong. 'Thle strangeýr f1at sojour-nefIlwith yoi sha111 be iunfuo youi as the homle-boral anvonig yor, . aad thon shaîf lova hlm as th;- self; Morye wene soourersa in e land of Egypt: I an JeIlOvaII youx- HORIZONTAL 1 D)epîctod state. 5 Former Russian tuLjer. 9H'unteýr siain by Artemnis (Myth). 10 irafverfebra (anat,), - 12 Vendant, 13 Modify. 15Ecamtn of sorrow. 16 Farther la. 20 EnglishI own. 22 Sesamne. 23 Assents. 25 Imitafe. 26 Symnbol for foerbium, 27 HaIt an cm.n 2M Sizeocf shot. 30 Eaýrly Eniglisil-4 (abbr.). 31l OkI Romian 32 IDayb)reaký (eomb. fori-r). 33ElectricI f erm., 35 0f filenmtter (law), Sold For IceCea ery o>f -aise-going jeep: as on one of tiose Sontil onays moeieAmenîiCanwantp rnehur longenongil 1to suppo)rt a (naval officers' club un file bah -In front of tho club wsfl muosf dilapîdafied jeep you ever saw. "Tlf"an utticer rlfd l p rob1)ahl y Vile ,only jeep in il world tilail evor fnaveled on -a sailmanine. -One of unr sailmanines swiped ià from a pion af Penrl Harbor. Wilea fboy'd sbmrg, fho-y'd taie ie mufur and rnoove file tires and put fieinside fil sub). Thon flily'd lasil fie r nof u if fo fie conning tuwer oafside, Wonf A loven file Pacifie tiat waysY Scomoonenskod ilou if gof 9m the beach. "ilo sui) officesdOia'gt into portof neuglf 0 ea Ljoy a ini," fbo )fficor exýplained. "So"ilohy soid i i l [ecaai ' filt coiip nl ile ýay fo fbreo gallons of ice cream. "If stili ruas good." Gd"The strangan ,,ris auf sïmply tf0 ]weifneaed wiicnie'fu aaid çcrtsybut 1hais f0 o .put, on ai perfect eniywiLb he ýor- diny Isaehfe. Hence the pro- cept laid dowa, 'Thou shaît love Uny neigur as Thyseif'Cishar enacted wifi regardi fo t i û s Ér a ilg br. Aswer- 'te Previeus Puzzle 17 North Cara-. RIrII-fi KQRAI-<V hn a(a kbbn. U AT PIN AA î18 Compass point- S TE DIS y CO) I 19Nicklarne Éfor S/~PLV SETWERY Edwand, 1 IN -.$E E T RI I 21Br ADI T AEAAU23Geuo D RN IN T geese. PI MI- A O T 24ÇCh1ck~,. BED I E REE27 Hearing orgaý w U S[E N V A înce 33ui fee-L 3X orsnalbeinïg 1Wriffon for]-m RTCA 37 Cleveland la cf ml-ister., Ntvemeas. is'1larIgsU 37 Calciýnm 2 Go) in haste, (syrybol). 3 Praiigto 33 BeVerage. 9 Cniimca. ions.40 HemuIVe. iBe indisposed. 410On ward. 41. Ventilates, L2 oi-imet. Synio fr 43 Tifbo uf '4 Charafiifc tant alnm. bilify. ~6 oca poitin. FiedLOck, 44 1Migration. 7 Sense ut amoll nirehy, 45 Drop uoye, 9 Ail, ):SCo I. fnItd. I1 Mo-de a 9 Soennot fi4Dry. mistalke. wri'tcm. 48 Bblna 3 Exhibitions nf Il Bialelike god c'f farm prroduets. par. ý)pestilenIce. 4,55 - - 12 Volub-le.. S50 S ev,,en11 ' Rm.) forms mosf ut 14 Inveigle. 52 About (Lattaîi jtsý aorthilrn 15 Atray 53 Symbol fo bonndary. br.i onl I -Neyer Touches the Business End DE-TQNATORS ON 1~ ES WITH MV TEET~ ÀM~ t44EVSR QN'E (~EXPL0D& t By J. MILLAR WATT I-lAVE TR4E~ -< ~T[NG T$4~ OT44EF~ -. E-N0O~F 1~4~9 ~ ~~ONA~rD~. ~ *-~-~ L "BUCKEYE"SAT '-t i-t s -t-t s -e -e il 4 h-t 't --t '--t il J- Il.' «il J- la $ s -p :5 t' I-t

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